An Unconventional Courtship (If the lady first refuses...)

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An Unconventional Courtship (If the lady first refuses...) Page 3

by Morgan King

  She paused in raising a spoonful of ice to her lips “I believe this ice was just what I needed, and I will be well enough to dance tonight.” Alex watched as she passed the spoon between the bow of her pink lips. In the moment of answering his question the ice had melted, and a drop of liquid ran from the underside of the spoon down her chin.

  He mustn’t lick it.

  She did, the tip of tongue extending to search for the errant sweetness.

  Alex very nearly groaned aloud. The movement had lasted less than a second. That was all it took for his flesh to respond, and equally quickly he was hard. He folded his hands over his lap.

  She looked at him expectantly. Was it his turn to speak? He tried anyway. “May I reserve a dance? The supper waltz perhaps?” He needed to know where she would be this evening so that he could continue to court her.

  “I am a little wary of dancing these days.”

  “Weary?” The conversation was proving hard to follow as he watched another spoonful of ice enter her delicate mouth and futilely willed his erection to subside.

  “No, definitely wary. I’ve discovered that dancing, along with rowing, can equal an engagement.”

  Ah, so that was the story. Alex had been figuratively biting his nails in an effort to resist asking what had happened with Lord Wyvern. “So if you were to dance with me, I could consider it an acceptance of my proposal?” He wanted to dance with her. He wanted to marry her. At this very moment he wanted to kiss her lips.

  “Surely that would depend on whether I could understand, from every request of my hand for a dance, that you were offering me marriage.”

  “Perhaps I will just ask the once.” Alex didn’t like the idea of being publicly rejected again, even if it was only the two of them that would know it was more than a dance she was refusing. “When we dance it shall equal an engagement.”

  “I had better be careful not to sprain my ankle then. it has happened to me twice before, leaving me unable to dance.”

  “Perhaps you should stick to walking to avoid injury for a time. It will ensure your dance card is free for me when we are both inclined to dance.” He had no desire to watch her dancing with others while he waited to be sure she would say yes when he asked.

  “There will be a space on my card, my Lord.” The way she paused before saying “my Lord” and quirked one eyebrow at him made it seem as if she wasn’t being at all reverential. She mocked him … the cheeky Madam.

  He had use for her cheek. In fact, he could just imagine her saucily licking her lips before kissing his cock.

  Now he’d done it. He’d be sat here all afternoon, unable to stand with ease. He’d better try to continue to conversation and stop his licentious thoughts. “Can I ask where you will not be dancing this evening?”

  “Well, actually I’m not sure. Mother normally sends all our acceptances.”

  She seemed genuine, a look of disappointment crossing her features.

  “I had better take my leave, then, so that I may do my research.” It felt safe to take his exit now.

  “Thank you,” she said, as he met her gaze while rising from his bow.

  “Thank me when we dance.” Her hand in marriage, and a chance at her heart, would be better than any gratitude.

  Chapter Four

  “I don’t understand why you didn’t say yes to my brother,” Frances whispered to Ellie as the man in question left their company in search of refreshment for them, while they stood waiting at the side of a crowded ballroom. They had become close over the past week, and each had invited the other to use her first name.

  “Should I have said yes just because he asked?”

  “No, of course not just because he asked, but because he is hopelessly in love with you. Do you not think you could love him? He’s very nice really, when he’s around. He can be fun and sweet.”

  Ellie laughed at Frances’s attempts to recommend her own brother. Inside she thrilled at the thought of Lord Mendton being in love with her. She still wasn’t sure. She would have been sure, except for his recent behaviour.

  He had shown how funny and sweet he could be, bringing her and her guests ices, flirting with her. In the week since then he had also been attentive to her, always present at any function she attended. The number of balls he had attended in the past week was probably more than he had attended in the previous two years. He asked her to walk with him. He escorted her to suppers. He called for her, and they took long carriage rides. They played cards, he followed her lead, and yet…

  “He hasn’t asked me to dance.”

  “Does that really matter?” Frances asked. “He publicly declared himself in the middle of the park, and has courted you with romantic gestures ever since. If anyone were to show me such marked and sincere attention I would be married in an instant.”

  “Is that why you haven’t married yet? Because you are waiting for a grand romantic gesture?”

  Frances’s face lost its animation.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you,” Ellie said quickly.

  “It’s not your fault. You were right, in a way. I once received an offer of marriage from a boy my own age, but I didn’t take his offer seriously. We were so young, and it seemed to lack passion. It was before I made my official entrance into society, and I wanted to experience the whirl of a London season or two and have my choice of eligible bachelors. I have had other offers, and for all the poetry and flowers that accompanied them I now know none of them were as earnest in their desire to marry me. Genuine affection should be prized, if you can see past whatever form of wrapping it comes in.”

  Ellie was fascinated by Frances’s story. “Have you not seen him again? Does he not know how you feel?”

  “He went on a Grand Tour shortly afterwards, and our paths have not yet crossed again.” Frances sighed. “He, too, will have had two years to experience the world. I doubt he thinks of me now.”

  “Will you tell me his name?” Ellie longed for more knowledge, the romantic in her wanting to help her friend.

  “I’d rather not say. If you were to meet him and I was there, I would be so embarrassed. He would surely know I had told you and might be angry or embarrassed himself.”

  Frances obviously thought of meeting him again. Maybe she would be able to find out more from Lord Mendton, since he would probably remember Frances’s early suitor.

  “I am sure my brother is sincere in his feelings for you.” Frances returned to their earlier topic of conversation. “You bring him out of his shell in public company. I don’t think anyone else would have led him to behave the way he has.”

  “I did not say yes when he first asked because I did not see how we could possibly base a marriage on two equally impetuous acts, my jumping into the lake followed by his marriage proposal.” Ellie did not add that she hadn’t felt in control of the situation, and in that instant hadn’t known how to respond. “Now, if he asks me to dance I will marry him.”

  “You are a puzzling creature, Ellie! I can’t imagine why you would see dancing as a particular sign of affection. My brother puzzles me, too, on many an occasion. I think you two would be very well suited. It is a shame that you cannot instead ask him to dance.”

  Hah. The last time Ellie had been told she couldn’t do something because she was a lady, she had stepped from a boat in the middle of a lake. There was no reason she couldn’t ask him to dance. But what if he said no?

  This was one game she desperately didn’t want to lose. Could she seize control?

  At first Lord Mendton had held all the power between them, and he hadn’t even known there was a match at hand. When she had captured his attention in one reckless move, it had been too sudden, too soon for her to capitalise on it and call checkmate. Instead in the eye of the storm he had lined up all his pieces, worked his way back into the game. Now he had taken not just her fancy, but her heart.

  She desperately wanted to take his, too.

  He was not the man she had first thought him.
She’d assumed him reserved, but in actual fact he just kept his passion for things that interested him. That passion was now directed at her. He was hers. He came alive for her. Why did he not ask her?


  Alex couldn’t resist smiling. He could see his sister and his future bride talking. It pleased him that they got on well. His sister has been quiet of recent months, as if London began to tire her.

  Tonight he was going to ask Ellie to dance. He’d even hired a dance master to remind him of the moves he had forgotten, and ensure he was familiar with any new ones. They had rehearsed for an hour every morning this week.

  He felt sure she would say yes. He didn’t think he could bear it if she said no. He would have to find a way to put his pride back together. He would ask again, despite telling her otherwise. She would be his wife. The longer he waited the more of an agony it became. Spending time with her each day was a pleasure, but a pleasure unfulfilled. He wanted her in his bed each night, in his house and in every part of his life.

  Carefully carrying two small cups of ratafia Alex negotiated his way back to the ladies. Before he reached them he saw a young gentleman approach them. He’d better not be asking his intended to dance. She had better not say yes, if he was! Fortunately, she had not danced once all week, but then not many men had dared to ask her with Alex glowering at them if they looked likely to approach.

  Surprised, he watched as his sister accepted the man’s hand. She hadn’t been dancing recently either. Alex tried to get a closer look to see if he recognised who it was. His sister must have known her partner to have accepted, he was sure.

  Just then Ellie glanced his way and smiled. He had to be careful not to spill the drinks, for just her smile knocked his balance. He knew his sister called her Ellie, and in his head he did the same. He would enjoy using her name when they were married, if not before. He would like to hear her call him Alex.

  “Who was it who asked Frances to dance?” he asked when he reached her.

  “Oh, just Lord Ashby. I think she only accepted to give us a moment or two.”

  “Leaving me holding her drink and looking as if I would choose a lady’s drink for myself.”

  Ellie laughed, as he had intended. “We can’t have that now, can we? You had best put it down. It would only get in the way when dancing.”

  Had he heard her right? “I am to dance this evening then?”

  “You have not seen a dance partner that takes your fancy?”

  He had. Would she really go as far as fully asking him to dance? “You take my fancy.”

  She gave no immediate response, as if considering the matter. Alex let the silence remain, trying to draw her out. When she held out her hand he tasted victory. He had to push back the impulse to place his hand in hers or even better sweep her up into his arms and kiss her witless. He kept his hands by his side.

  She looked at him so seriously. “My Lord, will you do me the honour of dancing the next with me?”

  He took her hand and leaned in close to whisper in her ear. “Three weeks, no more. Can we be married in three weeks?”

  She mmm’d her consent as he took a nibble of her earlobe, the opportunity too good to miss. Not for one moment did he think their game playing was at an end, but he was relieved they could get on with dancing. In fact, eager to hold her as much as possible while still in full view, he led them to the dance floor, passing couples as they went who had just finished the previous set. He could hold her tonight, even if only loosely, and it would not be long before he could have her.

  Alex suspected and hoped their marriage would indeed be a merry dance. He could now look forward to the games they might play as man and wife.


  The next day Alex strode purposefully towards Ellie’s House. Was eight in the morning too early to call? They may consider themselves engaged, but he still had to secure her father’s consent.

  There were not many signs of life as the butler showed him into the hall, but he turned towards a downstairs room to see if Ellie’s father was available, which was a good sign he was already up.

  He was back shortly. “This way, my Lord.”

  Ellie’s father, who was seated behind a large desk, rose to greet him. “Lord Mendton.” They shook hands. “It is good to see you this morning. My wife tells me how you rescued Ellie.”

  “Well, more like assisted. Lady Eleanor is a very capable young lady. It is your daughter I wished to speak to you about, as you may have guessed.” He received a nod in response. “We wish for your permission to be married.” Oh no, was that too direct? “What I meant to say was that I would be honoured if you would consent to have me as your son-in-law. I am more than able to provide for Eleanor’s future happiness and am unconcerned about a dowry. I can have my man of business prove my financial security, and I am sure we can agree on contracts.” Too much?

  “Am I to assume that my daughter has already given her consent?” This time it was Alex who nodded. “And you feel that you are deserving enough of my daughter?”

  How best to answer? Alex felt as if he were under a lens. “She deserves love and happiness, which I pledge myself to giving her.”

  The other man looked at him intently for a moment, before jovially slapping him on the shoulder. “Let us have a drink to celebrate you joining the family then. We can talk business after.” He moved to pour them both a measure. “I was beginning to fear Ellie might never settle on a husband. She has had plenty of suitors, but I don’t think she ever really entertained the idea of taking any of them as a husband. And I didn’t want to be worried I would be giving her away to someone who was just after my money. Wealthy in your own right and a Viscount, you’ll do. Come, have a seat.”

  As Alex took a seat a pile of books on the far corner of the desk caught his eye. The top one was open, revealing detailed pictures of birds. He already liked Ellie’s warm-hearted father who had been very accepting of him, but a shared interest would also help. He’d forgotten Ellie had told him her father also liked birds the day they met early in the park. In fact, wait a minute. Were those the latest of Buffon’s Histoire?

  “I see you have the very latest of Buffon’s work.” He indicated the books with a wave of his hand. “I am still waiting for my copies, which are on order.”

  “Oh those. They are not mine. Ellie likes to use this room, too. She had her nose in those books for at least a week solid after she came back from Hatchard’s with them. I’ve no idea what she found so interesting in them, but she said she was lucky to get them.”

  Alex burst out laughing, earning him a strange look.

  The little vixen! “She’ll be even luckier to hold onto them. It seems your daughter and I have more of a shared interest in birds than I knew.” She had taken his books, and if he guessed correctly set out to capture his interest.

  “Good, good. Ellie needs someone who understands her.” Alex was beginning to think he understood his future wife very well. Her game may not have gone entirely according to plan, but there was no denying he was now well and truly caught. He was going to have to add cunning, devious, and determined to alluring, feisty, and wilful—his list of words to describe Ellie’s character.

  It would certainly be a challenge to keep her in line, so it was a good job he was up for it. He didn’t really mind if he didn’t completely succeed. What counted was that as her husband he would soon be in the best position to try.

  Chapter Five

  “I have something for you.”

  Shouldn’t those be his words?

  Earlier that day, exactly three and a half weeks after their first dance Alex and Ellie had been married. And now his wife—Alex did like the phrase his wife especially when an image of Ellie accompanied it or even better her presence—had something for him.

  “Yourself: heart, body, and soul?” Alex very much hoped so.

  He loved the blush that coloured Ellie’s cheeks. It was a happy reminder of her innocence.

  “Well, yes. But also
these.” Alex watched as Ellie walked over to the chest of her belongings that had been delivered to his house and the room that would be hers from now on.

  “I know how much you wanted them,” she said as she handed him a weighty package wrapped neatly in brown paper but tied with a blue ribbon.

  Alex smiled even before he placed the books on her dresser and pulled one end of the ribbon.

  “They are just what I wanted. How on earth did you manage to get hold of them so quickly?”

  She wouldn’t meet his eye.

  “Don’t tell me they are your father’s. He did have an early set after all?”

  “To be honest…”

  “Yes?” Alex was loving every moment of his wedding night so far.

  “Do you remember the copies you ordered at Hatchard’s that were given away to someone else?”


  Alex had a moment to enjoy the look of nervous uncertainty on Ellie’s face before it was quickly chased away by a look of determination. He eagerly awaited her full confession.

  It never came.

  Instead she approached him and stretching on tiptoes placed a kiss against his cheek as if to distract him. It might have worked if she had kissed him on the lips. As it was she merely aligned herself in the perfect position for him to whisper in her ear. “So, Ellie, am I right in thinking you intended to seduce me all along?”

  She never answered. This time he got the kiss on the lips he had been craving for what felt like so long.

  He was so completely distracted that it was the feel of her soft hands undoing his cravat that got his attention. Alex raised his head to discover he had been neatly backed against the bed. In the second his mind took to make that realisation he felt Ellie pushing against his chest. Momentarily caught off guard, he collapsed backwards onto the bed with Ellie atop him.

  While he was infinitely grateful that Ellie was not overcome with wedding night nerves, Alex was a little perturbed that she was so free of nerves as to have wrestled him to the bed.


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