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Under His Skin

Page 19

by Jennifer Blackstream

  “What part is that?” she breathed.

  Her voice reflected surprise and curiosity. The weight of depression had eased and her voice sounded almost normal. Heartened, Brec pressed on.

  “My older brother, Micah, is a warrior. He and his fellows patrol the waters and keep the killer whales out of our territory. If something happens to one of our people, it’s the warriors that mete out justice.” He rolled his eyes. “My last girlfriend was enamored with them. I think she used me to get closer to my brother.”

  “She sounds like an idiot,” Ana grumbled.

  Brec raised his eyebrows. “Are you . . . jealous?”

  Ana scowled. “Screw you. No, I’m not jealous.”

  He smiled wider, delighted for some strange reason that Ana was jealous of Katie. When Ana glared at him, he gave in to the sudden impulse to duck his head and nuzzle her chin. “Hearing someone as beautiful and strong as you speak about healers as if they were so obviously superior to warriors really meant a lot to me,” he admitted. “I’ve been trying to convince my brother to let me train to be a warrior for an eternity and he always shut me down. He said he couldn’t risk anything happening to me because the loss of my healing abilities would hurt our people too much.”

  “Your brother is obviously smarter than you.”

  Brec frowned, pretending to be annoyed. “I wouldn’t go that far.”

  For a long minute they both stared at each other. Their playful banter had lightened the mood, but there was still a cloud hanging over them—a cloud that seemed to come from the skin lying on the floor. He raised his hand and brushed her hair behind her ear. Ever so slowly, he eased himself down so that his body lie over top of her, his elbows on either side of her body propping him up so that their faces were only a few inches apart and her world was narrowed down to his face and the heat of his body hovering over hers.

  “Ana, until now I only saw you as some thief who stole other people’s lives for some unimaginable reason. I’ve only just now gotten to see the real you—a woman who’s suffering and trying to survive the only way she can see to try. Someone who has so much potential to really help people, not just because of all the studying you’ve done, but because you know what it’s like to suffer.” He let a pleading tone creep into his voice. “I like this woman I’m seeing now. Please don’t take her away from me.”

  Chapter 23

  Ana didn’t know if it was the pleading tone in the selkie’s voice, the warmth of his body over hers, or the fact that he’d actually trusted her enough to bring his skin into the room, but something was cracking the nice fuzzy shield around her heart. Emotions were trickling in, pulling her out of the apathetic cocoon she’d been enjoying so much. She wanted to look away, wanted to hide from the emotions threatening her safe numbness. But she couldn’t.

  Not when his deep black eyes were so close to hers. Not when he was saying things she’d never known she needed to hear. Not when he was giving her a glimpse into something she was just starting to think she wanted. She tried to turn her head to look at the spot on the floor where her skin lay, but his hands grasped the sides of her head.

  “Look at me, Ana.”

  Her skin called to her. Loneliness and pain, fire and blood, it screamed at her. Brec’s hands anchored her face, keeping her from turning back. She raised her hands, sliding her fingers over his where they cupped her face. He took one of her hands in his, careful to be gentle and not disturb the gauze around her injuries.

  Part of her melted a little, a tiny flash of longing flaring to life in her soul. There was so much emotion in his eyes. so much waiting for her if she just had the strength to take it. Her eyes met his and slowly she pulled her fingers away from his lips.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  There was a flash of emotion in his eyes. Before she could identify it, his mouth crashed down on hers. A sizzle ran down her spine, fueled by the memory of another kiss, stolen while she stood wet and vulnerable in the shower. She could almost feel his hand clasping the back of her neck as his mouth plundered hers, ferociously offering her retribution for her teasing. Her body remembered that pleasure and it wanted more.

  Torn between the need to finally give up and be done with the life that brought her so much pain and the burning need to see where this kiss would lead, Ana trembled with indecision. As if sensing the possibility she would pull away, Brec’s hands held her face prisoner as he licked along her bottom lip, coaxing her to open her mouth and let him in. Helpless against his sensual onslaught, she parted her lips in surrender.

  Flickers of heat sparked between her legs as he slid his tongue past her teeth to explore the silky recesses of her mouth. He kissed her like a drowning man kisses the air, as if he’d perish without her. The desperation she tasted on him was intoxicating. When had anyone ever needed her like this? When had anyone ever wanted her like this?

  Her hands left his and slid into his hair, gripping the silky strands as she pulled him closer, giving herself over to the kiss. She wanted to hold him to her, to let him know that she wanted him too. The kiss grew stronger, hungrier. His mouth ravaged hers with bruising force and she fought for more. Pleasure spiraled up inside her until her head spun and only her hands locked in his hair seemed to hold her to the earth.

  With every pass of his lips, every dip of his tongue, she grew more desperate. His hand slid from her face, around to her back. He wrapped his arms around her, sliding them down to her lower back so he could press her body against his. She thrilled as the feel of his manhood, hot and erect where it pressed against her pelvis, sent a rush of wet heat between her thighs. She parted her legs almost instinctively, wanting to feel that hard length against her aching center.

  The rough denim of his jeans slid against her, sending jolts of pleasure through her nerves. She broke from the kiss with a gasp and his mouth fell to her neck, biting and sucking. Waves of pleasure flowed over her body as she undulated against him. Something inside her ached for him, yearned to get closer. She tugged at his shirt, barely able to make her hands work.

  “Take it off,” she gasped.

  He didn’t need to be told twice. Pushing himself up with one arm, he used the other to rip his shirt over his head. She stared in awe at the play of muscles under his skin as he flexed. Any woman who would use him just to get to some warrior should have her brain donated to science because clearly she had no need for it.

  As Brec lowered himself back down to her, she put a hand against his chest. The hot flesh sizzled against her palm and she had the sudden mad urge to run her hands over that taunt skin, feeling every curve and sinew.

  “Ana?” he whispered.

  His questioning tone barely registered over the gruff quality his lust had given his voice. Pleasure shot through her again at the thought that she affected him so. Hesitating for just a second, she leaned up and pulled her own shirt over her head. It felt ridiculous to feel shy in light of the fact that she’d been naked half the time he’d known her, but they’d been strangers then. Now . . . she cared.

  His eyes darkened as he watched her remove her bra. It was a look she hadn’t seen on a man’s face in a long time and her doubts faded away on the heat emanating from his eyes.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered. His gazed flicked to her nipples and she inhaled sharply as they pebbled under his scrutiny, growing so hard they almost hurt. He growled his appreciation, a wild look flickering in his eyes just before he lowered his head. She held her breath as his mouth closed over her nipple.

  Ecstasy crackled over her breast, spiraling out from where his tongue circled the hardened bud. Her hips arched off the bed and a fiery moan escaped her lips as he dragged his teeth over the puckered flesh. She laced her finger in his hair, scrabbling for something to hold onto as a thousand sensations rushed over her body. He repeated his attentions to her other breast, licking and sucking until her head swam. When his mouth left her chest, she whimpered at the loss, her back arching off the bed as if to force
the aching flesh back into the mouth that had offered the promise of relief.

  She fought to focus on him as he trailed his lips down the soft planes of her stomach. Her muscles tensed and she gasped at the sensation of his breath whispering over her pleasure-sensitized flesh. When he reached the fastening of her jeans, he rolled his eyes up to hers. For a minute she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think beyond the hunger in his eyes. He waited, slowly licking along the line of skin just about her waistband. It took her almost a full minute to realize he was asking for permission. Her breath fluttered out of her chest and she nodded.

  Slowly he raised his hands to the fastening of her jeans. The sound of the zipper going down prickled over her nerves, winding her tighter and tighter in anticipation of what he would do next. By the time he slid her jeans, along with her panties, off her legs, she was sure she’d go mad.

  The warmth of his arms sliding over her legs, his muscled chest sliding between them, sent a delicious tickle of pleasure over her nerves. She raised her head, looking down just in time to see him dip his head a draw his tongue along the heated flesh of her opening.

  “Oh, gods, yes,” she gasped. Her hands crashed down to the bed and fisted the sheets, holding on for dear life as he repeated the motion over and over. Every slide of his tongue went a little deeper until he was drinking from her, swallowing her pleasure as it flowed from her body.

  When he flicked his tongue over her clit, she cried out and thrust up to his mouth. His hands closed over her hips, anchoring her to the bed and holding her still while he teased and nibbled and licked her into a frenzy. She could see the blinding light of orgasm just ahead of her and she ran toward it with everything she had.

  Her climax broke over her in a blaze of glory, nearly rending her body in two. Everything she was shattered and warm pulsating light swirled through the pieces and built her into something completely new. The world spun around her and she felt herself falling.

  Something hot and wet pressed against her throat. She blinked up at the ceiling trying to remember who she was in the midst of what had to have been the most powerful orgasm of her life. She had no idea how long she’d been lying there, staring up at the ceiling as her brain struggled to recover from the intensity of her pleasure. Brec nipped at her neck before whispering in her ear.

  “There’s more if you’re up for it.”

  She tried to scowl at him even as his words sparked another wave of aftershocks between her legs. She tried to raise her hand to smack him, but her body wouldn’t cooperate yet.

  “You arrogant—” She froze.

  He canted his head in feigned innocence. “What’s wrong?”

  Her gaze traveled down their bodies. She shifted underneath him experimentally, concentrating on the warm slide of bare flesh against bare flesh.

  “When did you take your pants off?” she asked in surprise.

  He smirked. “While you were swooning.”

  “I was not swoo—”

  A jolt of pleasure sizzled through her as he slid his hips forward, dragging that hard hot weight between her legs to slide through the wetness he’d created there. Her mouth fell open in a gasp and she instinctively bent her knees, spreading her legs to give him better access. A blush tinged her cheeks as she realized what she was doing. She tried to look away from him, but he cradled her jaw in his hands.

  Almost against her will, her gaze drifted to his eyes, so close to her own. She stared into that dark gaze and saw a soft happiness there. For just a second, she let herself believe that happiness was for her. Knowing someone cared, that someone would have missed her, raised a lump in her throat.

  “Shhhh,” he whispered. “Don’t cry.”

  He brushed his lips over hers, a delicate kiss to soothe the soul. Not wanting to ruin what she knew was coming, she pushed away the sadness. That was the past. He was her future. She kissed him back, feathering her lips over his as their breath mingled between them. He tasted like the sea, fresh and clean. She knew she could get used to this, would love to wake up with this selkie waiting for her.

  Slowly, the kiss became deeper. He pressed a little harder against her mouth, slid his tongue over her lip. She parted for him with a sigh, welcoming him in with gentle sweeps of her tongue. The pleasure that had only just begun to ebb, started to build all over again. She wrapped her arms around him as her hips shifted back and forth, trying to find the alignment that would bring them together. Without breaking the kiss, he reached between their bodies and guided himself to her entrance.

  The head of his cock pushed inside her, easing her open and sending thick waves of pleasure up her spine. He pumped his hips, sliding farther inside her and she pulled back from his kiss to gasp at the delicious pressure that began to build inside her. He gave another thrust, sharper and deeper. A tinge of pain rode the edge of her pleasure and she tensed. Brec stopped immediately.

  “Am I hurting you?” he asked hoarsely.

  The strain in his voice revealed how hard it had been for him to stop and Ana almost smiled. She nodded, cupping his face with one hand as she drew in a deep breath.

  “It feels good, don’t stop. It’s just . . . been awhile.”

  He smiled, relief passing over his face at her reassurance. He bent his head for another deep kiss, dipping his tongue in to taste her as he pressed himself farther into her body. He went slowly, trying not to hurt her, but it was too slow. The delicious ache between her legs sent adrenaline racing through her blood and she wanted more. She moaned and bucked her hips underneath him, forcing him deeper.

  A surprised sound escaped his throat and his hips jerked forward, thrusting himself hard and fast into her body. Pleasure crackled over her nerves, driving her wild with need. She met his thrust with her own, grabbing his shoulders as she fought to impale herself farther on his body. A frantic urge to take him harder, deeper, faster pushed her sanity to the edge. She was desperate for him.

  “So tight,” he groaned.

  “Don’t stop, don’t stop, please don’t stop.” The words fell from her lips, quick bursts of sound that moved in time to her erratically jerking hips. Something bright and wonderful hovered ahead of her again, but she didn’t know how to get to it. She thrashed underneath him, rocking her body against his. Just a little closer, just a little more.

  Suddenly his hands crashed down to the bed on either side of her. He raised dark eyes to her face and her mouth went dry at the sight of a wild passion burning in his gaze. His body raged forward, shoving his cock deep inside her in one smooth hard motion. She cried out, her hands scrabbling for his shoulders as her body clenched around him, gripping him like a vice. Without giving her time to draw a breath, he pulled himself out and thrust inside her again. Over and over, he drove himself into her body, each stroke deeper and more powerful than the last.

  Pleasure danced over her nerves like raw electricity and her body arced into his. Her head thrashed around on the pillow as she fought to ride the overwhelming pleasure rocking her body at every move he made inside her.

  The orgasm caught her by surprise, an explosion of ecstasy that thrust her body off the bed and dragged her nails over Brec’s back hard enough to leave jagged red lines on his skin. Every muscle in her body spasmed over and over, wringing the pleasure out of her body until she had nothing left.

  In the middle of it all she was half aware of Brec’s body going rigid just before he roared his own climax. He pistoned his hips in and out of her body in sharp quick successions. She screamed as each thrust sent another wave of pleasure crackling over her nerves, making her body dance with it.

  When it was over, and the last ripple had faded from her body, Brec collapsed beside her on the bed. Dragging her into his arms, he tucked her against the sweat dampened muscles of his body. The soft warmth of his skin soothed her spirit as it warmed her back. He pulled his skin up over them, and tears welled in her eyes at the sign of trust. For the first time in two years, she looked at a future without her fox-skin and thought that m
aybe, just maybe, she would be all right. Feeling safer than she could ever remember feeling, she drifted off to sleep in his arms.

  Chapter 24

  Alaunus, ancient Celtic god of healing and prophecy, stood before him. Brec fell to one knee, genuflecting before his patron deity. Alaunus’ golden hair framed his head like a halo, his blue eyes sparkling like the sun on the water. He was too magnificent to look upon and Brec averted his eyes not just out of respect, but out of self-preservation. All around him the ground was covered in a thick white mist, but he could feel wet rock beneath his knee and the smell of sea air soothed his marine spirit. Despite what his senses told him, he knew with a certainty that came from experience that he was dreaming.

  “Alaunus, you grace me with this vision.”

  Alaunus chuckled. “I do so enjoy your sprit, Brec. You speak to me with such respect, such unquestioning loyalty. As if you do not spend most of your waking hours wishing I’d bestowed your healing gifts on someone else.”


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