“I’ve had sex before, right?”
“With women and with men.”
“And love? Have I ever been in love?”
“Hush,” she said loudly
“Sorry Madame Fang,” I looked down, then up at her. “I ask too many questions.”
“That’s because I made you to be wonderful. Now---” she stood in front of me.
Finally I was able to see what she her face on, she wore a long-flowing black skirt that was ruffled at the hem of it. It was different from silk. It was shinier. It looked like vinyl material. Yet somehow it had movement; it swayed and flowed to her body motion. The only skin of her I could see was her ankles. She was wearing bronze boots that were adorned with clockwork gears. They were shaped like stars, but sparkling brighter than the actual stars. They looked heavy, like the way my body was feeling. My face was aligned at her bust again; but I tore my eyes away and looked up at her face instead.
“Be my doll,” she cooed. “My baby doll. That’s what you are now. Make your first step.”
My feet touched the ground. Madame Fang held onto my hand gently. Bless her for doing that, because when I stood, I felt like an anchor that was about to plunge into a boisterous sea.
“Oh God, how much do I weigh?” I was heavy. Oh so very heavy.
“The less you think about it, the less you will notice. Pace yourself. Take your first step.”
“How can something so simple be so hard?” I murmured.
That first step felt painful. I heard a squeak. It must have come from me. I assumed that was normal. Lifting up my foot was like lifting a ton of bricks. However I did what she said and I paced myself. I took my first step with one foot. I did the same to the other. I sounded squeakier, feeling even heavier. But I did it.
I put my left foot forward, then my right foot forward. I succeeded.
“That’s my doll,” Madame Fang chirped so joyfully, standing by my side, holding my hand. “Take as many steps as you are able to handle,” she said softly against my ear. “Don’t rush. Let your body absorb you darling. Absorb everything around you. This will be your home now for a while. I will take good care of you, not as your mother, but as your Mistress. Is that clear?”
“Yes Madame Fang.”
“Would you like me to let go of your hand?”
“No, please don’t,” my voice quivered wearily. “I still feel too heavy.”
“I won’t let go then. For now.”
I looked around the room like I did when I first woke from...
“Madame Fang, was I sleeping?”
“If that’s what you want to call it, yes.”
“I know this is my home, but where are we exactly mistress?” I looked towards the window. “Why does it feel like we are up in the sky?”
“Because that’s where we are. It’s a house in the sky. It’s towered off the ground.”
“That’s very...not of this Earth.”
“Oh, we are still on that planet. It’s far different though from the century you came from.”
That I could already tell. I was smitten by that sky outside. It was still gold, and the clouds, they were still pink. It was phenomenal, very pretty. I knew that I wasn’t hallucinating. It was real.
“Is this the entire house, Madame Fang?” I asked her as I slowly took another step. Wherever we were, it was so claustrophobic, so cluttered. It was a wonder how the floor was so clean when the walls were so junky and that ceiling, oh that ceiling, I couldn’t look at it again. It was too creepy.
“Far from it, my China doll. This is my work room.”
“What do you do for work, mistress?”
“I’m an inventor,” I caught her smirking. “The most acclaimed inventor in Beijing.”
“That I know,” I lifted my chin up. “You invented me, practically, after all mistress”
“Another trait I programmed into you. A bit sassy and cocky. Very attractive.”
I wasn’t sure if that was her giving me a come-on, or her just stating a matter of fact. I didn’t know Madame Fang yet, but if there was one thing I gathered already was that she was very cryptic. And boy, wasn’t that sexy as hell. I smiled a little, trying hard to not look at her bust again as I made another step. Oh. That step. A tiny bit of weight was dropped from me. Or was that just my imagination? I took another step again, one foot forward, another foot forward.
“I feel like we are floating now.”
“Didn’t I tell you? The less you think about the weight, the less you will notice.”
“You are always right, Madame Fang.”
“I know.”
She squeezed my hand. Suggestively, perhaps? I felt my cheeks blushing. I had feelings?
“Just because you are a human doll doesn’t mean you don’t have a heart, Jia. You can feel.”
I blinked, stupefied. “You just read my mind.”
She laughed. “You caught on that quickly.”
Her laugh. It sounded so sensual, slightly demonic, with a hint of evil and lust all rolled into one laugh. It made me wonder if she wasn’t all human either. Human on the outside, but not on the inside. I wondered what she was made of, and what she was. Those fangs alone told me that perhaps she was not of this world either. If only I knew, but not knowing was part of the thrill.
“Are you ready to go upstairs?”
“I think so mistress. I think I can do it.”
“Going up those steps will be a struggle though,” she admonished urgently. “You might collapse, and I might have to carry you like the little baby doll that you are.”
“I sure hope not Madame Fang. I want to be stronger than that.”
“Easier said than done, for now, but you can try. I programmed you to be strong as well, full of courage. We’ll see soon enough if that part of your program works.”
I really did hope so. Not that I knew that she’d be disappointed if my strength and courage did fail me, but I sure as hell didn’t want to find out. This aura about her told me that a disappointed Madame Fang wasn’t going to amount to anything good, and that it would amount to only one thing:
I continued taking my baby steps, my hand held by my Mistress’s soft hand. I felt lighter, if only in my mind, as I took those steps towards a stairway. It was black, intricate-looking, exuding the style of the Victorian age, the era of where I was born, but couldn’t remember anything much about. Not a face. Not a memory. Not a mother, a father, a sister, or a brother. Not a lover. Nothing. Not even myself. Whatever existence I once had, it was nothing.
“We are almost there,” Madame Fang spoke gently. “You are doing very well Jia.”
How proud of me she sounded. It made me smile. My baby steps quickened towards the stairway. The grip of my hand was tightened as Madame shouted, “Pace yourself Jia!” She said that in Chinese. My mind translated it as if I was born knowing that language as my native tongue. “You are walking too fast!” she said in a louder tone. I couldn’t stop myself. “Stop!”
“Yes Mistress,” I had to stop myself. We were in front of the stairway. A light was shining down on it, bringing more life to the Victorian design of the stairway. It was a work of art of itself. It almost took my breath away. If I had a breath, that is. I breathed. I could breathe. Like a human.
“Now, don’t panic if your weight overwhelms you and makes you collapse. It’s very normal.”
“I don’t want that to happen. I want the program to work. It’s a reflection of you.”
“Silly doll. So sentimental. Take your first step on the stairway. I’ll be right beside you.”
I obeyed. I was determined to have that first step be something more than just a step. I wanted it to be a leap. Like reaching out to the universe, one that was even more fantastical than this one. I tried, oh
, I hoped that Madame Fang saw that I tried.
When I took that second step up the stairway, the inevitable happened.
My body. It tightened. It was heavy like an anchor again. I felt like I was drowning to the sea, crashing to my second death. I was sinking to the ground as I cried, “No!”
I burst out that word in Madame Fang’s language. It was the first word of Chinese I ever said.
“Don’t panic,” mistress said it like a warning. “You can breathe Jia. Breathe.”
I panicked. I couldn’t breathe. All I saw was darkness. Flickers of glitter. My head. Dizzy. Ticking rhythmically. I must have fainted, when I became aware again my feet weren’t on the ground anymore. I was being carried. I was held in Madame Fang’s arms. What a weakling I was. I was warned, but how I hated myself for succumbing to the inevitable defeat. My eyes flickered; I didn’t stare at the ceiling. All I cared about was mistress’s face. She was looking down at me. I noticed the tiny features on her face that I didn’t see before. She had freckles on her cheeks. It looked so adorable. She wasn’t wearing any make-up other than the lipstick she wore on her lips. She was a natural beauty. No, more like a ravishing divinity. She flashed her fangs at me. It gave me a tiny fright, because up close, they looked monstrous, definitely not of the human kind. They looked as if they could kill. When she licked them, I almost feared that she’d prick her own tongue with it.
“Don’t you worry, my doll.” She read my thoughts again. Teasingly she wiggled the tip of her tongue against the pointy tip of her right fang. “It doesn’t hurt me. I don’t bleed.”
“Are you a vampire, Madame Fang?”
She blinked. “What’s a vampire?” she raised her eyebrow at me.
“Never mind. Just a silly question, that’s all.”
“I programmed you to ask silly questions sometimes that even I won’t know the answers to.”
“Why’s that?”
“It makes you interesting and exciting. I’d rather be damned than to make a boring toy out of you.”
That was the first time she ever called me a toy. That, I knew for sure, was about sex. A faint thrill rushed through me at the thought.
“I want to be the best toy I can be, Mistress.”
“In time, you will. You’ll be well-trained and will become the best human doll in all of China.”
“Yes mistress.”
My eyes darted sideways. I saw that we were now in the upstairs of her home; my new home. We were in the kitchen. It had all the fixings of a kitchen, nothing out of the ordinary. Just like her work room, every material was made of brass or silver. The ceiling in the kitchen had eyes too. Still scary, but I was starting to get used to those blinking ceiling eyes. They became the new normal for me already.
“Why does your ceiling have eyes, Mistress?”
“Everything in this world has eyes. Everything is watching you. It puts you in your place.”
“Even for you, Mistress?”
“I know my place. It only watches you.”
She was right about that. They were watching me. I ignored them, focusing on the only pair of eyes that didn’t make me afraid. But they still put me in my place: Madame Fang’s dark eyes.
“You like being carried like this, don’t you?” her smile, and her fangs, made me blush.
“I don’t mind standing, Mistress.”
“You won’t be able to walk now. The weight is too much. If you thought you felt heavy before, you will really feel heavy now. Remember, you are only a baby. Relax as I give you the tour.”
“Yes Madame Fang. I would like that very much,” I smiled.
I enjoyed every minute of it. She carried me to the “media room.” It had fine red velvet couches, golden carpeting, and many windows that overlooked the outside world. There was a strange invention there. It was a flat screen, rectangular shaped. Very peculiar, so strange looking.
“What is that there, Mistress?” I pointed at it.
“It’s called a television,” she replied.
“What is it for?”
“It shows moving images. It entertains you.”
“Will we watch it often?”
“Yes, we shall watch all sorts of things. Comedies. Tragedies. Anything I’d like to see, you will watch.”
“I look forward to that Mistress.”
She then showed me to her office, which was so whimsical in its quaintness. She had another work room. It was in that work room where a door led to the outside. She opened that door carefully while still balancing me in her strong arms and stepped out onto the balcony. We were a part of the golden sky, so high that I felt like I could almost touch the pink clouds. The air was as hot as the steam. What a view. It was unbelievable. It looked like we had the most splendid aerial view of Beijing, perhaps the best skyline view on the planet. I could see these tall buildings. I asked Mistress what they were; she said they were skyscrapers. I pointed at other buildings; she said they were towers. One of them was the Beijing Watch Tower. Another set of buildings were called temples. One of them that she pointed at was called the Temple of Heaven. Everything----the skyscrapers, the towers, and the temples---blew me away. I couldn’t blink; I didn’t want to miss a single first sight at them.
“What are those things in the water?” I stared at a purple sea far below us.
“Those are metal ships. They are propelled by sails powered by the sun and the moon light.”
“And what are those things up in the sky?” I looked up.
“Those are airships. They are powered by steam. One day, I will take you for a ride on mine.”
My mind. It started ticking. And not in a bad way., but because I was thinking. Madame Fang’s words---I will take you for a ride---not sounding remotely suggestive at all, made me think of only one thing: sex. My cock started to stir. Just a little bit. A nagging twitch.
“Oh, I can’t wait for you to take me for a ride,” I beamed.
“And you aren’t meaning my airship,” she chuckled. I blushed at her acknowledgement and understanding.
“Sorry mistress. My mind wandered there...”
“I programmed you to have a mind such as that for a reason. Don’t be shameful of it.”
What that reason was---as curious as I was---I didn’t feel that it was the most appropriate opportunity to ask. Not that it mattered. She could read my mind. She answered with a smirk.
“The last stop of the tour is my bedroom.”
“The best room in the house, I can imagine.”
“It’s where all the sorcery happens.”
I could already feel that magic when she carried me there. It was beautiful. The bed was giant; it looked like it could fit up to five people. I could well imagine that Mistress had more than that many people in there. There was black chandeliers; covered in black diamonds, making it shine and sparkle without the light needing to shine on them. The walls were decorated with actual clockwork gears all over it,and there was a mirror. I hadn’t yet seen what I looked like. I didn’t have to say that aloud of course she took me there. I closed my eyes tightly, afraid at first to see what I looked like. I had no recollection of what I looked like . I didn’t remember what my hair colour was or what features I used to have. If I knew absolutely nothing, it was a wonder why I was so frightened at staring into my own reflection. I was afraid of what would be looking back at me. I knew I wasn’t a monster. I couldn’t have been hideous. But I wasn’t a human. I was a doll. A China doll. A toy. Looking more like a...
“Open your eyes.”
I had no choice but to obey. My eyes. They were abnormally huge. Bright blue. Glossy. Vacant.
“Are my eyes actually real?” I blinked.
“Why are they big like this?” I marvelled.
“Doll eyes like yours ar
e the most adored in this country. Exaggerated. Dramatized. Not too expressive, rather vacant. Cute. Precisely like yours.”
I stared at them. They were strange, and yet, so wonderful in their eccentricity. “They really are cute.”
And so was my face. It looked like it was made of porcelain, so fair with not a crack of a blemish, misfortune, or imperfection on it. So perfect, I had a cute as a little button nose. My ears weren’t too big but not too small either; it was an even balance. My lips were plump and full. Pouty and a little seductive. My cheeks were baby-like in their smoothness, thick, round and rosy coloured. I already had known that my hair was blonde but looking into the mirror I saw how thick and luminous it was like bronze twisted with silver. Out of all aspects of me, my hair, especially, was what made me most doll-like. I wasn’t wearing any make-up; my face was a blank canvas, only hinting to the possibilities. If my face looked like a female without make-up, not even my wildest imagination could envision how pretty I’d actually look with it. I could only picture how it would accentuate and exaggerate my features.
“I’m going to let you stand on your feet now,” mistress broke my concentration. “If you feel faint, don’t worry. I will catch you.”
“Yes Mistress,” I nodded. “I trust you to always catch me.”
She set me down on the floor. I stood tall on my two legs. Wobbled a little as if about to fall over, but balanced myself, as my eyes stuck at my reflection in the mirror. I looked at my body from top to bottom and back to front. It wasn’t just my face that was feminine. My body looked feminine too. It had curves, hips and a round and voluptuous bottom. The only thing that was all male about me was my thick and long sleeping penis and my soft and velvety ball sack. If I tucked my balls and my penis far back between my legs, I’d truly look like a real human girl doll. I did that to myself. The other reflection I saw was of Madame Fang. She stepped back, admiring my reflection with me. I could feel her eyes on my faux-pussy. She smiled seductively. I let my balls and my cock go, having them set free from my playful tuck. My cock, suddenly, became wickedly hard.
Valves & Vixens, Volume 2 Page 19