Tempted by Darkness

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Tempted by Darkness Page 16

by Avery Gale

  “Sleeping peacefully—and she needs her rest.” Tristan’s sly smile confirmed what Jameson had already suspected.

  “I walked past her in the hallway yesterday. Congratulations.” Jameson didn’t have to explain how he’d known Angie was pregnant—Tristan would already know her scent alone would have given away their news. This time Tristan’s smile lit up his entire face, he and Nick had been trying to get their mate to “settle down” and start a family for several years. Jameson congratulated him and they both laughed about how round the petite pediatrician was going to be by the time summer rolled around. Angie was a shameless water baby and always had been—the only time she seemed to enjoy her down time was when she could lay in the warm sunshine beside the pool laughing and joking with her friends.

  “She thought about the pool last night and it set her off on a tirade. She swears Nick and I ‘knocked her up’ deliberately so she’d be round as a beach ball. Of course Braden’s offer to paint her belly with bright stripes didn’t do much to calm her down. I finally had to threaten to paddle her ass at the next pack meeting to get her settled down. Hell, every time she gets upset she throws up—you’d think she’d learn.” Jameson wanted to laugh out loud—hell, Dr. Angie Wolf-Michaels might be a lot of things, but calm wasn’t likely to ever be one of them.

  “Angie did ask if she could help plan a memorial service for Ruby. We know you’ll be busy for a week or so, but we’d like to erect a small stone marker out back. We could dedicate it in a small ceremony whenever Kit is ready.”

  Jameson felt his heart constrict with emotion and he had to clear his throat in order to speak around the lump that was now lodged there. “Thank you—I don’t know what else to say, except I’m grateful for all you’ve done for Kit and I know Trevlon is as well. And knowing the three of you will be taking care of the memorial takes the burden from Trev’s and my shoulders. We’d mentioned it to Kit, but hadn’t made any real plans.” Just as he opened his mouth to say more, Kit’s scent hit him full force and he was on his feet, moving before his mind even registered that he’d stood.

  Tristan was already laughing as Jameson hit the door at a dead run. He hurdled the banister of the large stairway and was bounding up the stairs three at a time when he heard the distinctive sounds of his mate’s pleasure. He left a trail of clothes through their suite, his cock was rock hard by the time he launched himself onto the bed. The scent of his mate in heat was quickly pushing rational thought out of his head. They’d enjoy a run under the full moon later tonight—probably a lot later. If they had enough energy, but for right now, their bed was the perfect place to begin working on a cousin and playmate for Angie’s baby.


  Kit stood outside in the cool misty morning looking down at the engraved marble marker in front of the lab where she and her granny had shared so many laughs. She could hardly believe it had been a month since she’d lost her colorful grandmother. She missed the high top wearing witch with the lightening quick wit more and more each day. She’d wanted to come out early and share a few quiet moments alone before everyone else joined her. Kit was still fuming that her parents had yet to show up—how her mom could be so callous, she simply couldn’t imagine.

  There had been nights when the scene in the cavern played over in Kit’s mind until she was convinced she would go mad. The weeks she’d been in heat had been a blessed distraction, even if it had left her completely exhausted. Running under the full moon and fucking in the meadow until she hadn’t had the strength to run home had helped too. Smiling to herself, she thought back on how her mates had been forced to shift back into their human form so they could carry her home. They’d taken her so many times her limbs had been as useless as overcooked noodles—there hadn’t been a chance in hell she could make it home under her own steam. Well, may “been forced to” might be a bit harsh considering the fact they were still bragging about it to anyone who would listen.

  Staring down at the small monument, she laughed at the multi-colored stones embedded in the rock of the high tops. The multi-faceted stones would glisten in the sun making them appear to shimmer and sparkle just like her granny’s always had. Squatting down in front of the marker, Kit ran her fingers over the engraving, “Those who give selflessly sparkle in our memories forever.”

  Kit stood back up and fought back the tears that threatened to fall. Damn, she was just sure she was pregnant again and that meant she was going to be weepy for months. “And just when I was thought I’d cried all the tears I could. But it really is so perfect.”

  “I agree. It’s cute as a button. Who’s it for?” Kit froze. She was completely stunned for several long seconds, and then she was too afraid to turn her head and look. Too terrified that her mind was playing a cruel trick on her, that her soul deep desire to keep her grandmother close was making her hallucinate. “Kit? What’s this about?”

  When Kit turned to see Granny Good Witch standing at her side looking completely perplexed, Kit couldn’t hold back the hysterical laughter that bubbled up from deep in her chest. All the stress of the past few weeks melted away and she felt her knees shaking. “Oh my Goddess—” was all she managed to get out before she wrapped her arms around her granny, hugging her tight. “How? I saw all the rocks falling. How? You and Cecil were with the people chanting and then you disappeared in the dust beneath the avalanche of boulders.”

  “Oh, that. No, we took them into custody and transported them back to the council chambers—which was kind of ironic since two of them were Supreme Council members. We might not have managed to get them out if your mother hadn’t shown up just in time to help. You know how she likes to make an entrance.” Her granny rolled her eyes like an errant teenager and Kit giggled.

  “My mom was there?” Kit couldn’t believe she’d seen so much, but missed just as much.

  “Yeah, but damn she sure did cut it close. She’ll be late for her own funeral, just you wait and see.” For the first time, her granny looked up at her, shock etching her features. “Hey, why the tears? And you look like hell, sweetheart. Why so sad?”

  Kit felt the hysteria building again as her entire body began to tremble. A warm muscular arm wrapped around her from behind anchoring her to an equally warm chest. Trev. “Nice to see you, Ruby, I have to say, you gave us all a hell of a scare. Where have you been?”

  “Hi, Trev, what do you mean? I’ve been helping get those traitors settled in prison. Damn they have compromised a lot of projects the Supreme Council had been working on, but we’ll get it all sorted out.”

  “We?” Kit was finally recovering enough that she was starting to feel the beginnings of a real good tantrum building.

  “Well, there were two openings on the Council, and your mom and I have both been asked to fill those seats.” With a quick wave of her hand, Ruby was wearing deep purple robes and her high tops were covered in glittering amethysts and alexandrite stones. “I wanted something a little flashier, but your mother has become a regular stick in the mud. I don’t know who appointed her the fashion police of the Council, but I’m stuck with one color—for now.” Her wink let Kit know the Supreme Council was probably never going to know a dull moment while Granny Good Witch was a member.

  Before Kit could ask any more questions, they were surrounded by family and friends who were thrilled to see Ruby standing in the midst of what was supposed to have been a memorial service in her honor. When Cecil showed up a few minutes later, Braden let out a whoop and threw himself in the elderly wizard’s arms. Kit wasn’t sure which of them shed more tears or which one tried to hide them more.

  It was Braden who finally broke the tension, “Wow, how cool is it that you get to attend your own funeral—well sort of at least.” Cecil and Granny Good Witch high-fived each other as everyone adjourned to the mansion for breakfast.

  Kit had hung back with Jameson and Trev, she just couldn’t seem to stop staring at the memorial. “Even though she is still with us, I feel like I’ve been changed forever by
this experience. And I keep remembering your mother’s message and how right she was—that things certainly weren’t as they seemed.”

  Turning to face them, Kit was overwhelmed for a moment at the enormity of the blessing she’d received when Fate led her into their downtown club. She felt the first tear trail down her cheek and their knowing smiles almost made her groan. “You are so beautiful, kitten. You take my breath away.”

  “And knowing that you are carrying our child—well, that makes everything even more perfect.” Trev trailed his fingers up and down the inside of her arm causing her to tremble. “Everyone will be busy celebrating for a while—I don’t think we’d be missed for an hour—or two.” Kit felt moisture rush to her sex and hoped they managed to find a private place to play—quickly.

  As they moved her quickly into the small bedroom at the back of the lab, Kit didn’t even try to hold back her joyous giggle because this would probably be one of the most successful experiences she’d ever had in the small building she’d blown up more than once and almost burned down more times than she wanted to remember. Oh yeah, I’m going to watch something blow up and I fully intend to set a couple of hot shifters on fire—yes, indeed—this lab is about to finally fulfill its destiny.

  Books by Avery Gale

  Published with JK Publishing, Inc.:

  The Wolf Pack Series


  Fated Magic

  Tempted by Darkness

  Masters of the Prairie Winds Club

  Out of the Storm

  Saving Grace

  Jen’s Journey

  Bound Treasure

  Punishing for Pleasure

  Acceidental Trifecta

  Book Seven – Coming Soon


  Taking Out the Mother Of the Bride and other Christmas Wishes

  Published with other publishing companies:

  The ShadowDance Club

  Katarina’s Return – Book One

  Jenna’s Submission – Book Two

  Rissa’s Recovery – Book Three

  Trace & Tori – Book Four

  Reborn as Bree – Book Five

  Red Clouds Dancing – Book Six

  Perfect Picture – Book Seven

  Club Isola

  Capturing Callie – Book One

  Healing Holly – Book Two

  Claiming Abby – Book Three

  I would love to hear from you!

  Website: http://www.averygalebooks.com/index.html

  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/avery.gale.3?fref=ts

  Twitter: @avery_gale

  Excerpt from Out of the Storm

  Masters of the Prairie Winds Club Book One

  by Avery Gale

  Tobi Strobel was livid…completely over the top pissed. From the moment she’d burst into her boss’s office at Austin Gardens and Homes and met Lilly West, her entire world had seemed to tip on its axis. Tobi had been on a tear about the interview she’d been trying to schedule with Prairie Winds “cad” owners, Kyle and Kent West. And she hadn’t even bothered to knock before she’d blown into the small room like a Cat 5 hurricane. When the beautiful dark haired beauty had introduced herself as the “cads” mother, Tobi had wanted to melt into the floor. But Lilly West had been the epitome of grace and only laughed as she’d agreed that her sons were a handful for sure, even though she claimed to be withholding judgment on the “cad” determination. Tobi had felt drawn to Lilly in a way she hadn’t really been able to explain, and the only reason she could come up with was because she’d lost her own mother when she’d been so young. The excuse sounded weak even in her own mind, but it was the only reason she could come up with…at least it was the only one she was willing to accept. Lilly had assured Tobi that her assessment of Kyle and Kent avoiding interviews was dead on and had promised to help her secure an appointment the following day. Before Lilly had left the small magazine’s office, she’d given Tobi a long hug and then kissed her on the forehead saying, “They are going to be thrilled to finally find you.”

  Later that night Tobi had laid awake wondering at the woman’s strange words, but her musings had been cut short by a text message from Kent West giving her directions to Prairie Winds and asking her to arrive at precisely seven the next evening. Tobi hadn’t minded the fact she’d be giving up her Friday evening because she never really went out anyway. It wasn’t like she had any disposable funds for entertainment, and quite frankly, her small apartment wasn’t in a neighborhood that was safe to be out and about in after dark. What she hadn’t planned on was the fact she’d be facing a storm so fierce she’d been forced to pull over to the edge of the road because she hadn’t been able to see where she was going.

  Thank God she’d left her seat belt fastened because she had no sooner put her small car in park than a large truck had barreled past and barely clipped her back bumper, sending her ancient Toyota nose down into a deep ditch. The ditch was rapidly filling with water, so Tobi grabbed her things, wrapped them in a couple of plastic bags she found under her seat and climbed back up to the roadside. Amazingly, not one single person had stopped despite the fact she’d been standing right at the road’s edge.

  The next time she’d seen lights headed her way, she’d moved to the center of the road and had begun waving her arms wildly over her head. Just as the enormous black pickup had gotten close, a bolt of lightning hit in the field to her right and the flash had illuminated the startled expression of a man Tobi could only describe as movie star handsome. She’d only gotten a glimpse of his dark intensity before she’d found herself jumping to the side to keep from becoming his newly mounted hood ornament. By the time he’d managed to screech to a stop, she was hopping mad and stalking toward the large black pickup as fast as her short legs would carry her. She was only five foot two, but as she liked to remind those around her, what she lacked in size, she made up for in attitude.

  Tobi had almost reached his truck by the time he finally stepped out, “You almost ran over me. Holy smokes Batman you could have killed me with that monster-mobile of yours. Damn, a drowned rat. My whole life is spiraling out of control faster than a Kardashian marriage I tell ya. Shit, shit, double shit. My car is probably floating toward the lake and my stuff is in trash bags. Trash bags! That’s a whole new level of the wrong side of the tracks, even for me. I’m so wet I’m pretty sure I won’t be dry for a month of Sundays, hell’s fire I’ll probably mold. And you are freaking huge and probably some serial killer on the top of some most wanted list. I’ll end up on the evening news and my brother will never even know what happened to me because he refuses watch the damned news. My crazy ass neighbors will pick apart my apartment before the broadcast is even over and I’ll be a footnote on some unsolved mysteries show a few years from now. And I still don’t know what Lilly West meant by finding me. Damnation this sucks big green donkey dicks I’m telling ya for sure.” When she finally came up for air and realized the tall hunk in front of her was simply staring at her with his mouth in a grim line, all she could manage to do was blush. He had to be at least a foot taller than she was and his dark hair was barely visible under the Stetson he was wearing. His eyes were a deep chocolate brown that was quickly turning even darker. She realized she was staring at him just as he spoke.

  “How do you know my mother?” Mr. Tall, Dark and Intimidating demanded.

  Did he just say mother? That’s it...that is the final straw. I’m officially certifiable and straitjacket ready. “Mother? Lilly West is your mother?” Looking up at the sky, she asked, “You’re kidding me, right, God? First, you put their mom in my boss’s office just as I have a meltdown about the infamous kink masters not returning my calls. And then of all the people on this planet, you let me almost get run over by one of the men I’ve been trying to schedule a meeting with for weeks? Is this some kind of a joke?” Just as the words left her mouth the world around them exploded in light and a crash of thunder that was so immediate she was sure the bolt must have hit right beside
them. Holy shit! Reminder to self…do not challenge the Big Guy.

  “Get in the truck, now.” His words had been more growled than spoken and ordinarily she’d be giving him a piece of her mind for thinking he could give her orders, but right now she was more afraid of becoming a crispy critter in the middle of the highway than she was of Lilly West’s son. Tobi briefly wondered whether he was Kyle or Kent as she scrambled into the big black beast when he opened the door and motioned her inside, but judging by his clipped tone she was guessing Kyle.

  She’d done her homework on the owners of Prairie Winds because she’d been hoping to interview them since she first heard about the BDSM club they were building just a few minutes from her home. Sure, she worked for a magazine that spotlighted all things bright and beautiful in the Austin area, but in truth, her interest in the club was much more personal. Banishing those thoughts for the moment, she turned and plopped her soggy ass in the passenger seat and turned to see him staring at her as if he’d never seen a woman before. What the hell?

  Excerpt from Remathyst

  Dragon of Dragonose Book Four

  By Alice Brown & Lady V

  Doc retired to his private quarters, which was connected to the back of the medical unit. He tried to push the upcoming mission and everything surrounding it to the back of his mind, but it wasn’t working. Guilt like he’d never experienced before plagued him. As he lay on his bed, curled on his side, he grabbed an extra pillow to cling to, wishing he had a mate to hold instead.


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