Monroe, Melody Snow - Craving Candy [The Callens 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Melody Snow - Craving Candy [The Callens 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 14

by Melody Snow Monroe

  He spanked her again. She flew forward, but Blade caught her shoulders. On the third slap, she was about to complain until the heat spread over her ass and aimed straight for her pussy. Somehow the spanking excited her.


  “Feel good, sugar?”

  She hated to admit it. “It does.”

  “Good. Now let me in.”

  This time when he pressed the fake cock against her asshole, it popped past the ring. From that point forward, it seemed to slide in easier. Daniel inched it in little by little, and with each push, new nerves came to life. She wiggled her hips for more.

  Blade cupped her chin. “Babe. Want a taste?” His cock pressed against his lips.

  Ever since their first kiss, she’d wanted to suck on him. “Boy, do I.”

  “I can only give you a few licks, so make ’em good ones.”

  She didn’t understand the limit, but questioning him wouldn’t do any good. Balancing on her elbows, she lifted her hands and found his hard sac. He groaned. Now she understood the few licks part. He was probably close to exploding. She liked she had such an effect on him.

  She rolled his balls and grasped the base of his cock with her other hand. Pulling his cock forward, she stretched out her tongue and licked his entire length from balls to tip. Pre-cum erupted in the slit, and she slurped up his salty brew.

  He drove his fingers in her hair. “Put it in your mouth and suck. I’m on the brink.”

  She captured as much as she could and sucked hard. He hissed and pinched her nipples. Bursts of delight radiated down her belly. Daniel gave another push and the plug fit snugly in her ass. She moved slightly, and the damn thing seemed to stretch her more.

  Blade moved out of her reach. “Change of plans, babe. I need you.”

  The bed moved in waves and she tightened her belly to keep upright. Losing her vision created havoc with her balance.

  Daniel lifted her chin. “Now it’s my turn.”

  Blade rubbed her ass, his calluses abrading the inflamed skin.

  “Your ass is red, babe.”

  “That’s because someone wanted to punish me.”

  Blade leaned over and kissed her shoulder. The hairs on his chest rubbed against her rear. “You know that’s not true. Everything we do is for your benefit.”

  He reached around her and rubbed her clit. Heat flared up her belly.

  Daniel tapped her chin again as if he wanted his reward. “Can you take off the blindfold? I want to see what I’m eating.”

  Daniel laughed and lifted the material. “Better?”


  His dark-red cock glistened. The vein that ran up his length throbbed and pulsed. It was going to be so much fun teasing him. She made tiny flicks near the base.

  Blade pressed his fingers against her sore ass and wedged his cock against her pussy opening. Her juices spewed. She’d wished the next time with Blade would be slow, but with her heart beating hard and her body vibrating and trembling, her need for her men consumed her. She latched on to Daniel’s cock and drew him into her mouth.

  As soon as her tongue touched Daniel’s skin, Blade drove into her. He pressed his back against hers, withdrew, and plowed in again.

  “What you do to me, babe. I can’t control myself.”

  His desperate plea thrilled her, but at the same time, by having that plug in her ass, his cock took up the rest of the room. Her pussy expanded, feeling every inch of tension as he pistoned in again. She wanted him as much as he seemed to want her. She hoped she could keep her second climax at bay until he came.

  She tightened her grip on Daniel’s cock and sucked harder. She’d dreamed about teasing him, but her urge to draw out the best in him took over. While she cupped his balls, she swirled her tongue around his length.

  Daniel reached under her and rubbed her nipples. Each time he pressed on them, her body heated. The pain morphed quickly into intense pleasure, and she doused Blade’s cock with her juices.

  Both men groaned and grunted. She wasn’t sure she’d last much longer. Her pussy swelled with chaotic ecstasy, and each thrust brought her closer to the edge. Daniel grabbed her hair and tugged just as Blade rubbed her clit again.

  The combination was too much.

  “I can’t hold back.” She returned to sucking his cock.

  She went faster and faster, pumping her hand up and down. Daniel leaned forward and spewed hot jism to the back of her throat. She swallowed over and over again, his flavor strong and virile. Her heart pounded as she licked his cock once more. He withdrew and dropped on his haunches.

  Blade reached in and took over playing with her breasts. He rubbed the tips as he sped up, almost acting as if his time had run out, too. Flames licked her insides, and her body sizzled. As she spiraled higher, her stomach clenched.

  Blade yelled and held still. His cock expanding undid her. Her orgasm swept through like a violent storm, leaving her breathless. His cum shot out in bursts matching his rapidly firing heartbeat. Once he finished climaxing, he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight.

  The room smelled of sex. She heard nothing above her own quick breaths. Daniel slid off the bed and returned with a towel.

  Blade’s cock popped out, and Daniel wiped her down. She was still so full. Then she remembered the plug in her ass. Though this fake cock felt big, both men were so much bigger. Handling both would be a challenge, but one she wanted to meet.

  Her arms and legs shook and she dropped down on the bed. She never wanted to move.

  Blade tapped her ass. “You can’t stay in bed all day.”

  She buried her head in the pillow. “Why not? I have no property, no car, and no food.”

  He laughed. “All the more reason to get your ass in gear.”

  She rolled over, finally seeing Blade naked. When they’d made love the first time, he’d had on a shirt. Both times, he’d made love from behind her. Someday she’d like to be face to face. She didn’t know whether to admire his glistening cock or his washboard abs.

  “I see you’ve lifted a few pieces of wallboard in your day.” His shoulders were piled with muscles.

  He smiled. “A few.” Blade sat on the bed. “What are you going to do about finding a place for the spa?”

  She sat up. She hadn’t wanted to think about the disappointment. “I’ll call Courtney and ask her to keep her ears open for something.” She remembered the bed-and-breakfast Courtney’s friend had urged her grandfather to sell, but it could be years before he made that choice.

  Daniel faced her. “We could always build you a spa.”

  That would cost way too much. “I can’t think about my destiny staring at you two naked Adonises.”

  They glanced at each other. “Hear that, Blade? We’re Adonises.”

  They made her laugh.

  Blade stood and pulled on his jeans. “How about we take you to lunch and see if we can come up with a solution?”

  Candy finally realized that going alone in a business wasn’t always the best solution. The sandwich she’d purchased would now become her dinner. “Sounds like the perfect plan to me.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  The three of them arrived at the restaurant and were ushered to a nice booth.

  “I forgot to mention,” Daniel said, “that Will Sutton called yesterday. He called in a favor from a friend in Denver.”

  Her heart jacked. Was her ex behind this mess? Did she suck that bad at picking a man? “Did Rick have an alibi the night of the break in?” She crossed her legs.

  “Yes. He was supervising his men at some country club. There was a big affair and the manager remembered speaking with him.”

  She let out a breath. “I didn’t think he was involved, but it was worth a try.” Her cell vibrated. “Whoops. I must have put my phone on silent.” She listened to voice the message. She looked up at the men. “Courtney said to call her. You mind?”

  “Go ahead,” Daniel said.

  No way she could have found
another property. Courtney said new listings didn’t come up often. She called her back. “Hey, it’s Candy.”

  “Thanks for returning my call.” Her voice sounded strained.

  “Something wrong?”

  “Yes and no. Gretchen’s grandfather passed away last night. He had a stroke. He’s the one I told you who ran the bed-and-breakfast.”

  Conflicting emotions swamped her. Courtney sounded upset, yet the news couldn’t have come at a better time. Taking advantage of someone’s grief didn’t sit well with her. “Yes, I’m sorry.”

  “His death was sudden but not unexpected. Gretchen had wanted to sell the place for years. She said it caused him undue stress. While her grandfather put the place in her name, she couldn’t put it on the market until he either passed or decided he no longer wanted the responsibility.”

  “She’s ready to sell now?” Her pulse raced.


  This was too good to be true. “How much is she asking?” She held her breath.

  “One hundred sixty-thousand. It’s priced to sell.”

  “That sounds great. Any chance I can take a look at it?”

  “Absolutely. It’s on the corner of Chester and Fourth Street.”

  She figured they could order and eat quickly. “Does an hour work for you?”


  She disconnected and smiled. “I can’t believe it.”

  “What, sugar?”

  She told them both about the man’s death, and the granddaughter’s desire to sell.

  Daniel clasped her hand. “I’m sorry for Gretchen’s loss, but you’ll both benefit if she can sell quickly.”

  “With my luck, it’ll probably be a hundred-year-old house with crappy wiring, pipes that have rusted, and rooms that have can’t be reconfigured, but I guess the place can’t be any worse than the other one I wanted.”

  Blade rubbed her shoulder. “I know the place. It isn’t that bad, but whatever the issues, I’m sure my team can fix them.”

  Maybe things were changing.

  They ordered and ate, discussing her next step. Throughout the meal, Blade had become quiet as if something was bothering him. She didn’t want something she’d said or did to stand between them.

  She faced Blade. “Is there something you want to tell me?”

  He visibly jerked. “Why would you ask?”

  She shrugged. “You kind of withdrew there for a moment.”

  He looked from one to the other than guzzled the beer he’d ordered. “My mind is still back in the bedroom.”

  She smiled. “It was wonderful.” Then why didn’t he look happy? “Am I missing something?”

  “There’s something I need to tell you. Both of you.” The tension seemed to roll off him. He’d been distant before but never this uneasy.

  She didn’t want to think about what could be so bad. “Are you ill?” Did he have some serious medical condition he’d been hiding from them?

  He cracked a smile and shook his head. “It’s not that bad. There are things in my past that you should know about.” His gaze moved across the room as if he needed a moment to tell her.

  “Does it matter?” Even if he’d done jail time, he would have paid for his sins.

  Daniel looked at her then at Blade. “What is it, man? If I don’t know about it, it can’t be too terrible.”

  They were close. She liked that.

  “You might not say that after I tell you.” He scrubbed a hand down his face. “When I was seven and Courtney was two, my mom had this boyfriend named Ralph.”

  Her heart cracked. Had he been abused? Don’t jump to conclusions.

  She placed a hand on his for support. “Go on.”

  “Ralph drank. A lot. If my mom pissed him off, he’d hit her. One time I went after him. Here I thought I could take him, all four feet of me.”

  Her love bloomed. “You wanted to protect her.”

  “That may be, but Ralph decided it was more fun to hit me than my mom.” He shook his head. “That went on for two more years until one day he left. My mom heard later that Ralph had found another woman.”

  She couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be really helpless. “I’m so sorry.” She was angry his mom didn’t try to stop it. “Your mom couldn’t do anything?”

  “She didn’t know. Ralph said he’d start pounding on her again if I told.”

  Her eyes watered. “Couldn’t she tell by the bruises on your body that Ralph roughed you up?”

  “He only hit me where clothes would cover it.”

  She wanted to pull him into a hug, but the restaurant wasn’t the place. “It’s all in the past.”

  He lasered her with a hard stare as if he wanted to read her mind. “Don’t you see? I have issues. You deserve someone better.”

  Was that the reason for his mercurial behavior? “Everyone has issues. Hell, I used to believe that my dolls were real. I’d cut their hair and talk to them. Maybe I’m crazy, too.” She squeezed his hand. “If you think your past affects how I think of you now, you’re wrong. In fact, I have more respect for you. You made something of yourself despite your upbringing.”

  Blade looked over at Daniel almost as if he wasn’t sure if he could believe her.

  “Why didn’t you mention it, Blade?” His brows pinched.

  “I was too embarrassed.”

  Daniel leaned forward. “It wasn’t like you went around killing small animals. Ralph’s attacks weren’t your fault.”

  She clasped his hand hard. “You should be proud you survived. Some men would have become bullies, but you didn’t. That says a lot about you as a man.”

  He slipped his hand out of hers and grabbed his glass. He chugged the rest of the beer. “Okay then. I guess my deep, dark secret has just been aired and all is well.”

  He smiled but his lips wobbled. Harder than necessary he planted the bottle of beer on the table. “So I’m estimating that my men should be finished with the room renovation later this week, and we can move on to your spa as soon as you buy it.”

  She guessed his comment meant the subject was now closed. Blade was a truly extraordinary man.

  As soon as they finished their meal, both men insisted on seeing the new potential property. Daniel wanted to come because it would be his money buying the place, and Blade needed to get an idea about the extent of the renovation. That suited her fine. Getting someone else’s opinion would be very helpful, as she knew nothing about the cost of renovations. Craig Clairbourne always built new.

  They parked behind the house. This private lot would be perfect for customers. While there was a back door, they headed to the front where Courtney was inside waiting. As soon as Candy stepped in, peace surrounded her.

  “I love it already.”

  Warm wood wainscoting covered the walls. The flowered wallpaper would have to go, but she was thrilled with the hardwood floors and the large windows that let in a lot of light. The receptionist’s counter sat in a cozy corner. It was perfect.

  “Let me show you around and see what you think.”

  While having two stories wasn’t ideal, there was an ancient-looking elevator in the middle, complete with an iron gate, that would make going up and downstairs feasible even for someone with limited mobility.

  She could picture making the front room into two. One would be the entrance, and the other her office. Courtney brought them to the back where there was a huge sitting room that would be perfect as a waiting room and where the women could change.

  The four of them spent the next hour studying the layout.

  Blade tapped the walls. “I’d have to open it up to be sure, but if the pipes are sound, we might be able to have your sauna in here.”

  A sauna would be an added luxury. The house’s location was ideal. Women who worked in town could come in during their lunch hour for a manicure, pedicure, or to get their hair done.

  She faced both men. “What do you think?”

  They discussed the renovation costs
. In the end, they decided given what happen with the last deal, not to haggle over the selling price. She didn’t want to wait another minute and chance losing this house, too.

  She turned to Courtney. “Does anyone else know this place is for sale?”

  “No. If Gretchen and I weren’t such close friends, I wouldn’t have known.”

  There must not be any other relatives involved in the decision. “I say tell her yes.”

  Courtney grinned. “I think this will be fabulous.”

  Daniel and Blade hugged her. She almost didn’t want to believe it was true. “What’s our next step? We’ll be paying cash.”

  Courtney glanced at Daniel. “Nice. That should speed things up. Let me get with Gretchen. I’ll be in touch as soon as I know something.”

  As they exited the bed and breakfast her cell rang. She almost didn’t want to look who was calling. “It’s Christener’s Automotive.” They better not tell her that her Corolla was totaled. “Hello?”

  “This is Tom from Christener’s Automotive. Both of your cars are ready.”

  She pumped a fist. “Great. Just a sec.” She covered the mouthpiece. “Both my car and Mandy’s car are ready. Could I get a lift and a volunteer to drive Mandy’s car to her house?”

  “I’ll take you,” Daniel said.

  “Great.” Hopefully, with her car running, she could gain her independence once more.

  “We’ll be right there.” Today was the best day ever.

  They dropped Blade back at his place so he could pick up his truck and head back to work. Daniel drove her to the auto repair shop. When she heard the price for the repair for both cars, her stomach churned, but she refused to let anything dampen her excitement. There was little she could do anyway but suck it up. She handed Tom her credit card, trying to ignore how fast her money was seeping out of her account.

  “I’m going to leave my SUV here for the next hour,” Daniel told Tom.

  “No problem.”

  Daniel faced her. “If you want to drive your car, I’ll bring Mandy’s car back.”

  “Perfect.” She never wanted to be responsible for that car again.

  Once he parked Mandy’s freshly repaired car under the carport, he slipped into her passenger seat. They needed to head back to Christener’s to pick up his vehicle.


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