Road to Nowhere (Road to Nowhere #1; The Good Ol' Boys Spin Off #2)

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Road to Nowhere (Road to Nowhere #1; The Good Ol' Boys Spin Off #2) Page 29

by M. Robinson

  I grabbed the photo out of her hand, looking down at the baby girl in my grasp. There were no words that could describe what I felt holding a piece of Mia, a piece of my fucking heart in my hand at that moment. My eyes scanned the picture, taking in the tiny being’s profile—arms, legs, hands and feet. Pouty lips like her momma.

  She was already fucking perfect.

  Peering back up at Mia, I asked, “Your phone broke, Pippin? Was workin’ last night when you told me you missed me. Funny how those things work, yeah?”

  Her smile quickly faded, not expecting that response. Taking baby girl’s first photo out of my hand.

  “Bro, don’t see the reason why she has to call ya. You ain’t the father,” Noah snidely replied.

  As much as I hated to give Noah props, he tried to get his ass to every doctor’s appointment, much to her father's dismay and mine. He was stepping up, doing the right thing for his baby. Which also meant he was spending a lot of his free time with Mia, both of them getting to know each other. Figuring out how they were going to make this work before the baby came into the world in a few short months.

  I was traveling so fucking much for the club, and I hated leaving her behind, but there wasn’t much I could do about that. It's not like I could take her with me. It was too fucking dangerous, and she was quite pregnant, not to mention her daddy wouldn't have that. She was always on my mind, though. No matter where I was or what I was doing, my thoughts always drifted to her. We talked on the phone often, but it wasn’t the same. Not even fucking close.

  Our relationship was fucking complicated, to say the least.

  “Boys…” Ma warned, looking back and forth between us. “Mia came over with some great news. You both check your testosterone at the door. You hear me? Not tonight. Dinner’s going to be a while. Behave. I’m going to call Stacey and Laura and tell them we’re having a girl.”

  Giving us both a stern face before she walked back into the kitchen. Noah’s phone rang as soon as she left, breaking the silence between us.

  “Yeah,” he answered, walking out of the room.

  I was hoping it was one of the brothers, ordering him to go be their bitch so I could spend the rest of the night alone with Mia. Actually fucking contemplating on calling one of them myself to make him go on a run. I grabbed Mia’s hand instead, taking her by surprise, bringing her into my room. Shutting the door behind me, I leaned up against it and folded my arms over my chest.

  She took a seat on my bed, preparing for my wrath. She knew I was fucking pissed.


  I put my hand up stopping her, cocking my head to the side. “You got one minute to fuckin’ explain what the fuck that was.” I pointed to the door behind me. “Before I lose my shit. Don’t got any patience left for fuckin’ bullshit tonight, Pippin. Fuckin’ exhausted, been on my bike all goddamn day to come home to you. Only to find you at my ma’s house with my brother’s arm around you like you’re his fuckin’ property. When you’re mine,” I gritted out, emphasizing the last word.

  She kicked off her sandals, sitting up on her knees in the center of the bed. Gazing up at me through her lashes, biting her bottom lip. She picked up the sides of her dress, swaying it side-to-side. Giving me that look I knew all too fucking well.

  “Do you like my dress? It’s new...” She smiled, batting her lashes. “I bought it just for you, babe. I know how you love the color white on me.”

  “Is that right?” I grinned, pushing off the door. Walking over to her.

  She fervently nodded with mischief in her eyes. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dress that’s still small but will fit my…” Gliding her fingers along the tops of her tits that were popping at the seam. “They’re huge, right?” She leaned forward slightly pushing them together, baiting me.

  I sat on the edge of the bed, reaching over and gently bringing her to straddle my lap. Pecking her lips down her neck and to her breasts that doubled in size since I’d seen her last. Taking my time, running my tongue along of seam of her white dress. Her head fell back, and a soft moan escaped her lips.

  “Pippin?” I said between kisses. “As much as I’d like to titty fuck you and come on these right now, asked ya a question, expectin’ a fuckin’ answer.” I pulled away, laying back on the bed with my hands under my head.

  Leaving her wanting more.

  “Didn’t you miss me?” She pouted, grinding her hips on my hard cock, causing me to chuckle. She wasn’t going to give up, so fucking relentless.

  “Creed? Mia? What the fuck are you doin’?” Noah knocked on the door.

  “Fuck off! We’re busy!”

  Shaking her head, she leaned in to kiss me, but I stopped her, putting my index finger to her lips. “Not gonna ask again, Mia.”

  She sighed, finally giving in. “Noah was just excited about finding out we’re having a girl. He got carried away. It doesn’t matter. Don’t you trust me?”

  In one swift movement, I laid her on the bed, easing myself on top of her. Closing her in with my arms, supporting all my weight.

  “How often does that little shit get carried away? I saw him eyein’ your tits. He get carried away with them, too? Don’t fuckin’ like it.”

  “It’s not like that. I love you.”

  “You love me so fuckin’ much, I’m the last to find out you’re havin’ a baby girl?”

  “That’s not fair. My appointment was this afternoon. I knew you were riding home. Not like you could have come… Besides, you wouldn’t have heard my call anyway.”

  “Phone’s always on vibrate. Try again.”

  She sighed again. “I don’t know how all this works, Creed. It’s new territory for me, too. I want my baby to have a father, and Noah has been there for all my appointments, he knows everything that’s going on. He seems invested in being a part of helping me raise her. We’re just getting to know each other so we can be the best parents to our baby. That’s all.”

  “I respect the hell out of both of ya for that. But I’m gonna be just as much, if not more, a part of this baby girl’s life as he is. Ya feel me?”

  She nodded, and a sense of uncertainty passed through her expression. “I know you said you’re claiming me, but I don’t entirely understand what that means. Are you my boyfriend? Are we together?”

  I kissed along her lips. “Not fuckin’ anyone else, Pippin. Haven’t in a while. Who’s my girl?”

  “I want to hear you say it. Not going to ask again, Creed,” she mocked, making me smile as I ran my nose from her chin to her collarbone, kissing all over her breasts.

  “How you smell so fuckin’ good all the time? You’re my girl,” I reassured her, pulling down the front of her dress. “I lov—”

  “Oh my God, babe! She just kicked,” Mia cut me off. “Give me your hand. You need to feel this.” She took ahold of my hand, placing it on her stomach. “Say something, I think she likes your voice.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move. I immediately looked up, catching the reflection of a man outside through the black TV screen. “Fuck!” I roared.

  Sounds of open fire shattered the glass windows and ricocheted off the walls, surrounding my entire room. I sprang into action, rolling Mia and I off my bed, tucking her head against my chest and trying to break our fall as I threw her onto the wood floor. Shielding her body with mine within seconds.

  The air filled with rapid shots throughout the house, bullet casings falling all around us. Mia started to scream and cry in what sounded like pain. Shaking so fucking bad in my arms. My mother’s screams could be heard in the distance, somewhere else in the house.

  This was my worst fucking nightmare.

  I kicked the tall wooden dresser over, knocking it to the ground, covering Mia’s body as best I could. I pulled out my gun from the back of my jeans, sitting up on my knees without a second thought. Returning fire, shooting one of the motherfuckers right in the head.

  When I looked back down, Mia was recoiling in
pain, clutching onto her stomach.

  “Fuck! Baby, you okay?” Pure panic assaulted my core, thinking she might have been hit.

  “Creed, I can’t… she’s… it hurts…” she whimpered, barely speaking through the pain.

  Noah came barreling into the room with a Glock in each hand, breaking my train of thought. I could still hear sounds of fire at the front of the house.

  “Boys are coming! Ma’s in the steel pantry, she’s safe! Give her to me, Creed! I’ll take her to the basement!”

  “The fuck you will! Cover me!” I picked her up off the floor, cradling her in my arms. She cringed from the sudden movement.

  Violence had always been a part of our fucking lives, but this time it felt personal. Something wasn’t right, coming to our home. Bringing it here. Made no fucking sense. Especially while there were bullets spraying all over the goddamn walls. I hurried across the hall and into the office, nodding to Noah to pull up the carpet and wood door that led to the basement. Pops made sure there was always a way we could get out safely. Rigging several places in the house to hide, just in case shit like this ever went down.

  I gently laid Mia on the ground in the back corner, hiding her behind the boxes of Luke’s stuff.

  The irony was not fucking lost on me.

  “I’ll be right back. Do not move!” I demanded in a harsher tone than I intended. Fucking panicking on the inside that I was leaving her alone in the first place.

  “Creed… please…” she bellowed, not sure if it was from the pain or being scared fucking shitless. “Don’t leave me…please…please, I need you!” she begged.

  The terrified expression on her face was one I wish I never had to see.

  Not from her.

  Never from fucking her.

  “Mia, you need to stay here. Protect our little girl, alright,” Noah chimed in, pissing me off even more.

  “Promise, baby. Be right back.” I kissed her forehead, letting my lips linger there for a minute.

  Hating that she was in pain and I had to leave her there to suffer. Standing back up, I listened, hearing more rounds go off.

  The motherfuckers weren’t done yet.

  “Stay with Mia—”

  “Fuck you! You’re not goin’ up there alone. We can take them all out. The boys are on their way. Won’t be long.”


  “Wasting fuckin’ time! Let’s go!”

  I took one last look at Mia, needing to see her beautiful face before returning to the fucking chaos that had always been my life.

  Grabbing more clips from the gun safe in the basement, I followed Noah back up the stairs. We sprinted down the narrow hall, hauling ass through the house, to take out the remainder of the motherfuckers. Immediately opening fire as soon as we stepped foot in the living room. Lacing bullets in the directions they were coming from outside. Two men wearing black bandanas covering their faces appeared to our left, unleashing several rounds from the side of the house, one hitting me in the leg.

  “Shit, Creed! You’ve been hit!”

  “Fuck it! I’m fine!”

  An endless stream of bullets kept coming at us. Ducking, dodging, knocking over furniture, or whatever we could find to shield ourselves, shooting back when it was clear. Reloading our guns over and over again. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, throbbing through my bloodstream as we took turns taking out one fucker after another. Needing to finish this off to get back to Mia, to get her to the fucking hospital before she lost our baby girl. My heart pounded against my chest, taking over every last inch of my body.

  Blood was seeping through my jeans. Shot after shot erupted from our hands. It felt like fucking forever until I heard the rumbling engines of Harleys coming down the street. Causing all fire to cease and the pussy-ass motherfuckers to get the hell out of here.

  “Get Ma!” I ordered Noah, running so fucking fast down the hall, ignoring the sharp pain in my leg and the blood I was losing in the process. Rushing back toward the office.

  “Pippin! I’m comin’, baby!” I yelled, throwing off the carpet and makeshift door, making my way down the stairs to the far corner of the basement where I left her. “Mia!” I called out again, desperately waiting to hear her voice, assuring me she was okay. Terrified when I realized the basement was silent.

  No screaming.

  No crying.


  “The fuck…”

  I thought I had experienced every loss I could have in my life. Felt every pain, every agony, and every hurt known to fucking man. But nothing could compare to the moment when I walked back to where I left my girl safely.

  Where I left Mia…

  And she wasn’t fucking there.

  Don’t hate me.

  I won’t make you wait long. <3




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