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Treasure of Egypt

Page 9

by Barbara Ivie Green

  Outside, Samuel sniffed his shirtfront then grimaced as he tested under his arm. “Could you see if she’s seen my clothes while you’re at it?” Samuel again directed from his place by the fire.

  “I seem to be in need of some clean clothes,” Alec smiled apologetically.

  She leaned over to the pile of blankets in the center of the tent and pulled at the edge exposing most of their belongings. “You learn to sleep on your valuables in this land,” she bashfully returned his smile and then to his immense pleasure, turned and reached for one of the leather bags, displaying the nicest bottom through the sheer material that he’d ever seen. “Is this one yours?” She looked back over her shoulder at him.

  Oh, God! How he wished… desire shot through him… Hell! What was he going to do? She stood up with his bag in her hand, a beautiful smile on her lips. He wondered briefly if he dared to tempt himself by getting near her. God have mercy, he thought as he stepped forward and placed his hand over hers to lift the strap. The touch sent a jolt of awareness through him.

  “Yes,” he spoke softly, his face only inches away from hers. “It is mine.” The word flavored with ownership.

  “I say Alec does she know where mine are?” Samuel shouted again.

  Of all the irritating…does he do it on purpose? Alec wondered in frustration. That idiot could drive a man of the cloth insane he fumed. The mood had definitely broken, and with that realization came the unbidden one that he shouldn’t be attempting what he was.

  “Thank you, Genevieve.” Alec cleared his throat as he stepped away from her. Having retrieved his pack, he forced himself to turn away from her. It was one of the longest walks of his life as he left her and returned to the fire.

  “I say Alec—” Samuel shouted again.

  “I’m right here!” Alec grumbled, “Would you desist?” Cursing, he plopped down beside Samuel. “I think I could use that drink now”.

  “Got a look at The Plague, aye?” Samuel joked with a Scottish burr.

  Alec’s only response was to take a long, deep pull from the flask.

  “That bad, huh?” Samuel tipped his head in commiseration.

  All Alec could do was wonder at the heaven he had glimpsed in those amazing blue eyes, and the torture his friend had unwitting delivered him into. How in the hell he was going to keep his hands off her? Not consummate it… Damn! He was only human.

  “I’m sorry my good man.” Samuel sighed sympathetically. “Just remember, you can still have the thing annulled when we get back. We’ll return the girl to her grandfather and then you my friend can marry your mother’s favorite debutant.” As a by note, he whispered conspiratorially. “Ahh… She doesn’t have to know I married you off to someone else… right?”

  “Excuse me, Sir Samuel,” Genevieve’s sultry voice sounded from behind, interrupting their reverie. “I have found your bag.”

  Alec didn’t turn around, but he could tell by the indrawn breath of his friend, that he had. Samuel was stunned into silence, something that, for the life of Alec, he’d never thought to see. The dumbfounded man stared after her as she returned to the tent. Alec dared a glance towards her; immensely relieved that she’d chosen to cover the outfit he’d seen with a shawl.

  “You lucky bugger!” Samuel cursed him when he did find his voice. “You owe me one.”

  “I’ll be sure to marry you off to the next plague we run into.” Alec smiled into the night as the brilliant stars shone down on them from above.

  Chapter 7

  Genevieve plopped down on her make shift bed with a huff and immediately regretted the impulse. Her backside had come in contact with something quite hard underneath the coverings. She pulled out the offending metal teapot and sat back down, fingering the handle absently in her lap.

  She chewed on her lip as she considered the conversation she’d overheard. “So… he wants an annulment.” She spoke softly to herself. She’d been afraid something like that would happen.

  She remembered how he’d looked just moments ago standing half naked before her, watching with his smoldering gaze… Just the thought of it made her tingle all over.

  “Aaugh!” She stood in frustration and crossed the floor of the tent impatiently. He had another thing coming if he thought she was going to let that scoundrel take advantage of her!

  There was only one thing for it. She was going to have to stay away from him. The caress of his voice as she recalled it sent shivers down her spine… as far away as possible she promised.



  Alec dove to the ground and rolled beneath the undergrowth near the pool. He remained still, his mind racing. He had awakened, sure that he was the first to do so. Samuel was snoring softly and Genevieve was still within the tent... Wasn’t she?

  There was no way she could have passed him in his sleep and not woke him. He had an uncanny ability to sense someone else near, even when asleep. That left only one other possibility, they now had company, and friend or foe, predator or breakfast, he intended to find out who it was.

  Using his elbows to propel himself forward through the tall grasses, he slowly neared the water’s edge. Alec carefully stilled before the reeds that bordered the pond, waiting to make sure he had not been detected. Quietly, he spied through the tall grass which concealed him.


  Alec was sure that he had heard something. A bird shrieked its discontent over his intrusion and flew towards the upper palm leaf of a nearby tree. Even though he felt ridiculous skirting around in the undergrowth, he’d learned that it paid to be careful in this land. He stood, cautiously.

  Genevieve surfaced and inhaled deeply, her arms making a wide arc to each side of her lithe form as she did. Settling back into the water she cast out her body to float onto her back. Adrift in abandoned splendor, she sighed her content.

  Alec dropped back into the reeds with the speed of lightning and the grace of a toad. Holy Hell! What did she think she was doing out here all alone… NAKED!!!

  He couldn’t believe his eyes. Thank God she hadn’t seen him. “Bloody Hell!” he swore softly. What was he going to do? He wondered, while struggling to keep his eyes from straying back to the lush figure in the pool.

  Alec ducked even lower behind the tall grass, trying to tear his gaze away. He had to be rational, to think. Instead, he found himself gazing at her through the reeds like a love-struck calf.

  What was wrong with him? He had to get the hell out of here without… Just then the light notes of a whistled tune drifted to his ears from behind. For the love of God! Alec rolled his eyes, Samuel was headed his way, with his usual impeccably bad timing, and was sure to discover him, or worse… her.

  Alec scrambled from the brush in the nick of time.

  Samuel, not the least surprised to see Alec groveling in the dirt, greeted him cheerfully. “Top of the morning to you Ale—c… oomph.”

  No sooner had the words left his mouth than Samuel found himself flat on his back with Alec’s hand firmly clamped on his mouth.

  “Shhh,” Alec whispered as he lessened the pressure of his hand. To his own ears it sounded as though Samuel had practically shouted the greeting at the top of his lungs. God, he hoped she hadn’t heard.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Samuel mumbled through Alec’s fingers.

  Alec tightened his grip again. “Shhh!” he whispered menacingly, while he began to physically drag Samuel away with him as he crawled.

  Samuel struggled away and rolled to face him. “What the devil has got into you?” He demanded. Alec had a look of desperation in his eye that sent a chill down Samuel’s spine. Never had he seen him this out of sorts. “Are we being attacked?” Alarmed, his eyes darted from side to side. Alec didn’t answer, but a very feminine voice from behind him did.

  “Are you gentlemen alright?” Astonished, Genevieve came upon the prone men rolling in the middle of the path with some concern.

  Alec grimaced.

  With a knowing look direc
ted towards Alec, Samuel rolled over and sat up with a cheerful smile. “Why Alec, look who’s here!”

  Alec tried hard not to look. It was bad enough that the image of her beautiful, naked form would forever be burned into his imagination.

  Samuel sprang to his feet. “Good morning to you, Lady Genevieve! I didn’t know you were such an early riser, did you Alec?” Samuel shot him another discerning glance, while he dusted himself off and continued to carry on a conversation one might have while encountering a lady during a stroll through the park.

  Alec moved to his knees much more slowly than his friend. “Good morning,” he mumbled, miserably. It was painfully hard to ignore her wet tendrils of hair, the blue of her eyes or how her damp robes clung to her perfect form.

  “What on earth were you doing down there?” Genevieve asked.

  “He tripped” … Alec said at the same time that Samuel declared, “He fell.”

  “I mean… I fell.” Samuel corrected.

  “Actually,” Alec asserted, “I came down here—”

  “What he’s trying to say,” Samuel clarified, “Is that he thought he might have seen a podimus ichthyosis, but the rascal got away.

  “A podimus ichthyosis?” Genevieve repeated skeptically.

  “Why yes,” Samuel rambled on, “it’s a rare species of lizard related to the—”

  “Samuel please,” Alec intervened trying to stop him.

  “He does so hate it when I mention his scholarly pursuits.” Samuel persisted, stopping Alec from telling her the truth.

  Alec got to his feet and rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably.

  “Not to mention all of the specimens he’s collected for antiquity.” Samuel added prudently.

  “Well, I shall leave you two, to it then.” Genevieve passed by them, a hint of jasmine in the air, and then turned back. “I should very much like to help you find your lizard, Sir Alec. I believe I could make a very nice trap.”

  Feeling trapped himself, Alec ran a hand roughly through his hair. “Thank you, but that shouldn’t be necessary.” Before Samuel could dig him in any deeper, he tried to change the subject, “I think we should be leaving here soon and ought to start packing.”

  “I shall begin then.” Genevieve nodded then turned away.

  They both watched her as she walked up the path. Alec, now all too aware of what was under the black covering draped around her wanted to groan in frustration.

  Samuel leaned towards him conspiratorially and whispered to the side, “Do you think she meant to begin packing or trapping your lizard?”

  He was grinning from ear to ear when Alec looked at him with irritation.

  “What?” Samuel implied innocently, “I’m quite sure she believed us,” he looked down at the grass stains on Alec’s trousers. “On the other hand,” his gaze followed the wide path of matted grass behind him, “maybe not.”

  Alec looked down at the telltale signs of his travels off the beaten path, which had stained his knees, and then at the broad trail leading straight to the water’s edge.

  Samuel clapped Alec on the back good-naturedly. “You should have seen the look on your face.” He laughed as he turned away, resuming the bawdy little tune he’d been whistling earlier as he headed off toward the water.

  “Do you think there’re any fish in this pond?” Samuel called out, his voice fainter with distance.

  “Just the mermaids,” Alec mumbled surly, tortured by the memory.


  Podimus ichthyosis! Genevieve thought with irritation as she climbed the embankment. “A lizard afflicted with horny, skinned… feet. My foot!” Latin was one of the many languages she’d learned as a child. She was chagrined to know that they obviously thought her an imbecile to boot. What had they been up to she wondered, and then to her horror she realized that he might have seen her bathing.

  She hesitantly glanced back and caught Alec still staring after her. She quickly turned away. “Oh dear,” this was rather awkward. She felt a blush stain her cheeks that reached all the way down to her toes.


  Alec took the time offered him to sharpen his razor as Genevieve packed and Samuel collected the camels. Alec had tried to assist her in packing, but it quickly became clear that he had no idea how to organize their many belongings back into the packs the camels carried. Too kind to be blunt, Genevieve had asked him to fill the water skins while she cleared the tent.

  Alec was almost relieved he didn’t have to stand and watch her, for he could not keep the image of her naked form from his mind. Every time she bent over he remembered her leaning over to get his bag, or when she reached up he could see her surfacing in the water. It was a hard, hard thing to watch and not respond as he’d like.

  With Samuel actually being useful for a change, Alec had finished with his own chore and busied himself by pouring some water into a tin cup. Using a small mirror tied to one of the tent poles, he lathered his face and began to shave the week’s growth from it.

  Standing in his shirtsleeves, suspenders dangling from his waist, he was halfway through his routine when the largest of the camels burst through the camp knocking everything helter-skelter. The tent bumped into him as it collapsed, knocking the razor from his hand.

  “Bloody Hell!” He was damn lucky he hadn’t cut himself. “You’d think these people could at least make a tent that stands up.” Alec voiced his frustration as he followed the noise.

  From the other side of the billowing canvas the sound of Samuel’s hollering was mingling with the ringing of clanging pots. Alec lithely moved around the debris in time to see Samuel, dangling from the huge camel’s side like a circus act gone awry, cussing at it in blistering terms.

  Much to Alec’s relief, Genevieve was unharmed and had actually managed to collect the reins of the rampaging beast. She was presently clucking gently to sooth the spirited animal.

  Samuel disentangled himself from the stirrup and fell none too gently to the ground. He quickly shot to his feet and stood facing the towering demon while proceeding to lambaste it. His reward was an equally large wad of cud, like the one that Alec had received, spit into his face.

  Samuel sputtered. “Did you see that?” Outraged, he turned to where Alec had come to stand by Genevieve. “I did nothing to this animal.” He claimed with his arm raised, his finger pointing toward the beast.

  “I highly recommend a refreshing dip in the pool,” Alec responded calmly.

  Samuel sputtered and might have said more if the slime wasn’t threatening his upper lip. Left with no alternative, he turned briskly and stomped away, his back ridged and his arms stiffly swinging at his sides.

  Alec turned to Genevieve, noticing as he did the suppressed merriment in her face, not to mention the mischievous glint in her eyes.

  Genevieve in turn, looked at Alec and noted the half-lathered face, a missing sideburn, and a charming dimple threatening his cheek. She couldn’t help it…she started to giggle.

  At the sound of her delightful peal, he too started to laugh. Only as their merriment subsided did she once again gaze up at him. His breath caught in his chest at the sight of her upturned face and sparkling eyes.

  Unable to help herself, she reached forward and dabbed a long finger lightly across his cheek. Coming away with a creamy white froth she proudly displayed it on her finger for him to see. “I think that you should finish what you started, Sir Alec.”

  Looking up at him, she smiled. The color of his eyes darkened considerably in response. Genevieve suddenly felt very shy, casting her own downward briefly.

  God, this woman was beautiful, Alec thought as he stared down at her, his throat suddenly dry. Her words had him thinking of things he’d like to finish. Hell, things he’d like to start. She was definitely put on this earth to tempt a man.

  The camel saved him from further action as it bellowed its discontent while stomping its foot against the entangled rope, rattling the pots it had corralled. Alec was grateful for the interruption. He
felt an overwhelming urge to enfold her in his arms and kiss her. He swallowed hard to keep his hands and thoughts in check. “Damn!” he groaned inwardly. He certainly had his work cut out for him if he was going to stay away from this woman.

  “Oh, dear,” Genevieve replied, turning away. “It looks as though Cupid has had enough of this. I think his foot might be caught.”

  Cupid? Alec thought with surprise, trying to reconcile the name with the hairy beast as he went behind the animal and removed the offending rope. Even though its foot was free, the camel again favored his weight, the toe of his hind leg barely touching the ground.

  “I think he may have hurt it,” Genevieve’s brow knit in concern.

  Alec felt the animal’s rear flank and carefully examined his ankle, “It doesn’t seem broken.”

  “Oh, poor baby,” Genevieve crooned. “We’ll have to stay another day.”

  That thought gripped Alec with fear. He wanted as much distance between them and her tribesmen as he could get. He had a feeling it wouldn’t be a good thing to run into them again. An odd sense of protectiveness rose up in his breast as he watched her. The sensation disturbed him more than a little.

  Genevieve walked over to the tent and started sifting through the chaos with the great beast hobbling after her, groaning in misery. She produced several sweet dates from one of the sacks lying on the ground and fed the cantankerous animal while speaking softly to it.

  Cupid, Alec realized, was almost as good as Samuel when it came to getting something he wanted. He watched in amazement as the culprit nuzzled her for more of the sweet meat while resting his back foot solidly on the ground. In fact, Alec surmised, the surly beast might even be better at it than Samuel.

  Alec smiled to himself. They weren’t the only ones that knew how to get what they wanted. He walked forward and stroked the muzzle of the wily, old rascal as he spoke. “He’ll be fine, look he’s already walking on it.”

  Genevieve looked at him doubtfully as she continued to soothe the great, hairy beast.


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