“Little brother, you and I both know that life isn’t fair. You care for this woman. I can see it all over your face.”
Jake turned his gaze away from his brother, not trusting his ability to shutter his true feelings. “Nathan, don’t make me regret coming to you for help. I feel responsible for her safety. Let’s leave it at that.”
Nathan sighed and rose from his perch. “You’re such a prickly cuss. I remember you being a lot nicer.”
“Yeah, well, things change.”
Nathan didn’t respond and simply exited the garage with Jake following. Yeah, he used to be a lot nicer. But their father had kicked that quality right out of him. And Jake didn’t know if he’d ever get it back.
* * *
The following day Kat was ready to climb the walls of her small room when Camille returned to retrieve her. “I hope you’re feeling more cooperative today. We have something to show you that you might enjoy.”
“Is it a one-way ticket out of this terrible place?” she asked.
“No. But I think you’ll like it.”
“You wouldn’t know what I like,” she muttered, but followed Camille from the room, just happy to be free from those four walls.
They walked down a long, brightly lit hallway made of dense cement. The quality of the air suggested they were underground. Of course, that made perfect sense. But she had to be honest, she thought only movies featured underground bunkers where nefarious government experiments took place. It was pretty frightening to realize that it was possibly true. She’d never been a conspiracy theorist, more content to spend her time in her lab than wondering what terrible things the government was cooking up. Right about now she wished she’d been paying more attention to the world around her.
Camille punched in a code at an access point and the door slid open to reveal a state-of-the-art lab. The scientist in her leaped with joy at the familiar surroundings but her happiness was immediately cut short when she realized its purpose. They wanted her to make more MCX-209, in spite of the dangers she’d already explained. Miles appeared with a generous smile on his face as if he were providing her the lab out of the kindness of his heart. “What do you think? As good or perhaps better than what you had at Tessara?” The pride in his voice was unmistakable.
“I told you I’m not going to work for you. I don’t care how nice the lab is. I have an ethical dilemma—get it?”
Miles surprised her when he nodded with complete understanding. “Yes, I understand your dilemma. And I want to help you get past that. I feel the best motivation is the one that comes from the heart.” Miles looked to Camille and nodded. Camille disappeared and Miles kept talking. “You see I appreciate your brilliant mind. I was astounded by your research and by how fearless you were with your formulas. Every once in a while there comes along a brilliant mind operating under the radar and it’s always been my dream to cultivate and foster that brilliance. Over the years I’ve had my minor successes but you, Dr. Odgers, are a shining gem with that incredible mind of yours. I’m honored to help facilitate the making of history with you.”
“Are you insane? I told you I’m not going to help you. You have nothing that could compel me to help you create more of this awful drug. I have nothing that you can hold against me, nothing that I hold dear enough that you could use for leverage.”
“It pains me to do this. But sometimes a little force is needed to make change happen. I take that responsibility seriously.” Camille reappeared but this time she pushed a wheelchair and in the wheelchair sat her beloved uncle Chuck. Kat gasped in horror, stunned that they would sink so low. Her uncle, his mind long since disintegrated from the effects of the disease, stared off into space, unknowing and unseeing.
Camille patted Uncle Chuck’s head as if he were an animal and Kat felt a growl rumble from her chest.
“You see, leverage can be found if only one looks hard enough.”
“You’re a bastard. How dare you kidnap my uncle like this? He needs medical care. Can’t you see that he’s not well?” she cried. “He’ll die without medical intervention.”
Camille smoothed the remaining hair on Uncle Chuck’s head, causing Kat to seethe with rage. “We’ll see to it that he is comfortable and well taken care of as long as you do as you’re told,” Camille said, pressing a small kiss on Uncle Chuck’s cheek. “But if you continue to be difficult, I imagine Uncle Chuck might suffer.”
Kat clenched her fists, wanting to bury each one of them in Camille’s beautiful, perfect face. She pictured blood spurting and spilling all over her impeccable pantsuit, ruining the expensive fabric and causing Camille to shriek like a banshee.
Miles laughed at her rage. “Such a little spitfire. You’d better watch out, Camille. She has murder in her eyes,” he said. “I think we’ve made our point. Go ahead and put poor Uncle Chuck back to bed. He looks tuckered out.”
Camille nodded and wheeled Uncle Chuck from the room, leaving Miles and Kat alone again. “You see, it’s not so hard to find someone’s leverage. And I don’t want to be the bad guy in this. In fact, you can still continue your work—good work—as long as you perfect MCX-209 for my purposes. I have a buyer who is very interested in obtaining a batch and the clock is ticking. What else do you need? I’ve obtained your notes and provided the necessary chemicals but I confess, I’m no scientist. So if there’s anything I overlooked, please let me know and I will get it for you immediately.”
Kat’s eyes burned with tears she refused to shed. Her gaze wandered around the impeccably clean lab, every surface gleaming and new, and she knew she didn’t have a choice. Her voice was choked with tears as she said, “I need monkeys. I need something to test the drug on.”
“I’ll do you one better,” Miles said with a wink. “We have human subjects just waiting to test out your next batch.”
Kat shook her head in horror, whispering, “No...no...please, don’t make me do this.” Humans? She couldn’t bear the thought of destroying someone’s brain with her drug like he wanted her to. “It’s not right.”
“Darling, ethics have no play here. I’m only interested in results. I’ve found you some human subjects. When can the first batch be ready?”
“I need three days and that’s working around the clock,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Excellent. I’ll have your meals brought to you. I look forward to seeing your results in action. Oh, is there anything you prefer mealwise? We have culinary chefs at our disposal. Name your poison.”
Kat’s eyes watered and shimmered and only one thing came to mind. “Cookies and juice,” she whispered, her throat clogging with tears.
“Very good.” Miles smiled and turned to leave, but then stopped and regarded Kat with a warning in his eyes. “Don’t think you can escape. As you might have surmised, we are several stories underground. This is a top-secret military facility and there are very few who know its location. I could keep you here for the rest of your life and no one would know. Do the right thing and do as you’re told and this will all end well. Try to thwart me and I will destroy you and everyone you’ve ever come into contact with. Starting with your uncle—although to look at him a quick death might be a blessing, wouldn’t you say?”
“Don’t you have someone to answer to?” she asked, almost desperately. Kat couldn’t imagine that everyone in this horrid place answered to Miles Jogan and his henchwoman Camille. Wasn’t there anyone here who could help her?
“Everyone answers to someone, my dear. But here, I am king. My superior isn’t even aware that this place is operational. One of the benefits of being a covert branch of the government, even the secret-keepers have secrets. So, before you start formulating a plan to plead your case to anyone who might listen, save your breath. There is no one here who would risk standing in my way. My reach is long—thanks to an esteemed military career—and I would cru
sh anyone who dared to disobey an order down here. Understand that anyone who you could compel to help you, would be signing their own death warrant. Their blood would be on your hands.”
“You’re a manipulative bastard without a heart,” she threw at him, knowing her insult would bounce right off him but she didn’t care. “I hope you rot in hell for what you’re doing to people. Someday karma will call in its chips and you’re going to pay for the wicked things you’ve done in your life.”
“I don’t believe in karma. I believe in reality. You might try it sometime. Clock is ticking,” he reminded her as he laughed at her tears and left her wishing she could chuck every sharp object within her grasp in his direction but she did nothing. She stood rooted to the spot, staring until he had left the room, leaving her behind to make the world’s worst drug for his own purposes.
“Jake...I wish you were here. I don’t know what to do.”
In the end she didn’t really think she could refuse Miles’s demand and so she got to work.
Chapter 19
Jake knew bad news was coming just by the look on his brother’s face. “I’ve been declared public enemy number one, haven’t I?” At Nathan’s slow nod, Jake cursed. “Well, isn’t that a nice thank-you for all the years of service I’ve given. What did you find out?”
Nathan leaned forward and pushed a piece of paper toward Jake. “This is what I could find out by nosing around. You’ve been deemed armed and dangerous, priority one. Every single bounty hunter and government agent with their eye on a promotion is going to be gunning for you. Do you have any friends on the inside? Because you’re going to need them.”
Jake thought hard, running down a list of contacts in his mind. The problem was, Jake wasn’t much of a friend-maker. He preferred handling things on his own, being beholden to no one. He could see now how having a few friends would’ve been an advantage. “Not really,” he admitted sourly. “I didn’t much see the value in cultivating friendships. Particularly in the work arena. It’s not like I was going to invite them out for a beer or something.”
“I understand. I was the same way. Guys like us, with a background like ours, just don’t lend themselves to easygoing relationships—either in the friend department or the other. So we’re going to have to come at this from the standpoint that you’re completely alone. I’ve got a few friends I trust that I can contact.”
“Yeah? Like who? I’m not sure we should be bringing in every Tom, Dick and Harry you’ve ever played poker with. A wrong move could get Kat killed.”
“Cut me some slack,” Nathan said with a touch of irritation. “As if I’d bring in anyone I couldn’t trust implicitly. Now settle down and stop being such an ornery cuss. I’m trying to help you.”
Jake bit down on his tongue, knowing his brother was right but he was having a difficult time remaining calm when he knew Kat was in danger— Even worse, that he was the one who put her there. He was supposed to keep her safe, not deliver her like a Christmas present to the enemy. “Who’s your friend?” he asked, relenting.
“Remember my buddy Miko?” At Jake’s nod, he said, “Well, I think his brother, Holden, can help us out.”
At that Jake frowned. “The corrupt guy from ID? That’s no glowing endorsement,” he said. “How am I supposed to trust his brother when Miko was up to his eyeballs in corruption. For crying out loud, Nathan...Miko killed himself out of guilt. How is his brother going to help us?”
“Miko was a good guy—the best—but he got caught up in some bad shit. Got in way too deep and couldn’t find his way out. That’s got nothing to do with his twin brother, Holden. He’s solid. Trust me.”
“I don’t know.” Jake wasn’t sure. Bringing too many people in could get complicated. “What can Holden do that we’re not doing already?” he asked.
“Holden is a security and weapon specialist. He can get us the best weapons the military has to offer as well as help us get past the Zephyr system.”
“James said the security system was the best in the business,” Jake reminded his brother. “What can Holden do that James can’t?”
“Totally different skill set. James is all about the computer stuff. Holden knows the actual hardware.”
Jake grunted his acknowledgment but he wasn’t keen on bringing in more people. More people meant more opportunity for information leaks. “I don’t like it. I’d rather keep the information contained to this room with everyone on a need-to-know basis.”
“You don’t trust my judgment?”
“Don’t go there. Kat is what matters right now and I’m not willing to take any chances. Let’s leave it at that.”
Nathan exhaled and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Fine. In the meantime you’re going to need to lay low.”
“There’s no way that’s going to happen. Every second that goes by that Kat isn’t with me is a second that she’s in danger. I can’t live with that.”
“Yeah, but if you don’t think smart you’re going to end up dead and how’s that going to help your scientist?”
Jake hated the logic in Nathan’s statement but it was true. He needed to think smart. Kat was counting on him. Even if she didn’t know it. As far as she knew he’d abandoned and betrayed her. “So what am I supposed to do? Sit here and twiddle my thumbs? I have to do something. Put yourself in my place. If Jaci were in danger would you sit back and just wait for things to unfold?”
Nathan shook his head. “Hell, no. But I’m also the one known for being impulsive—you were the cool head.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t feel very coolheaded right now. I feel ready to rip someone’s head off.”
Nathan chuckled and Jake shot him a sharp look. “Hey, I’m just saying I know how you feel. When Jaci’s life was threatened I was like a bear, and anyone who got in my way was gonna get torn apart. That’s love for you. It changes you.”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself. I never said I was in love with Kat.”
“You didn’t have to. I can see it all over you. Listen, you can hide your feelings from everyone else but you can’t hide them from me. We have issues, little brother, but I know you better than anyone in this world. Just admit it, you love her. It’s okay, your secret is safe with me. And here’s a news flash that took a long time for me to get...being in love doesn’t make you weak. In fact, it makes you stronger.”
Jake shifted with discomfort. “I don’t love her...I just feel responsible for her. There’s things you don’t know...because it’s none of your damn business but, hell, I don’t know what I’m saying anymore. I ought to just keep my damn mouth shut.”
Nathan surprised Jake by clapping him on the shoulder. “I spent a long time trying to convince myself that I didn’t love Jaci. And it was miserable. Do yourself a favor and just admit it. Once you do you’ll be a whole lot happier.”
“I don’t know how I feel about Kat. She’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met. I’m intrigued by the way she looks at the world and how she makes me feel when I’m around her. I’ve been in love before and it didn’t feel like this. She drives me crazy, honestly. Sometimes she’s a real pain in the ass. But she has these brilliant green eyes that are almost mesmerizing and she thinks she’s plain and homely, which is ridiculous because she’s probably the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. Particularly in the morning when she first wakes up.” Jake realized he’d said too much but it was too late, his brother already knew so what information was he trying to protect? “I just need her back, Nathan.”
“And we will do our best to get her back for you, Jakey,” Nathan answered with all sincerity. Jake had a lot of issues with his brother—possibly problems they would never ever be able to resolve fully—but at that moment Jake was grateful for his brother’s help and so he was willing to let his brother’s use of his old nickname slide. At least this once.
�s the first step? Give me a job, something I can do so I don’t feel completely useless.”
“Give me a list of your superiors and the chain of command. Who is your immediate supervisor?”
“Miles Jogan.”
“That name sounds familiar,” Nathan said. “Tell me about him.”
“I don’t know him well. He was recently promoted into the position from a different department. In fact, I think it was a lateral move, not an actual promotion, but he’d come with a long list of commendations. He’s friends with the right people, that’s for sure.”
“Career military?”
“Yeah. Another army guy. Served in Desert Storm and a host of other skirmishes. Collected badges of honor along the way until he moved up the ladder. From there, he zigzagged around but he knew enough to take the positions that would put him in the right places for further advancement.”
“Well, one thing is for sure, if he’s involved with Tessara, chances are he’s more than he seems. Each time that place pops up, trouble definitely follows. I wish the whole damn place would just fall to the ground, but not everyone shares my biased view.”
Jake agreed. “I was surprised when Tessara didn’t shut down when ID was shuttered due to their involvement with Penelope Winslow.” Penelope Winslow was one of Tessara’s owners, who turned out to be a money-grubbing sadist in her spare time, who was using ID as her personal killing force through the help of her lover—and Nathan’s boss—Thomas Wyatt. It’d been a cluster-eff of royally screwed-up circumstances, the reverberations of which were still rocking certain circles.
Moving Target Page 14