The First Taste is Free - Tales of a Lesbian Vampire (Episode 1 of the Pixie Chix)

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The First Taste is Free - Tales of a Lesbian Vampire (Episode 1 of the Pixie Chix) Page 2

by Zephyr Indigo

  “Say what? Who is it for to say?”

  The girl considered the question very seriously then shook her head again. “No, I can’t tell you. You’ll just need to follow me. It’s not far. She’ll tell you.”

  Felicia sighed. “I don’t suppose it’s worth asking who ‘she’ is.”

  “Why, Ariel, of course!”


  The girl looked shocked. “You don’t know who Ariel is?”

  Felicia scoured her memory, trying to think of a famous woman named Ariel. “The only Ariel I’ve ever heard of is the Pixie Goddess.”

  “Yes! That’s her!”


  “That’s her! The Goddess Ariel!”

  “A Goddess? Here? You’re taking me to see a Goddess?”


  Felicia was dumbstruck. What did one say to that? Was she really supposed to believe that a Goddess was nearby and waiting to talk to her?

  “You should follow me,” the girl said, turning to go in the direction Felicia was originally walking anyway.

  Felicia finally managed to speak. “So you’re a Pixie then?”

  The girl gave her an exasperated look. “Well… duh!”

  Now things started to make sense: her unbearable cuteness, her inadequate clothing, and her excessively bright and eager personality.

  Pixies were, not to put too fine a point on it, pleasure whores. They loved food, adored candy, and were unabashedly crazy about sex. They spent their lives absorbing every speck of pleasure around them, and more than that, they delighted in sharing their pleasure with others.

  They were also notoriously reclusive. Not because they disliked or wished to avoid outsiders, but simply because they couldn’t blend with normal, everyday society. Pixies just want to fuck, tease, eat and play. In a fantasy world that might seem like a wonderful thing, but in reality their desires just brought chaos and disruption to all around them. Wherever they went, rampant jealously would inevitably follow and communities were known to break apart from their mere presence.

  Felicia’s spine tingled. Looking at the girl before her, so cute and innocent, it was almost hard to imagine her as a lustful and promiscuous creature, much less one that could cause so much trouble.

  The Pixie bounced again, trying to call attention to her breasts again, but this time Felicia’s eyes were drawn to the Pixie’s face. Her expression was easy to read: don’t you want to fuck me?

  Felicia gave her a smouldering look. The Pixie, more than she could possibly understand, was playing with fire.

  Two minutes ago I was thinking about letting the hunters catch me. Now I’m thinking about pushing this Pixie down, ripping off her clothes and fucking her in the snow.

  The image floated in her mind. The Pixie lying naked, her pale skin blending with the snow, her nipples bright red and erect with cold and excitement, eager to be sucked.

  Felicia came to a decision. I can’t resist anymore, not tonight, not with a fresh Pixie standing in front of me.

  She took a step closer to the Pixie, staring directly into her eyes. “So, you said I’d get to see your breasts,” Felicia said.

  “I did,” said the Pixie, not breaking eye contact. “You just need to meet Ariel and agree.”

  “What if I want to see your breasts first?” Felicia took another step forward. They were only about five feet apart now.

  The Pixie winced. “You need to see Ariel first.”

  “What if I promise to see Ariel… after I see your breasts?” Another step.

  The Pixie looked to the side, her eyes darting around as she considered. “You’d need to promise to agree to her offer, too,” she said.

  Well, that’s not an option, not without hearing it first. “What if you just let me kiss your nipples? I promise not to look.”

  The Pixie looked longingly at Felicia, so much so that Felicia was certain the Pixie was about to agree.

  But no. “Ariel said that I’m not allowed to let you taste me until you meet her. She was very specific about that.”

  What an odd thing to tell a Pixie, and odder still that the Pixie’s actually willing to obey.

  Felicia took one last small step and was now standing directly in front of the Pixie. She really was short; the top of her head was even with Felicia’s chin and she had to look up to maintain eye contact. “What about—” Felicia began.

  “I’m not allowed to taste you either,” the Pixie said, sounding heartbroken.

  So much for that. There’s only one thing left to do. She leaned in, putting her face next to the Pixie. Almost magnetically, the Pixie responded and brought her face closer so that they were cheek to cheek. “What’s your name?” Felicia whispered softly, making sure her breath tickled the Pixie ear.

  “Uhh,” the Pixie stammered. “Mint.”

  “Well, Mint,” Felicia said, still very quietly. “You realize that you just said no to a vampire.”

  “You won’t hurt me,” the Pixie said, just as she had before.

  Felicia ignored that. “You have a vampire who wants to fuck you,” she said, pronouncing the word fuck very slowly, “and you said no.”

  “I didn’t say no,” the Pixie protested. “I said later, after you meet Ariel and agree.”

  “Well then, can I fuck you right now?” Felicia asked.

  Mint noticed the trap and didn’t say anything.

  “That’s a no,” Felicia said. “And you know what the penalty for saying no to a vampire is, don’t you?”

  Mint shook her head.

  Felicia pulled back and gave the Pixie a sweet smile. “You should start walking.”

  Mint gave her a puzzled look.

  Felicia pointed in the direction the Pixie had wanted to go. “You were going to take me to see Ariel, weren’t you?”

  “Yes,” the Pixie said uncertainly. “But what about—”

  “Your penalty?”

  Mint nodded.

  Felicia just gave her the most evilly suggestive smile she could manage.


  MINT LEAD THE WAY through the forest. They were still walking in the exact same direction Felicia had been going in the first place, so it was unclear why the Pixie was necessary at all. The obvious answer was that she was meant as a distraction. It was not uncommon for the hunters to set up ambushes, but so far Felicia had managed to escape from every single one of them. When a vampire was paying attention it was almost impossible to surprise or sneak up on her, and Felicia was always paying attention.

  Except… a large part of her attention was on the Pixie right now.

  Felicia tried to rectify that. She forced herself to keep scanning the forest in all directions and tried to keep her ears open for anything out of the ordinary. The trees were relatively thin trunked and sparse here, so there really weren’t any good places to hide. It was possible that the hunters might use magic to hide themselves, but such magic always left telltale traces and Felicia could usually spot them.

  Every few minutes Mint would look back over her shoulder. At first she just gave Felicia quick glances, her expression filled with a combination of lust and fear. However, as time went on the looks grew longer and the fear was gradually replaced by a mix of courage and naughtiness. At first Felicia ignored the glances, as looking at the Pixie could only lead to thinking about doing fun and exciting things to her.

  Keep my attention on the forest. Ignore her breasts. I’m sure they’re very pert and bouncy and would feel very nice in my hands…

  Stop that! Focus on the forest. Focus on the forest.

  However, after a while the Pixie became impossible to ignore: her looks were becoming longer and much too frequent, and with the last look, Felicia was positive that the Pixie had slowly licked her lips.

  I need to put a stop to this. At least until we meet Ariel.

  The next time Mint started to turn her head, Felicia made certain that she was staring at the Pixie, intent and unblinking. When Mint looked at her and realized tha
t Felicia was already looking back at her she instantly blushed and turned away. Felicia returned her attention to scanning the forest. A minute later, when the Pixie started to turn her head again, Felicia resumed her stare. This time she allowed one eyebrow to raise slightly, as if saying I’m ready anytime you are. Mint again turned away.

  A few minutes later the Pixie stopped. “We’re here,” she said and gave a quick look back. Felicia continued her pretence of staring, and the Pixie averted her eyes. But a moment later she looked back again and stared right at Felicia, matching the vampire’s intense stare with an impish Pixie smile. “We’re here,” she repeated.

  Realizing that it was a battle she couldn’t win right now, Felicia pulled her eyes away from Mint and looked around. There was nothing here, only untouched snow and trees, just like everywhere else in the forest.

  Then there was a ripple in the air in front of them. It wobbled on the edge of perception for a moment then exploded outward, an expanding sphere that instantly encompassed both Felicia and the Pixie.

  Inside the sphere the air was warm and humid. It was still night, but here the moon was overhead, brightening things considerably even with the leaf-filled trees partially blocking the sky. There was no snow on the ground, just dirt, grass and scruffy-looking flowers.

  Then the sphere contracted, again leaving Felicia standing in the snow, but it didn’t completely implode. Instead it shrunk to about fifteen feet across and stabilized, still glowing with moonlight, leaving a clearly demarcated ring on the ground with grass on the inside and snow on the outside.

  A woman was standing in the middle of the sphere, leaning against a tree, her light rainbow-hued wings gently fluttering. Felicia was sure that she hadn’t been there a moment ago when the sphere first expanded, but she was there now. She was a Pixie, that much was certain, even though she looked older and wiser than any Pixie Felicia could have imagined. It wasn’t that her face looked old, as her skin was perfectly smooth, but she had the same uncanny expression that Felicia had only seen in the eldest of vampires.

  She was still supremely cute, however, a feat which no vampire could ever duplicate.


  Wings. They seemed like such a natural part of the woman that Felicia hadn’t even really noticed their existence.

  Of course, Pixies have wings! She looked at Mint, trying to see if the Pixie’s coat could be concealing a pair of wings.

  Mint seemed to understand why Felicia was looking at her. She made an exaggerated shrugging motion with her shoulders that caused the back of her coat to expand. She didn’t actually show her wings, but something was definitely there.

  Felicia turned back to the new Pixie, who gave her a slight bow. Her eyes sparkled like the snow, reflecting the moon and stars with a mix of serenity and suppressed mirth.

  “Ariel?” Felicia asked, making a small bow herself.

  “Goddess Ariel,” Mint quickly corrected.

  The new Pixie held up one hand. “Just Ariel.”

  “You’re not a Goddess then?” Felicia asked without really thinking. Mint gave a little gasp. “No offence,” Felicia added quickly.

  Ariel gave an unconcerned shrug. “Goddess… maybe. It doesn’t matter.”

  Mint was already fidgeting impatiently. “You should ask her,” she said to Ariel.

  “Ask her what?” Ariel said with a look of confusion.

  Felicia saw the anguished expression on Mint’s face and had to suppress a smile. I see I’m not the only one that likes to tease her.

  “Ask her about… you know!” Mint said, as if that explained it.

  “Yes,” Felicia agreed, “please ask me. She won’t show me her breasts until you do.”

  Ariel studied Felicia. “Is that why you followed her?”

  Felicia shrugged. “In part. I also didn’t have anything else in particular to do.”

  “You were just wandering the forest, alone?”

  “I didn’t feel like staying in town. It felt a little… overcrowded.”

  Ariel nodded. “So it’s true. You don’t want to feed.”

  How could she possibly know that? I certainly haven’t told anyone.

  “I’ve been watching you,” Ariel explained, without waiting for Felicia to ask. “You haven’t been feeding much the past few months.”

  Felicia felt a splash of fear. She had been so alert, so careful to keep from drawing attention to herself. Hunters were always looking for her, or others like her, and she prided her ability to know when someone had seen her and recognized her for what she was. That this Pixie could spy on her, unnoticed for months or more, left her feeling unsettled, almost violated.

  She felt a hand on her shoulder. Mint had come up beside her and was now giving her a look that was oddly sympathetic. “She’s a Goddess, I told you. She can do things the rest of us can’t understand.”

  But Felicia’s attention wasn’t on the Pixie’s words. This was the first time that Mint had touched her and even through the fabric of her coat she could feel a tingly warmth emanating from the Pixie’s hand. She gave Mint a startled look, but the Pixie misinterpreted the reason for it. “Don’t worry. She didn’t do it to hurt you.” The tingling sensation was fading, but the warmth remained.

  Felicia looked back at Ariel, who had a knowing look, as if she understood exactly what was happening. “She’s surprising, isn’t she?” Ariel said.

  Felicia nodded. Mint’s hand was still on her shoulder, but she tried to ignore it. “So you’ve been watching me?”

  “Yes,” Ariel agreed, “for a few years, actually.”

  Years… She tried to ignore that. “Why?”

  “We may be able to help you with your problem.”

  Felicia snorted. “You can take away a vampire’s need to drink blood? Will you take away my need to breathe too?”

  Ariel didn’t react to the outburst. “In the short term, yes, we can take away your need for blood.”



  “In the long term,” Ariel continued, “we might be able to do that too.”

  “But… why?” was all Felicia could say.

  “The solution, the long term solution, well… we don’t have it. We need your help to find it.”

  Felicia thoughts were swirling with questions. How could there be a cure for vampirism? Why had she never heard of such a thing? Was it even possible? What could it be? Why would Pixies want it?

  She settled on just the last question. “But… why do you want it? What possible use could it be to you?”

  For the first time Ariel looked uncertain. “I can’t tell you that, not yet.”

  Felicia considered asking for specifics about what the solution was, but knew that there would be a price to pay for the information. She looked at Mint, who looked apprehensive, her hand still on Felicia’s shoulder. “Mint tells me that I need to agree to something,” she said, looking back at Ariel.

  “Yes, that part’s simple. You just need to agree to help us find the solution and to share it with us when you acquire it.”

  “That’s it?”


  Felicia was confused; it was too simple. “Why are you so concerned that I share it with you? Why wouldn’t I? What possible use for it could I have after it’s removed my curse?”

  “The solution isn’t just a simple potion. It will have other uses. I need to be certain that you won’t claim it as your own and not share it with us.”

  “And you’ll just take my word for it?”

  “I can hold you to your word, so yes.” There was a flash of deep knowledge in Ariel’s eyes, and Felicia had no doubt that she was telling the truth.

  Felicia briefly considered the proposal, but her choice seemed clear. How could she refuse even the possibility of never needing to feed on blood again? Her heart soared at the thought.

  “But you can’t agree just yet,” Ariel said.

  Felicia was puzzled, but Mint responded first, her han
d squeezing Felicia’s shoulder tightly. “Why can’t she agree now?”

  Ariel looked at Mint. “We haven’t told her the rest. She needs to understand the short term solution too.”

  Mint’s grip loosened. “Oh, right. I guess that makes sense.”

  “The short term solution?” Felicia said.

  “Yes, we can remove your compulsion for blood,” Ariel said, “or rather, we can replace it.”

  “Replace it? With what?” Felicia had never heard of any other substance that could fulfill a vampire’s needs. It had to be the blood of a sentient.

  Ariel just smiled obliquely.

  “Well?” Felicia said, growing impatient.

  Mint leaned in, putting her mouth close to Felicia’s ear. “With me,” she said quietly.

  Felicia looked at her in surprise. “What?”

  Mint nodded, her eyes wide, looking more sweet and innocent than ever. That made what she said next all the more incongruous. “Pixie cum.”

  “What?” I couldn’t have heard that right!

  “Pixie cum,” Mint repeated, a bit louder.

  Felicia looked at Ariel. “Is she serious?”

  Ariel nodded. “Completely.”


  “Why haven’t you heard of this before?” Ariel supplied.


  “Because it’s our darkest secret. Pixie cum is addictive.”

  “Addictive?” Felicia had never tried any of the magic drugs that were available in every city, but she had seen the effect they had on people. “You mean like Golem Dust, or Blot?”

  “More. Much more. Addictive like blood to a vampire.”

  “Really? Then why haven’t I heard of it? Why aren’t there druggies in every slum begging for more… Pixie Cum?” It was hard to say, it sounded so ridiculous.

  “Because no one knows. We never let anyone taste it more than once.”

  “Really?” Felicia ran through her memories, trying to remember any tales of someone having more than one encounter with a Pixie. She couldn’t.

  “Yes, one taste is safe. Two might be okay. Three and you need to live with Pixies for the rest of your life.”

  “Has that happened?” Felicia could imagine Pixie villages filled with humans and elves and dwarves, all begging for their next taste of Pixie. It was almost funny.


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