Stryke (New Vampire Disorder Book 4)

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Stryke (New Vampire Disorder Book 4) Page 18

by Marie Johnston

  Quution removed his hand and sliced his palm and stuck it toward Stryke. “You would be dedicated to a worthy cause, my brother.”

  Stryke followed suit without hesitation, but a part of him died as he shook. Zoey’s words registered in his mind. She’d been right, of course. He’d been nothing but blind devotion to her and that was unhealthy, had made him almost as worthless as he’d been before. Now he had purpose, a noble one, but he couldn’t fool himself. He wasn’t doing this to win her over, but because it had to be done. He’d exhibited protective instincts before. With Fyra. Lee. But never for those he’d never met, who couldn’t do a thing to advance Stryke’s plans. This act needed to be stopped and prevented from occurring ever again and it was like he’d been training his whole life to do just that.

  Maybe Zoey would be proud, but it didn’t matter. He’d just tied himself to the underworld for the rest of his existence.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Zoey stood over Creed in his office, her gaze dancing between the monitors. Creed kicked his legs out and crossed them at the ankles, managing to remain seated on his exercise-ball office chair. He finished pointing out the new cameras. “So, now we have a complete view of the woods. Somewhat obscured because…trees.”

  He squeezed a smiley-face stress ball in one hand. When she’d been in here last, she’d busted him watching the Blanchettes’ place and Melody, but this time the monitors only contained images of the woods and the exterior of the compound.

  “We could just get word out that you’re no longer bound to Stryke.” Creed tossed the stress ball up and caught it again. Zoey frowned at him but he wasn’t being facetious. He was throwing an obvious option out and evaluating her response.

  “Hypna would use me to drive him into the open. We can’t take the chance she succeeds. You might not like him, but we’re not the kind to set males up to get assaulted and put innocent babies at risk.”

  “Agreed.” Toss, catch. Toss. Catch. He watched her. A lack of heat was present in his gaze. He cared for her but no longer had any sexual interest.

  Toss, catch. Toss, catch.

  With a disgusted snarl, she snatched the ball and pitched it toward the far wall. It ricocheted and hit the ceiling, then bounced off another wall. Creed stretched out, caught it before it took out a monitor, and held it firmly in his grip.

  She sighed. “Don’t you dare ask me about him. I’ll be fine doing my job.”

  “I wasn’t concerned about that. You always get the job done.” He paused and she ripped her gaze away to stare aimlessly at his desk. “You’re different.”

  She slid her gaze back to him.

  He held up his hands like he was an innocent victim and not flirting with a left hook. “Serious, but like not in a bad way. I’d like to say you’ve loosened up, but I don’t think that’s you and that’s okay. I just think you’ve suppressed a side of yourself for a long time and you actually let her out to play. Then after the Synod bullshit, you shoved her back in. But you’re not as okay with it.”

  “You heard what he did to Mitchell.”

  Creed nodded, his face solemn. “I did, and this has nothing to do with either of those males. I just… Never mind.” He turned back to his keyboard and tapped a few buttons. The images on the screens changed to a different view of the woods.

  “You can’t drift off like that and leave me hanging.”

  He turned back, wariness in his gaze. “You’ve always been a female with your own mission. You didn’t let Mitchell sway you, and we all know how much he tried. You didn’t let Stryke sway you. But the Synod makes a few grunts about not liking you hooking up with a demon they don’t know shit about, and well, you bend immediately.”

  “You said it there. Demon. It doesn’t matter what we don’t know about him. He’s a demon.”

  “And you know that’s bullshit. Just like us fearing Fyra turning against us is a pointless concern. Remember, this isn’t about Stryke or his obsession with you. It’s about you doing what you believe in. You found someone you started to believe in, and the Synod shakes their head and you’re done.”

  Her face went numb as blood drained away. No. No, that wasn’t it at all. She’d believed in Stryke? She’d barely believed him, period.

  Except…had she?

  “Damn you, Creed. I had this all figured out. I had a good reason for—” Movement in the woods stole her words.

  Creed spun around to see what’d stopped her. “Shit.” He tapped the radio. “Boss, we have action. Standby.”

  He zoomed, but the image grew grainier.

  Zoey leaned over his shoulder. “Humans or vampires?”

  “Nightfall is an hour away. Could be both if the vampire is powerful enough. And Yancy would be.”

  A male took a long, bulky object from his back and kneeled.

  They both strained to make out details when the male rested it on his shoulder and aimed one end toward the compound.

  “Hellfire. Is that an RPG?”

  “Not on my watch.” Creed tapped a few buttons and muffled gunshots could be heard from the office.

  Plops of dirt scattered around the male as he dove to the side. Creed lay on the trigger and from the comfort of the compound, he fired shot after shot toward the male. The figure jerked and rolled, eventually falling still. Creed eased off the button. A yawning, black chasm opened. Brittle branches cracked and whipped around it and snow flurries swirled in the air. Then all went still.

  “Good. You hit him.” She peered at the other monitors and stabbed at a suspicious blur. “There. Another one. Female this time.”

  Creed was punching in a few buttons to recalibrate the mounted guns when Zoey gasped. The exterior door had flung open and two young boys tumbled out. Ari and Xavier were giggling and dodging each other, oblivious to the danger around them.

  Zoey tore out of the office, Creed right behind her. They raced through the halls and up the stairs toward the exit.

  A shrill female voice was calling out the boys’ names. Melody.

  Creed had been absolutely right. Having to protect her on top of containing the boys was a nightmare.

  Laughter drifted in through the open door and Melody shrieked.

  Zoey put on a boost of speed and Creed almost shoved past her. They both barreled out of the door. Ari and Xavier frolicked in the snow and were already near the tree line. Melody was jogging toward them, like she was pretending to join in on the fun, but was really going to corral them. Zoey instinctively broke for the boys, while Creed tackled Melody.

  Gunfire rang out from the woods and the boys went quiet.

  Zoey was just yards away when a female appeared between them. Yancy—possessed by Hypna, no doubt.

  A wicked grin lit Yancy’s face as she stared at the kids. “Oh my. You two are just adorable. So yummy and tender.” She stooped to greedily sweep them into her arms, but they darted away. More gunshots echoed and Yancy straightened. “Quit shooting, idiots. You’re scaring the bait away.”

  Ari sprinted for Melody with Xavier trying to keep up. Creed released Melody to rush and meet them. Ari dodged, thinking it was all a game.

  Zoey yanked her gun out and aimed at Yancy’s head, but the female disappeared.

  “Fuck.” She circled around.

  Yancy appeared ten feet in front of Ari and lunged for him. Zoey slowed her breathing, Yancy in her sights.

  Exhale. Fire.

  Yancy’s shoulder flung back and she snarled. Ari pivoted with a shriek and spun in another direction. Creed had reached Grace’s brother and cradled him in his arms. He reached a hand out to snag Melody, but she’d taken off for Ari.

  “Melody, dammit,” Creed growled. “Get inside where it’s safe.”

  Melody didn’t slow. Zoey flashed in front of her and spun her around. “Go inside!” Melody stumbled, taking several steps to regain her balance.

  Ari screamed. Zoey whipped around, her stomach plummeting. Yancy held the boy by the arms.

  Zoey swallowed and fla
shed again. Landing behind Yancy, she slammed an elbow into the crook of the female’s neck. Yancy shouted in pain and dropped to her knees, releasing Ari. She tucked and rolled before Zoey could grab her.

  Ari ran away, crying loud and hard. Xavier was screaming in Creed’s arms. Melody was closer and rushed for Ari.

  Yancy jumped up and flashed. She was probably going for Ari again. Zoey concentrated to flash. She disappeared and reappeared in time to see Melody shove Ari behind her and yank a stake from her waistband. Without hesitation, Melody struck.

  Her aim was stellar and her speed was fast for a human.

  The dull thunk of the stake reached Zoey’s ears before Yancy’s shout. The vampire stumbled backward and tripped.

  Dammit, Melody hadn’t been strong enough to plunge the spear into Yancy’s heart, just injure her. Zoey kicked into motion to finish the deed, but Melody beat her again.

  “You don’t touch my kids,” the girl screeched. She dove onto Yancy’s chest as the vampire fell. Melody clutched the stake with both hands. Using her body weight, she dropped anchor on the piece of wood and sent it straight to its target.

  A gurgling howl cut off as Yancy’s body poofed into ash.

  Melody bounced to the ground as the body disappeared. She raised both arms in a whoop. A shot resounded from the trees and Melody flinched. Zoey gasped. A tiny hole blew open in Melody’s sweater. The silly, courageous, infuriating girl looked as shocked and scared as Zoey felt. As red bloomed out from the hole, another horrifying thought occurred to Zoey.

  Creed beat her with the warning. “Melody, move! Get the fuck out of there!”

  Spurred into action, Zoey closed the distance to rescue Melody, but a little body beat her.

  “Melwo-dee!” Lines of tears streaked down Ari’s face. He sought comfort from his nanny and it was putting him in greater danger than before.

  The chasm was opening right under Melody, but she didn’t notice. Her stunned gaze was on her shoulder and she touched the bullet hole and winced.

  “Melody, move!” Hellfire. Zoey snatched Ari up and he fought, not knowing Zoey well enough when Melody was within reach.

  Zoey reached for the girl, intending to flash all of them away, when Melody slumped to the side. The vacuum of the groaning opening rustled dried leaves and hunks of snow. All inched in the direction of the portal. The force increased, toppling Melody inside.

  Zoey met Creed’s horrified gaze, his hold still tight on Xavier. His gaze beseeched her, asking if she could just find a way to save Melody from the awful fate that awaited her when she landed in the underworld next to Hypna. But Zoey had to save the child. She flashed with Ari to Creed and rushed them both through the exterior door and out of range of the gunfire.


  Stryke stepped through the trees and eyed his brother. Ironically, they’d found a set of twin men, midforties, sporting impressive beer guts, to possess. The men had both divorced within months of each other and were new depressed bachelors living together. Easy finds with their broken energy patterns acting like a beacon to creatures like Stryke and his brother.

  The dudes had been good choices, though—they were avid sportsmen of the shooting variety, shooting trophies and awards lining the walls of their barren apartment. Stryke and Quution were each packing handguns with plenty of ammo and their car had no less than three loaded shotguns.

  The compound and the fight he’d heard raging around them came into view. Stryke stopped in his tracks, willing his eyes to be wrong about what he’d just seen. A young human girl had been sucked into the underworld with Hypna. Zoey and Creed had saved the children at least, but the human would suffer dearly.

  Familiar woods surrounded Stryke, taunting him with the time he’d camped close to this very spot to keep watch over his female. He’d possessed a sense of duty, a small amount of optimism, and complete blindness. He could argue he’d been doing the right thing, but perhaps he’d been doing it for the wrong purpose. Again, he found himself with innocent beings who didn’t know they counted on him for their safety, but unlike Zoey, current and future babies couldn’t defend themselves. This cause was right, Stryke felt in every fiber of his being. Yet it didn’t assuage the deep sadness weaved into his every fiber. Because one thing he hadn’t deluded himself about were his feelings toward the vampire. They were real.

  But they weren’t returned. So be it. He had shit to do, a human girl to save, and a wicked demon to kill—and that was only a start.

  “Demon balls. Did you just see that?” Quution breathed next to him. “That little blonde is fucked.”

  Stryke shifted to peer around the trees. Other human hosts were roaming the woods and he wanted to locate the one who’d shot the girl. “If we can save her, the vampires will be more likely to work with us.”

  “How convenient,” Quution murmured with a smirk. “Saving her will involve killing Hypna. Win-win.” His keen gaze scanned the trees like Stryke’s had. “I sense five hosts. You break right.”

  Worked for Stryke. He took off to his right, wanting the shooter. He hadn’t met the human, but he knew her story and anyone who could leave everything she knew and serve another species—willingly—ranked highly in his book. He obviously had a soft spot for people who cared for children.

  When had kids become a thing with him?

  He toed through the woods. His host wasn’t in the best shape of his life, but he’d kept active enough that a late-night hike didn’t wind him much, beer gut aside. Still, Stryke took it slowly. The host he was after was crashing through branches and leaving visible footprints in the snow. Stryke could only assume from his circular trajectory around the compound that he was attempting to open fire on it. But Zoey, Creed, and the kids were behind closed doors.

  Stryke pulled his gray turtleneck higher and crouched down. The douche was coming back this way and hadn’t sensed Stryke yet.

  Either Quution had dispatched his targets extremely quietly, or he hadn’t engaged yet. Either way, any noise Quution made shouldn’t hurt his chances. If his target was put on alert, he had a long way to go before becoming stealthy. The guy was twitchy as fuck.

  “I can smell you, demon.”

  Ah. So he did sense Stryke. He didn’t bother concentrating his energy and dampening his smell. Then the second-tier he stalked would suspect it was him.

  Stryke smiled to himself. But they would be ever so surprised to find Quution hunting them in the woods. His second-tier brother who made all quake, thinking he was a loose-cannon pure-blood.

  How quickly Stryke’s opinion of Quution had changed. But then he’d been more open-minded as soon as Quution had quit trying to kill him. Stryke frowned. Actually, Quution had never tried killing him per se. His brother had been angry and filled with resentment, but his tactics had been more attention getting.

  Enough pondering. The host was closing the gap between them and all Stryke had to do was wait.

  In the distance, a muffled roar filtered through the trees. The sound of a portal opening. Stryke sent out energy feelers. His brother’s similar power answered. Good. One down and—

  The host spun around, just feet from Stryke, his eyes wide, growing impossibly wider when his gaze landed on Stryke.

  “You,” he hissed, revealing a mouthful of half-rotted teeth. He swung his gun up.

  Stryke slapped the barrel skyward. A shot went off in the air. Stryke ignored it and pulled the attacker toward him. The guy lobbed a punch, but it was so slow and cumbersome Stryke batted it away and spun the man around.

  He broke the human’s neck easily enough, stripped him of his weapon, and shoved him away as hard as he could. The body collided with a tree trunk, branches cracking, before falling limply at the base.

  Stryke strode away as soundlessly as possible in his hiking boots. He sent his feelers out again, the portal causing all kinds of energy alarms to go off.

  The last three were easy to find, just as not stealthy as the one Stryke had just taken care of. They were deeper
in the trees, heading toward the road, fleeing after hearing the portals opening and witnessing the demise of Hypna’s host. Stryke knew exactly where they’d parked. He and Q had scoped them out before choosing their own spot—after deflating some tires first.

  Swearing and yelling coaxed a smile out of Stryke. He spotted Quution off to his left. His brother caught his gaze and nodded. They both checked their weapons and changed course to their targets’ cars, guns raised.

  They began firing as soon as the hosts were visible in the trees. Two women and a man. From this distance, their greasy, ratty hair was obvious, along with their general lack of hygiene.

  The women snarled and ran around the opposite side of the car for cover. They returned fire, but their blood stained the air. The man slid against the car, leaving a smear of blood across the teal paint. He had wrestled his weapon out and hit the trigger several times before making contact with the ground. Stryke stalled long enough to aim. The gunshot hit the man between the eyes.

  But no time to mentally award himself a shooting trophy; the women’s accuracy was improving. Bark flew off the trees around Stryke. At least he was far enough away to not worry about the portal sucking the man’s demon home.

  Quution grunted in pain and dropped to a knee but kept up constant suppressive fire.

  Stryke took cover behind a narrow trunk that offered only enough cover for his ear and spine, but it was enough.

  The air ripened with gunpowder and blood. None of his host’s blood yet. One woman dove into the car while the second laid down cover fire. The engine fired up and just as Stryke was about to gloat that they wouldn’t get anywhere with four flats, the second shooter dove into the back and the car lurched away. Rubber flapped against the ground. Soon, it’d be shaved away and the car would be chugging along with nothing but rims throwing up sparks. Stryke debated if it was worth the effort sending an energy jolt to the battery and stopping it dead.

  He didn’t have to decide, though. The driver slumped and the car careened off the road, bumping through the ditch right into a tree trunk. A crack wrenched through the tree and the telltale groan of a portal resonated from the holes in the window. Then another.


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