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Shane's Truth

Page 26

by V. F. Mason

  After a second, she smiled and I felt much better. It was good to know I’d made a great move. She let go of me and pulled the red stiletto heels on, and they looked so damn sexy on her, just like I thought they would.

  “They're amazing. Look at the color!” she squealed, and looked at them in the huge mirror we had near the door. I’d always loved how she walked in heels, as though she was barefoot, not a hardship at all. She took out her cell and snapped a picture. “Wait ‘til Becky sees them!” I rolled my eyes, because I knew the two of them. Surprisingly, I’d grown to love the crazy one, as I called her. She was a loyal friend, and it was all I needed to know. “She’ll be jealous.” She laughed, and sent it through Facebook, I assumed.

  “It’s not like she needs them though.” I almost laughed, because for what Becky was doing right then, she sure as hell didn’t need fancy heels. Since no one wanted to give her a job here, she’d had to come up with some surprising—even for me and Serena—solutions.

  “You’re right.” Then she received a message and looked stunned as she read it.

  “Everything all right?” I didn’t like her reaction, and hoped nothing bad had happened.

  “Um, it’s Maggie.” I knew they’d kept in touch over the last year, and she’d even come to visit for a few days once we were settled. Boy, I didn’t recognize my sister at all.

  “What about her?”

  “She’s in Vegas.” Frowning, I rubbed my chin, confused at the information. She’d finished her degree last semester and stayed on the ranch. What the fuck would she be doing in Nevada?


  Serena bit her lip and looked at me worriedly. I didn’t like that shit one bit. I was getting ready for the blow. I loved Serena, my aunt, and Maggie, and I would do anything to protect them. Beth and Alice were making it to that list as well, but the connection wasn’t as strong yet.

  “They all went together, and based on what Becky said, well, she… um… she….”

  I was getting tired of the stalling. “Baby, fucking say it before I lose my mind!”

  “She got married last night.”

  I said nothing to that, just stared at her as she worriedly waited for my reaction, which she knew was coming once I sorted it out in my mind.

  I didn’t care whether Maggie wanted it or not. I didn’t care she was twenty-two, finished with college, could make her own life, and had the right to decide for herself.

  Fuck all that shit.

  I was going to fucking kill Ren or Grady, depending on which of the two had the nerve to marry my little sister in Las Vegas.


  First, I want to thank God and my family for allowing me to write and make this dream possible. The support means so much to me, and I understand that sometimes it drives you crazy, especially when I try to meet my deadlines and seem unavailable to you. But I love you guys and appreciate everything you do for me.

  Shane’s Truth is the very first book that I wrote back in 2014. Their story just came to me, and I couldn’t help but write it. While I was supposed to publish it sometime in 2015, due to various reasons I couldn't. Since then I changed a lot of stuff in the book, some scenes got deleted, some added and some rewritten. But underneath it all, I stayed true to their story. I wouldn’t know how to tell it any other way. I’m so happy I can finally share it with you.

  Huge thank you to Hot Tree Editing team for helping me with my editing process. Especially Becky, Peggy, Kayla and Mandy. Plus beta readers and final eyes, who gave me valuable feedback and made sure I covered any plot holes I had.

  Thank you to Sommer from Perfect Pear Creative Covers and Lindee Robinson Photography for the fabulous cover!

  Thank you to Mayhem Cover Creations for all the amazing job she did with formatting and several graphics. It’s always great to work with you!

  Kiki and the team at The Next Step PR. Thank you for guiding me and for everything else you do for me. Also thank you for hosting my cover reveal and release blitz.

  Lauren, my awesome PA, thank you for being an amazing person who is always there for me. I don’t know what I’d do without you.

  Thank you to Ena and Amanda from Enticing Journey Book Promotions for hosting my release blitz as well. It’s always a pleasure working with you, ladies!

  Thank you to my V’s Sapphires, ladies you are amazing!

  Thank you to all the bloggers for spreading the word about Shane’s Truth and leaving reviews.

  And finally to all the readers who took a chance on this journey of love between Shane and Serena. Thank you to each one of you.


  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five



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