The Cleansing

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The Cleansing Page 28

by Shane Crosby

  “How did he learn to speak Russian?”

  “Ah, this is like, how you say in America? Sand, like sand.”

  “Quick sand?”

  “Ah, yes, quick sand. His Grandfather sold Russian secrets to Germany. He was caught and imprisoned until his death. The family defected to Germany but their origins are Mother Russia.”

  “Whoa! This is becoming more interesting by the minute.”

  “Someone who is related to this guy is in the United States, I assume that’s where George Briggs saw him.”

  “I don’t know. Could have been anywhere. He was so upset that last time we spoke. I was concerned.”

  “I wonder who it was that he saw. If it made him that upset, it must have been a startling discovery.”

  “Yes, from his voice, I believe so. Shocked, more like it. Do you want me to continue?”

  He says, with that Russian drawl. From years of being isolated still sounds like he just arrived here yesterday from Russia.


  “Rumor was that Gerhardt had a cousin in the US and he was able to escape there to your country.”

  “Is there anyone who could confirm this?”

  “The cousin changed his name, of course. I think George found the cousin’s family.”

  “There’s no mention of it in his things.”

  “Not that we know of.”

  “Was the house searched, do you know?”

  “Yes, it was, it was destroyed.”

  “They were looking for whatever he had.”

  “The Attorney General had a safe room.”

  “Yes, I know. Was it not in there?”

  “She gave us everything she found. I don’t think she was really looking for anything additional.”

  “If you can gain access to the house and the room you may find more there.”

  “It makes sense. The problem is, we’re on a kill list.”

  “I understand.”

  “Is there another way?”


  “Is there another way to find out more about this Gerhardt and his family?”

  Mase looks at Scott. “How? This guy didn’t come through the regular channels. He was probably smuggled into the US.”

  “Of course, there’s no way he came through legally.”

  “But, what if he did? What if he came through legally with a different name? He changed it before, why not again?”

  “This guy was used to running and hiding shedding his skin like a snake. It wouldn’t be difficult for him to just shed another identity.”

  “You know, you might be onto something.”

  “It’s worth a try.”

  “You should know there was a rumor your government helped the SS come to your country. If this is true, you won’t find him or any trace of him. They are very good at hiding things.”

  “No way is that true.”

  “Dub, we should wait before we go out on that limb.”

  “What do you mean? No way would the US go along with crap like that.”

  “Dub, we work for them. You know some of the things we’ve done in the interest of National Security.”

  “What the hell are you saying Mase?”

  “I’m saying, we shouldn’t be quick to count that option out. We want to get to the bottom of why we’re being shot at and hunted so let’s explore every option presented to us.”

  “I’m not going along with that.”

  “Okay, don’t. Scott, what do you think?”

  “I think we should explore every option. Come on Dub, Mase is right. We went to war because our President lied to the entire nation about weapons of mass destruction being in Iraq. At the least, he should’ve been tried and convicted of war crimes.”

  “War crimes? On who for what?”



  Dub laughs. “You’ve been flying too much without your masks. It’s obviously affected you and Mase’s ability to think clearly.”

  “Genocide on his own people, Dub.”

  “What people?”

  “THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! How many friends did you see come back half a man? Limbs missing, faces destroyed by bombs, can’t think for themselves or even go to the bathroom without help. How many soldiers, still kids did we have to go out there and pick up piece by piece? They couldn’t even go home to their families respectfully. They had to be sent home in a bag or not at all because they were blown up all over you, me and whomever else they happened to be close enough to. Are you kidding me? You don’t believe the CIA, the US Government could get in bed with Hitler? I beg to differ.”

  “You’re talking about a country who elected a President who sold guns to the Contras and put millions of dollars of Cocaine into the ghettos of the very country you put your life on the line to protect. How could you think they wouldn’t be capable of doing something like that?”

  In a huff, Dub gets up and leaves the room.

  “Fine, leave. Go on Mr. Stravosky.”

  “Before he fled Russia, he had gotten married and had six children all boys. After this, I have nothing more.”

  “What can you tell us about this picture?”

  He reaches for the picture. “This is George’s dad. He was high in the government. During the Afghanistan Russian war he was over there scouting things to report to the US. You see this kid, here?”


  “He is the bastard child of Russian KGB Agent.”

  “Why is he significant enough for him to keep this picture?”

  “Good questions. I can tell you this; George had stumbled upon some things that shook him inside here.” He points to his abdomen. “As I say, we were scheduled to speak again but you tell me he is dead. This kid I know of him, his name is Jaheeb. He was born to an Afghan woman and KGB officer. During the war, the mother was killed. Popovich went after the boy brought him back to Mother Russia. He did not keep him. He was sent to live with his mother in the country. Popovich was ruthless. He took man off the street and made him donate his eye to Jaheeb. And, as a kid, he was teased mercilessly. They call him...Uh, I can’t think...uh, you know, no eye.”

  “What does this mean?”

  “In your language, can’t see.,..uh in the eye.”


  “Yes, but more, blind in the eye.”

  “Blind in the eye?”

  “That’s what they called him?”

  “No, no.”

  He points to his eye. We’re all looking at each other and then Dub steps into the room and says, “Blind eye.”

  “Yes, yes, this is it.”

  “Do you know him?”

  “I’ve heard of him. We did have a run in, in Croatia years ago. I hadn’t been a field operative for long, probably about two years no more maybe less. We had a tip that someone was trying to purchase US military secrets. It took two years, but this name kept coming up in the investigation, Blind eye. I was able to infiltrate this militia group out of Afghanistan; never believing it would lead me to Croatia and ties to Russia. I spoke with this guy directly when making the deal but with these types of deals there’s so much to lose. The person you’re talking to may not be the boss. Usually, they insulate themselves and I could quite possibly have been speaking to one of his Generals. When we were ready to kill them, I had intel on where he would be. When I got there, he wasn’t. There have been rumors for decades that our mission was compromised, but nothing was ever proven.”

  “Well, would you remember him? Remember his voice?”

  Dub’s perplexed expression becomes one of confidence. He straightens his shoulders sticking that massive chest out and says, “Definitely. But again, the bosses usually hide themselves. He could’ve sent someone in his place.”

  “No worries. From my information, he was sent back after he healed and was killed in a freak childhood accident.”

  “Dub, you know who we could ask to do some research on this.”

  “I’m way ahe
ad of you. He’s expecting our call.”

  “I have something for you. George left it here.”

  “What is it?”

  “Don’t know.”

  “Looks like a thumb drive.”

  “A tip, it’s encrypted. I learned that word from years of working with your CIA. They say a lot, yes?”

  “Yes, they do. We encrypt everything.”

  “Darn! This would be encrypted. Now we have to figure out the freaking encryption.”

  “Why do they have to make it so difficult? Damn!”

  “He was protecting it, not from you but from others who may try to harm him to get it.”

  “I get it but still just creates another problem for us.”

  “It’s probably some CIA encryption where you have to get blood from a sacred llama that Jesus sat on or something in order to break it.”


  “Sorry, fellas, I’m certain if you can break it, it will give more answers to your problems.”

  “Are you sure he didn’t say anything that would help us know what he was thinking? Just a little something, anything?”

  “No, I am sorry. I have told you all we discussed.”

  “Another question, why are you hold up way out here?”

  “When I left the KGB I took documentation with me and gave to the US. I still have copies. The KGB has long memory. They teach each generation the stories of those who have betrayed it. They will never stop looking for me.”

  “But, the KGB doesn’t exist anymore.”

  “That’s what they want you to believe.”

  “Even if we can figure this out and put an end to whatever it is, you still can’t come out of hiding? Like Mase said, there’s no more KGB.”

  “Unlikely, but thanks for the thoughts my friends. And, there’s always KGB.”

  “No thank you for your hospitality and information.”

  “One more question. He left us a thumb drive with the US economy on a spreadsheet. Any idea why?”

  “None. He didn’t go into details. I was just in case someone like you ever come. I could give you some basics.”

  “Very basic.”

  “Sorry. I have told you all that I know.”

  “Mr. Stravosky, I hope you don’t mind if we turn in. We’ve had a very long road to travel to get to you.”

  “Understand. And, also know, you only half way done. We sleep, yes?”

  “I’m all for that.”

  “In the morning then? Nice rest.”



  Mase, Dub and Scott

  We spent most of the evening learning all that we could about the devil’s deal the US made with Hitler’s soldiers. To learn that the United States recruited Nazi’s to live amongst some of the very people they tortured. The same people who they took pleasure in annihilating their entire family. Survivors of their evil deeds living, thriving and sharing a space with the very people who sought to eliminate their race from this planet. I wonder how the people responsible for this ill contrived plan sleep at night? I do know that I’ll never look at my government with the same admiration and pride as I held previously. Serving within a unit that protects a country that holds administrators that would justify protecting murders is something that will tarnish my service forever.

  “Good morning all, have some good food for your journey.”


  I was grateful to have a warm meal prior to our departure. Mr. Stravosky had been very helpful and welcoming. I tossed and turned all night hoping our visit hadn’t compromised his location.

  In order to keep him safe, I thought we should leave as soon as possible. We ate and talked with him for several more hours before we had to leave. Each one of us thanked him and gave him our contact number. He reciprocated and asked us to call him if we needed him further. I appreciated him offering, but I knew that would be bad for him and his safety. The more contact we had the more opportunity it would give our enemies and his to locate him and us in the process.

  It wasn’t safe for him to drive us any further than where he picked us up. We thanked him again and started on our way back down the mountain.

  “We’re getting a late start.”

  “I know. We’re going to have to hump it back to the rendezvous point.”

  “We can make it.”

  “We don’t have any other choice.”



  Dub, Scott and Mase

  It’s the final day and after trekking it twenty-eight hours through the cold snow and dark of night, we made it just in time. The pilot had gotten out to look for us. His expression when we walked around that corner was priceless. You could see the relief in his eyes.

  “Welcome back! How was the expedition?”

  “It was very enlightening, sir.”

  “Good to hear. Buckle up. We have a long ride.”

  The flight to the states to pick up Don and Trevor was a long one. Or maybe we were just beat from the physical strain we put our bodies through the past ten days. All I know is that I can’t wait to just get to a stable place so I can lay my head down and sleep uninterrupted.

  Arriving into the states made us all a little nervous. I wondered how Don and Trevor were. I hoped they were safe and most importantly, successful.

  As the pilot floated through the clouds, I got lost in the twirling of the helicopter blades. I know we aren’t near finished with what we’ve started, but for some reason, halfway sure felt good.

  “Dub. Look.”

  I opened my eyes and there they were, Don and Trevor. I think my smile mirrored everyone else relief. It was a welcoming sight to see them come across the tarmac. Mase almost left the plane to greet them. I’ll be sure to tease him about that later on, but inside, I’m feeling the same way.

  “Hey bro! How’s it going?”

  “It’s going good, how’s it going with you two?”

  “Good. We were able to get some answers but we also left with many more questions.”

  “It went about the same for us. Our trip was a suspicious one. I’m telling you it was like we were in some crazy Alfred Hitchcock movie.”

  “Alfred Hithcock moves are crazy.”

  “Well, then a twisted version of his movie.”



  “Fellas, we have a proposition for you. We need your bodies to do some leg work.”

  “Can’t we discuss this at home?”

  “No, we need to do it now.”

  “What do you mean now?”

  “We’re going home, right?”

  “Yes, but not today. We have another hunch to investigate.”

  “How hard is this hunch kicking you in the gut?”

  “With the strength of a Clydesdale.”

  The rest of the guys threw their bags down on the floor of the chopper. Scott turns to the pilot.

  “We’re not leaving today.”


  “We’ll have to schedule another day for pick up.” Scott looks at Don and Trevor.

  “How long will this take?”

  “A couple of days at the most.”

  “Give me a specific day.”

  “Come back Wednesday.”


  “Five o’clock Pacific Standard Time.”


  “We’ll be back here.”

  “You’re scheduled with ink. Do you anticipate trouble?”

  “Let’s plan on that”.

  “Here’s the frequency, give us a holla if things change, if it does, find a way to keep yourselves alive until we can get here.”

  “We’ve become good at that.”

  “Become better Lieutenant.”

  “Every time I get up and walk away.”

  “Watch your six.”

  “I have brothers for that.”

  “See you on the other side.”

  Getting out of that chopp
er made me want to weep. Whenever you can get back to safety it’s always better to do so. I’m not superstitious but going back into the hot zone is just asking for trouble. I didn’t like it; neither did Scott or Mase. The things you do for family are always the things that have the highest potential for bringing you regret.

  “The first stop I know we’re making is to a bed and shower.”

  “I must insist on that.”

  “I second that insist.”

  “Are you soldiers or what?”

  “Yes, but this isn’t war time and we’re not in the Middle East. Therefore, we’re going to rest, shower and eat.”

  “All right, we figured as much so we got you some rooms.”

  “We never stay in separate rooms.”

  “We didn’t forget the rules.”

  “Um hmmm, you’ve been lolly gagging here in the US, I think you’ve become soft.”

  Don and Trevor speak in unison, “Never!”

  Dub gives them the side eye and keeps walking to the SUV.




  Dub, Mase, Scott

  Walking into another hotel instead of the bunker is admittedly a sickening feeling, even for me. Don and Trevor were convinced there was more going on here than even we could imagine. Myself, Scott and Mase believed them, but it just wasn’t worth the chance we were taking prolonging this trip. They’d been asking questions and investigating all over the continental US. Whatever we’re up against, I’m sure they’ll get wind of it at some point in time. I would like for that time to be after we’ve left and safely back in hiding. I wasn’t happy with my younger siblings. I love my brothers, yes, but we were at odds on this one more at odds than we’ve ever been before. I didn’t like it and I let them know it.

  “As usual Dub isn’t being cooperative.”

  “You can say that about all of us because I don’t like this one damn bit.”

  “Neither do I.”

  “Damn right. Unless there’s a man down we don’t go back in the hot zone!”

  “I do, Dub, but listen.....”

  “Listen my ass man! Nothing is right about this. You two have been all over God’s creation. We don’t know what or who these people know. They could be watching us now just waiting for an opportunity to kill us.”


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