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The Cleansing

Page 47

by Shane Crosby

  Dub’s division of the CIA was doing their very best to keep him in jail, but secretly they heard the whispers, the two words that will drive a prosecutor to withhold evidence and a homicide detective to take justice into his own hands; No Evidence. I knew that bastard would probably walk. Before he did, we were going to make it so difficult for him to become a free man again that when or if he did, every time he saw the sun rise and set it would bring him to tears.

  I've always considered myself a good cop. I would never break the law to get a suspect, but now with this case, I could without question plant evidence, hide evidence anything to put this S-O-B in a hole until he dies and meets his maker; Satan.

  The only thing we had on him was his meeting with Dub. We hoped this showed that he had some knowledge of the sex slavery. However, he didn’t actually tell Dub any details and he wasn’t at any of the meetings. His defense was that he was just passing along information that was given to him by some associates. Of course, he couldn’t name any of these associates. The CIA wasn’t giving up. He’s still being held in prison. His case will be ongoing for quite some time.


  Harris recovered from his injuries and returned to active duty.


  The Italian police apprehended the shooter in the Vice President’s murder. However, while in custody, he was found with his throat cut. No one knows how he this happened or how they gained entry to his cell. The secrets he held died along with him.


  We all get together from time to time and reminisce about the three years we were sent on a wild goose chase by the Attorney General. I know for some, you’d prefer life behind your cubicle sitting in front of your company computer. For us, even though there were days we didn’t think we’d see the next, it beats the mundane monotonous mediocre lives society expects you to lead. For those three years, it was life or death every second of the day, but we got through it together as brothers. We had a purpose. In life, if you don’t find your purpose, your purpose for getting up every day, breathing, living, you’re only existing. We suffered sure, but through it all we found out how to live and that’s what life is about; living..


  We returned to her house as moving men and gave her back the couch we borrowed. She was moved to tears and thanked us for solving her nephew and husband’s murder.


  The cleansing is a book created by Hitler to provide countries with a blue print on how to obtain and maintain a prosperous economy. He goes into detail about how the undesirables within a country’s society are a drain on the economy. If you eliminate these undesirables and create a way to make money for your country, cut the fat without caring what the rich think, your economy will flourish.

  The book goes on to say that if you do not cull your society of what’s draining it, it will create more of a strain on the productive hard working people within any country. He also listed the categories that contain the most undesirables within any country’s economy. In his delusion, he thought nations would seek him out to confer on the book and Germany would be known as the country that was instrumental in the prosperity of every nation.

  When we read it, it’s enough to make your skin walk right off your body. It also makes you see yourself for who you are. There are some items in the book that will get the agreement of more people than you think. You’d be surprised how many people you know, who will agree with the things he says. No one believes they will agree with Hitler, but you’re wrong and I challenge you to read it and come away from it without agreeing with him on some or all of the things he said.

  I would love to tell you more about the book, however, I believe it’s better for a lunatic to tell you all about it in his own words. It’ll be like hearing it from Hitler himself. If you’re honest with yourself, which very few of us are, but if you are, you’ll have to admit I’m right. There’s a part of you and a not so small part that agrees with everything if not a large portion of what’s written within those pages and the beliefs that come out of the President’s mouth which mirror everything Hitler outlined in the Cleansing.

  Exerts from THE CLEANSING

  By Hitler

  First eliminate any programs that reward people for doing nothing.

  The Welfare System: The Welfare System breads laziness and promotes the “get something for nothing mentality.” Each one repeats the cycle, the women have babies at young ages, sixteen is usually the age when they have their first illegitimate child. By the time they are twenty, they commonly have had more than one child. They get on welfare like their mother and grandmother before them. The men leave the household or never integrate into the family at all. The boys are introduced to the justice system at early ages. This is commonly referred to as the Cancer System because like cancer this behavior spreads throughout the family. It infects the entire community. In order to get rid of cancer it must be cut out. These people are never going to be productive because they’ve never seen anyone who is. This program and the people who depended on it must be exterminated. Stop making the people who work daily pay for those who do not.

  Low income/Public housing: Commonly referred to as the Projects. They must be eliminated. Why? It breeds animals. This is another haven for people who don’t want to work to live. They depend on everyone else to do it. The government usually supplements the rent and the most they have to pay out of pocket is five to ten dollars. Show me something you paid five dollars for that you cherish. I’ll wager a bet that it’s nothing. They’re always uneducated. Rarely graduating high school or only have a high school diploma. Higher education is a foreign word. Therefore, the only way they can make money is by destroying society by pumping poison into it in the form of drugs. They can and commonly do, sell five or ten dollars’ worth of drugs and pay the rent. Replace this type of housing with middle-income homes. Turn the neighborhood into a middle class neighborhood. Eliminate the places that people like this can reside and you’ll have a better community and more productive country. Reward your citizens who are working and pouring into your economies by providing them with safe communities to raise their families. Eliminate the cancerous growths.

  Disability: the only people allowed to remain on disability are Veterans. Veterans have already severed their country and gave a lot more of themselves than just time. Anyone on disability for a medical condition other than a serious brain injury are to be reassessed and sent to the gas chamber. Losing a limb isn’t an excuse not to work. Back injury unless you were paralyzed isn’t an excuse not to work.

  Substance abusers: The most undesirable portion of any country. Anyone who would rob their parents, steal from their friends and sell their children just to get a fix aren’t worth pouring money into programs trying to rehabilitate them. Do not take money from hard working citizens to pay for rehab for someone who doesn’t respect themselves enough to not do drugs in the first place. This includes people addicted to prescription medications; they’re not afforded any special treatments because they get their drugs from a physician. Eliminate state run programs that issue medications to ease withdrawals. And, get rid of the ones who use them.

  Illegal Drug distribution: Leeches. They suck the life of any community by destroying the lives of its citizens. Like any big, you squash it.

  Alternative Homes for Kids: These homes are for kids who have exhibited non-exemplary behavior such as violence, absenteeism, breaking the law by theft to name a few. The book says they should be introduced to hard labor. “Children who are already exhibiting the behavior they see every day are unlikely, unless removed from that environment at a very early age, to do anything different from what they’ve seen. Therefore, to pour money into attempting to rehabilitating them would be futile.”

  Illegal immigrants – they enter into your country have children in your country, making them citizens. Which makes them eligible for any aid you give low income families.Now, they’re becoming a part of t
he cancer community and adding to the very community you’re trying to eliminate. They will have a man living with them. He will work and get paid in cash. You’re not collecting taxes from either of them. They will never pour back into the country. Why would you assist them with starting businesses? Pour these resources into the citizens of your country. Pass laws preventing them from entering into the country. Fortify your borders, pass laws eliminating their ability to collect aid from your systems, send a message if caught they will be severely punished up to and including death. If and when they are caught coming into your country, they are to be eliminated. The ones already in your country, they will protest against your new rules. The audacity. Round them up and eliminate them.

  [This above all things made the current President of the United States livid. Prior to canceling the Welfare Program, he signed into law a bill preventing illegals from collecting benefits of any kind.]

  Convicts/Prisons: Serial killers, Pedophiles, rapists are unfit for society. Sexual predators cannot be rehabilitated. Serial killers can’t either. Therefore, they should be eliminated from society. The people in jail for other crimes are used for free labor. When new companies come into your country these men will be used to build new headquarters for those companies. Or new roads, office buildings, etc. Their room and board will no longer be paid for by government resources. Ask your citizens if they would like to pay to house the animal who raped and murdered their mother, sister or child. That’s exactly what you’re forcing them to do when you allow these people to exist in jails and prisons. They will work to put back into your country’s economy. They will not be used to replace qualified workers. They are to work alongside them for free.

  The Homeless: The goal is to weed out this class of people. Clean them up, give them housing and an opportunity to help themselves. You do this to give the appearance that you’re capable of extending to another something you detest, mercy. Don’t worry. You’ll be able to get rid of them soon enough. Within two years, if they haven’t been rehabilitated, they go to the gas chamber.

  Mental Health: people who are completely out of their minds won’t know the difference anyway. They serve no purpose but to drain your resources. Gas them and save on medical costs.

  Diseases: People with long term illnesses or diseases that cannot be cured but can be spread throughout your country they will require long term care. I would suggest ridding your health system of these people. You will have a clean and healthy society rid of any communicable diseases other than the ones you can cure quickly.

  Healthcare: After you’ve gone through all of the programs and weeded out the undesirables, you reduce health care costs. You’ll gain the approval of all working people. After you’ve established a reliable revenue stream, you start putting more money into healthcare and eventually offer a Universal healthcare system. Everyone will be treated with the same level of care. Your country will love you.

  In the book Hitler notes:

  You should show that you’ve attempted to assist people in getting their lives on the right track. Not because you feel their worthy of your assistance, but in doing so, you’ll garner the support of members of society. For example: Criminals, welfare recipients, the homeless and drug addicts should be exterminated without question. But in order to prevent a coup, you must show (pretend) that you have an emotion that you lack, compassion. In exhibiting this one emotion, despite how vile it makes you feel, the people you govern will line up to show their unyielding support for you and your programs. The method you use to improve economic conditions will be over looked.

  Give every class of society something they want. The middle class want to be taxed less; give them this despite the rumblings of the rich because it’s the middle income people that will vote you in or out of office. By doing so, you’ll also help the upper middle class and gain their support. The rich have a tendency to believe nothing can touch them. All they need is their money, which means they could care less who’s in office until it affects their bank accounts. There aren’t more of them than the other classes, that’s why they’re called the one percent. One percent will never be more than the ninety-nine.

  Society wants lower health care costs; make it happen. They want better educational programs; make it happen. The working class want more jobs, make it happen. Someone wants higher minimum wages, give it to them. Let them experience this way of life for a couple of years. By allowing them to get used to having more money on their checks each week, more in their savings, more money for their families and most importantly giving them realistic hope of a better future, you could annihilate an entire town and they wouldn't oppose you. What you’ve done is similar to that of a common drug dealer. You give them a taste for free and then let them see what it’s going to cost. By then, it’s too late. They’re already hooked. If anyone did anything to remove you from office, they would line up in the streets march, chant and some would even result to violence. Not so much in support of you, but in an attempt to keep life, as they know it.


  How he used The Cleansing

  When we pulled up to the federal holding facility where they housed the President, we had to have an armed guard escort. There was pandemonium outside leaving to the prison. There were people outside protesting the arrest of our nation’s leaders. They were spitting at our vehicle, throwing rocks and bottles at us. Holding signs denouncing the people who arrested the President and put this country back into the financial turmoil it was in previously. Someone shot at us from atop a building. We were given bullet proof vests prior to exiting the vehicle. I was more afraid of my fellow Americans than I ever have been of enemy combatants within a hostile country, but now that I think about it, that’s exactly where we are, in a hostile country.

  When they opened the door of the interrogation room, we were met with a scowl. Due to our background investigations, Trevor and I would be speaking with him. This should prove to be an interesting conversation.

  We sat down at the table

  “Good evening. How should we address you?”

  “What do you mean? I'm the President!” It's Sir or Mr. President.”

  The rest of my brothers didn't like that. I could see them bristle at his display of self-importance. After all, he's never been who he was supposed to be at any time in his life let alone demand to be called Mr. President. Trevor and I thought it was laughable and gave a little smirk.

  “Okay, sir if you don't mind, we'd like a few moments of your time.”

  “Make it quick.”

  “Do you have somewhere to go, sir?”

  “Look at your weak attempt at humor. “

  “No joke, sir, just responding to your request to make it quick. Wasn't sure if we were interrupting you.”

  “Get on with it before I end this.”

  “Okay, we appreciate you taking the time to sit and talk with us today.”

  “Yeah, go ahead with your damn questions.”

  “No other President was able to improve economic conditions in such a short period of time, the way you have. Could you provide some insight into your methodology?”

  “Simple. Stop the bleeding and make money.”

  “Seems simple but not simple enough because it hasn't been done previously.”

  “That's because they weren't innovative and just plain didn't have the balls to do what it took.”

  “But you are and did? “

  “Isn't that why you're here?”

  “May I be blunt, Mr. President?”

  “Men don't need to ask permission.”

  “Just being polite. What made you decide on selling sex to help fund the government?”

  “Do you really have to ask that question? Sex sells, period.”

  “What were the initial steps that you took to begin doing this? What criteria did you utilize to select the product? How did you get women to go along with this? “

  “First, there wasn't a clear well thought out plan of action on
that part. They were selected randomly but that didn't work because someone's family would go to the police to report them missing. Pictures on the news, etc. Your brother, that damn nuisance, figured out a way to identify the victims. You should know that.”

  “Then what, if they were reported missing?”

  “Easy. They were eliminated.”

  “You're the master at this I'm here to learn. You killed them and the family?”

  “Of course the family had to go but I didn't kill anyone.”

  “Of course not, no. You changed the way you selected the products after that?”

  “Yes. We had to.”

  “What system did you use?”

  “I devised a system based on the book written by a wonderful man.”

  “You mean Hitler? The Cleansing.”

  “Why yes. Do you know of the book?”

  “Um, no why don't you tell us about it?”

  He started to smile like a father getting ready to brag about his son hitting the game winning home run. It made my skin crawl but I knew I had to pretend to respect and admire him if I wanted answers to the questions we all had for the past three in a half years. I had to play along.

  “As I said earlier, it's simple. Stop the bleeding and make money. The book tells you how to do this. You carefully study everything that's going on with the government programs and the economy. You start eliminating everything that's a drain on the economy.”

  “Those things are? And are there any programs that are off limits?”

  “No. Everything is up for reorganizing, Veterans. I respect men who have served their country.”

  “On behalf of those men it is appreciated. Can you please elaborate? What programs were selected first and what criteria did you use to determine which would be the first to be reorganized?”

  “You know nothing about business, do you, son? It's obvious!”

  He slams his fist down on the table. “Welfare system is a cesspool. A bunch of lazy ass people who are never going to do anything, this was an easy decision. Since they had done nothing but take from this country, it was time for them to give back. The women were selected to provide a service and repay their government.”


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