The Cleansing

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The Cleansing Page 18

by Shane Crosby




  Wouldn’t you know it, after needing practically all of the bones in my body replaced, you’d think the Universe was done punishing me. Well, no such luck. My body healed, but trauma from the accident put stress on the ligaments and tendons in my knee. A family football game tore those already stretched joints. I left the field writhing in pain, holding my knee and wishing for any form of pain relief legal or non.

  I wore a brace for a week and then they took me to surgery. My first official day with a repaired knee is today. I’ve had an array of visitors from work and of course my brothers came by. I’m scheduled to leave the hospital in two days. Until then, I’m just going to lie here and enjoy some down time. I say that like it’s easy to accomplish. It is for my body, but my mind has been at rest since I found that first dead body. I’ve removed myself from Gochian, but my mind is still there whole heartedly.

  Hospital room phone ringing.....


  “Is this room 203?”

  “Whose calling?”

  “Oh, sorry, this is Inspector Schmidt with the German police. How are you? I heard about your hospital stay.”

  “I’m doing fine. Thanks for asking. Inspector, did you say?”

  “Yes, I did. I’m so sorry to bother you, but when I asked around, your name came up consistently. I am very sorry to disturb you on your sick bed, but have something I need your assistant with.”

  “In Germany?”


  “I’m not a detective anymore.”

  “That’s not completely true. You’re still listed as an officer there just not on active duty.”

  “Yeah, but that’s just a technicality. I’m not out solving crimes anymore.”

  “I think you’ll want to hear about this.”

  “I don’t know Inspector. I think you’re knocking on the wrong door. I’m sorry.”

  “Detective, trust me when I tell you, you’re going to want to get involved. Just let me tell you why I’m calling.”

  “Okay, but I doubt it’ll help.”

  “We found a body missing it’s hands and head. Last week, we found a body burned so badly we can’t tell if it’s a male or female.”

  He was right. I do want to know more and I want to get involved. They’re back.

  I sat up in my hospital bed and prepared to listen.

  “Are you still there detective?”

  “Oh yes, I’m here.”

  “You have knowledge of this?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. The dismembered body, how many of those do you have?”

  “We have three in total.”

  “Just found?”

  “Yes, but there’s more, when will you be able to meet with me?”

  “I’ll come today, just let me get my clothes on.”

  “No, no, not today, when you’re better. I can come to your hospital room.”

  “I need to see the bodies.”

  “I’ll bring pictures.”

  “Personally. I’ll see you in an hour.”

  “Wait! Detective, please. There’s no need for this rush. I will speak with the medical examiner. We can arrange for cameras to be in place. You can look at them from your room, yes?”

  “I’m not sure it’ll work in here.”

  “It’s worth a try. Give me a couple of hours and I’ll be round.”

  “Do you have a return number?”

  “Yes, of course. Are you ready?”

  I have a gown on with a hole in the back. Nowhere to keep any type of writing apparatus. I have to rely on my memory. Then I remembered I did have my phone.

  “Okay, ready.”





  By the time Inspector Schmidt arrived I was about ready to try and walk to his police station. I’d gotten up and started putting on my clothes when the door to my hospital room opened.


  “Inspector Schmidt?”

  “Yes, detective nice meeting you. Were you going somewhere?”

  “Yes. I was coming to you.”

  “Oh, no need. It just took a little longer than anticipated. We have everything we need to get started.”

  I limped back to my bed and lay down. They started to set the equipment up and I thanked God I didn’t have to leave this room. My knee was throbbing and my mind was screaming for some pain relief, but I wasn’t going to succumb to any of it until I see those bodies.

  The finished setting up the equipment and got ready to go live. He pressed a button and there was the coroner’s lab in full view.

  “Doctor Becker, can you see us?”


  “Okay, detective Alvarez will ask you some questions now.”

  “Okay, ready.”

  I raised the bed up so I could get a better look at the bodies.

  “Doctor, can you remove the sheet from the first body?”


  “What can you tell me about it? Is this the first body found?”

  “I’ll take this one, doctor.”


  “These bodies were found in an area that was scheduled to be developed for apartments. They are to become housing for the wealthy. The land was tied up in a legal battle for a year, then just recently, two weeks ago, it was resolved. When they went to walk the land they found them.”

  “Due to the decomposition, we know they’ve been there for at least six months. What you must keep in mind is that Germany’s weather is cool and cold all year. We don’t get the sweltering temperatures like the states. Decomp would’ve have been much worse in another climate.”

  “Okay, thanks for the explanation.”

  “The burned bodies we found dumped on that property as well, however, we believe these were recently dumped.”

  “With the weather, rainy. You wouldn’t have found anything.”

  “That’s right.”

  “Do you have a male victim?”

  “Funny you should ask. We have two male bodies.”

  “Were they penetrated anally?”


  “Drug addicts?”

  “All three victims were addicts. The men we believed were male prostitutes.”

  “Same as Amsterdam and Paris.

  “Yes, I believe they, too, have a similar problem. At least, last year they did. I’m not sure if they’re still having the same issue.”

  “If they’re not, they soon will.”

  “Do you think it’s the same people?”

  “No, I know it is.”

  “Our thoughts as well. Do you have any leads?”

  “I had one good one, but I wasn’t able to make a solid connection.”

  “You stopped working on the case?”

  “I have, yes.”

  “Detective, I can’t possibly understand what you have lost and I will never try to. I will say that from what I’ve heard, you were a great detective. They gave you nothing but praises. What better way to vindicate yourself and your family then by putting these people behind bars?”

  “Easier said, but I do agree.”

  “We could use your help.”

  “Or vice versa.”

  “Yes, certainly. I tell you what, I’ll leave you to think on it. Take your time.”

  “I will, thanks Inspector.”

  “Very well then, until I hear from you.”

  “You will.”

  They began packing up the equipment. When they were done the inspector reminded me again how much they could use my help. And, wanted me to know they were sorry for my loss. As the door was about to close behind them, I had a question.

  “Inspector! Inspector!”


  “Do you know of any clubs that have just opened here? Clubs like a gentlemen’s club is what we’d call them back home.”

r />   “Like strip club. Where women strip.”

  “Oh I’m sure there are plenty, but why do you ask?”

  “Has there been any that are unlike the norm that have recently opened up? Think..”

  “I don’t think so. They’re all alike to me.”

  “No, this wouldn’t be the same. Think about it and let me know.”

  “I will. So, does this mean you’re back in?”

  “I don’t know. I have a lot to consider.”

  “Yes, you do. And, all of it should make you want to get back in. I’ll be in touch.”

  “Okay, thanks again.”






  After my discharge from the hospital, I had to move in with Don. Well, I should say, I was forced to move in with Don. The meeting I had with the Inspector was still occupying all of the space in my head. Those photos brought all of that back. I was reminded of just what they’re capable of. On my own, injured, painful, there’s no way I would be able to mount a winnable defense. I knew the best thing for me to do was be around people who could protect me.

  I hadn’t made my mind up about jumping back into that case, but it was something that continued to nag at me. I don’t know if it’s my subconscious wanting revenge or if it’s my family, taken brutally and way too soon, nagging me to avenge them. Either way, whatever it is, it won’t let up.

  I haven’t told my brothers about the meeting. They’d probably think I was losing it even considering going back after those people, but the SEAL in me surrounded by the trained detective just can’t seem to let it go. I don’t know why it’s such a prominent thought now. Before, I’d been successful, I thought, at pushing it down. After being contacted by the German police, it’s all I think about.

  To continue to keep this from my brothers, I believe is a mistake. With the knowledge that these people have started up again, is frightening. They can better protect themselves if they know a threat is possibly looming.

  Inspector Schmidt calling....


  “Hello detective. Inspector Schmidt here. How are you?”

  “I’m doing well. You have news?”

  “Yes, the question about the club, do you remember?”

  “Yes, yes I do. You find some?”

  “One in particular, yes. A club called Wicked just opened four months back.”

  “The place where you found the bodies, how far is from that club?”

  “Based upon the decomposition those bodies were there long before it opened.”

  “There’s another one. I guarantee you. Where is this wicked located?”

  “It’s about two hours from that location.”

  “Look for another one.”

  “There’s one that opened some eighteen months back, but we haven’t had any trouble out of it.”

  “That’s the one who dumped the bodies. I will guarantee you. What’s the name?”

  “The Devil’s Lair.”

  “How far is the location from that club?”

  “About an hour a little more, but not much than that.”

  “Map out a route to that club. I’ll guarantee you even though it’s in a different direction, the route you take will be a straight shot back to that club. Along that route, you’ll see the place where they hid the body.”

  “Interesting. I’ll look into that. Are you available for advice?”

  “I think I am. Have you discovered who owns those clubs?”

  “PPV Industries, but that’s all we have.”

  “Let me guess, you haven’t been able to find anything on that company.”

  “That’s correct. Do you have any idea why?”

  “I don’t. My brother and I both feel it’s just a dummy company or something. It doesn’t have any ties to anything or they’ve done a damn great job at covering their tracks.”

  “I’d say the latter.”

  “You’re good at your job detective. Haven’t decided to take the plunge?”

  “Not quite yet, let me know about those maps.”

  “I will.”

  “Hey Schmidt.”


  “Be careful, by all means do not under estimate these people. Please listen to what I’m saying.”

  “I will. I’ll be in touch.”





  I took another day to think about my options. During the past twenty four hours, I came to the realization that I have only one option. I can’t allow them to get away with what they’ve done. I have to get back on the case. And, the next thing is to tell my brothers they’ve started again.

  I called a family meeting with all the boys and prepared to tell them what I’ve known for more than a week. I knew there would be questions, a little frustration at my silence for so long, but no matter what’ going on there’s always that brotherly love with us.

  The boys arrived later in the evening. We all sat down, ate, talked about the past and joked about the future old us. After the all the fun and festivities, I got down to business.

  “I’m glad everyone is in a joking mood because I need to share something with you all. I’m glad Dub was able to come, too.”

  “I guess he’s giving up cave living.”

  “Don’t start. I haven’t given up anything. I just have a little down time, that’s all.”

  “I think he’s doing what he does best.”

  “Being protector.”

  “I agree. Dub you know you’ve always been that way since we were kids.”

  “The oldest is always the one who looks out for the younger ones.”

  “Yeah, but me and Trevor are only two years behind you. I’m not even a year younger.”

  “Still younger.”

  “I’m only two years younger, barely. He’s mothering me worse than a hen.”

  “Like I just said, still younger. You can’t change the order so keep living with it.”

  “He is right about that. Trevor what’s the news?”

  “Nothing you’re going to like.”

  “What is it?”

  “They’re back. They’re here, in Germany. Two burned bodies were found a few weeks ago.”


  “Yes. An Inspector contacted me about it. They found three bodies that were probably buried longer than six months ago, but that’s their estimate.”

  “How long do you think?”

  “I think longer based on when the first club, The Devils’ Lair opened.”

  “What the hell kind of name is that?”

  “No, what you really want to know is what kind of people would go to a club with a name like that?”

  “Could only be the demons he resurrected from hell.”

  “I know that’s right.”

  “So, Trev, what’s this meeting about though? You didn’t bring us here just to tell us that, right?”

  “No. There’s another club that’s open called Wicked. The bodies I believe follow a pattern based upon where they dumped them.”

  “A straight line back to the club?”

  “Yes. If you look closely at the roads and highways you take to get to each club, the location they dumped the bodies is always right along that path. Except, because they’re dumping them in different areas of each city, the police aren’t making the connection. And, besides it’s not enough to get a warrant or take to court. Uncle Frank gave me that warrant because I was his nephew and he was killed for it.”

  “Trevor, we’re not going down that guilty road again. No one blames you, not even uncle Frank.”



  “What are you saying, really?”

  “I think he’s saying, he wants to pursue this case again, right Trev?”


  “Are you sure, Trev?”

“One hundred percent.”

  “Let’s think about this. Everything that we’ve all lost because of that case is it feasible to go after them again?”

  “It might not be on paper, but we have to step out on Faith. These people took a hell of a lot from us. I can’t see allowing them to get away with it.”

  “I can’t either. I was on light duty for almost a year because of my back. I’ve just been cleared to fly again. They almost took my career from me.”

  “Me too. I’m still battling the occasional headache from head trauma.”

  “Jack was killed. I almost lost my life. I lost my family. They have to pay.”

  “If we don’t do something, that means everything was in vain.”

  “Morris was murdered for nothing.”

  “I can see you all have your minds made up. We’re going after them?”

  “I think we are.”

  “Is it unanimous?”

  “I’m in.”

  “I vote hell yes!”

  “Okay, we’ve all seen what these people are capable of. We don’t know who they are. What they’re doing or how they’re coming. All we know is that they’re coming. We have to get prepared while they don’t know we’re right in their backyard ready to piss in it.”

  “I’m ready.”

  “We’re all ready.”

  “Trevor, you know the most about these people. It’s your case. We can work your theory about the path of the dumped bodies. Watch the clubs and see if we can catch them in the act.”

  “Catching one or two people dumping a body will never be enough to shut these people down. We need to find out about their operation. Destroy from the inside, that’s the only way it’ll work.”

  “How do we do that?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well, we’ll never do anything if we don’t try.”

  “Let’s get to work.”

  “Where do we start?”

  “Go back to the beginning. We’ll work our way from there.”

  “One thing, Trevor is hurt. We see how they come when they attack. Not if, but when we face them, with Trevor’s injury, we’ll be at a disadvantage. Sorry Trev.”

  “I understand. You can’t fight and look out for me too.”

  “Right. We’re already at their mercy.”

  “If we’re going to embark down this road, it’ll be better to have Trevor recoup somewhere safe.”


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