Chub Rub

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Chub Rub Page 11

by Shannon Youngblood

  Damn. I was. Still half inside of her, my over achieving dick was back to full attention. Slipping out of her, and turning her away from me, I guided my shaft back in and lazily thrust in and out of her, listening to the soft panting coming from her.

  I couldn’t get up, I just didn’t have the energy, so I leisurely rested behind her, spooning her and sliding in and out of her wet heat, until both of us shuddered through another blissful release, calling out each others name. She was fucking potent, and I loved it.

  Forcing myself out of bed, so I didn’t fall asleep, I headed to the bathroom to clean myself and bring back a towel to do the same for Maggie. It was an odd feeling, but wiping away the proof of our escapades calmed me, as well as saddened me. It was the best and worst part of our time together. The act was intimate, which I enjoyed, but it also removed the physical proof that we had brought each other to the height of pleasure, multiple times.

  When I got back into the room, it was obvious I had exhausted Maggie far past her normal capacity. As gently as I could, I cleaned her up and pulled the covers up and over her. Disposing of the towel, turning out the lamp, and crawling in beside her, I pulled her naked back into my chest and flung my leg over hers. I placed a tender kiss in her hair before my eyes shut and sleep claimed me for her own.


  The shrillness of my phone’s ringtone pulled me from my deep sleep. I wanted to heave it across the room and pull the covers back over my head. The problem was, I had to find it first. It wasn’t on my nightstand where it normally was plugged in, and groping around the bed, where it usually landed after a hard day when I just couldn’t be bothered with charging it, my hands ran into a soft warm body.


  Our exploits from last night swarmed into my head, causing me to smile, and then immediately jump up to shut off my ringer, so it didn’t wake up the beauty sleeping inches away. I followed the sound to the foot of the bed where I found my crumpled pants. Frowning, I picked up my pants just as the ringer shut off. Not once in my adult life had I kicked off my pants and thrown them on the floor. I hated mess, and was always careful to fold them neatly and place them somewhere. Some called me OCD, or a control freak, I just considered myself to be exceptionally anal in the cleaning department.

  Fishing my phone from the pocket, I blinked rapidly at the brightness of the screen and saw three missed calls, all from Chase. That couldn’t be good. I idly wondered if Polly had talked him into calling, to verify Maggie was safe and not kidnapped. After the verbal beating she had given me on the phone last night, I wouldn’t have put anything past her. She was protective.

  Turning back to confirm Maggie was still asleep, I creeped over to my bedroom door and opened it, stepping into the hallway and silently closing it. I needed to piss, and then have a cup of coffee, in that order, if I was going to deal with an overzealous best friend, this early in the morning. Once I had found out she was Maggie’s friend, I had looked through her files to find out more about her. She was beautiful. No doubt about it; but she wasn’t my type at all in the BDSM world. My preference made little difference seeing as she was claimed by Chase, and I intended on claiming Maggie for my own, if she’d have me.

  After washing my hands and starting the coffee, I dialed Chase back. I couldn’t on this call not taking long because I wanted to wake Maggie, the same way I had put her to sleep, buried deep inside her.

  “What the fuck, Jax? You don’t answer your goddamn phone anymore? Fuckin’ Polly is going apeshit!” Chase yelled into the receiver.

  “Good morning to you too, Chase.”

  “Morning? Jax, it’s fucking noon? Since when do you sleep in?”

  Turning around and peering at the clock on my stove, I did a double take. Shit, it was actually closer to one pm. Under no circumstances did I sleep late, most times waking before six am. I’d never required more than a few hours of shut eye at one time. In fact, I couldn’t remember the last time I had gotten more than four hours in a row. Apparently, sleeping next to a woman after vigorous sex was enough to knock me out for a solid eight hours. I didn’t want to think on that too closely right now though.

  “What do you want, Chase?” I exhaled.

  “I want to know what the fuck you did to the club?”

  “You’ve got a dirty fucking mouth, you know that? And I didn’t do anything to the club. Why?” I asked, the hairs on the back of my neck standing to attention.

  “Well, someone sure as shit did, half of the windows are broken through!”

  “WHAT?!” I roared into the phone, immediately forgetting my brewing coffee and the still sleeping Maggie, as I stormed into the room to find a pair jeans and a tee shirt.

  “Yeah, I haven’t gotten close and I haven’t gone inside because Polly is with me. If someone broke in, I didn’t want to taint the crime scene.”

  “You watch too much CSI, Chase. I’ll be out in a minute.” I said, aggravated.

  “Polly says bring Maggie,” Chase called into the phone, before I pressed end on our fucked up conversation.

  Taking a moment to admire Maggie’s face, I felt bad as I contemplated waking her. She looked peaceful and serene lying there, wrapped in my covers, one leg peeking out. Her hair was fanned out above her head, the sun from the window glistening off a few stray tendrils. Her lips were parted as she let out an almost inaudible snore. It was fucking cute, and my ever present cock awoke with the promise of another round with her.

  Fuck, I had wanted to rouse her with my cock snuggling between her thighs, watching her leave unconsciousness and become fully aware of her new alarm. I wanted to see her in that crucial moment between sleep and awareness, when her mind latched onto reality and her pretty eyes opened fully, taking me in as I devoured her and ravished her body. But, apparently, fate had decided that it wasn’t in my fucking cards this morning, and it royally pissed me off.

  Leaning over her, I inhaled her scent, which I instantly regretted. My hard-on raged in my jeans, screaming at me for another release. Maybe later, I thought to myself. No, dick, no. Definitely later. We don’t have time for this shit, I scolded my brainless appendage.

  “My sweets,” I cooed, cupping her face in my hand, my thumb trailing over her juicy lips. “Maggie, it’s time to wake up now.”

  With her eyes still closed, she stretched out, a smile donning her face and a yawn escaping her. I watched as her eyes flew open suddenly, panic gripping them, before the realization of where she was dawned on her, and her gaze instantly turned lust filled, and embarrassed.

  She’d get over that mortification with me, soon enough, and I’d be the one to help her banish it, but not today. Apparently, I had bigger problems to deal with at the moment, like who the fuck had smashed out the windows to my club.

  Pushing herself up to lean on the headboard, the sheet clasped firmly in her grip covering her nakedness, she looked at my crotch and the hardened length hiding underneath, before gulping and looking back at my face.

  “You have no idea how badly I want to rip that sheet off of you and fuck you into next week, but I can’t right now, and it pisses me off. Hurry and get dressed, my sweets, we gotta get going.”

  “Jackson? What’s wrong?” she asked, as I turned my back on her, to go to my dresser.

  Pulling a pair of sweats from the drawer and a tee shirt, I pivoted back around and tossed them on the bed for her. I was angry, but not with her, and I didn’t want to come off as an asshole after the night we had shared. It was weird to not have my directions followed by a woman as soon as I spoke them, and I had to remember that, in this room, we were just Jackson and Maggie, not Dom and little sub.

  “An issue with the club. It’s nothing for you to worry about, Maggie. Please get dressed,” I said, more sternness in my voice than I had intended.

  Standing from the bed and taking the sheet with her, she grabbed the clothes from the bed and walked past me through the open door and into the bathroom across the hall. I ran my fingers through m
y hair as I heard the bathroom door shut. This wasn’t how this morning was supposed to go.

  Maggie emerged ten minutes later carrying her corset in her hand, and joined me in the kitchen. I handed her a to go cup of coffee and offered her a warm smile, hoping it would say sorry for my rudeness. When she smiled back at me, the tension in my shoulders dropped a little. She looked incredible, with her hair piled in a messy bun on top of her head and the tight t-shirt leaving nothing to the imagination. Considering she didn’t have a bra on, I could see her nipples poking through the soft fabric and the image of her bent over my kitchen island assaulted my senses. Get your shit together, Hunter!

  “Chase and Polly are out front waiting for us.” I told her instead of acting out my thoughts.

  Nodding her head at me, she walked to the couch and grabbed her clutch before headed toward the door. From now on, I internally declared, Maggie would only wear my sweatpants when she was in this house. Her ass swayed in front of me, the heavy material gripping onto her cheeks and moving in time with her footfalls. The mental polaroid I took, would be seared into my brain until I fucking died, and when I did die, my dick would be fully erect. Hey, at least they’d have a handle to carry me out with.

  Following into step behind her, an amazing idea hurtled into my brain. When she turned the knob, a stream of sunlight peeked in, before I reached above her and slammed it shut, pressing my body against hers, and sandwiching her between me and the door, my front to her back.

  “Jackson what are you--” she tried to say, before I took her earlobe into my teeth and lightly bit down.

  Releasing her ear, I laid a trail of kisses from the underside of her lobe to the base of her neck and back up again. When she shivered beneath me, I knew I was forgiven. Why I felt the need to apologize for my behavior, I wasn’t sure, but I wanted her to have nothing but fond memories of our first sleepover.

  “I don’t know when we’ll be able to see each other again, but I’m hoping tonight. Will you go out to dinner with me?” I whispered into her ear.

  Nodding at me, I watched in fascination as she swallowed the lump stuck in her throat. This had been a stupid plan, now all I could picture was fucking her up against my front door. I had a feeling Maggie and I would be christening every surface of this house at the rate my mind was going.

  “Good, I’ll text you the time, and Maggie?”

  “Y--Yes?” she stuttered.

  “No touching that pretty pussy. Your pleasure belongs to me.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Never, in all of my life, had I wanted to touch myself so badly. Masturbating had been a form of release for me in the past. Sure, it had felt nice, but it was nothing compared to what I had experienced last night at the hands of Jackson Hunter. Sitting in Polly’s car, heading back to my house, it took all of my willpower not to clench my thighs together and get off right here in the passenger seat. His words, mixed with his body pressed up against mine and the cold door pressing against my very swollen nipples, had started a fire in me that couldn’t be put out. If I had been bolder, I would have turned in his arms and demanded he take me right there up against the door, but I chickened out just thinking about the words needed to fill that request.

  Sitting in the car was uncomfortable, and I desperately needed a release that I wasn’t allowed to go after. Damn that infuriating man!

  When Polly pulled up to my house a short time later, I realized Polly hadn’t said anything to me the entire drive home. Under most circumstances, I couldn’t get her to shut up, and after the scene from last night in front of the club and her unexpected phone call from Jackson shortly after, I had been ready for the Spanish Inquisition. Turning to look at her as she shut off the engine, she raised a hand, stopping me from voicing the thoughts inside my head.

  “Not out here, Maggie,” she said, “Let’s go inside.”

  Her tone confused me. It wasn’t excitement or happiness, but rather, an anger I hadn’t experienced with Polly before. She was mad at me. But why?

  She was right, though, it was already starting to get cold sitting in the car without the warmth coming from the engine and her heat. Pushing open the door and climbing out, I made my way to my front door and unlocked it as quickly as possible. Faith came bounding into the room, her tail wagging furiously, jumping up as high as she could, and begging to be picked up.

  The guilt of leaving my dog alone all night must have shown on my face, because Polly scooped her up from in front of me, and walked over, placing her on the couch.

  “I presume Jackson didn’t tell you that I offered to stop by and take care of Faith for you?”

  I shook my head, but the guilt remained. I had been so wrapped up in finally getting my orgasm, I had forgotten the one thing in the world that loved me unconditionally.

  “Hey, Mags. It’s ok. She’s fine for one night. It’s not like you left her outside or anything. Relax.”

  Nodding at her, I walked over to the couch and scratched my dog’s ears, making sure to get right where the flap met her head. It was her favorite. I, also, was trying to postpone the talk I knew Polly wanted to have. I didn’t know what she was going to say, but I needed a few more minutes before I was faced with it.

  “What the hell is that?” Polly half shrieked.

  “What’s what?” I turned, facing the direction of Polly’s voice.

  “Those weren’t there when I came over a few hours ago to let Faith out,” Polly said, pointing to my counter top.

  Next to the stove stood an overflowing vase of wildflowers. They were an incredibly beautiful mixture of different colors and different species, and I didn’t even feel it when my feet took me closer to them, so I could shove my nose into the middle.

  They smelled heavenly, the fragrance spreading throughout my kitchen. I knew who they were from, instantly, but I wasn’t sure how he had gotten them in my house. That would be a question I asked later, but for now, I just wanted to smell them, and appreciate the gesture.

  “Look!” she said, “There’s a note.”

  Snatching it before I could grab it myself, she held it high over my head and ran to the living room and away from me.

  “Polly, come on. Give it back.” I whined like a petulant child.

  “Oh, no, Miss Sweets. You already have a lot of making up to do with me, the least you can do is let me read the looooove letter your new boyfriend sent.”

  “It’s not a love letter,” I stomped, my arms going over my chest.

  It was useless to try and stop her though, once she got her hands on something, it was hers until she was ready to pass it on. Flipping it open, I felt my heart rate increase at the words that could be scribed inside.

  “To my little sub,” she quoted. “When next we meet, be prepared. I am going to watch you as I--,” she stopped “Gross, Maggie, here take it…. That man’s a pervert,” she laughed.

  “Polly,” I retorted reaching out my hand, “You’re a pervert.”

  “HA! You’re right!” She smirked.

  Taking the note, I opened it back up and read it to myself.

  To my little sub--

  When next we meet, be prepared. I am going to watch you as I plow into that beautiful pussy and make you scream my name again and again. You belong to me. Your mouth, your cunt, and your ass are mine for the taking. I’m gonna stretch you wide and fuck you till you’re begging me to stop. You won’t be able to sit right for a week when I’m done with you. So, be prepared Maggie. Be prepared.


  A blush stained my cheeks and a shiver rocked through my body. His dirty words reignited the flame I had been trying to extinguish since I’d left his presence. I had never done anal, and up until this very moment, I had never even considering trying it, but his note made me second guess my earlier made decision. I felt safe in his arms, and I knew with 100% certainty that he would never hurt me. I was opening myself up to new things with him, and somehow, the thought of him piercing through my forbidden e
ntrance excited and entranced me further. I needed a cold shower, and stat, because I could feel my arousal dripping down my leg.

  I looked up when a tap, tap, tap, interrupted my filthy thoughts.

  “He did a fucking number on you, didn’t he?” Polly said, her foot tapping against the hardwood floor, a hint of irritation evident in her tone.

  Sighing, I walked to the couch and plopped down, letting Faith climb into my lap. “What’s wrong, Polly?”

  “What’s wrong? What’s wrong? First, he abandons you last week with no fucking explanation, and then yesterday, you’re both screaming at each other in front of all of his club members, and now he’s sending you disgusting naughty notes? This shit is giving me whiplash, Mags,” she finished, flouncing into the chair across from me.

  “I know, I know. Jesus, do I know, Polly. But I can’t explain it to you. I’m drawn to him like a goddamn moth to those electric bug catcher things. He makes me feel beautiful, and sexy, and doesn’t care that I’m the size of a beached whale.”

  “Stop that, Mags!” she scolded me yet again.

  “No, you stop it, Polly. I know you’re just trying to protect me, but I want this, I want him.” The words tumbled out, surprising both Polly and myself.

  It was true. I did want him. I wanted him more than I had wanted anything in my life. I was drunk on his scent, his body and his smile. I craved him more than rationally possible, and my libido was on overdrive. For the past week, I couldn’t get him out of my head, and now, I was petrified that if something were to happen, I wouldn’t be able to get him out of my heart. I was falling hard and too fucking fast for my liking. The thought scared the shit out of me.

  “Holy shit, you really fucking like him, don’t you?” She asked, shocked.

  Nodding my head, I couldn’t even give her a verbal answer. My emotions were choking me, dragging me down a path I didn’t like.

  As if she knew I needed to get out of my own head for a minute, she looked up at me, a mischievous grin splayed across her pretty face.


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