Shane's Truth

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Shane's Truth Page 17

by V. F. Mason

  “How is Star?” Hawk asked from the other end of the table.

  “Fine now. Doc gave her some medicine and said the infection should clear up in a few days. I put her at the far end of the stable, so the other horses wouldn’t be affected.”

  Hawk nodded in approval. “She’s good with kids. It would be a shame if she wasn’t there during the camp.” Everyone agreed and started to discuss what needed to be done on the ranch before they came.

  “How do you know Ren?” I whispered to Becky, and since no one was sitting beside us except Maggie, it was safe to ask. It was better for her to know what really happened anyway, instead of wondering. I highly doubted Becky slept with him, but she was acting weird.

  “Like I said, from the plane.” She pinched her nose with her fingers, which meant she was lying.

  “Tell me the truth.”

  “I told you the truth. We met on a plane. He was going to Chicago to beg his ex-fiancée to come back to him or something along those lines. He was drunk as shit, and because there were no other tickets, I ended up flying coach.”

  Maggie tensed but I urged Becky to continue with a light kick.

  “Anyway, he was rambling on about how she was in college there and blah blah blah. Pitiful, really.” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at that. “Once we landed, I helped him go find his girl, and he found her kissing some other guy. We went to the bar, he drank some more, and he hit on me.” Maggie made a move to stand and leave, clearly fed up with the conversation, but Becky’s hand stopped her. “Sit down, girl, I didn’t do anything with your boyfriend.”

  I shouldn’t have been surprised. People may not see it, but I knew Becky was quite perceptive, so she caught the whole Ren and Maggie thing.

  Maggie blushed but sat down and looked at her hands. “He isn’t my boyfriend,” she said quietly.

  “Yeah, well then, your crush, I don’t know. Anyway, as I was saying, he made a pass, but I'm not interested in being anyone’s second choice, even for the night, so I refused and left him there. But he was quite hilarious.”

  “Then why the whole bickering and ‘princess’ thing?” If everything she said was true, Ren had no idea she was rich.

  “I don’t really want to talk about it.” The subject was closed.

  Finally, everyone was done with breakfast, and we started to clean. I didn’t ask Becky for help, because I knew she had no clue how to do it, and I could use her elsewhere.

  “So, Maggie, tell me about yourself,” she asked curiously, watching the girl.

  “My degree is in photography with a minor in BBA.” I was impressed she could mingle two degrees, while I barely tried to get one.

  “Cool, an artist, like Serena here.” Oh crap, I should have known she would blab something. Maggie glanced at me with question in her eyes.

  “I’m a designer, or rather, want to be one.” Never mind that, since I came here, I hadn’t designed shit, and all I did was draw. I really forgot how nice it felt to do that and just be in the process. I glared at Becky and she mouthed “Sorry.”

  “Oh, that’s nice.”

  “Maggie, what the hell is up with your clothes and those glasses?”

  I almost let go of the dish I was holding. I was stunned by those words. Did she really have to say that? Maggie blushed and looked down again, saying nothing. “Becky—”

  Maggie interrupted me though. “I like it.”

  “You like it?” Becky sounded shocked, and to be honest, so was I. It wasn’t about the fact there was one style that was good for everyone and people had to follow it. No, everyone had the right to decide what to wear or what to do. But in Maggie's case, it wasn't about the style; it was about the hiding. Like she almost didn’t want the world to see her beauty. But it was not my or Becky’s business to interfere. “Girl, you must be freaking joking.”

  “No, it suits me.”

  Becky looked puzzled. “It does?”


  “Is there anything I can do to change your mind?”


  “Well then, Mags, when you wanna change that style of yours, let me know. I’ll be glad to help. Piece of advice though? Open your eyes.”

  “Thanks.” Then Maggie glanced at me with pain in her eyes, making me feel like shit. “I’ll go work on the rooms.” She practically ran away.

  “Becky, what the hell?”

  “What do you mean what the hell? Have you seen her?”

  I was irritated, because she had no place in putting people down. “Just because you think she isn’t attractive—”

  She raised her hand. “Whoa, girl, who said that? I think she’s beautiful, but those clothes of hers don’t do her any justice. And if she wants the hot guy here, who by the way is a dog, she needs to do something to get his attention. Not be this meek little thing who takes everyone’s shit. It’s not about changing yourself for the guy, and you know it. She needs to open her eyes; otherwise, she’ll die a nun,” she concluded with a shrug.

  “It wasn’t your place to say it!”

  “It was my place, because we aren't close. If she’s angry with me, no harm. It’s more hurtful when it comes from someone who is close to your heart.”

  I had to agree with her on that one. Still, I didn’t like it. That brought something else to mind. “There was more with Ren, wasn’t there?” She said he was a dog, and no way would she know how he lived if she hadn’t witnessed it firsthand.

  “Yeah, when I refused to sleep with him, he found two girls to play with. Didn’t feel like mentioning it to Maggie.” Well, hell, I didn’t know he was into threesomes.

  Live and learn, I guess.

  “Anyway, stop tormenting Maggie. She has problems as it is.” Becky wanted to say something, but I stopped her. “Trust me?” When I asked like that, she knew she had to control her temper and listen to me. She nodded and I sighed, because I had a feeling her coming here would really change my whole plan.

  Not to mention my growing feelings for a certain cowboy.

  Every Friday, we cleaned the whole house and my back was aching, as were my feet. Christ, how people did it all alone I would never know, because I would have been dead for sure if it wasn’t for Maggie and Becky. Later on, they looked no better than I did, and I grimaced a bit when I remembered Becky’s bitching. Broken nails, stepping in dog shit, and generally disgusting stuff she couldn't help but be vocal about. I had to admit, she did the things we showed her to do, and no matter about her bitching, I was happy she was there, because I missed her and she was something familiar from home. Even if it sounded selfish, she was a reminder to me that the whole thing with Shane was temporary and I shouldn’t get attached.

  I didn't see him the whole day, but that was our usual routine. I had to stop thinking about him all the time. Getting mega attached was never part of the plan.

  “So… what are we gonna do? It’s Friday night.”

  I groaned as the party girl spoke. The three of us were sitting on the couch; dinner was served, done, and cleaned up.

  “Stay home?” I asked with hope in my voice.

  Becky sent me a sideways glance, which said I don’t freaking think so.

  Yeah, no shit. “I suffered this whole day here with my traumas, and you’re telling me we won’t go anywhere?”

  “There isn’t really anywhere to go.”

  “Well, where were you yesterday?”

  “At the bar.”

  “Let’s go there.”

  Somehow, I didn’t want to go there after yesterday’s scene at all. God, it happened only yesterday? With everything that happened, it felt like days. “Um, no.”

  Becky looked at me suspiciously. “Why not?”

  “’Cause I don’t wanna.”

  We looked at each other, and then she rolled her eyes and sat deeper on the sofa. “Fine, no bar. But then let’s do something.” She turned her head to Maggie. “Babe, what do you have here besides the bar?”

  Maggie brushed her hair aside and
adjusted her glasses. “Well, nothing much, really. I mean, we have parties during the holidays, but nothing else.”

  “Nowhere else to go? Just one place?” Her face was almost comical, but I kept myself from laughing. I wondered if I’d had the same reaction when I was getting to know the town.

  “There is an amusement park that is a two-hour drive from here. Usually they close around nine, but since it’s Friday they are open till midnight.” Which would give us enough time to get there and have a couple of hours to have fun.

  Shameful to say, I had never been there, and Becky too, so we obviously loved the idea. “Well then? Let’s go get ready and freaking leave!” Becky’s eyes shone with excitement.

  She seemed quite cheery for a person who was cut off. But then again, who would say no to a girls’ night out!

  “Leave where?” I didn’t even have to look to know who said it, because his voice alone made my body tingle. I spun around and found him raising his brow at me. Only me. He didn’t like the idea of me going anywhere.

  “The girls want to go to the amusement park.” Since no one wanted to answer but me, I felt like I had to say something.

  “It’s a two-hour drive.” He frowned.


  I wished Becky would stop agitating the guys, because Shane totally was not in the mood.

  “So, it’s dangerous to go alone.”

  “Well, there will be three of us, right, Serena?” Becky insisted, and both of them looked at me expectantly.

  Proceed with caution. “Um, you could go with us?” I asked, hope lacing my voice. I mean, I wanted to spend some time with him, and here was a golden opportunity for it. The house was nice, but places like those created memories.

  Or so I thought. Shane’s mouth widened in a smile and he raised an eyebrow. “What do I get in return?”

  I ended up on my knees, with the back of the couch against my front, and put my arms around his neck as he came closer. “A kiss?”

  Shane shifted his head to the side as his face transformed into a wistful expression. One hand rubbed his chin as he looked me up and down with a hint of mischief in his eyes.

  “Well…,” he started, leaning forward while his lips were inches away from mine, and I barely controlled myself from biting his lower one and make it sting. The idea of him wearing a mark I put on him was thrilling.

  “Okay, folks, people are present here! Let’s just decide when we go and how, and then you can jump each other,” Becky said, amused, but there was something else in her eyes, which I couldn’t identify because she hid it quickly. I chuckled and tried to let go of Shane, but he didn’t let me. He hugged me closer, so my head was on his shoulder, and I heard him laugh.

  “Fine, I’ll get the truck. Let’s leave in twenty minutes.” He kissed me gently, nipping my lower lip, and then left with a wink.

  Becky fanned herself, closing her eyes dramatically. “Ugh, he is hot. Is there any guy for me?”

  I rolled my eyes; leave it to her to think about guys all the freaking time. Then again, didn’t I just think about Shane all day?

  Quickly running upstairs, we changed our clothes to jeans, T-shirts, and sneakers. Maggie didn’t want to go, and some part of me understood. She probably felt out of place, but she was my friend, so after some convincing from Becky and me, she finally said yes. She didn’t change, and I had to use a lot of dirty looks to shut Becky up. Maggie had to figure it out on her own.

  Shane already had the truck parked near the front door, so we hopped inside and were about to leave when Ren came into view, stopping us.

  “Well, would you look at that. So, where to?”

  Since when was he interested in what the hell we were doing?

  “Ren,” Shane warned, and I winced at his harsh tone. The last thing we needed was another fight between these two.

  “I’m going with you. Heard where you were going while I was passing the living room.”

  I heard Maggie choke on her bottle of water, and as a result, she spilled some on her shirt, which made her blush once again, but that time in humiliation. Yeah, who would want to look bad in the eyes of the guy they had a crush on?

  “Why?” Shane asked.

  “I was on my way out to see the vet when I heard you talking, and when I mentioned it to him, he said his family has the time of their lives. I’d like to go but have no desire to spend so much time on my bike to get there.’’ They just stared at each other for a moment, but then Shane nodded and Ren hopped inside, sitting next to Maggie, and we finally started moving.

  My phone vibrated.

  Becky: WTH?

  Me: What do you mean?

  Becky: Ren

  I glanced back and noticed Maggie had her head inside a book. How she did it, I had no idea, because the road was bumpy and it was probably uncomfortable, as her thick glasses kept moving on her face. Ren was just watching her, and I couldn’t catch the expression on his face. Becks had a Vogue magazine in her hand, under which she probably hid her phone.

  Me: I c nothing weird by it

  Becky: He’s staring at her. Hello!

  Me: He does it all the time

  Becky: What a creeper

  Me: He has some issues with her

  Becky: No he doesn’t

  Shane was giving me sideways glances.

  Shit. He probably knew we were texting.

  Me: Yes, he does. We need to stop. Shane doesn’t like it

  Becky: Oh boo hoo, I'm bored out of my mind, and it’s so hot here.

  Me: Becks, it’s chilly

  Becky: To you

  Me: Stupid

  Becky: Whatever. Ren wants Maggie.

  Me: Yeah right. Anyone could c she wants him, but somehow he doesn’t make the moves.

  Becky: He will

  Me: When?

  Becky: Someday

  Me: I’m afraid she won’t wait for someday

  Becky: Good

  Me: What’s good about it?

  Becky: You’ll see

  Shaking my head at her logic, I decided to stop texting. Gazing at the empty road ahead of us, I opened the window and closed my eyes, letting the wind caress my face. Shane touched my knee, and I put my hand on his before raising it to my lips and then put it back on the steering wheel. I didn’t need any accidents, so it was better for him not to be distracted. The radio was softly playing some country song. I’d gotten used to their weird music and slowly started to zone out.

  Becky’s loud shouting woke me up. “We’re here! I don’t even feel my butt, but freak!”

  We got out of the car and moved inside the park, where Shane paid for the tickets.

  “What an amazing view.” Becky continued talking while her thumb kept clicking her phone for another photo. I looked around and had to agree with her. The Ferris wheel was huge, clowns played with kids, and families enjoyed their time together in the friendly atmosphere of the park. Becky took selfies and then dragged Maggie and me to do one with her, followed by one with the guys. All in all, she acted like her usual self. She probably wanted to post them on Instagram, but the internet here was slow unless she had Wi-Fi. But then again, she possibly wouldn’t put pictures online anymore.

  Ren disappeared somewhere, good riddance if you’d ask me, and we moved to the shooting arcade, because Becks wanted to win a big teddy bear. For the life of me, I didn’t know why she needed it, since she had all those things at home. I personally came here for the rides, because they seemed like so much fun.

  “Come on, guys, look at him! What a freaking cute toy!” She picked up the gun and started shooting, but her attempts sucked. And by that, I mean she shot everything around the target but never even slightly came close to the target itself.

  “Okay, let’s move on to something else.” I was bored and wanted to try other games.

  “I want this.”

  “There are like hundreds of places here. Let’s win something else. This one is clearly not working.”

  “But I want th



  “For fuck’s sake,” Shane muttered as he picked up the gun and shot once, hitting right on the bull’s-eye. My brows shot up in surprise. Like, you had to have some experience with guns to be able to do it.


  He took the teddy bear and gave it to Becky, who squealed in delight and, of course, took a photo with him. She looked like a happy little girl, instead of a mature adult.

  “Now can we eat something and move on from this place?” Shane asked, his face grim.

  All of us nodded and carried on.

  For the next hour, we ate popcorn and ice cream, took pictures—some kissing was involved between Shane and me—Becky bitched about not winning a Mickey Mouse in the free throws, and she and I laughed like crazy in the mirrors room. Maggie didn’t seem to enjoy it at all and had a wistful look on her face, which probably had something to do with Ren. I was about to ask her if she wanted to go—though I didn’t, but hey, friends were supposed to be there for each other—when she grabbed my hand.

  “Serena, I need to go somewhere for a second.”

  “Where?” If she needed to go, I would go with her. The place was crowded and I didn’t want to lose her.

  “Just, I want to get a scarf, but it’s at the other end, and there is no need to drag you all around.”


  “Serena, I grew up here, really. It isn’t like I’ll get lost. I’ll meet you at the ice cream machine.”

  I nodded, and she left in the direction of the scarves, and I went back to Shane and Becky, who were arguing about some fish Becky couldn’t catch to win one more toy. I rolled my eyes and sighed.


  I couldn’t help it; I had to get away from them and those cheery noises. I noticed how Serena felt slightly uncomfortable, and I couldn’t take it anymore. She clearly enjoyed spending time there; plus, she and Becky had never been to the amusement park, so they should get to enjoy it.

  Yeah, Becky was something else. She was gorgeous, in a way I would never be, and as much as I wanted to hide from it, I couldn’t. Maybe because she was so much like Miranda, just more sophisticated, and I saw how Ren looked at her with interest. He never looked at me that way.


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