Chub Rub

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Chub Rub Page 16

by Shannon Youngblood

  When he smiled at me, a coolness washing over him, I knew I was done for. That one look had enough potential to melt me into a puddle on the bed. Ever so gently, I moved my hand off of my body, aiming to place it back on the bed, and out of the coming war path.

  Faster than humanly possible, Jackson was on me, gripping my retreating wrist, his knees resting on both sides of my ass. His closeness was intoxicating, his scent wrapping around me in a protective cocoon. My retreating orgasm was sparked back to it’s fullness with his touch captivating my wrist.

  “Oh no, little sub. You wanted to play with fire, you’re going to get burned.”

  I whimpered in response, unable to form a coherent response. His voice glided over my skin, raising up my sensitive flesh into little bumps and warming tingles. Even though the only point of contact we shared was his hand wrapped around my wrist, I could feel his touch over my entire body. I had never been attuned to a person so well, and although it terrified me, it made me feel alive at the same time.

  “You want to play with yourself, little sub? Or do you want me to play with you? After this little stunt, you may not like how I play with you,” he whispered into my ear.

  I wanted him to play with me, no matter what twisted ideas he might have come up with, as long as he didn’t deny me the release my needy body craved. If he did, I was positive I would self combust, and that would be tragic, for not only my body, but also for my fragile mind.

  “You, please, Sir,” I responded in my breathy voice, desperation dripping from each word I spoke.

  His deep, throaty chuckle made my pussy squirm and clench some more, releasing a fresh bout of juices, dripping out of me. Somehow, and I wasn’t sure how, he knew, because, without looking away, his hand dropped my wrist and his fingers dove into me to gather my wetness on his fingers. Pulling his digits out, I silenced the groan that threatened to escape, but I couldn’t stop the deep guttural moan that reverberated between us when he took his soiled fingers and rubbed it around each of my areolas, very carefully avoiding my nipples.

  When he was happy with his glistening finger painting project, he plopped both fingers into his mouth and closed his eyes as if savoring the flavor. He stood up abruptly, leaving me alone on the bed once again, and walking away approximately ten feet from me.

  “On your knees before me, little sub.”

  My brain clicked back into place, and I briefly wondered how I could have even considered getting myself off when this amazing, sexy demi-God was within the same four walls as I was. I couldn’t even imagine doing it without him. I remember how well that had gone in the car on my lunch break. Maybe I was going crazy from the lack of orgasm, and the tightly wound coil in me ready to snap. I couldn’t dwell on that though. Sir had given me directions, and I was going to be the best damn sub I could be.

  Scurrying off the bed as gracefully as possible, I plopped down onto my knees on the rug, put the palm of my hands on my thighs and looked to the floor. I took a deep breath and let the familiar feeling of peace and calm radiate through me from the top of my spine down to my toes. The effects were instantaneous. I was still high-strung, but I felt more at ease with everything. This was the first time I was fully naked in this pose, and for a strange reason, it felt…….right.

  “Since you were so quick to please yourself after I had so generously offered up my oral skills, I do believe that some retribution is in order.” His commanding voice boomed throughout the room, leaving no doubt as to who was running this ship.

  “Yes, Sir,” I responded, my voice a little stronger. I didn’t know what retribution he was speaking of, but I’d take it with dignity. My desire to please this man and make him happy ran rampant through me, spurring me on.

  “Look in my eyes,” his firm voice snapped.

  Raising my head and gaze from the floor, I traveled up his legs, past the raging erection hidden behind his jeans, over his torso, and directly into his eyes. I was a little worried that I would find disappointment glaring back at me, instead, I was surprised to find a hint of mischief mingled with the still glaringly obvious, lust.

  Even though my pupils were glued to his, it didn’t escape my notice when his hands came up from his sides and landed in the general vicinity of his waistband. He had unbuttoned his pants earlier to tease me, but the sound of each tooth of his zipper opening was the most erotic thing I had ever heard. I wanted to look, I wanted to tear my eyes from the drowning depths of his, and look at the glorious man in front of me. I wanted to, but I didn’t dare. His order had been to look in his eyes. If he had said “look at me” I could have peered anywhere, but he had been specific. Until he said otherwise, my eyes weren’t going anywhere.

  When his pants were all the way off, (and I only knew because he picked them up from the floor and folded them, all the while keeping our stare), he took a few steps closer to me. Once he was inches away, it was hard to continue following directions when his large, velvet soft, yet rock hard cock was pressed into my forehead, partially blocking the view to his pupils, but I still didn’t look away.

  I could feel a bead of precum drip from his tip and slide down my forehead, slowly making it’s way past my eyebrow, its final destination my eyeball. I didn’t want to close my eyes, but in an unfortunate accident with an ex boyfriend, I had been the unlucky recipient of such fluids in terrible places, and I knew the pain level associated with come in your eye.

  Milliseconds before I had to make the decision to break his command and close my eye, or let his spunk dribble into my tear duct, Jackson made the decision for me, bending down and swiping up the wayward fluid with his fingers, and depositing it into my unsuspecting mouth.

  Warm, sticky, saltiness flooded my taste buds making my mouth water for more. Maybe it was my imagination, but I could swear there was a hint of citrus hidden in that drop. If this was what Jackson tasted like, I wanted more. I craved more.

  “I’m very proud of you in this moment, little sub,” he said, his finger popping out of my mouth to caress my cheek. “You’re going to return the oral favor, my sweets. Put your hands behind your back”

  Doing as I was told, I put my arms behind my back and grabbed a few of my fingers with my other hand; my back was a little too wide to link all of my fingers. Jackson took a few steps away from me and headed to the dresser of drawers, opening them up and withdrawing a few items.

  Coming over to me, he bent down to eye level to show me his wares.

  “This is a bell,” he said, shaking it in my face, the little jingle ringing in my ears. “You’re going to place it in your hand. Since your mouth with be, otherwise occupied, if you should have need of your safeword, you’ll drop this bell to alert me of a yellow or red status. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” I responded.

  “Good, now this is Shibari rope, I’m going to tie your hands together to keep you from moving. Would you like to feel it?”

  I didn’t want to feel anything but his cock on my tongue, but I wasn’t going to admit to that.

  “Yes, Sir,” I breathlessly replied.

  “Bring your hands around to your front,” he commanded, and I instantly complied.

  The rope was softer than it looked, as I ran my fingers around the center of it, inspecting it for any harshness I imagined it would have. It was currently coiled in a figure eight with a spiral of rope in the center, knotted off, holding it together.

  “This rope is specially made for bondage. It has been conditioned with beeswax, jojoba oil, and essential oils, and it sat for a week before I considered using it. Normally, the rope I use is a little harsher, but being as this is your first time, I’m using softer material.”

  “Open your hand, little sub,” he told me, before depositing the bell into it.

  Guiding my right hand, holding the bell, behind my back, I instinctively brought my left arm around to join it. His touch, as he wrapped the rope around my wrists and up to my elbows, was featherlight, but the rope was pulled tight, with no wiggle
room. It was an uncomfortable position, but it wasn’t painful.

  When he came to stand in front of me again, he took in my form, prompting me to do the same. In this position with my arms restrained together, my breasts were pushed up and prominent. They were perky to the outside eye, but they felt like lead, heavy, and hard to hold up.

  “Your color, little sub?” he asked after his own examination.

  “I’m Green, Sir.”

  “Very good. Last item on our list is this.”

  Pulling something from his back pocket I knew what it was, even before he said it.

  “This is a blindfold, little sub. Do you have any objections to not being able to see?”

  In a normal situation, I had no problems with blindfolds. The curtains in my room were light, and I had a hard time sleeping if my room was bathed in too much light. I had something similar in my bedside table for days I knew I would want to sleep in and not have to worry about the sun waking me early. This was a different can of worms entirely. This type of unseeing was forced, and I had no intentions of falling asleep.

  As if sensing my hesitation, he lifted my chin to look at him.

  “Blindfolding you is not meant to be scary, little sub. When you lose one of your senses, the rest of them become more acute. You’ll hear things you’d normally not pick up on, and you’ll feel things at a more intense degree. If you get too nervous at any time, you have that bell in your fist. Open up your hand and it’ll clank to the floor, and I’ll return your vision.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” I said, a little bit more confident than I felt. “I’m ok, I mean, I’m green” I reassured us both.

  Taking a deep breath as he placed the soft cloth around my eyes, I took a moment to calm my nerves. I was safe here and Jackson would never hurt me.

  Breaking into my thoughts, Jackson touched my cheek, “Take a moment to acclimate yourself with the new sensations.”

  I felt him back away, which was surprising. How can you feel someone walk away from you? Letting myself focus on everything I couldn’t see, I concentrated on my breathing. Almost instantly, I could feel a better awareness of my body, and my brain. It felt as if the emotional dam within me was unblocked, releasing a flood of emotions to course through me. The sexual aspect of being bound and blind felt like only a small component of the overall sensations.

  For several minutes, I just sat there and listened to the sounds surrounding me. In the background, I could hear the faint in and out of Jackson’s breath as well as a very dim noise coming from the outside of the room, and down the hall to the great room. I could hear my own breathing become deeper and slower as my body calmed down from the explosive climax I had almost reached. I could feel the rope around my wrists and arms, and although it was tight, it didn’t dig into my soft flesh. Each strand felt like soft bristles and with even the smallest of moves, I could feel it rub into my skin. I could smell Jackson’s brand, as well as the potency of my own perfume and sex juices mingled together. Every minute detail of the world around me was amplified, and I realized that this was one of the most relaxing things I had ever done, and suddenly, I never wanted to take the blindfold off.

  When Jackson took a step forward toward me, I could hear it. It was almost silent, but my magnified hearing picked it up anyway. My head perked up at his arrival, and I heard a rumble of laughter coming from Jackson’s chest.

  “You never cease to amaze me, little sub. You’re learning so fast how to cope without your eyesight and use your other senses to gauge your surroundings. I’m very impressed.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” I stated, a little pride entering my tone.

  “And now the matter of your insubordination. No more talking, it time to open your mouth.”

  Doing as I was told, my tongue darted out to moisturize my lips, before I parted them as wide as I could. I knew Jackson’s size was impressive, and I knew I’d have a hard time fitting him, but I was going to do my best to show him that, not only was I a dedicated sub, but I wanted to please him. For a brief moment, I felt my heart swell at the idea of pleasing Jackson, but quickly dismissed it. This wasn’t anything more than a Dom/sub relationship, no matter how much I hoped it could be otherwise. Sure, he’d bought me flowers, but that was just him taking care of me. Wasn’t it?

  Chapter Twenty


  Fuck! I didn’t think it was possible to be any more turned on than I had been in our previous encounters, but when Maggie licked her lips and opened up wide, I almost spilled myself down the front of her without ever reaching her perfect fucking mouth. I was so fucking hard that my balls were vibrating underneath me. I wanted to thread my fingers through her brown hair and ride her mouth like a damn horse, but I wasn’t a savage, and I wouldn’t betray her trust.

  With her blindfolded and bound, I could control the tempo of my strokes and how deep I wanted to go. I had no idea what kind of gag reflexes she had, so I opted on starting out slow. Gentle. Shallow.

  As soon as her lips closed over my tip, and she sucked on my head, I knew slow and gentle had gone right out the window. She was too damn good, and I was floored that she hadn’t been scooped up by another Dom. People liked to judge a book by it's cover, well, that was their fucking loss and my gain. Besides, Maggie’s ‘cover’ was absolutely stunning, and the contents within, well, let’s just say, if I was a poet, Maggie would be my muse.

  I prodded in a little farther, my hand instinctively going to the back of her head to grip the hair at her nape. She didn’t even flinch when I tugged her head back and then pushed in a little more. When her lips finally hit the halfway point down my cock, I could feel the back of her throat. Testing her boundaries, I nudged a millimeter deeper. Nothing. No gagging.


  Back in, adding on another fraction of an inch.


  Holy fuck. Did she know she could deep throat? I wasn’t tooting my own horn, (well, yeah I fucking was. I’m a man after all), but my dick was definitely above average length, and girth. Every time I drove into her mouth, she took a little bit more, and with every inch, the amount of saliva on my dick increased ten fold. This little minx might just kill me.

  When the extent of my manhood was lodged all the way down her throat, a deep rumbled moan vibrated around my cock like a 6.0 earthquake. I was pretty sure my eyeballs could feel the reverberation coming from her throat, and I lost all coherent thought.

  Squeezing her hair a little harder, I pulled out and bulldozed back in, over and over again. My balls slapped her chin with every thrust, speeding my orgasm along at an astonishing rate. The thing surprising me the most was Maggie. She didn’t sit there with her mouth open, just letting me fuck her throat silly. Oh no, she got into it. Moaning, sucking, licking with every forceful stroke, until I knew I was nearing the finish line. Spit dripped from her lips and down her chest, mixing with her own arousal on her boobs. I could hear and feel the excess moisture in the back of her throat gliding me down with every pass. It would only be another few seconds before I shot my load, and the question was, would she swallow? I knew I had the option of giving her a choice, but did I want to?

  Trust had to be earned, and I was well on my way to victory. I’d give her the option just this once.

  “I’m gonna come,” I screamed, “If you don’t want to swallow it, you’d better drop that bell now.”

  I waited. Five agonizing pumps to hear that dreaded bell.

  Slurp. Slurp. Slurp. Slurp. Slurp.

  No bell.

  The speed in which my come hit the back of her throat was probably close to a world record, if it had been measurable. Although my body wanted me to close my eyes and revel in the intense gratification dashing through my body, I forced myself to keep them open and watch her throat swallow down my jizz, while her thick and juicy lips were encased around the base of my shaft.

  Rocking my hips back and forth, I let the remaining shockwaves of my climax ricochet through me. Short, shallow thrusts into her mouth while s
he continued her hoover maneuver on me, was not the way to get my dick to deflate, but I couldn’t stop myself. It felt too damn good. She hadn’t spilled one solitary drop of my come, and now she was going to be rewarded. She had earned it ten-fold.

  Regretfully, I pulled out of her mouth, and sighed. I was still almost completely hard. Apparently, my dick hadn’t gotten the memo. Once you blow, down you go! As soon as my legs were no longer the consistency of jello, I slowly peeled the blindfold off of her head, wanting and needing to see her beautiful eyes.

  I watched as she blinked twice to acclimate herself to the dim light, before her gaze upturned to me. A shy smile played across her mouth, and her cheeks turned pink when our eyes found each others. They were watered, and a small amount of mascara had dripped down her cheeks. There was an enormous about of spit covering her chin, but she looked like an absolute Goddess.

  We stared, for a few moments, unable to look away. I was somehow caught in her web again, and she had paralyzed me. Never before had I been so enamored with a member of the opposite sex, but with three small words, she sucker punched me right in the gut, making me want her a little more.

  “Thank you, Sir” she whispered.

  She was thanking me. I was the one who had just come like my life depended on it, and she was thanking me. Even experienced subs didn’t think to thank their Sir for a blowjob. Who the hell was this amazing woman? The sudden desperate need to see her finish on my tongue, (or my cock, or my fingers,) ripped me from my stupor.

  Without a word, I walked behind her and deftly undid the ropes binding her together. Massaging both of her arms from wrist to elbow, I brought back a little life into them while I composed myself. I was going to get her off, and it wouldn’t be some sloppy endeavor. I was going to leave her so far into a state of bliss, she wouldn’t know which way was out.

  “Stand,” I ordered, my voice harsher than intended.

  Once fully erect, I walked around to stand in front of her and tilted her chin to me. Slowly, I lowered my mouth until our lips made contact. Since her last almost orgasm, she had probably climbed off of that mountain she had peeked at, and was now resting at the bottom. My goal was to take her to the highest heights, as slowly and as passionately as possible. Passion had never been a deciding factor in my other play sessions, but it sure as shit was today.


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