A Seaside Affair

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A Seaside Affair Page 21

by Fern Britton

  ‘Right, everyone on stage. Mobiles off. No distractions.’

  Jess wondered if she could quickly send a surreptitious text to Ryan, but Jonathan was approaching. ‘Jess, I want you to really work the scene with Brooke when she breaks up with Ollie. You are angry with her. You can see she’s making a mistake. But play the anger quietly. Dangerously. That way, when you get to the number, you can wrench the audience’s heart out with the lyrics. Yes?’

  Jess put her phone back in her bag and turned her full attention to Jonathan. She had work to do. Ryan would understand.


  The run-through went well. Nearly everyone remembered their lines and Jonathan was pleased.

  Jess was eager to phone Ryan, but Jonathan had other ideas. He clapped his hands to get the cast’s attention.

  ‘We’re having a working lunch. I’ve sent out for soup and sandwiches. No one is to leave. I don’t want your concentration broken. This afternoon we’ll run Act Two.’

  There were groans. ‘Knew you’d be pleased. If you don’t know all your lines, you have an hour to settle in a quiet corner with some lunch and go over them. We’ll start at two fifteen sharp.’


  The afternoon went badly. Brooke burst into tears when she forgot an entire song and Jonathan, frustrated, shouted at her in front of everyone. Ollie and Jess could only mutely support her and get on with their bits. At last they’d finished and Jonathan was going through his notes.

  ‘Well, everybody …’ he leaned back in his rehearsal chair and rubbed his eyes with his thumb and forefinger ‘… that was bad. Really bad. I am disappointed in the lot of you. I’m not sure we’ll be ready for opening night.’ He leaned forward and put his arms on the table in front of him. His head followed. In a muffled voice they heard him say. ‘Now piss off and learn your lines.’

  In the subdued quiet, people got up from where they were sitting and gathered their bits together, shooting worried glances at each other.

  Dan the stage manager, who had been having a whispered conversation with the desolate-looking Jonathan, called out, ‘Listen up, everyone. Call time tomorrow is coffee at 8.30 a.m. On stage and rehearsing at nine. We’ll finish when we finish.’

  No one dared to groan as they shuffled quietly off stage and away to the green room.

  Jess retrieved her bag and turned her phone on. No messages from Ryan. Brooke, her sexy tousled hair now hanging in rat-tails around a face streaked with tears and mascara, looked broken. Ollie, pale-faced with anger and exhaustion, put his arms round both women.

  ‘We need alcohol.’


  Ollie squeezed the girls into his MG with Brooke sitting on Jess’s lap. As they headed down into Trevay, Jess tried to feel for her phone to ring Ryan, but it was in an awkward position in her bag and with Brooke on her lap there was no way she could get to it. Never mind, she’d be there any minute.

  As they climbed the steps up to the hotel Louise Lonsdale was waiting to greet them in reception. ‘Miss Tate! Welcome back. I understand you stayed with us last night?’

  ‘No, she left me alone last night, Louise.’ Ryan approached, looking impossibly handsome. His blue eyes sparkling. His longer hair shining. His clothes sexy and expensive. ‘Jess wasn’t here.’

  Louise looked confused for a moment and then, seeing Jess and Ollie’s look of panic, put two and two together and made at least twenty-three.

  ‘Oh my goodness! Yes, of course. I meant to say welcome back, Miss Tate. We are looking forward to having you stay with us again. Where are your delightful dogs?’

  Ryan walked towards Jess and she leaned into his arms. She had missed him so much. He tilted her head up to meet his face. ‘Yes, darling, where are Ethel and Elsie?’

  ‘They’re at Rowena’s, in Pendruggan. I left them when I came back with Ollie last night.’

  Too late she realised what she’d said. Louise Lonsdale, with a tiny gasp, made off to welcome some non-existent guests and left the frozen quartet standing.

  ‘So you were here, in the hotel, last night?’ He smiled quizzically and held the top of her arm a little too hard.

  Ollie stepped in and, leaving out the identity of Louis, told Ryan the truth. Brooke backed him up.

  Ryan smiled charmingly. ‘Oh, that’s all right then! That’s what we merry band of actors do, isn’t it! That’s what mates do! It’s great to have mates.’ He let go of Jess’s arm and put his arm round Brooke’s waist instead. ‘You look as if you could do with a drink. Coming to the bar, anyone? Drinks with mates. What could be better than that.’

  Jess, didn’t like the attention Ryan was showering on Brooke and tried to talk to him. ‘I’m so sorry I didn’t call as soon as I got your message. It was impossible to use the phone. Jonathan was watching us like a hawk.’

  ‘I understand, Jess.’ He patted her leg. ‘In the same way you understand when I’m sometimes pictured with beautiful starlets. It’s just work. Means nothing.’ The cocktail waitress approached and Ryan made a show of ordering a jug of margaritas whilst flirting with the poor girl. Once ordered, he turned his full attention to Brooke and Ollie and listened attentively to their day in rehearsal.

  ‘Directors get power mad. Sounds as if he’s full of insecurities. I’ll come down tomorrow and watch.’

  Jess was alarmed. ‘Oh, darling. Better not. It might aggravate him.’

  ‘I’ll be as quiet as a mouse. Won’t say a word. He won’t know I’m there. Promise.’

  ‘But …’

  ‘No buts, Jess. He won’t have the balls to throw me out.’

  ‘Perhaps you’d like to have a word with him now, let him know you’re coming?’ Ollie pointed to the entrance of the bar where Jonathan had just entered with Dan the stage manager. They were talking intently and carrying folders which were probably full of scripts and set designs. Jess guessed that they were planning to have a working dinner in the restaurant.

  Jonathan waved at the table of actors and came to say hello.

  ‘Evening, all. Hope you’re not planning to get plastered. Big day tomorrow.’ He said it good humouredly, all earlier stresses put aside for now and Jess saw his eyes twinkling at her.

  ‘Hi – Jon, is it? The name’s Ryan, Ryan Hearst.’

  Ryan stood and thrust his hand towards the director.

  ‘It’s Jonathan, pleased to meet you, Ryan. I’ve been enjoying Venini, it’s a great show.’

  ‘Yeah, thanks. Just thought I’d pop down and see Jess, see how she’s getting on out here in rep. Working in the provinces is good for keeping your hand in, I suppose, but no substitute for London or LA – that’s where the action is really happening.’

  Jonathan saw Ryan glance slyly at Ollie when he said this.

  ‘Well, we’ve got a top-notch cast here and this is a production that everyone will be talking about by the time we’re finished,’ said Jonathan firmly.

  Ryan gave a wry smile. ‘You hope, anyway. Whatever – good luck and all that. Thought I might pop down and see you in action tomorrow.’

  ‘Thanks, but I find friends and family a distraction in the early weeks. Anyway, I don’t think luck will have much to do with it. Hard work, dedication and commitment are what usually work in my book. Enjoy your evening, all of you.’

  Ryan had already turned back to Brooke and Ollie and was continuing his anecdotes.

  ‘Bye, Jonathan, enjoy your evening.’ Jess smiled weakly; she couldn’t suppress an uncomfortable feeling as Jonathan met her eyes with a puzzled look of his own.


  The rest of the evening went by in a warm tequila haze as at least two more jugs of margaritas appeared then disappeared down their throats. Ryan regaled them with stories of Hollywood and how ghastly it was to be recognised by all the British tourists holidaying there.

  ‘I’ve even been given my own security team. Great guys. On location it can be so hard not to be recognised. If someone comes up and says hello, you’ve got to be nice to them hoping that, if they pull
a hand gun, the guys will get them before they get me.’

  Brooke, thinking about Louis and Hutch said, ‘It’s a dangerous job.’

  ‘Yeah, but I’m prepared to take the risk.’

  Ollie shot Ryan a look of amazement. Did he really think actors did a dangerous job? Or was Ryan sending himself up? Nope. Ryan was not smiling.

  They had supper together in the bar and it was midnight before they knew it. Ollie saw the sozzled Brooke into a taxi before staggering off to his room.

  Ryan took Jess’s arm and together they negotiated the lift to the magnificent Sea Horse Suite. In the super-king-size bed, Ryan was more loving and tender than he’d ever been to Jess. He buried himself in her and she wrapped her arms round him as he made love to her. She was surprised to see tears in his eyes.

  ‘What’s the matter?’ she asked.

  ‘I’ve missed you. Seeing you tonight, after so long … You haven’t been sleeping with Ollie, have you? It would kill me if you were. He’s a pretty boy. Younger than me. You might have your head turned.’

  She held him and reassured him and all too soon it was morning, last night’s events only vaguely remembered and she had one hell of a hangover.

  Ryan lay half dead in the ruin of the bed. His eyes tight shut and his face squashed against the pillows.

  ‘Are you coming to rehearsals later?’ she asked, leaning over him to kiss the nape of his neck.

  ‘Would you mind awfully if I didn’t?’ he mumbled into the Egyptian cotton. ‘Jet lag and all that.’

  ‘And a tiny hangover?’

  ‘Possibly. You?’

  ‘Possibly. I think it’s best you stay here. See you later, my love.’

  ‘Yeeahh. I’ll just have a little sleep first.’

  Jess tiptoed out of the room, hoping to pick up some paracetamol in the Trevay pharmacy on her way up to the Pavilions.

  She stood waiting for the lift, thinking over last night. She’d never known Ryan to be jealous before. It rather pleased her. The lift doors opened and, standing in the corner, wearing sunglasses and hanging on to the handrail was Ollie.

  ‘Nice look.’ She smiled at him.

  ‘I can’t drive. I’m still pissed.’

  ‘Fine. We’ll walk. I need to stop at the chemist anyway.’

  ‘Me too.’


  The morning was hard work. Brooke, Jess and Ollie were distinctly below par. Ollie kept fluffing his lines, Jess wasn’t her usual self and Brooke was completely out of step when she was doing her dance numbers. The fluffs built up and it was clear that their hangovers were seriously affecting everyone’s ability to rehearse properly.

  Jonathan’s stretched patience finally snapped.

  ‘What a bloody shower the three of you are. Opening night is looming and we’re going to have to go at it full tilt to be anywhere near ready, and may I remind you that you are doing this because there is something important at stake! We’re trying to save the Pavilions! Everyone here is working their bloody arses off and all the three of you can do is come in half-pissed from the night before and cock it up for the rest of us!’

  Ollie and Jess hung their heads, suitably shamed. Brooke attempted a sulky pout but soon dropped it when she got a thunderous glare from Jonathan.

  ‘We’re really sorry, Jonathan, and everyone,’ said Jess. ‘We just got a bit carried away, it won’t happen again. Promise.’

  ‘It better bloody not!’ But Jess thought she saw Jonathan’s face soften a little. ‘Now, let’s break for lunch. Perhaps some food will help to dry you all out.’


  Feeling slightly revived after a lunch of egg sandwiches, salty crisps and sugary Coke, Brooke and Ollie found themselves outside the stage door taking in some sea air.

  ‘How are you feeling now?’ Ollie asked.

  ‘Bit better, but had to concentrate hard on not throwing up during the dance number.’

  ‘What did you make of Ryan?’

  ‘Yeah. Nice.’


  ‘Why, what did you think?’

  ‘Slimy shit.’

  Brooke laughed into the wind. ‘Me too! He kept putting his hands on my legs. Every time a little bit higher. And all that stuff about how big and important he is in LA – he’s just another English telly actor. Not exactly George Clooney.’

  ‘What does Jess see in him?’

  ‘God knows. She’s such a sweetie and he’s such a big head.’

  ‘How long is he staying for?’


  ‘If he hurts her, I’ll kill him.’

  Brooke turned to look Ollie in the face. ‘You said that as if you mean it.’

  ‘I do.’


  ‘But why have you got to go now?’ Jess couldn’t understand. She’d just got back from the Pavilions and here was Ryan packing.

  ‘Bloody PR. They’ve heard I’m back in the UK and I have to “be seen”’ – he made the sign of two quotation marks with his fingers – ‘at a few parties in town. The new series of Venini goes to air here in the next couple of weeks, and—’

  ‘Golly. So soon.’

  ‘I did tell you,’ he snapped.

  ‘Did you? Sorry, Ryan, my head has been full of this show and—’

  ‘Yeah, well – yada yada. And they want me to promote it before going back to the States and promoting the first series which airs on NBC next month.’

  ‘Does it? Oh, congratulations.’

  ‘I have told you all this.’


  ‘So, much as I’d like to stay to see you in your small-town show …’

  His words stung her like a slap on the face.

  ‘Ryan, that’s a horrible thing to say.’

  He was gazing in the mirror, playing with his hair. ‘Sorry, darling. But Hats Off, Trevay! is hardly A Chorus Line, is it? Hm? Venini is huge and I have a responsibility, as the name above the title, to get out there and be seen.’

  ‘I do get that, Ryan. I’m not stupid. In fact Good Housekeeping are looking for a date when they can come down and do a feature on me for Horse Laugh. It looks like we’ve definitely got a second series. I’m just waiting for the contracts.’

  ‘Good Housekeeping? Hardly Vanity Fair, is it?’

  ‘No, but its readership are our viewers and …’

  Ryan looked at his watch. Then crossed the room and hugged her.

  ‘Well, darling, it’s been so lovely to see you. Gotta go. Love you.’


  That night, back at Granny’s Nook and playing Scrabble with Brooke, Jess thought about the last twenty-four hours. Ryan had been so wonderful and then so awful. Had she done something to upset him? She must be more understanding. After all, he had come straight off the flight and down to Cornwall to see her. He was jet-lagged and had so many commitments at work. She couldn’t remember him telling her anything about Venini being shown in America, or the second series coming out early here. Maybe she had been too wrapped up in her work to listen to him properly. Mind you, he hadn’t been very excited to hear about Horse Laugh being recommissioned. But, compared to the global success and pressure of filming he had with Venini, Horse Laugh was just a simple little job. He was tired and she must be more understanding.

  ‘Xanadu on a triple-word score.’ Brooke crowed with pleasure. ‘Beat that, Miss Tate!’

  Jess marshalled her thoughts back to the here and now. ‘Not bad, Miss Lynne. Not bad at all.’ She’d apologise to Ryan tomorrow, Sunday, her day off.


  You’ve reached Ryan Hearst’s phone. Please leave a message.

  ‘Hi, Ryan. It’s me. It was great seeing you and thank you so so much for taking the time to come down. I know how busy you are, darling. Call me when you can. I hope the PR stuff is going well. I’m just walking the girls on the beach. They love paddling and they say they miss their daddy. I miss you too. Love you so much. Bye.’

  Jess felt really low. She was tired from working so hard, she had
a cold coming and her relationship with Ryan was just too long-distance. Maybe she should give up the idea of her own career and support Ryan. Travel with him. Be a proper partner to him. She needed to talk to him about setting a wedding date. A small affair in a registrar’s office would do …

  But then she recalled how miserable she’d been when she had no work, and now her career was just taking off … She loved Horse Laugh. She didn’t want to give it up … but if it meant that she and Ryan would be a proper couple again, it would be a sacrifice well made. Wouldn’t it? And if she didn’t have to worry about a career, she could start the job she really wanted: to be a mum.

  She stopped at the water’s edge and watched Ethel and Elsie splash about in the wavelets. The sea was calm today and the sky a real Cornish blue. Three gulls were playing on the air currents made warm by the early June sun. She turned her face to the heat. With her eyes closed she could see the pink of the blood in her eyelids. She heard a shout coming towards her on the breeze and opened her eyes to see who it was. Ollie was bounding over to her.

  ‘Brooke told me you were here. Are you OK?’

  ‘I’m fine, thanks. Bit of a cold, that’s all. What are you doing here?’

  He looked anxious. A bit uneasy. ‘Err, have you seen the papers?’

  ‘Not yet. I was going to pick them up from Queenie’s when I get back. Why?’

  ‘It’s probably nothing but … there’s a story about Ryan.’


  ‘Here –’ Back at Granny’s Nook, a white-lipped Jess took the newspaper from Ollie.

  ‘But it’s the gossip page.’ Jess was shaking with fear and anger. ‘Nothing in here is ever factually correct.’

  ‘I know, but … I just thought you ought to see it.’

  Which English actor, currently filming and hustling for movie projects in Hollywood, is playing away behind his fiancée’s back? Who’s going to tell her? It’s only a matter of time.

  Alongside, under an engagement photo of Ryan and Jess was a malicious snippet: ‘Isn’t this a super photo of Ryan Hearst and Jess Tate on their engagement day?’

  Jess’s phone rang. ‘Jess, babe, It’s me. Just got your message. You OK?’ It was Ryan.


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