Valves & Vixens, Volume 2
Page 11
The men were of all ages, naked and well-muscled. I could tell that they must be from different parts of the country. I never got to know all that much about them since the noise in the hall of the fiery mouths was so loud that I could not have heard what they said, even if we had been allowed to speak to each other which we were not, a rule which was enforced by a long whip wielded by one of the girls in charge, sometimes because one of us made a move towards the next guy, and sometimes just in case...
The girls, by the way, were different girls all the time. I suppose, just like us, they must have been working on some kind of shift system, but I did recognize the original three who had caught me now and then. I tried to catch their eyes but they never acknowledged me.
We slept all separately in different nooks and alcoves of the ship’s belly, never the same one in a row, on mats that were a lot softer than the ones I had been used to in the village, even in my fiancée’s house, and ate a lot of nourishing food. The wash rooms were, to my mind, absolutely luxurious.
Before and after the shifts we were exercised by groups of girls, both in the ways of vigorous sex and by performing a workout designed to strengthen those muscles that were not used enough while shovelling coal into the fiery mouths. Of course, in those exercises the girls found much to correct, usually with a bamboo stick, which made me perfect my posture and then led to more exercise of the erotic kind. Those girls just loved to fuck me after giving me a good beating. And, to be truthful, over time I started get hard and excited when I felt my hot and bruised ass slide across the sooty metal floor and wanted nothing more than to be held down and ridden like a horse by a strong, grimy girl with wild hair.
Well, unless perhaps it was licking another girl’s purple orchid... Sometimes I also heard other guys cry out from the neighbouring alcoves, both in pleasure and in pain. The next shift we could all see the new welts and bruises by those who had had a good time. At first I thought a lot about Winter Plum and felt guilty about letting my parents (and her parents!) down when I didn’t return and when there was no wedding, but slowly my mind focused on the world I lived in now and their memory receded into the distance. Who knew where in the world we were right now? If indeed we were still in and of this world, which I doubted more and more but cared about less and less.
Sometimes there were shifts when the fires went down, and when we were told to replenish the coal just enough to keep them from dying. This must have been when the ship was moored somewhere, although I never discovered was going on. But soon afterwards, new girls started to appear, and I could tell that they were not yet used to the ways of the ship, not so strong and bold, although they were very soon just as grimy. We all were.
After some time I also discovered that there were a group of senior officers who really ran the ship. Some of them were engineers who understood the machinery and directed occasional repair parties that took us deeper into the pipe system and once or twice even up to the deck, just below the huddle of crooked houses. Those were the only times when I saw the sun, although even then we were surrounded by a white mist that I was told later by the girls was actually the inside of a cloud. Only once was I on deck in a work party when the weather was clear and I could see the world spread out like a picture below me, mountains and rivers and lakes and tiny red and white shapes that I realized must be houses and villages. That was when I changed my mind again. Although I had no idea where we were, we were clearly not in hell yet.
Those officers generally wore voluminous garments and only spoke to the girls, never to us directly. They were a lot cleaner because they lived up in the crooked houses from which they descended to our level only if it was unavoidable. I thought that maybe they were using the girls the way the girls were using us, it would have made sense. I suddenly realized that this was how our village had worked, too, all the time. Those who could used those who couldn’t help being used.
The officers usually kept their distance from us guys. It took some strenuous work on an exhaust pipe, and the very real danger of explosion which meant that we all had to lend a hand, even the officer in charge, for me to get a good look at one of their faces and realize that it looked very familiar. For days I was puzzled, mulling it over while feeding the fiery mouths. But in the end I realized that it was because I had of course assumed that the officers must be men that it took me so long to put two and two together. But this particular officer was one of the girls who had caught me! And not only was she a girl, she was a girl who had found good fortune and advancement. I thought I could no longer be surprised but I was wrong. Maybe we were in hell after all.
When my head stopped spinning I looked around. Maybe some of the other officers were women, too?
It took me a while to find out but - they all were. Sometimes, one or two of the more senior girls would disappear from our orbit and I now knew where they went. Sometimes one or two of the guys also disappeared but I never saw them promoted. Something else must be happening to them but I felt it might be wiser not to think about it.
And then, one day, I was declared “ready”. The girls stood around me in a circle and nodded at each other. Yes, yes, this one is ready. They didn’t tell me for what, but I bowed my head and agreed. What else could I do?
Fear came back for a visit, but I showed her the door. What had fear ever done for me? What can’t be helped can’t be helped, I thought, and relaxed.
I was taken up to the ship’s deck, and a troupe of girls washed me down, and scrubbed me down, and towelled me down again, and anything else down that my skin would take. I was a lot cleaner than they were when we were finished. Then I was given some pants and a shirt. Nice soft material, the kind Winter Plum (who was surely married by now to someone else) would have worn, but it felt very odd after being naked for such a long time.
The ship was high in the clouds that day, and rising. Maybe I would see what was above the clouds, I thought, but no such luck. A senior officer came and motioned me to follow.
I also thought I might see the inside of the crooked houses, but we just kept climbing steep stairs, and even I had to hold on for balance because they swayed wildly from left to right. I couldn’t believe it was possible to climb so high on that ship, but finally we came to a large door. The officer made me wait outside, then she returned. motioned me in and left.
The room was huge, and surrounded by windows - outside the sky was blue and I could indeed see the tops of the clouds. They rose in wild shapes unrestrained by gravity (although I am from a village, I know many paper facts, because I spent a large part of my youth preparing for the entrance exam to the National College of Administration, taking it twice and failing it twice, bringing shame on my family) and therefore could expand in any direction, upside down, sideways up, top heavy, bottom wide, anything. Some people in the village believed that heaven was up here but they were in for a surprise. The ship was here, too.
“Once again”, said a deep voice, “I am outshone by the sky.”
I turned, expecting someone to take action and pull me in line, but nothing happened.
The room was darker than the day outside, so my eyes had to adjust. Then I could see, among many cushions, miniature sculptures and drapes, a large bed with a silk curtain around it. That’s where the voice came from.
“Do come closer”, said the voice. It was so deep that this time I was sure I had finally come to the man in charge. To be frank, I had never met anyone who sounded that grand, not even the Main Proctor of the Exam.
“Thank you”, I said.
“Do you know where you are?”
“No”, I answered truthfully.
“No idea? No idea after all this time?” The voice sounded faintly teasing.
“Well”, I said, “I don’t know if...”
“You can be honest”, the voice said. “I quite enjoy it, honesty. Not mu
ch in fashion where you come from. Come and speak.”
I came closer and stood next to the bed. There was a faint shadow moving behind the curtain.
“Well”, I said, “to be honest, at first I thought I had been dragged into the world of ghosts. I thought that those girls, the girls who first caught me, and what they did to me - I thought they must be the ghosts of those Girls-That-Should-Never-Have-Been.”
“And now you have changed your mind?” said the voice, and I thought I heard some amusement in it.
“Well”, I said, “now it seems that this is all real, different perhaps, but real.”
“What did you see that makes you think that?”
“The iron, and the girls’ bodies, and the coal and the fiery mouths”, I said. “I have heard of ships that run on big rails along the ground, and I know times are changing...”
“Yes, the girls” bodies”, said the voice slowly, “everyone always says that. They must be real since they seem to be flesh and blood - although, have you ever seen any of them bleed? No? Unlike you?”
“But”, I said, “there are other... well, fluids...”
The voice laughed a little. A slow, ponderous laugh that made me suddenly think of old age. Well, the world is ruled by old men, so no wonder I should meet one here in charge, too.
“Yes”, said the voice, “those fluids are always very convincing. Although many ghosts have fluids, too...”
I couldn’t think of any but didn’t say so. Best to agree with such an old voice.
“Would it surprise you”, said the voice, “that in your great grandfather’s time, those who visited our ship, like you did, saw blood red sails and spent their time running up and down the ropes? While others worked at the oars, day in day out, until they had such hard, firm muscles as you...”
“That would surprise me very much”, I said.
“True”, said the voice. “Looking for the truth is such a waste of time. And still I always hope there will be one... But enough talking. That’s not why you are here. Sit down.”
I advanced and sat on the edge of the bed.
Two slim old hands emerged from behind the curtain and slowly drew it open.
What I saw made me jump back.
The old voice did indeed come from an old body, but it was the body of a woman. A very old woman. Her long grey hair hung down to her waist, and her half transparent dress concealed very little. I could see her large breasts, full but no longer pert, her hips and her thin legs. Her old skin was mercifully obscured.
An old woman! Any old women that I had known down in the village (and there were not many, old women are even more of a burden than young ones) were deeply shawled and veiled. This woman could have been my Auntie Vinegar, and nobody would ever have seen her naked nor wanted to.
Old she might be, but she was strong. A thin hand struck out and caught my wrist.
“Yes”, she said, in the same deep old voice that now seemed essentially female to me. “Yes, I am your worst nightmare. My name is Auntie Midnight and I am the ruler and protector of all those Girls-That-Never-Should-Have-Been. Why, some people even say that I was one of those girls once myself, a long long time ago, long before your time or your great grandfather’s time. And that I survived on the stormy cliff where I was left to die, cared for by the animals of the mountain, until one day I came to the notice of Someone With Great Power who took me under her wing, literally, and helped me find other such girls, and finally, build this ship. Yet others say that I am that Someone With Great Power myself and that I travel round the country taking all those girls into my body, and that we also take some men, not for revenge as they think but for quite another purpose...”
The old eyes became animated as she spoke, her breasts and her long hair moved as she turned around but she never released her grip on my wrist.
Auntie Midnight... Here in front of me was the true reason why we fear women, why we never let them have power, and often not even much of life.
“But as to where that power comes from”, Auntie Midnight said, “not many are privileged to know that but you, my young man, are about to find out.”
With that, she pulled me across the bed and all my powerful muscles could not help me. With one hand still holding onto me, she lifted the hem of her transparent gown and I could see her huge lower lips opening like the greediest mouth of fire.
I knew what was expected of me, and the grip on my wrist made it clear that I had no choice. Of course I had excellent technique by then, but what had been a rough game down below with the firm young girls seemed an impossible, disgusting, unnatural undertaking in the ancient Auntie’s bed. Older than my great grandfather! And yet, something in me stirred. I told myself I was just bowing to the inevitable, but when my tongue touched the velvety flesh of her inner lips, I felt a jolt of desire that was as far beyond my previous experiences as my adventures down below had been beyond those of the village boy (and twice failed examinee).
Her inner lips were the deepest red the eye could see and when they opened up, an intoxicating fragrance emanated from them. My tongue followed the elegant line of her magnificent petals, and I felt her shiver. Shiver! I was the man who made Auntie Midnight shiver.
When I found my way to her Lily it was already growing hard. I took it into my mouth and held it firmly between my lips while I described ever narrowing spirals with the tip of my tongue from its base to its summit. The girls down below had taught me how to pace myself, how to tease out its delicate pulse, while at the same time always insisting on the spiral movement. It was as if all that training had been designed just for this moment (well, I thought, it clearly was...). The Auntie’s Lily was very large and very erect, and whenever I thought it was close to climax, it relaxed a little into my mouth so that I had to apply my efforts and technique all over again. I have no idea how long it all lasted, but I do remember that my member thumped the bed hot and swollen under me, anticipating her climax just as much as my mouth did.
When she finally came, it was all I could do to cover her Lily, pressing my lips against her velvety flesh and holding her hips with my free hand. I wanted to come, too, nothing more than that but I knew better. If the training down below was anything to go by, I knew I would need to preserve all my strength.
She released me. I looked up into her face from my position between her legs and licked the upper end of her lower lips where they come together in a beautiful V.
The Auntie smiled. Who would have thought that Auntie Midnight could smile like this?
“Welcome, young man”, she said, then stroked my hair with a sudden look of compassion in her dark old eyes, “or perhaps I no longer should call you that.”
Then she drew me up and allowed me to enter her inner body with my cock, kneeling above her while she leant back luxuriantly into her cushions. Can’t expect the Auntie to do the work! It was all up to me, and glad to oblige. Also, it must be said, glad for the training, both physical and sexual.
I wish I could say how long I was able to fuck her, or rather, to be allowed to enter the iron hard muscle rings of her outer gate, then push myself through the next one, and so forth, until I was finally all the way inside. How I was able to hold on and not climax a thousand times I don’t know either. I had never experienced such stimulation all along my shaft, not even when I was played with by a whole group of girls.
I did briefly wonder how much experience the Auntie must have, and then I stopped thinking. It took all I had to go on, to push forward, to receive the pressure on my cock and return it.
World, hell, village or sky, they meant nothing to me. Everything was here and there was no other place except this bed and Auntie Midnight’s deep soft body.
I also lost all sense of time, and at one point I could no longer remember my past, as if my life had started when I entered this room.
But if there was no past, there definitely was a future.
After all this time, the Auntie sucked me in with one big final gulp and her inner body erupted in a long orgasm that shook the entire ship. And again I was taken to a whole new level of sexual intensity. I tried to hold on, to stay hard, to give her my hard self to grip on to while she climaxed and climaxed again.
Then, inevitably, I came. I couldn’t help it.
As soon as I was spent, the Auntie pushed me out and pushed my face towards her Lily. Again, it was already big and receptive.
I had thought, down below, that I had a lot of stamina. More so than other guys, I thought. More than enough to satisfy a dozen girls a night, and frequently had.
But I had never had sex like this. If it hadn’t been for all that conditioning, I don’t think I would have made it past the first few times.
I will get used to it, I told myself, I will do better next time. And yet again the Auntie pushed me on. And on. As she gripped my member inside herself and put my hand on her big old breasts that suddenly felt just the right level of soft and firm, and as I kissed the tender space between them, I lost all power of thought, and became nothing but a big fucking body. Which is all I ever could be, for her.
I don’t know how long we went on, but I think night fell and day rose twice and we were still on the bed, without sleep, without food and drink, although now that hardly seems possible. But then so many things that were not possible happened on this ship...
The last few times I could hear myself gasp, and I am pretty sure I passed out briefly, only to be woken by a slap on my face, or my hair raised painfully by a very strong thin hand.
I do remember my last climax. The Auntie had prepared me again, letting me in much more easily as if she could feel that my power was almost spent, too, and I saw something almost like regret in her eyes as she coaxed me to my final orgasm, not as wild and prolonged as the earlier ones, but the very best I could do.