The Cleansing

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The Cleansing Page 45

by Shane Crosby

  “How so?”

  “Maybe if we’d kept communicating with him, it could’ve helped him save some of his humanity. Being cut off from his family left him open for Hitler’s brain washing. We all felt that way, but it was too late. We didn’t see him again.”

  “How did you get the pictures?”

  “When he got married, his wife reached out to us. She would send the children. And, I believe Gerhardt regretted the things he’d done. With age, sometimes comes regret. At least this is what I believed until I noticed in the youngest child, Anatoly, your President, tendencies like Gerhardt. Little did any of us know Gerhardt was telling Anatoly those stories of him being a SS soldier with Hitler.”

  This story was so good, I didn’t dare interrupt, I sat there not moving barely blinking soaking it all in.

  “I assume you know the story? Gerhardt was welcomed into our cousin’s home and he murdered our cousin’s infant son.”

  “We knew he came here and stayed with a cousin. The murder part, we weren’t aware of.”

  “Hmmm, allow me to do that for you now. He murdered him and stole his identity for Anatoly. My cousin never got over it. It drove him crazy. Anatoly rose up in your American politics. He became Senator and then President. No one could believe it. Our cousin knew who the Senator was and later President, but by then no one was going to believe him, not a crazy person. Anatoly was Gerhardt’s favorite. He worked to put him in the best schools. He wanted him to speak the best English. When Anatoly was elected to the Senate this was Gerhardt’s proudest moment. Until, Anatoly turned his back on his family. He did not want anyone to find out about their history. He murdered his own father. Mary, we believe witnessed it. It caused her to never speak again. The next door neighbor saw Anatoly visiting the day Gerhardt died. She kept going to the police about what she saw and later she was missing. So, you see, there’s been enough killing to keep this secret.”

  “Why did he murder his father?”

  “Gerhardt became a drinker. He would call his office and tell his secretary his full name. The real name, not the one he adopted in Russia. He’d do this deliberately because of everything he did for Anatoly and now he was being ignored.”

  “I see. Anatoly, I mean the President was in danger of losing everything if people found out.”

  “Yes. He wasn’t going to allow this to happen. Also, I have a copy of his birth certificate.”

  “You have it? Are you Alexi’s source for some of the information we were given?”

  She handed me the birth certificate. “Thank you. I wonder if you could help us with something else.”

  “Sure, if I can.”

  “We found some crematories here in Germany and all over the country actually. Would you know anything about that? We also had some bodies turn up burned almost to ash and disappearances under strange circumstances. We haven’t’ been able to uncover the origin behind them.”

  “When did this start?”

  “We only have a portion of the information. But, it’s been going on throughout your brother’s Presidency and possibly while he was in the Senate.”

  “I see. I know you think this odd. I believe I know what’s going on in your country. Captain, you better hurry or your nation is going the way of Germany.”

  “Please tell me.”

  “I believe it’s because of the book.”

  “The book?”

  “Yes. A book Hitler wrote. When he and my father were friends he gave it to him for safe keeping. And, he would tell Anatoly about his grandiose visions. He always believed other nations would flock to him to get copies to help them run their countries. Before my father died, he gave it to me. When he passed away, I buried it with him.”

  “Why didn’t Hitler come back to get it?”

  “You know his story, yes?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then you must know he ran out of time.”

  “Makes sense. It’s probably not readable.”

  “On the contrary. I wrapped the book in cloth and had it encased in a glass container.”

  I sat up in my chair. “You preserved it?”

  “I guess you could say that, yes. I was honoring my father’s request for the book to remain in our family and not fall into the wrong hands.”

  “Mrs. Schmidt, would you mind helping us get that book?”

  “I will, sure. How can I help?”

  “Thank you! I can call a friend with German intelligence. He’ll help us get this expedited

  “Sure, no problem. I wait.”





  Arie assisted us in filing the necessary paperwork to exhume the body of Ms. Adie’s father. It would’ve taken two weeks if we went through conventional means, but, we didn’t get this far following the rules. We borrowed some heavy equipment and started digging. Ms. Adie was in tow watching every piece of dirt being removed bringing us closer to a piece of her family’s history she buried decades ago. When all of the dirt was removed, they lifted the casket out of the ground and sat it down. Arie helped me open it. It was like opening a clam and there actually being a pearl inside. There it was, just as she stated. A book bound in cloth encased with glass. It was preserved so well the cloth hadn’t even turned yellow. It was sitting there like it was waiting to be discovered one day. We removed the glass case and they put her father back into the ground. We stayed until he was completely placed back into his resting place, said a prayer gave our respects to Ms. Adie and I took the book back to my house. When I opened the door, my phone started to ring. Three years ago a ringing phone would make me sweat. Now, right now at this moment, it’s insignificant.

  Phone ringing....



  I knew from the Russian accent it was our old friend, Alexi.

  “Alexi. Is that you?”

  “Thanks to you and your brothers, yes, it is.”

  “How the hell are you?”

  “Great! How did you like my gift?”


  “Why yes, hasn’t it arrived yet?”

  “I’m lost.”

  “Mrs. Müller.”

  “Oh! Yes! That, was you? I knew it!”

  He laughs. “Yes, that was me. Did it help you, yes?”

  “Absolutely! More than you know. Thanks so much.”

  “Ah, no problem. I will forever owe you and your family my life, literally.”

  “No. We’re the ones who owe you. The United States owes you.”

  “I am a hero, yes?”


  “A hero you cannot tell anyone about.”

  “Unfortunately, no.”

  “Well, I guess I’ll have to settle for Thanks from you and your family.”

  “You have that daily Alexi.”

  “Until the next time, then.”

  “Count on it.”





  I woke up this morning feeling rejuvenated. I walked into my living room and there it was. It wasn’t a dream. After three years of nothing this would be more along the lines of wishful thinking bordering on being a delusion, but, it was neither, this is real. The book, the sister, the President of the United States being Russian was all real. I can’t believe it. I waked over to my book case to look at it. It was sitting there so unassuming. It’s difficult to believe nature was sacrificed to create pages that harbor such vile words. I don’t know why, but I was hesitant to touch it. As if the bad omen emitting from this creation would somehow possess me; as it seems to have done to those who have come before me. I snapped out of my trance, mustered up the courage (yes it took courage) outstretched my arm and opened my hand to pick it up. I carried it over to my safe placed it inside and locked it away. Maybe in here it won’t be able to do any more damage.

  Still feeling the effects of our win yesterday, I decided
to tackle the Moses size mountain of mail overtaking my kitchen table. I walked to the kitchen and sat down. I knew it was an enormous amount of junk mail so I went to get my shredder and sat back down. Hiding amongst the too late, important and junk was a piece of mail peeking out with an Iowa return address. It’s been a few years since Morris’ death, seeing his parent’s address made my palms moist. I know I’m a soldier who has been in combat. I’ve seen lives lost. I’ve lost men in battle, this was different, we weren’t in combat. Morris wasn’t a soldier. I know he wore a soldier’s uniform, but he was just a kid. A smooth faced flat chested inexperienced kid with the entire world waiting for him to explore it. I just feel like I was instrumental in taking that from him and it still and always will sting. I contemplated throwing it away, but avoidance is never a good solution to anything. I decided to man up and face whatever it was. I opened the top of the envelope turned it over and a thumb drive fell out.

  There was a note with it that read:

  Dear Lieutenant, please forgive the lateness of this drive. With the unexpected death of our son we forgot about it. Prior to our son’s death, he sent this to us and asked that we forward it onto you if something happened to him. Quite naturally, we thought nothing of it until he was gone. My wife stumbled upon this the other day and we wanted to honor our son’s request. We hope whatever is on it will bring you peace and him as well.

  Thank you for your kindness,

  The Franklins

  I got up, got my laptop out and popped it in. There was a link that said simply click here so I did.

  Hi Lieutenant Cole, it’s me Private Morris. I’ve been trying to contact you for several days and haven’t been successful. I guess you could say, things are getting pretty unpredictable here. Well, they’re getting downright scary. I looked into Lieutenant Navarro and you’re right there’s something off about him. His file was the only one corrupted, which is odd. I’ve never seen where there are thousands of files and the system is corrupted only one file is affected. I’m thinking someone did this for him. When I had it rebuilt the wife and her sister’s information is there. I’m forwarding this onto you with this file. The doctor’s report is also included. That’s an interesting read, too, sir. I wonder how he was allowed to enter the military. He must know someone in the oval office or something. I’m kidding, but it is strange. Anyway, the reason I’m making this is because I’ve come across something that could rock the nation, sir. First, my uncle the Attorney General of the United States asked me to tap into the cameras at the White House and record a meeting they were called to attend. I did, but I also captured something else. Ever since I hacked into those cameras, I’ve had someone following me, sir. I haven’t seen them, but it’s like I know they’re there. I almost had an accident and when I took my car to the garage my brakes had been tampered with. Someone broke into my girlfriend’s apartment an assaulted her. I believe they were waiting on me. I’m scared, sir. I’m afraid someone is trying to kill me. I hope you get this before they succeed.

  Listening to Morris’ voice hearing the fear and uncertainty and seeing it in his face sent cold chills down my body. The guilt I thought I’d learned to live with returned with locomotive type speed and hit me with the same intensity. I never shed one tear over Morris’ death and the part I played in it. Seeing him now changed that and for the first time I mourned the kid I mentored. How I wished I could turn back time. Not just to alleviate my guilt ridden soul but for his family. I wanted to ask God why death had to be so final. It wasn’t for Lazarus. Why does it have to be for Morris?

  During the video, I was hit with a wrecking ball one hundred times the size of the normal balls you see. This is what was on the file that Dan Stanis gave to Trevor. We could never decrypt it, but this was it. The AG had rigged the email to download this video. Morris encrypted it so the guy was right. It was military grade encryption.

  After Morris’ video played, voices began and then I saw the Attorney General and the Vice President. It looked like they were involved in a meeting. I pressed rewind to start from the beginning.

  The video recording


  Meeting is called to order by POTUS

  President: “Sit down gentlemen, welcome. I called you here today to discuss a few issues. As you all know the US economy is in shambles. The previous administration did little to improve it. I’ve placed a folder in front of you that holds the solution.”

  “Sir, in his defense, he was killed a year into his term.”

  “That’s true so the blame can’t go to him.”

  “Yes, and he wasn’t in the process of doing anything.”

  “That’s true.”

  “I just wanted to discuss this with you all so we could come up with a strategy. Our banking system is collapsing; insurance companies are raising rates rapidly. The average American family can’t afford it. If you get sick too many times in a year you’re dropped. I have to tell you this can’t continue. Americans are losing jobs one an hour. Every day when I turn on the news you hear about a company closing its doors. People can’t find jobs. They’re losing faith in the economy, in this country. Hospitals are refusing to treat people. You all saw it. A young lady went into the emergency room for help. They turned her away. The next day, her family found her dead at home. One person died in the waiting room. What are we running here, a third world country? Grocery store prices are increasing. Stock market prices are plummeting. Middle class families are losing their homes and begging in the streets. Medicaid checks are about to stop in three months. Educational programs have been halted. The deficit is so high Jesus is worried it’s going to start taking up space in Heaven.”

  “We should’ve come up with a solution ten years ago. We wouldn’t be here now.”

  Chief of staff: “We’re hemorrhaging and if we don’t do something to stop it we’re going to bleed to death.”

  Speaker of the house: “This gentlemen is our solution.”

  Secretary of State: “I think I can speak for everyone when I ask, how exactly is what’s in this folder going to be our saving grace?”

  Secretary of treasury: “I agree. How’s what’s in this folder the solution to drying up the quick sand this country sits in now?”

  Secretary of defense: “That’s a great description because we’re sinking rapidly. We need a lifeline.”

  President: “Gentlemen, I know this has been a long lonely dirt road we’ve been on. Let me assure you this will save our nation. The great people of this nation have trusted me with their hopes and dreams and the future of their children. I can’t let them down. This is why I’ve brought you all together, to introduce you to a necessary plan of action.”

  The Vice President gets up and starts to pass out the rest of the folders. They each take a package open it and begin reading a few pages. As they read, their expressions go from content to dumfounded.

  The Chief of Staff raises his hand. “Mr. President, do your honestly expect us to implement the plan in this folder?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  Vice President: “Mr. President, if I may. I know our country is on the verge of collapse, but this is radical. The United States has never considered something like this. It’s extreme at best.”

  “It’s a necessary plan and a brilliant one. Created by a prolific individual. Are you on board, Tony?”

  Chief of staff: “Yes, I am.”

  “What about the Secretary of the Treasury?”

  “I am sir.”

  “Let’s take a vote. If everyone is in favor we can start going over the details.”

  “Tom?” (The Vice President is asked for his vote.)

  Vice President: “I have to object to this. At no point in history has the United States implemented a plan that the world will view as reprehensible.”

  President: “Tom, are you saying you’re vote is going to be No?”

  Vice President: “Mr. President, I can’t say I could rest nights knowing I agreed to someth
ing like this. But, I can’t say I’m going to vote, no. My vote will be Hell No!”

  President: “Fine, Tom.

  Attorney General George Briggs, your vote is?”

  “With things being worse than bad in this country and on the verge of bankruptcy, I can see why you’d consider such a far reaching plan, however, you know we cannot do this.”

  President: “On the contrary, I wouldn’t have brought you all here, if I wasn’t certain it could be done. We’ve already started putting some of our plan in motion. What you have here is just the bare bones of it. When I have the plan in its entirety you’ll see how magnificent it truly is.”

  Vice President: “From this, I can’t see anything that’s magnificent about it. And, did you say you’ve started putting pieces of this in action?”

  President: “Yes, we have.”

  Looks of disgust and astonishment sweep over the room. What kind of President is this? How can we in good conscience follow a man that lacks morals? These are the thoughts that flow through the minds of some.

  Attorney General George Briggs has the floor. “T.B., have you lost your damn mind? There’s no way any humane society would consider anything like this. Let alone carry out such a repulsive plan. Surely we can come up with another way.”


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