Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital, 71
Jobs, Steve, 294
John Bartram High School, 16–17
John Paul II, Pope, 335
John Scott Award, 353–55
Johns Hopkins University, 22, 58, 122
Johnson, Lyndon, 209
Johnston, Vic, 347–48
joint pain, 161, 232, 233, 234, 237
Jones, C. M., 214
Joseph, Sister Mary, 176, 180, 226
Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation, 153, 204
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 75, 77
Journal of Immunology, 173
Journal of Infectious Diseases, 198
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 123, 124, 138, 159, 255, 258, 259, 304, 305
Journey to the Centre of the Earth (Verne), 57
Kaplan, Henry, 293
Karolinska Institute, 3–4, 4, 80, 88, 127
Katz, Michael, 32, 193, 194, 227
Keller, Helen, 188
Kelsey, Frances, 190
Kennedy, Donald, 312
Kennedy, John F., 64, 65, 68, 90, 153, 247
Kennedy, Joseph P., Jr., 153, 204
Ketler, Al, 18
King, Benjamin, 49
Kings County Hospital, 142
Kirschstein, Ruth, 110, 124, 125, 208, 251
Kissling, R. E., 167–68
Kitasato Institute, 334
Koch, Robert, 19
Koldovsky, Pavel, 244
Koop, C. Everett, 188
Koprowska, Irena, 33
Koprowski, Christopher, 32
Koprowski, Hilary, 31–43
background of, 33–34
Hayflick’s departure, 6, 215, 216
Hayflick’s hiring, 30, 40
at Lederle, 33, 34, 38, 39
managerial style of, 39–40, 151–52
personality of, 31–33, 39–40
polio vaccine, 34–37, 98–108, 111, 113, 128, 144, 152, 153
trials, 106–8, 109–10, 115–16, 117, 119–20, 122
rabies vaccine, 164, 167–69, 170, 173–74, 303, 304, 344–45
rubella vaccine, 230
update on, 358
at Wistar, 3, 30, 31–33, 38–43, 44, 53, 55–56, 151, 164
WI-38 cells and, 75–76, 215–23, 241–42, 244–45
February follow-up, 220–21, 243
January agreement, 219–20, 241–42, 243, 272, 286
Korean War, 86
Kornberg, Arthur, 240, 324
Krauss, Nicole, 13
Kritchevsky, David, 39, 152
Krol, John Joseph, 119, 176–77, 226–27
Krugman, Saul, 160, 178, 195, 231
Kruif, Paul de, 141–42
Labor Department, U.S. (DOL), 315
Lacks, Henrietta, 41n, 58
laminar flow hoods, 92
Lamont-Havers, Ronald, 278–79, 280, 284
Lancet, 104, 105, 109, 137
Langmuir, Alexander, 143
Lasker, Albert, 210
Lasker, Mary, 210–12, 225
Latin Casino, 18
Lazear, Jesse, 21
Lederberg, Joshua, 240
Lederle Laboratories, 33, 34, 38, 98–99, 198, 251–52
Lehigh Coal & Navigation Company, 26
Leidy, Joseph, 17
Lennette, Edwin, 32
Letchworth Village, 36–37
leukemia, 45, 235–36
Levan, Albert, 46, 49
Levinthal, Jeana, 111
Lewis, Margaret, 53
Lewis, Sinclair, 141–42
Loeffler, Friedrich, 20
Los Angeles Times, 268
Lourie, Alan D., 229
Lycke, Erik, 81
Lyman, Richard, 293
Lynn, Michael, 347
McCarthy, Kevin, 234–35
McClintock, Barbara, 324
MacConnell, Anna Gabrielle, 338–39, 358
MacConnell, Betsy, 337–39, 358
MacConnell, Chip, 337–39, 358
MacConnell, Daniel, 338
McDonald, J. C., 183
McGucken, Joseph T., 268–69
Mackowiak, Vre C., 129
McLaughlin, A. C., 29
McLimans, William, 53
McMaster University, 328
Macy, Marvin, 219
Mahan, Edna, 106, 107, 359
Mahoney, Florence, 321
Malone, Thomas, 279, 317
Man, the Unknown (Carrel), 58
Manson, Lionel, 62
Maraniss, David, 78
Marburg virus outbreak, 198–203, 208
Marriage Council of Philadelphia, 52
Marshall, John, 28
Marshall, R. E., 139
Marston, Robert, 280
Maton, William, 135
Max Planck Institute, 40
Mayo Clinic, 321
Medawar, Peter, 44
medical experiments, 7–8, 36–37, 71–75, 194–96, 350–52
prisoner trials, 122–24, 124n, 179
Medical Research Council (MRC), 92–93, 105, 213, 214–15, 243, 272n, 274, 284, 289, 308
Medvedev, Zhores, 293
Melnick, Joseph, 318
Merck & Co., 26
Benoit vaccine, 154, 198, 209, 211–12, 232
chicken pox vaccine, 307–8, 309, 340, 343, 349
Hayflick and WI-38 cells, 275–76, 310
hepatitis A vaccine, 307, 308–9, 343–44
MMR vaccines, 307, 333–35, 340, 347
polio vaccine, 98–100, 108, 110–11
rubella vaccine, 6, 153–54, 178, 189–90, 209–12, 225–26, 231–33, 261, 346–48
Meredith, Betsy, 51
Mérieux, Charles, 230
Meruvax, 253, 258
metallic sodium, 16
Meyer, Harry “Hank,” 154–55, 225, 290
NIH Conference, 231–33
rubella vaccine, 154, 190–92, 198, 250
trials, 191–92, 205, 208–9, 210–12, 230–31
Microbe Hunters (de Kruif), 141–42
Microbiological Associates, 293, 295
microbiology, 19
Miller, Elizabeth, 139n
Miller, Fritz, 285
Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood, 176
MMR II vaccine, 307, 333–35, 340
MMR vaccine, 307, 347
monkey kidney cells, 2, 4, 68, 78–79
monkey virus. See SV40 virus
Moorhead, Paul, 30, 84, 127
background of, 30, 64
Hayflick limit and, 69–70, 72–77, 78, 273, 320
John Scott Award, 353–55
polio vaccines, 108, 126–27
“The Serial Cultivation of Human Diploid Cell Strains,” 72–78, 83, 89–90, 126, 152, 177, 243, 273, 320
WI-38 cells and, 88–89, 90–91, 101–2, 223
Morris, J. Anthony, 247–50
Morris, Thomas D., 301
Moscow University, 324
Mousalam, Fadlo, 293
MRC-5 cells, 214–15, 308–9, 343–44
Mrs. X, 2, 86–88, 93–94, 101, 270, 349, 356, 360–61
Mullally, Daniel, 205, 230–31
Müller, Günter, 201, 202
Muller, Hermann, 324
Murphy, Donald, 243, 276, 279–83
Murray, Roderick, 121–27, 154
background of, 121–22
Eddy and polio vaccine, 110
Hayflick’s cell lines and, 125–27, 129, 246–47, 290
prisoner experiments, 122–25
rubella vaccines, 177–78, 179, 190–91, 202–3
, 207, 208, 209, 210, 212, 226, 231, 234, 236, 237
Senate hearings and, 247–50, 280
update on, 359
Murrow, Edward R., 273
Mussolini, Benito, 33
Mycoplasma, 27, 67, 215, 242–43, 354
Nader, Ralph, 247
NASA Experiment Number SO15, 268–70
Nathan Hayflick Dental Laboratory, 18
National Bacteriological Laboratory, 3–4, 81–82, 358
National Cancer Institute (NCI), 58, 85, 92–93, 216, 218–19, 220, 243
National Enquirer, 109
National Home for Asthmatic Children, 141
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 153, 173, 190–91, 204–5, 230–31, 250
National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, 178
National Institute of Veterinary Investigation, 168
National Institute on Aging, 273, 278–80, 284, 296, 300, 321
National Institutes of Health. See NIH
National Museum of American History, 6
National Veterinary School, 168
Nature, 214–15, 355
Naval Air Station Kenitra, 169, 171
Naval Biological Laboratory (Oakland), 239
Naval Station Great Lakes, 335
Nazareth Childcare Center, 255
Negri bodies, 169, 171
Nelson-Rees, Walter, 239
Neva, Franklin, 140
Newark Eye and Ear Hospital, 184
New England Journal of Medicine, 8, 195–96, 208, 254, 255, 350–51
New York Cancer Society, 110
New Yorker, 90
New York Times, 58, 67, 108, 215, 230, 246, 254, 277, 281, 288, 290, 291, 330, 343
New York Tribune, 58
New York University, 34, 142, 160, 178, 231, 235
Ney, Marshal, 258
Nigeria, 252
NIH (National Institutes of Health). See also DBS
Eddy and Cutter incident, 95–96, 100
Eddy and SV40 virus, 97–101, 110–11, 248
Governor’s House conference (1969), 231–37
research grants, 32, 153, 173, 204–5, 206, 218, 273, 288, 300–301
Schriver investigation, 6, 280–87, 296
Schriver report, 288–92, 296–97
NIH Career Development Award, 215–16
NIH Record, 230–31, 280–81
Nixon, Richard, 321
Norden, 217
Northwestern University, 342
Norton, Tom, 32, 37, 109, 120, 238
Novartis, 344
Nowell, Peter, 47
Nugent, Arthur, 112
Nuwiq, 353
Obstetrical Society of Philadelphia, 50
Offit, Paul, 210, 258
O’Hara, John Cardinal, 112, 118–19, 176
Ohio Soldiers and Sailors Orphanage, 123
Ohio State Penitentiary, 71
Olitsky, Peter, 23–24, 34
Olovnikov, Alexey, 324–26, 328
O’Malley, Joe, 190, 206
Ophthalmological Society of Australia, 137
oral contraceptives, 64
Oregon Health & Science University, 43
Oscar I of Sweden, 87
Oshinsky, David M., 104n
Osler, William, 17, 113–14
Pakistan, 252
Palo Alto Art Club, 239
Pan American Health Organization, 346
Panos, Theodore, 191–92
Parke-Davis, 108, 225–26
Parkman, Paul, 225, 237
background of, 140
NIH Conference, 231–33
rubella vaccine, 154–55, 198, 250
trials, 190–92, 205, 208–9, 210–12, 230–31
rubella virus and, 140, 145–46, 153, 154
passive immunization, 35, 169
Pasteur, Louis, 1, 91, 141, 166, 302, 303
Pasteur Institute of Iran, 302, 304–5, 345
Patent and Trademark Office, U.S., 173, 221–22, 258, 304, 314, 315
patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), 137, 146, 186–87
patents, 6, 276–78, 312–17
rabies vaccine, 173–74
to universities, 312–17
WI-38 cells, 217–18
Paul Ehrlich Institute, 199–200
Pawan, J. L., 33–34, 164
Payne, Franklin, 52, 161–62
Pearce, James, 306
penicillin, 20, 92, 124, 170–71, 195, 277, 351
Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children, 189
Perkins, Frank, 92, 127, 214, 284
Perkins School for the Blind, 188
Perlmutter, Saul, 354
Pfizer, 213, 217, 238, 246–47, 250–52, 274–75
PGH Research Fund, 114
Philadelphia Chromosome, 47
Philadelphia County Relief Board, 15
Philadelphia General Hospital (PGH), 1–2, 5, 113–17, 119, 157, 359
Philadelphia Mayor’s Scholarship, 16–17
Philadelphia Museum School of Industrial Art, 26
Philips Roxane, 190, 209, 225–26, 231, 232, 233, 237, 253
Pica, Vincent, 182–83, 184, 186
Pietrangelo, Dr. Alfred, 183, 185
Pittman Moore, 303
Pius XII, Pope, 52
Planned Parenthood, 52–53, 210, 352–53
plasmids, 277
Pleibel, Nancy, 216, 241, 281–83
pleuropneumonia-like organisms (PPLOs), 27, 29, 61
Plotkin, Alec, 227, 259
Plotkin, Helen Ehrlich, 149–50, 151, 227, 259
Plotkin, Michael, 149–50, 151, 227, 259
Plotkin, Stanley
background of, 141–42
cytomegalovirus vaccine, 354
funding and grants, 204–5
at Great Ormond Street Hospital, 141, 145–47
Hayflick sales and, 244, 292, 295–96
medical training, 141, 142–43
NIH Conference, 231–32, 233–37
personal life of, 259, 359
polio vaccine, 103, 105, 107–8, 115–16, 117, 141, 144–45
rabies vaccine, 304
RA 27/3 rubella vaccine, 5, 7, 163, 204–8, 228–32, 233–34, 237–38, 274, 275, 346
Horstmann’s research, 253–58, 260–61
license agreements, 238, 244, 258–61
patent, 221–22, 229–30
trials, 176–81, 189, 192–98, 206–8, 226–28, 233–34
rubella research, 141, 145–50, 152–63, 157n
Senate hearings, 249–50
update on, 358–59
at Wistar, 141, 143–44, 151–52
Plotkin, Susan Lannon, 259, 359
polio, 13, 23–26, 34–35
polio vaccine, 2, 34–37, 68, 95–98. See also specific vaccines
Cutter incident, 2, 95–96, 100, 121
SV40 virus and, 2, 97–101, 102–6, 108–11, 125
Pollard, Morris, 30
polyoma virus, 46, 96
Pomerat, Charles, 29–30, 127
population doubling levels (PDL), 63–64, 274
Pound, Ezra, 31
Poupard, Jim, 112–13, 116–17, 119–20, 359
pregnant women, rubella vaccination risks, 233, 233n
Preston, Richard, 201–2
Prince Henry Hospital (Sydney), 136
prisoner experiments, 122–24, 124n, 179
Privacy Act of 1974, 294, 295, 318
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 90–91, 111
Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 140
Providence College
, 282
Provost, Philip, 308, 343
Public Health Service, U.S., 121, 143, 196
Pucinski, Roman, 196
Puck, Theodore “Ted,” 47–48, 76–77, 320
Pulmozyme, 352–53
Purcell, Bill, 39
QSOX1, 342
rabies, 164–74
epidemiology, 169–70
prevalence, 165–66
signs and symptoms, 165
transmission, 33–34, 165
rabies vaccine, 68, 166–71, 309, 344–45
Billy’s case, 169, 170–72
Iran case, 302–5
patents, 173–74
Sprick case, 172–73
Raffel, Sidney, 216
Ramsay, A. Melvin, 146–47
Randolph, Martin, 256
Raub, William, 408n
Ravdin, Isidor Schwaner, 33, 51–53, 71
Ravdin, Robert, 46, 53, 71–72, 111
Razi Institute, 302
RA 27/3 rubella vaccine, 5, 7, 163, 204–8, 228–34, 237–38, 274, 275, 346
Horstmann’s research, 253–58, 260–61
license agreements, 238, 244, 258–61
patent, 221–22
trials, 176–81, 189, 192–98, 206–8, 226–28, 233–34
Reagan, Leslie J., 160
Reagan, Ronald, 188, 314n, 317
Recherche et Industrie Thérapeutiques (RIT), 190, 225–26, 229, 230–31
Reed, Walter, 21
Reichert Company, 65
Reimers, Niels, 276–77, 315n
replicometers, 323
Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, 307
respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), 214
Rhoads, Jonathan, 33
Ribicoff, Abraham, 247–50, 280
Rich, Clayton, 284
Richardson, Elliot, 250
Richardson, Suzanne, 108
Richmond, Julius, 301
Rigoni-Stern, Domenico, 44–45
Rimbaud, Arthur, 31
Riseberg, Richard J., 286, 300–301, 407–8n
River, The (Hooper), 107
Rivers, Thomas, 21, 25
Robbins, Frederick, 23, 24–26, 143
Rockefeller Foundation, 33
Rockefeller Institute, 22, 23–24, 57
Roe v. Wade, 50, 176, 265, 267, 270
Romper Room (TV show), 90
Roosa, Robert, 241, 354
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 106
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 13
Rosanoff, Eugene, 223
Ross, John D., 219
Roth, Ursula, 31
Rothman, David J., 123–24
Rous, Peyton, 45–46, 75, 77, 236
Rous sarcoma virus, 45
Roux, Pierre Paul Émile, 225
Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children, 133–35
Royal Army Medical Corps, 133
Royston, Ivor, 312
rubella, 1–2, 68, 135
diagnosis, 139–40, 146–49, 158–61
The Vaccine Race Page 60