Valves & Vixens, Volume 2

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Valves & Vixens, Volume 2 Page 1

by Blair Erotica

  Title Page

  Valves & Vixens Volume 2

  Edited by

  Nicole Gestalt

  Publisher Information

  Valves & Vixens Volume 2

  published in 2015 by House of Erotica

  an imprint of Andrews UK Limited

  This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  The characters and situations in this book are entirely imaginary and bear no relation to any real person or actual happening.

  Copyright © Nicole Gestalt 2015

  The rights of the authors have been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  Clockwork Toys

  Blair Erotica

  Vanessa had no idea how Sue had managed to get them invitations for the maiden voyage of Warren’s newest airship, Venus and didn’t intend to ask. Heralded as a technological marvel that would change international travel, even scientists and politicians had vied for births but somehow Sue managed it.

  Vanessa didn’t exactly care that much about the flight itself, but being on board meant she would have a chance to meet and talk to the secretive millionaire inventor. It was an amazing opportunity and a lot was riding on it. Her ideas had met with a great deal of ridicule, but if she could convince this forward-thinking man of the merit of her plan, it could turn things around. She was sure she could make him see the value of imposing a technology tax, with the money invested in charities like Sue’s that ran clinics for the poor. It appalled her that technology seemed to benefit only the rich.

  From the beginning they were treated almost as celebrities. She and Sue had been swept from their hotel to the airfield by a liveried chauffeur in the whisper-quiet luxury of a steam-powered limo and delivered to the steps that led to the gondola of the massive airship by a tall and striking black man.

  “Hello Sue,” he said in a deep and sonorous voice. He kissed her cheek, then turned to Vanessa. “Welcome to the airship Venus,” he said. Just the sound of his voice made her feel giddy. “I am Jordan Wexler, Mr Warren’s business associate, and friend. He asked me to take you two in hand and see to your comfort.”

  As he led them on board, Vanessa decided that she didn’t mind him taking her in hand at all, and was certain he could provide more than a little comfort.

  “Jordan is the man to thank for getting us the invitation,” Sue said.

  “It was my pleasure,” he said. “Neil and I have great admiration for your clinics and the work you do, Sue.”

  Seeing the look in Sue’s eye when she looked at him gave Vanessa a clue as to how her girlfriend had gotten them invitations.

  Jordan smiled at them. “We were delighted you wanted to join us Sue, and when you mentioned that Miss Casewell would accompany you, we couldn’t have been more pleased.”

  Vanessa started. Although she’d been quite public in promoting her plan, it surprised her that these men knew anything about her.

  He led them through narrow passageways to a sparkling stateroom with a huge bed. The large and comfortable room surprised and delighted Vanessa. A large porthole let in light and she noted it angled down to provide a view of the ground below. Even at rest, with the ship tethered to the ground, they seemed quite high.

  A crewman came in and put Vanessa’s suitcase on a stand by the bed. As he left, Jordan went to a door and opened it, showing them an identical stateroom next door. Sue’s suitcase sat bed the bed in that room. “This door provides privacy when you wish it,” he said. He consulted his watch. “I’m afraid I have to scoot along and meet other people. Neil intends to give you a personal tour of the ship once we are under way,” he said. “He wanted to greet you himself, but as the designer of the ship’s propulsion system, he involves himself intimately with last minute details and checks to ensure our comfort and safety.”

  “Of course,” Sue said.

  “Go ahead and settle in. We will be ascending soon for our departure from Madrid.”

  “And we go non-stop all the way from Madrid to Bangkok?” Sue asked.

  He nodded. “That’s right. Neil is trying to make a point, so we will make the trip as quickly as possible. If our demonstration flight interests a company in commissioning a ship for commercial use, then it would likely stop at several major cities en route. First we have to prove her viability, show that she will be quick, comfortable and reliable over such a distance.” He smiled. “I think it will be a rather easy test for her.”

  When he left, Vanessa found the room suddenly felt empty. Yes, she told herself, Jordan Wexler is quite a man. She looked forward to seeing more of him on the trip. She would have to see how just how proprietary Sue felt toward him.

  Sue went into her cabin to unpack leaving Vanessa to take a closer room at the lovely room and its impeccable appointments. She decided the room was seductive. It wrapped you in sensual comfort and enticed you to stay in it. With the right man she could see never leaving it.

  “Hey Van,” Sue called through the open connecting door. “Would you mind if we swapped rooms?”

  The question surprised her. “I guess not. What’s wrong with yours?” Vanessa asked.

  “I think it’s backward,” she said laughing. She came in and looked around at Vanessa’s room. “These two rooms are mirror images of each other; for some reason the other one makes me feel funny. This one feels better.”

  Although she was sure that Jordan affected them both more than the room, Vanessa agreed. She closed her suitcase and traded door keys with her friend.

  “Thanks,” Sue said. “I’m being silly, I know, but then you know I’m a silly person sometimes.”

  “It’s fine,” Vanessa told her as she took her bag in the other room. “I actually like this room better.” It was true. There was something about the room that felt right. She wondered if it was the same something that made it feel wrong to Sue.

  “Do you want to take a look around after we unpack?” Vanessa asked.

  “No. I want to go to the lounge.” She grinned sheepishly. “Jordan gave me a few names of some rich men who are on this trip who might be convinced to support my clinics. I see no reason to waste time in hunting them down.”

  Vanessa grinned. Although she was a top fund raiser, she knew that when Sue was on the prowl it was often for more than donations. “Of course you’ll start with the ones who are both rich and attractive,” Vanessa laughed.

  “Well a girl has to prioritise. How about you?”

  Vanessa suddenly felt lazy. “I might just take a nap.”

  “See you for dinner then,” Sue said and shut the door.


  Vanessa slowly unpacked her things, putting them away in dresser drawers lined with cedar. Then she undressed and put her travel clothes away. A soft cashmere robe hung in the closet with a note saying that it was a gift. An elegant touch, she thought, as she slipped into it, feeling the luxurious caress of the supple fabric on her bare skin. Not as arousing as the touch of a lover, but not bad, she thought.

  She had noticed a wet bar ne
ar the porthole and she went to it and poured herself a drink. She took it to the viewport and sipped it as she watched workers checking and double checking things on the ground below.

  The idea of a nap called strongly. She grabbed her empty suitcase from the bed and was stuffing it in the closet when she heard a knock on the door.

  She opened it to find Jordan.

  “Hello,” she said. Then, noting his surprised look, she felt awkward. “I’ll bet you are looking for Sue,” she said. “She asked to swap rooms.”

  He smiled broadly and it warmed her. “Did she?”

  She thought he seemed to take some meaning from it. It stuck her that Sue had known he was coming. Swapping rooms was a ruse she knew Vanessa wouldn’t mind in the least.

  “She intended to go to the lounge and track down some people you mentioned to her.”

  “Excellent,” he said. “I see no reason to disturb her then.” His gaze seemed to envelope Vanessa; his eyes sparkled and she felt warm and flushed. “I just finished my official duties as meeter and greeter,” he said. “With everyone safely tucked in and accounted for, I wanted to see if you are settling in well.”

  “Everything is wonderful,” she said.

  “Do you need anything at all?” he asked.

  It dawned on Vanessa that she didn’t know what Sue had told Jordan to get the invitation. For all she knew, they might be there under false pretences. That could sour everything.

  She opened the door wide. “Please come in, won’t you?”

  He nodded and came in. She closed the door and walked to the bar feeling, knowing that he watched her closely. “Can I get you a drink?”

  “That would be lovely,” he said. “A neat scotch would be delightful.”

  “I want to make sure that Sue explained why I asked to be on this trip,” she told him as she went to the bar. She felt his gaze as she poured the drinks. The idea that he seemed attracted to her gave her a tingle of delight.

  “Oh she explained it thoroughly,” he said as she turned and handed him his drink. “Even if she hadn’t, Neil and I both know of your proposal, Vanessa. May I call you Vanessa?”

  “Of course,” she said.

  “We’ve both read your excellent articles outlining your ideas. Neil and I even attended the talk you gave at the banquet for the new minister of health.”

  Her heart beat faster. This was more promising than she could have hoped. She clinked glasses with him and they drank. “And what do you think? Will you support my efforts?”

  “Perhaps. However there are some points we want to discuss. Neil sees a few difficulties.” He smiled. “I am sure you will have good answers for him. In discussing your plan at length, we came up with an idea of our own that we would like you to consider.”

  “What is it?”

  He grinned. “Slowly, Vanessa. Neil wants to tell you himself and in his own way. That’s why he was delighted that we would have you available for the entire trip.”

  “Will you at least tell me what you think?” she asked.

  He smiled. “I think I am very glad you’ve come on this trip. After seeing your talk, I developed my own reasons for wanting you on board; now they appear to be incredibly well-founded reasons.”

  She looked at him, noting the open way he looked at her body. Wearing nothing but the thin cashmere robe suddenly made her feel naked, but the truth was the feeling was also exciting. Not only was Jordan an extremely sexy man, it seemed that circumstances might have handed her an opportunity to gain an ally. Her cause was important enough to her that she was happy to play up to a man, to stroke and toy with his delicate male ego. In the end, in her experience, the woman controlled how far things would go and she could usually get what she wanted without giving up that control.

  “You make your reason sound quite personal,” she said.

  He was standing close to her and she could feel the heat of his body. She looked up at him and saw that the sparkle in his eyes had changed. Now his eyes showed a hunger, a look of lust.

  “Very personal,” he said. “In fact, you and Sue swapping rooms is incredible fortunate in that regard,” he said. Before she could even take a moment to consider what he meant he took her arm in his hand and gently pulled her closer to him. She moved to him as if caught up in some powerful current, feeling helpless to do anything else but press her body against his, causing her breasts to brush against him. The simple caress of their bodies through clothing sent a tingle of warning and excitement through her.

  “Jordan...” she began, without knowing what else to say. Her knees were weak and her will to do anything but whatever he asked her to was even weaker.

  “Seeing you,” he said, “even from a distance, I knew I wanted to be alone with you. I saw and heard you and knew I wanted you.”

  She caught her breath as she tried to think of a response, a way to slow things down while she restarted her brain. When she turned her face up to his again his lips met hers. She thought she should protest but instead found herself returning a divine kiss that made her head spin wildly. Struggling to think, she tried to get her bearings, but it seemed impossible. He began touching her, stroking her back and then her arse softly through the supple cashmere, feeling the line of her body, each movement setting her on fire. Any resistance melted under those incredible hands moving over her body. She had assumed she would be the one in control, and miscalculated. The hunger in his eyes was a smouldering fire, fuelling a deliberate and ruthless seduction, not a raging heat that she could hold at a distance. She was drawn to him viscerally, overwhelmed by the magnetic power of his passion.

  “Jordan,” she said again, cursing herself for not having any other words.

  He didn’t respond. He opened her robe and slipped his hands inside it, burning on her bare skin. Those unstoppable fingers on her back, then cupping the cheeks of her arse, pulling her pelvis against his as he kissed her again. She opened her lips and gave his broad tongue access to explore her mouth.

  He finally broke the kiss to run his tongue down her trembling neck. He tasted her collarbone. His mouth moved downward. leaving behind a fiery trail and captured her bare breast, sucking the nipple into his mouth, taking it between his teeth. All she could do was arch her back and give herself to it, for she wanted more.

  He turned her in his arms, enfolding her in those powerful arms. One impatient monster of a hand touched her belly, sending chills up her spine. Feverishly, she anticipated what he would do next. Goosebumps covered her skin as his hand made the inevitable march down to her stomach to stroke her pussy, igniting the fire inside it. She sagged against him as his fingers spread the petals of her cunt open to send intense shock waves rippling through her as he probed inside. He was dipping into her wetness and then entering her, moving inside her.

  Disoriented, she had stopped thinking about what might happen and became totally absorbed by the here and now of the amazing sensations he evoked in her.

  With his massive fingers working inside her, his mouth heating her neck and sucking her earlobes, she opened her eyes and saw their reflection in the mirror over the dresser. Her body looked tiny in his arms; her legs were spread open obscenely and his huge hand played with her cunt, making her face contort with lust. In the mirror, he smiled and she watched, transfixed by the sensations his fingers aroused in her and the vision of it all in the mirror.

  Grabbing his wrist she ground her cunt against his fingers. As her orgasm welled up he held her tight, continuing the glorious motion of his fingers inside her as she came. In the mirror her lover smiled with delight as she trembled in his arms.

  He picked her up and carried her effortlessly to that wonderful bed, spreading her out so that she floated on the incredible softness of the down duvet, her robe open, body exposed to him. “You are a delicious morsel waiting for me to consume,” he said.

p; That was exactly what she wanted. “Consume me,” she begged.

  “Touch yourself,” he said. “Open your pussy for me.”

  As she did, he slowly undressed, tossing his clothing aside. When he stood naked in front of her she reached out to touch his magnificent erect shaft. As her fingers encircled it, a sense of apprehension rippled through her. It was so beautiful, with a lovely upward curve, but it was huge. The idea of taking all of it inside her made her tremble.

  With her holding his cock, feeling his heat, smelling his arousal, he moved between her legs. He reached under her and lifted her arse, bringing her cunt up to meet his shaft. She watched his cock as she rubbed the bulbous head between her swollen cunt lips, spreading herself open so that it could pierce her. She wanted it. When he finally shoved his hips forward, she released his cock and cried out. He gave a satisfied grunt as he impaled her. Amazingly his enormous shaft slid into her, taking away her breath.

  “Yes,” she moaned as he fucked her. He knelt between her legs and rocked back and forth, driving that shaft into her as she stroked his muscled chest. He seemed to stretch her more, go deeper with each thrust. She was sure he had filled her already, but if he had more to give her, she wanted it--she wanted to feel every inch of him.

  He pushed her legs up and back toward her, stretching his own legs out so that he lay prone on her. He let his weight bury his cock in her entirely and then he began to fuck her in a steady rhythm that stoked her fires again. They sank into the soft bedding as he drove into her. His face loomed between her legs; she saw the fire growing brighter in his eyes and began to expect she’d feel him begin spilling his seed in her.

  She tightened the muscles of her cunt, trying to capture, even briefly, the shaft that was driving in and out of her, driving her mad. She came in an explosion; her body contracted inward around his cock and then blew outward.

  “Oh fuck,” he moaned and a secondary explosion rocked her body. He grabbed one of her breasts roughly and his mouth covered hers in a passionate kiss as his cock erupted inside her sending warm blasts of his seed flooding her cunt.


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