The Last Viking Queen

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The Last Viking Queen Page 36

by Taylor, Janelle

Eirik grinned and calmed. “The wizard helped me win you by magic. Will Odin not punish us?” he questioned unexpectedly.

  Alysa reminded herself that Gavin was a Viking in mind, and she smiled. She surmised that he would be vexed with her in the morning for not disenchanting him at this moment, but she wanted to spend these next hours loving him, not battling him. “Nay, it was Odin’s will. He commanded our attiba to aid you; I did not, though I wished for it and made it known to him. I have loved you since first sighting you, and could not resist you. It is you who is the enchanter, my love, not I. You captured my heart, and I did not wish to free it. Now you are mine for all time.”

  “As you are mine, Alysa. I never wish to leave your side, even for an hour or a day. My heart no longer craves to roam wildly and freely. All it desires is to spend my life with you.”

  Alysa hoped and prayed he would still feel that way after he was awakened from his spell. “We shall share a long and happy life together,” she vowed, slipping into his embrace as she could no longer resist touching him. Her arms went around his waist and her hands caressed his back. How wonderful this moment was! She nestled her cheek against his chest and listened to his rapidly beating heart.

  “There is something I must confess before we join our bodies again,” he hinted, then related his thoughts at the river.

  Alysa lifted her head and gazed into his eyes. They were shiny with happy moisture. “I, too, feel the same, Eirik. Tomorrow we shall go through with the ritual and make you invincible. While the others are celebrating, we will slip away to safety.”

  He smiled and hugged her tightly. “Surely this is a dream, for I cannot be so fortunate.”

  “I came here to find and claim my destiny. That is you, my love I do not wish to be a warrior queen, only your wife, mother of your children. The summons of Odin no longer rings in my head. Rolf and Ulf have been destroyed. We have been united. Once we are gone, these people will think it a bad omen and sail for home. We will be safe.”

  “And happy,” he added.

  “Yea, my love, happy, very happy,” she concurred.

  His lips sought and found hers. Their mouths fused with an urgent need to explore this powerful bond and attraction between them. He kissed her closed eyes, her unlined forehead, her rosy cheeks, the tip of her nose. Alysa laughed softly and snuggled against him.

  For what seemed a long time, their lips worked to increase already heightened desires. “Shall we try your bed together, m’lord?” she hinted enticingly. “We cannot make love standing here, and my body burns to join with yours. It seems ages since the last time.”

  He smiled and nodded, feeling almost as if this was their first night together. In a way, it would be the first time, the first time they could love fully and freely, without fears or restraints.

  Alysa lit the candles on the floor and started to remove her garment. Eirik halted her. “Nay, my queen, grant me that pleasant task,” he urged. “I only wish to give you great pleasure tonight.”

  She went to him and “lifted her arms. “Do as you wish with your treasure, m’lord,” she coaxed. “You have found it, claimed it, and won it. I hope you will cherish it as long as I shall cherish mine.”

  Her husband chuckled. He removed the medallion and crown and placed them aside. He worked with her chain and discarded it. He knelt to remove her boots and tossed them to the floor. He stood and lifted the gown over her head. When her chemise and lower garment were gone, his smoldering gaze roamed her bare flesh hungrily. Her beauty and sensuality overwhelmed him and he shuddered with desire.

  Alysa unfastened his belt and playfully tossed it behind her. She knelt and removed his boots. Very slowly and sensuously she pulled the short tunic over his head, exposing a hard chest which would soon bear the royal crest of Cumbria again. She grinned mischievously as she boldly removed his loincloth and flung it to the floor. He was virile and compelling, all male in appearance and manner. Her flesh tingled with suspense. “You are more splendid than all the golden treasures in the world. Even the Roman statues must surely envy you this face and body. Nay, even the gods themselves.”

  Eirik smiled with pleasure and refuted, “Nay, you are the one the gods desire and the goddesses envy. But you are mine for all time.”

  “As it was destined before our births when our fathers… chose our mothers,” she responded, removing the space between them. She was glad his father had not wed her mother, though Briac had hurt Catriona deeply with his betrayal of their love. Destiny had forced their parents apart so this special and crucial moment could occur.

  Eirik’s mouth covered hers and his arms banded her, pulling her more tightly against his nakedness. Their bodies flamed and trembled at their contact. He lay her on the fragrant bed and joined her. As her fingers teased over his lips, the candlelight reflected upon the large purple stone of her wedding ring. Eirik gazed at it, then asked, “What of your husband back home?”

  “You are my only husband, my only love,” she vowed honestly.

  He knew she was being truthful, but had she considered those sacrifices atop the ones she would make here? She had a home there, a crown there, friends and loved ones there. He ventured in a grave tone, “You will be unable to return home with a Viking husband, or to put a Celtic prince aside for one. Your people will consider your marriage to him binding, and will view ours as sinful. Can you give up all things and people to have only me?”

  “With you, I have all things, my love,” she answered slyly. “We shall discuss such matters in the morning. For tonight, only our love needs attention. Now that we are together as one, destiny will settle all else for us. Have faith. You will see.”

  Eirik nodded agreement. They were strong and brave. They would find a way to live, a place to live. No woman was more suited to him than Alysa Malvern. He sealed their lips once more. His fingers drifted lightly over her skin like summer sunshine. Every spot he touched warmed and responded. One hand cupped a supple breast and fondled it. His fingertips rubbed back and forth over the hardened bud, stimulating it.

  Alysa closed her eyes and allowed her love free rein over her body and senses. He smelled so fresh and clean. His skin had a taste all its own, which she savored as she spread kisses over his face. She loved the way he caressed her, and the way her body responded and pleaded for more. For such a strong man, his touch was so gentle. For a man who had suffered and lived as he had, he was so sensitive, so tender. Suddenly she realized she was thinking of him as Eirik, with that man’s alleged past. But Gavin was much the same, she reminded herself. He had been an adventurer, an aimless wanderer, a restless spirit, a hired warrior.

  Eirik’s mouth journeyed, slowly, seductively, down her throat. It nibbled at her ears, her neck, her collarbone. It pressed against her pulse point. His hands traveled down her body, tantalizing each area they crossed. His wild, sweet caresses were whetting her appetite for more delectable treats, which he gladly provided.

  Eirik’s tongue circled the rosy peaks of her breasts with skill, causing her to moan in delight. His hand trailed over her abdomen, making her squirm at the tickling sensation, and teased over her inner thighs. He rested it over her womanhood and absorbed its heat, heat which exposed the height of her desire. Deftly, his exploring fingers entered that stirring area and pleasured the small bud which they found there. She writhed upon the bed and sighed with rapture, encouraging him to continue. He loved and craved and needed this woman more than he had anything in his life. Her spirit matched his, as did her passions and dreams. He ached to fuse their bodies into one, but he was too impassioned to take her too quickly. In his state of arousal, surely he could not restrain himself very long within her.

  Alysa’s mind was dazed by the ecstasy which encompassed her. Her love knew her body and moods well, though he did not realize it. He knew where and how to touch her, to kiss her, to stimulate her, to sate her. He was in no rush tonight, though she sensed how difficult his control was to maintain. Her fingers wrapped around his manhood and care
ssed its silky length. Her other hand wandered through his mussed hair, enjoying its feel and smell. Her body was aflame; her hunger for him was enormous. Her voice hoarse with emotion, Alysa urged, “You have examined your treasure long enough, my love. Plunder your domain or I shall perish from need of your conquest.”

  Eirik slipped between her welcoming thighs and entered her. Both gasped with exquisite delight. Their mouths meshed feverishly as their bodies worked to seek bliss. As his hands cupped her head, hers traveled down his sleek back, over rippling muscles and indented spine, to grasp his moving buttocks. They were firm and soft, and she kneaded them passionately. She thrilled to the way his hips moved skillfully, driving her wild. She pressed her fingers against his bottom to urge him to fill her completely with his manhood. Locking her legs around him, she coaxed him to ride her swiftly and urgently.

  Eirik yielded to her eager pleas. United as one, passion’s journey was completed within moments.

  As she lay cuddled in his embrace, she murmured, “This time you will not have to sneak from my side.”

  He pressed his lips to her forehead and stroked her tangled hair. “There can be no greater pleasure than loving you fiercely, then remaining in your arms all night. I shall not release you until we are compelled to leave this house in the morning.”

  Alysa looked up into his serene and loving gaze. Her fingers trailed over his lips as she teased, “I shall never let you release me. I will only allow you to be apart from me for a short time. Did I forget to tell you, my husband? I am a greedy and selfish wench. If you dare to leave my side for more than a few hours, I will hunt you down and enchant you. I shall work hard to make you think of nothing and no one except me and our love.”

  He kissed the tips of her fingers and grinned. His green eyes sparkled with life and love, with playful mischief. “If I was forced to leave our home for any reason, I would take you with me. I could not endure the loss of this luscious body for even a day.”

  She feigned peevishness as she retorted, “Is that all you need from me, m’lord? A body to keep you warm in winter and to sate you?”

  He stared into her twinkling eyes. “Nay, my wife, I need you for all things. I need you every day and night. You are more than a treasure to keep in bed. Though I am tempted to do so. You are a woman who must be at my side at all times. No matter where I go or what I do, I want you near me.

  Alysa traced the scar on his cheek and argued seductively, “When the time comes, if danger does assail us, you will change your mind. You will forget I can defend myself and battle beside you. You will order me to remain behind.” She sighed dramatically and jested, “Nay, my husband and ruler, you will soon view me as nothing more than a woman, a wife to serve you, a female to bear your children.”

  Eirik rolled her to her back and lay atop her. Fusing his gaze to hers, he vowed, “Never, m’love. I have watched you here and on the trail. You are far more than an ordinary woman, far more than a simple ruler. You are skilled with weapons, with wits, with words. You inspire men to obey you and follow you, and they would be fools not to do so. You have courage and stamina and strength, as much as any highly trained and experienced warrior. Never would I be so selfish or fearful as to doubt or deny what I know is true about Alysa Malvern.”

  Her expression and tone were serious when she responded. “I hope and pray you shall always remember these words. You cannot know what it means to me to hear you say them.”

  “I say them and feel them because they are true,” he vowed.

  “You have no fear of us challenging these people together?”

  “I do not want to place you in peril, but it cannot be avoided. We no longer wish to live this way, and I know you can fight at my side.”

  “Are you certain you will not miss your adventurous life?”

  “Nay, m’love. I am no longer restless in heart, mind, or body.”

  She reasoned, “What of the friends and sacrifices you must make to share this quiet life with me?”

  He replied as Eirik. “I have no friends or family. My sacrifices are small and few compared to yours. It stirs my heart to know what you have done and will continue to do for our love and survival.”

  Alysa probed, “What if Aidan and Saeric were still alive? What if your family was still alive? Would you feel the same?”

  Eirik gave her queries deep thought so he could reply honestly. “You are the most important thing to me. Without you, I would have no joy or meaningful existence. Whatever I had to do to remain with you and keep you happy, I would do it. I have changed much since meeting you, and I can change more if need be.”

  Alysa smiled. “Each person must change when his or her life alters, as ours have done. We have lived so differently, but we have chosen to live as one. It is easier for some to adapt to a new life than it is for others. For this commitment to work between us, we must share all things, including dangers. We must think, breathe, and love as one. I have lived a sheltered and settled life with others controlling my behavior. Now, I rule my life and make the decisions. I was raised to accept my duty to others without thought to my own wishes. I was taught to put my people first. Then my life changed drastically. The same is true of yours, Eirik. You have lived for your own pleasures and desires. You have come and gone as you pleased. Now I am half of you, and you must think of us first. If you ever get restless again, you must ask yourself which you desire and need most, our life and love or brief excitement.”

  “How could I get restless with you at my side?” he teased.

  “You have lived your life traveling, seeking adventures, taking risks. You have challenged many perils, constantly testing and proving your prowess to others and to yourself. These past weeks, we have shared an exciting quest. There have been pains and joys, defeats and victories, contests and journeys. What happens when all is quiet and dull around you? What happens when there are no friends around to distract you? What happens when you have more time than work upon your hands? What happens when that work does not stimulate you or challenge you?”

  “Do not worry about me or doubt me, m’love. I will do what I must to make our life a good one. I am ready and eager to settle down. Work and duties, even if they are boring, must be done. If we get restless, we will find ways to prevent boredom.”

  Alysa eyed his sensual grin and returned it. “Yea, my husband, that is exactly what we shall do. We are clever, so no problem can outwit us or destroy our love. I am certain we can find things to stimulate, challenge, and sate you.”

  “My wife stimulates, challenges, and sates me. What more could I desire or seek?”

  “What more indeed?” she asked merrily, climbing atop him.

  Eirik pulled her head downward so he could kiss her. When their lips parted, he jested, “I have won a bold and wanton wench.”

  “Nay, my husband, you have won a constant challenge. I shall prove I can pleasure you more swiftly and feverishly than you can pleasure me. I shall… love you forever, my husband, m’lord.”

  “And I shall accept your dare, my queen. We shall see who begs for sweet mercy first.” His mouth claimed hers and the heady game began, to last for blissful hours before slumber captured them.

  They awoke the next morning and made love again. Afterward, Alysa told him, “Trosdan is coming soon to discuss what we are to do today. We must get dressed and be ready for his visit. There are many things we must tell you.”

  Eirik sat up on the edge of the bed. Alysa knelt at his back and leaned against him, draping her arms over his shoulders and locking her fingers at his chest. It was time to disenchant Gavin Crisdean, and she dreaded his reaction. She nuzzled his head with her cheek, then murmured the words to break the spell: “No matter what happens today or later, always remember that I love you, Hawk of Cumbria.”

  Her husband stiffened as countless memories and realities flooded his mind. Time passed as Alysa remained silent and frantic. Finally he grasped her hands and pushed them behind him. Turning, he stared at her in disbelie
f and anger. “Why did you do this to me? To us?”


  Alysa responded with confidence, “To save the lives and lands of all we love and rule. To save our lives, Gavin, the lives of our unborn children, the lives of our families and friends, our land, Cumbria and Cambria, and all of Britain. This was the only safe way to remove the Viking threat, but you refused to understand and accept it. Every time I tried to reason with you, my husband, you closed your mind and excluded me.”

  She sighed dejectedly when he frowned in skepticism. “Remember what I told you last night about the difficulty some people experience in adapting easily to rapid and unexpected changes in their lives? That is true of you, Gavin. For our union to work, we must share all things, including perils. We must live and love as one person, as one ruler. You were a wandering adventurer who thrived on challenges, dangers, excitements. After we wed, you viewed me as nothing more than a female to serve your needs, a woman to fulfill your desires, and a wife to bear your children. I could not convince you I was so much more. You had no faith in me and my skills, in Trosdan’s powers, or in our fates. When your life with me became too quiet and settled and there were no friends around to distract you, you were miserable. A ruler’s work did not stimulate you as your past existence had. You left us no choice but to compel your assistance through magic. The sacred Runes predicted it, and our destinies revealed it. Have you forgotten the times when you have used deceit, even upon me, to solve problems?”

  Despite his nakedness and hers, Prince Gavin Crisdean rose and paced the floor around the bed as he argued, “But we are in a Viking camp, surrounded by enemy warriors! How could you place us in such peril? What madness possesses you and that old man? Now that you have appeared to them and duped them, how can we escape their wrath? They will never let you go or forget about you. You have called down their vengeance upon all of us. When you vanish, they will raid without mercy while seeking your recovery.


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