Celestial Beginnings (Nephilim Series)

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Celestial Beginnings (Nephilim Series) Page 21

by Damiels, Rebekah

  “Who else knows about this?”

  “Well obviously Nicci…but I also went to the police right after it happened. That’s it.”

  Malachi adjusted her on his lap and relaxed a little. “Well, you won’t have to worry about that happening anymore, because as of tomorrow, I’m putting a protection detail on you.”

  Trinity squirmed off of his lap to stand in front of him. “What? That’s not necessary.”

  Placing his hands across the back of the couch, he looked completely at ease, but the strain in his muscles proved otherwise. “It’s just until I find him.”

  Trinity knew that she wouldn’t want to be Seth when he found him. How could she convince him to let this be? She could care less what happens to Seth, but she couldn’t bare anything happening to Malachi for defending her.

  “And what do you plan on doing when you find him?” She asked while placing her hands on her hips.

  He sat forward and locked eyes with her. “I’m not going to lie to you. It is going to take every fiber of my being not to kill him. You said the cops were looking for him though so I’ll turn him in.”

  He added the last bit with a shrug and Trinity didn’t believe it for a second, but she had to understand something else. “What exactly do you mean by protection detail?”

  “A member of my team will be with you every second of every day.”

  “Ah, no! That’s a little extreme; don’t you think?” She couldn’t imagine a shadow around her at all times. Plus if they were with her, who would be helping him when he needed them?

  “Don’t worry. He’s a measly hu…a mere man.” She wondered what the slip up was about but he continued. “It shouldn’t take me long to find him.” As if an afterthought, he smiled at her. “This is what we do; don’t worry.”

  Trinity sat back down across his lap and snuggled in. “Just promise me you won’t do anything stupid! I would hate for something to happen to you because of my mess.”

  “Do I strike you as the type of person to do anything stupid?” He asked as he wrapped his arms back around her.

  She couldn’t help but smile at his statement. “You seem like the type of person to do anything you want, be damned the consequences.” Trinity felt the rumble in his chest from his chuckle.

  “You know me too well.” She could hear the smile in his voice before he kissed the top of her head.

  There was a calm that settled over the two of them. Trinity felt an enormous weight lifted off her shoulders from revealing so much. Everything was out there now, and she just prayed that he still wanted to be with her. Eventually, she felt her whole body relaxing as he started to massage her scalp.

  “Are you up to telling me about what happened when you were a kid?” He asked in a whisper.

  Not willing to give up some semblance of the euphoria she was in, she didn’t want to discuss every detail. “Is the short version enough for tonight? Then I can go into more detail another day.”

  “You tell me whatever you want to.”

  She was quiet for a little while. She didn’t know the best way to start this. How would he ever understand, unless… “Are your parents still alive, Malachi?”

  Trinity felt his whole body stiffen. “Why do you ask?”

  “Just curious, I guess.” She shrugged as she started idly running her finger over his chest.

  He was quiet for so long that Trinity feared he wasn’t going to answer. Suddenly, she felt him take a deep breath. “I never knew my father, but my mother died when I was still young.”

  This made her sit up because it was somewhat similar to her. “What happened to you?”

  He shrugged, but wouldn’t look in her direction. “I was living in the mountains then. She died when I was young, and the people that found me took me in.”

  Trinity knew there was much more to the story than he told, but she could also tell it wasn’t something he was willing to discuss right then. It did make it easier to go on with her story knowing this about him. “Both my parents were murdered when I was ten.” She sighed and laid her head back down on his shoulder. “They were wonderful people. I couldn’t have asked for better parents. I cannot say the same for the first and second set of foster parents they put me with. Both sets were abusive, mentally and physically. After I got moved from the first house, they put me with another couple. There were other kids in that home, but I only connected with one of them, Nicci. She was younger and a lot smaller than me, so I did what I could to protect her, the best I could. Our social workers were crap and didn’t do anything. This is the reason Nicole became a social worker; to be one of the good ones.”

  Trinity’s hand unknowingly gripped Malachi’s shirt when she paused. She chided herself for getting bothered by what couldn’t be changed before she let go. “When I was thirteen, my “foster dad” started to notice us in other ways. I got scared, panicked, and did the best I could to get a hold of my social worker. Thank God someone listened to me before anything happened. All the kids were removed from the house, but luckily they did what they could to keep Nicci and me together.” Her voice became lighter. “That was when they placed us with Joseph and Renée, and I am grateful every day that it was them. They are wonderful people that gave me the most normal childhood they could manage.”

  “I’m sorry that happened to you. No one deserves to go through what you have.” She couldn’t decipher his tone, so she sat back up to look at his face. He was so handsome she thought, especially when he looked as sincere as he did at that moment.

  Trinity just shrugged. “It’s alright. I’m just a walking advertisement for the saying “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

  Taking a deep breath, she knew she had to lighten the mood. This wasn’t everything that needed to be discussed, but they had to be done for the night. Shaking off all the depressing emotions that she went through in the last thirty minutes, she moved to straddle his lap.

  She could tell by his expression that she surprised him. The expression quickly changed to awe when she ran her fingers through his hair; playing with his hair and massaging his head at the same time. “Tell me something I don’t know about you.”

  He groaned and shut his eyes. “I love it when you do that.”

  “I already know that.” Trinity laughed.

  “Okay. How about that I really like it when you sit on me like this?” Malachi moved his hands to grab her hips.

  Trinity wiggled a little, which caused him to grip her hips tighter before she whispered. “By what I feel…I believe I already know that as well.”

  They locked eyes and Trinity knew that this night was going to change their relationship drastically. She wasn’t a casual person when it came to sex, and she prayed he knew this. Worrying her lip, she wondered if he was on the same page as her.

  “What’s the matter?” His voice had gone soft, knowing that something was on her mind. How could she explain to him how uneasy she was? It had been close to two years since she had given herself to any man. What if he didn’t enjoy it? What if she did something wrong?

  “Has it been a while?” He softly asked. It was amazing how well he could read her, she thought.

  Trinity nodded. This would change everything. She hoped he understood how personal this was to her. “There hasn’t been anyone since Seth. I hadn’t even considered someone else until our dreams. Needless to say…I’m a little nervous.”

  “Understandable.” His voice had gone gravelly.

  “This is not something I take lightly.”

  “As you shouldn’t.”

  Trinity dropped her head onto his, pressing their foreheads together, and groaned. “You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you? Fine…” Resolved, she lifted her head. “If we do this, it’s only me. I won’t compete with other women. Same goes for me…you’re it.”

  “Ah Trinity, my angel…” He started running his hands up and down her back. “As far as I’m concerned, you’re it for me and have been for a while. I haven’t ev
en thought of another woman since the moment I dreamt of you.”

  Trinity was speechless. Staring at him, an unfamiliar emotion surged through her. She felt strong and confident to know that she had that much of an impact on him. At that moment, Trinity knew she was in the right place and with the right man and without much more thought, she kissed him. All her emotions went into the kiss, and she hoped he understood. No more waiting.

  The kiss quickly turned into one that was making her toes curl with every swipe of his tongue. She couldn’t get enough of his mouth. One moment he would be following her lead, then he would change and be more aggressive. It was showing her that this was going to be a shared experience of control.

  Their hands were everywhere. While his were running from her neck all the way to her knees, hers couldn’t move from his firm chest. The feel of all that strength made her shiver with anticipation.

  Malachi suddenly pulled away. “We can’t do this here.” He was breathing hard when he nodded his head toward the hallway. “Bedroom”

  “Okay.” Trinity responded absently and immediately resumed kissing him. It was physically impossible to stop, she thought. He tasted of raw hard male and she wasn’t letting that go. Digging her fingers into his hair, she tried to hold him in place but he still managed to pull away again. Not willing to be deterred, she moved her mouth to his salty and equally tasty neck.

  Trinity nipped his ear, then felt the vibration when he growled slightly. “I mean it. Wanna make it…special…You need candlelight…music…a bed for heaven’s sake!” He was having a hard time talking and Trinity knew his resolve was slowly slipping. “Condoms…they’re in the bedroom.”

  “The pill.” She slid over the neck of his shirt and bit his shoulder at the same time she pressed herself down onto him.


  She heard Malachi, but was too busy concentrating on trying to reach the skin underneath his shirt to pay that close of attention. She felt him adjust before the room was filled with soft music. Finding the hem of his shirt, she went to lift it up, but quickly found herself grabbed around the waist and tossed across the couch.

  “Eeek!” Trinity squealed before she started to giggle.

  Malachi had a smile on his face. “Beds are overrated.”

  That was all he said before his mouth came down on hers with such vigor, she had to hold on to him just to keep up. She reached around him and felt fabric when all she really wanted to feel was skin. Finding the hem of his shirt once again, she pulled at it until he sat up and helped her remove it the rest of the way.

  Quickly throwing his shirt across the room, he sat her up to remove her shirt as well. She was now grateful that she had invested in new underwear. They were a plain white, but were trimmed with lace to accentuate her features, exceptionally well with the matching bra she thought. Watching his expression as he stared down at her, she thought of the money spent and figured it was well worth it.

  He wasted no time in covering her again. Trinity started running her hands all over his sides and back, loving the way he felt. Making her way to his chest, her fingers grazed a nipple and he groaned into her mouth. Figuring out that she loved the sound, she did it over just to hear it again.

  Wanting more and not wanting to wait, she grasped the front button to his pants and pulled. She needed to touch as much of him as she could. Using both hands, she quickly had his pants unbuttoned and unzipped before he grabbed her arm to stop her.

  “Whoa…what’s the rush?” Malachi asked as he tried to catch his breath.

  “I need…I just…need.” As she said the last word, she used the other hand that was not being held away and quickly moved it inside his pants to grab him. The moment her hand wrapped around him as much as she could, he buried his head in her neck and groaned.

  “Baby, don’t…” His voice was clipped and muffled.

  Ignoring him, she had a light grip on the tip before slowly moving her hand up and down. Her grip was firm and she periodically squeezed to make it tighter.

  “Don’t…stop, don’t stop.” It sounded as if he had a hard time getting the words out. When he started to lightly thrust into her hand, she gave a small triumphant smile. He felt so good, so powerful in her hand, which made her feel powerful as well.

  She stretched her hand down further and lightly rolled his testicles in her hand, at the same time she bit into his shoulder. Raising her head she licked away the sting of the bite and marveled at his taste.

  “I can’t wait for this to be inside of me, filling me.” She punctuated her statement by giving him one hard squeeze.

  His response was so quick that it took Trinity by surprise. He grabbed her arm and successfully pulled her hand out of his pants. Before she could contemplate what was going on, he had both her arms pinned over her head.

  “Baby, what are you doing to me?” He shook his head as if confused.

  “Malachi…” She groaned and arched into him. She wanted her hands back and let him know by tugging her arms.

  “Oh, I don’t think so. It’s my turn to drive you out of your mind now.” He leaned down and kissed her, lingering when she wanted to get on with it. He then slowly moved his mouth to her neck.

  “Is that what I did to you? Let my hands go and I can do even better.” She gave a small tug again but at the same time, tilted her head to give him better access. “I believe you already have an idea of what I can do with my mouth.” Tomorrow, she would probably be shocked at the things she said, but right now, she could care less.

  He still had ahold of her wrists when he slowly dragged his tongue down the middle of her breasts, until he reached the edge of her bra. Taking his time, he started to nibble around the edges. He looked up at her and stopped what he was doing. “As you know what I am capable of with mine, but we can always explore your ideas later tonight.”

  Just thinking about before, she realized that this was so much more intense than any dream could be. With every word he said, she could feel herself growing wetter.

  Malachi started running his fingers over the cup of her bra and playing with the lace. “This is nice. I’ll buy you another one.” She was confused at his words before he quickly grasped the side and ripped it from her.

  “Ahh!” Trinity threw her head back and arched her body. Nothing had ever been ripped off her before. It was surprising how much she enjoyed it.

  “You are beautiful.” He sounded as if he was in awe as he was staring down at her.

  All she could do was stare back up at him. This was it. This was the feeling that had always been missing. She felt cherished, sexy.

  He leaned down to feast on one of her breasts, first running his tongue in large circles, but soon spiraling to the middle where she needed his mouth the most. After what felt like eternity, he finally latched on and sucked the nipple into his mouth. Air hissed between Trinity’s teeth and she tugged on her arms again, needing to hold him in place.

  Malachi was extremely thorough and treated both breasts to the same ministrations. Trinity felt like crawling out of her skin. She needed him, sooner rather than later.

  “Malachi…please…” Forming coherent words was starting to become difficult as she mewled.

  “I know, angel. I’ll take care of you.” He said this before his mouth started to move lower. Suddenly stopping, he looked back up at her. “I’m going to let go of your hands now. Keep them there until I say.”


  He didn’t let her finish the protest but instead let out another slight growl which made her grudgingly nod in agreement.

  Malachi sat up, got her jeans unfastened, and started working them down her legs. When he grabbed her panties, he lightly tugged them and looked at her. “Should I?”

  Oh she wanted him to! She bit her lip and locked eyes with him. After what looked like careful thought, he slowly dragged them down her legs as well. A tiny flame of disappointment went through her, but was quickly snuffed out when she saw he was staring at her.

  Moving her legs gently apart, he continued to just look at her when she desperately needed him to touch her. After a minute of him doing nothing, she started to feel self-conscious and went to close her legs.

  “Don’t!” His voice was stern and his hand was firm when he moved her leg back to where it was. After kneeling in between her legs, he then ran his hand down her thigh to lightly play with the dusting of hair she had down there. “You don’t hide from me angel.”

  “Malachi…” Her breath caught and she started to squirm.

  “Shh.” He ran his index finger down, over the clitoris and inserted his finger inside her. He watched as he pulled it out and inserted it back in. After a few more agonizing slow times, he inserted a second finger.

  Trinity couldn’t stop squirming. It felt so good, but there was no way to slow down the feeling that was rapidly building inside of her. It was too much.

  “Oh Malachi…” She reached her hands out to grab him and pull him back down on top of her. He immediately complied, but angled himself so he wouldn’t have to stop what his hand was doing to her.

  “What is it baby? Have I driven you out of your mind yet or should I show you what I can do with my mouth now?” His voice was soft yet husky at the same time.

  The thought terrified her and excited her at the same time. She didn’t know how much more of this she could take, but just thinking about it made her insides constrict.

  She knew he had felt the small movement as well because he smiled down at her and kissed her again. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  The next thing she knew, he had slipped them off the couch and onto the rug. Except this time he was on his back and he had positioned her to straddle his face.

  Before she could even adjust, his mouth was on her. She used one hand to grab onto the couch to keep her steady and the other one, she threaded through his hair. His tongue was on her…in her, and he was relentless. Every memory she had of him doing this was diminished by the actual thing, and it didn’t take long before she was moaning and gasping for air.


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