Meant for You

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Meant for You Page 15

by Samantha Chase

  “That would be something Zach would do,” Ryder said as he stepped away from the desk. Others joined in with their agreement, but Summer, Ethan, and Gabriella exchanged doubtful glances.

  Gabriella left the room first and Summer followed. They walked out of the offices and down the long hallway until they found their way out the back door. Gabriella closed the door, sank onto the top step, and looked up at Summer. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take,” she said sadly.

  Summer slouched down beside her. “Me either. I don’t know what I was expecting.”

  Gabriella nodded. “I know I should agree with everything Mike said and we should be thinking positively, but I’m afraid too.”

  As much as it pained her to admit it, Summer agreed. “I know,” she said quietly. “From the moment he announced this trip, I didn’t feel good about it. I thought that with my knowledge about injuries and how Zach was still struggling with his leg that he’d listen to me. But he just blew me off.” She gave a mirthless laugh. “Who am I kidding? No one takes me seriously anyway.”

  Reaching out, Gabriella took one of Summer’s hands in hers and squeezed. “I take you seriously,” she said and rested her head on Summer’s shoulder. “I think you’re one of the sweetest and bravest women I’ve ever known. The way you stood up to your family out there before the call came in was amazing.”

  “You heard?”

  Gabriella nodded.

  “I thought you were making calls.”

  “Please, I was done about twenty minutes before the whole scene started. It was just safer to stay in the office and out of everyone’s way.”

  “Maybe I should have volunteered to make the calls,” Summer said miserably.

  “No way. You needed to be out there and have your moment. I think you just about shocked the hell out of the bunch of them. I can’t remember ever seeing so many Montgomery men standing with their jaws on the floor before.”

  Summer chuckled. “It did kind of feel good.”

  “I’m sure it did. You should do it more often. Show them what you’re made of. Proves they can’t just push you around.”

  Summer let that thought sink in as she closed her eyes. “I’m not sure it did me any good. I was saved by the proverbial bell.”

  “Mmm,” was all Gabriella could say. She was mentally and physically exhausted. She was used to keeping up a fairly active pace, having worked for Zach for so many years, but this particular situation was taking an emotional toll as well. Over the last couple of weeks, even before the climb, she’d found herself really forming a bond with Summer. She respected her as a coworker and was coming to consider her a good friend. She didn’t have too many of them—partly because she was a workaholic and partly because she seemed to intimidate people. She sighed. Now was not the time to dwell on that. As Summer’s friend, she needed to be strong and supportive.

  And then find a way to survive it herself.

  “As much as I don’t want to, I suppose we should get back in there and wait with the rest of them. They’re probably wondering where we are.”

  “They probably haven’t even noticed we left,” Summer said and yawned widely.

  “I’m sure Ethan noticed,” Gabriella said with a hint of a grin. Summer turned to her with a look of anxiety. “Look, I hate the timing of all this for the two of you, I really do. But you’re going to have to deal with it. I knew before the two of you even hooked up there was something there.”

  Summer shook her head. “I didn’t believe it was even possible.” Then she sighed. “I’m just not sure what’s going to happen once my family finds out. Ethan may decide it’s not worth all the aggravation.”

  “That’s a load of crap and you know it.” Standing up and stretching, Gabriella held out a hand to help Summer up off the floor. “I’m not going to stand here and say everyone is going to be thrilled and happy and supportive. Everyone is going to have something to say, and it might not be good. But here’s the thing: Is Ethan worth it?”

  “What do you mean?”

  Gabriella rolled her eyes. “Being with Ethan, having a relationship with him, isn’t it worth putting up with a little BS from your family? You know they’ll get over it eventually. They’ve known Ethan for a really long time. They may not be thrilled right now, but I think the dust will clear sooner rather than later.”

  “I don’t know,” Summer said sadly. “We haven’t talked about it, but it’s been an issue most of my life. My family has a tendency to intimidate the guys I get involved with. Being that it’s Ethan and he’s Zach’s best friend introduces another level of awkwardness to the situation. I wouldn’t blame him if he ran screaming in the opposite direction.”

  “So he may be a little nervous. He should be. Your family has a way of making it seem like there are a lot more of them than there actually are. I mean, there are four of them out there—just four Montgomerys—and it feels like they consume all the space, all the air in the office!” She let out a laugh. “And it’s like this all the time. They just have that big of a presence.”

  “But Ethan should be used to it by now! He’s known us for like…forever. None of this is news to him. If you can see everyone will get used to it in time, why can’t he?”

  “You’re jumping to conclusions here. You just said that you haven’t talked to him about this yet. Why are you looking for trouble?”

  Summer shook her head. “There has been so much going on with Zach and the rescue, it seemed selfish to try to talk about us and where all of this is leading. I get the feeling Ethan would rather have this whole thing go away…”

  “Wouldn’t we all?”

  “No, not the accident and Zach, but the two of us. I don’t think he had any intention of ever making a move on me. That’s why I had to make the first move when I was camping in the tepee.”

  Gabriella’s eyes went wide. “Wait…what? The tepee? How? I mean, I knew he was going to try to find you and talk to you about Zach but…”

  “We were talking, and then we were arguing, and then he was saying how people need to take risks, and I agreed. And took one.”

  A knowing smile crossed Gabriella’s face. “Good for you!”

  “I thought so at first, but then he left. We agreed no one had to know. It would be our secret.”

  “And then Glacier Bay.”

  She nodded again. “And then Glacier Bay. I was so stunned when I saw him there, and when he told me he decided not to go on the climb…I actually had hope. I really thought I had gotten through to him! But he said he hadn’t been into it for a while and it was no big deal.”

  “Oh, please,” Gabriella snorted. “You got to him. He’s just not ready to admit it. And the way he was looking at you when you walked away from him on the boat? Sweetheart, that was not the look of a man with only mild interest and time to kill. That was a man who looked at you and thought…mine. It was sexy as hell.”

  Summer blushed. “It was pretty hot. By the time we got back to the lodge and to the elevator, I wasn’t even sure we’d make it to the room.”

  Gabriella pretended to fan herself. “You little vixen!”

  Her blush deepened. “I never knew I had that kind of passion in me. The first time we kissed, I knew it was going to be different. It was so intense and so consuming, and every time he touches me, it just makes me want him more.”

  “Then you have to talk to him about this. You have to make him see that while it certainly won’t be easy, it will be worth it.”

  “Ethan’s pretty stubborn.”

  “Tell me about it,” Gabriella said as she reached into her purse to pull out a compact and check her appearance and then cringed. She couldn’t remember the last time she had gone for so long in casual clothing and without a full face of makeup. “Working with him and Zach has been a challenge because they are both so damn stubborn. I can’t tell you how many
times I’ve had to play referee and send one of them to another office!”

  The image made Summer laugh. “Oh, you don’t have to tell me. I grew up watching the two of them.” And in all those years of watching and yearning, she knew there was still so much more to Ethan Reed and she really wanted to know all of it. How was she going to convince him it was okay?

  Taking in Summer’s suddenly somber expression, Gabriella placed a hand on her arm. “Hey, it’s going to work out. I know it will.”

  “I wish I had your confidence.”

  “And I wish I had your curves,” Gabriella said with a sassy grin. “Now, I think we’ve hidden out in here long enough. Let’s head back in there and see what’s going on in the office. Maybe by now they’ve gotten word on your brother.”

  Together they walked back into the office and were surprised to see everyone sitting around quietly—drinking coffee and talking amongst themselves.

  “I don’t know what to do with this,” Summer whispered. “I know how to handle them when they’re loud and rowdy, but this? This quiet and meek behavior? It’s unfamiliar.”

  Gabriella could only nod. “It’s definitely not natural.” She glanced around the room and felt oddly out of place. “Maybe we should back out slowly and head to the ladies room or something.”

  The idea was tempting, but just then Summer’s father looked up at her. He didn’t frown, but then again he didn’t smile either. He simply looked at her warily. In her entire life, Summer couldn’t remember a time when she couldn’t clearly define her father’s mood just by looking at him. It was definitely weird.

  “Maybe he wants to talk to you,” Gabriella whispered out of the side of her mouth.

  “If you think I’m going to go over there willingly, you’re crazy.” She didn’t have to.

  Robert Montgomery stood and slowly made his way over to her. Once he was at her side, Gabriella excused herself to get another cup of coffee.

  “We were beginning to worry about you,” he said by way of an icebreaker.

  It almost made Summer smile: her big, strong father finally at a loss for something to say. And she had done that. Oddly enough, she was proud of herself. “The walls in here were starting to close in on me. It was nice to step out with Gabriella and just have a quiet moment.”

  He nodded, hands in his pockets, and looked at the ground before looking at his daughter. “I guess it hasn’t been particularly quiet since we arrived.”

  This time she did smile. “It was pretty loud in here before; you just picked up the slack when the crowd thinned out.”

  “Summer, I…I want you to know that…I’m aware.” He stopped and cleared his throat. “I know I was a bit harsh with you on the phone last night. I was in shock over the news. You aren’t the reason for whatever your brother is going through. That wasn’t fair of me to say.”

  Summer realized it was as close to an apology as any of them had ever gotten. “I’m worried about him too, Dad.” She gave a mirthless laugh. “I’ve been worried about him for weeks. When Gabriella broke the news to me last night, I thought I was going to pass out.”

  “I thought your mother was too when I broke the news to her. Luckily, Aunt Monica is with her as well as Casey and Selena.” He frowned. “I wish you were there with them too. I never should have pushed you to go to Portland. You should be home with your mother—safe. I don’t like that you’re so far away, and now you’re all caught up in this mess.”

  She reached out and placed a reassuring hand on his arm. “Dad, even if I were back home with Mom and everyone, I was still going to be caught up in this. Zach is my brother; I love him. I hate that he’s going through this, and I hate that he and I fought so much before he left, but I want to be here for him. If I had been back home when you got the call, I would have fought like hell to fly here with you and James and Ryder and Uncle William.”

  “I wouldn’t have allowed it,” he said firmly.

  “And I would have ignored you and gotten my own flight,” she said evenly. “I’m not a child anymore. I’m a grown woman and I am free to make my own decisions. You don’t have to like them. Hell, you don’t even have to agree with them. You do, however, have to respect me enough to let me make them.”

  She thought maybe she had pushed just a little too far because she watched her father’s expression tighten—the familiar, telltale tic in his jaw almost made her apologize. Then she remembered her own words just now and stood her ground.

  “You’re awful vocal today,” he said finally after taking a couple of deep breaths. “You never used to be this vocal.”

  “You never gave me a chance. You never listened.”

  Robert wanted to argue but he knew it was pointless. She was right. Lately it seemed as though all his children were reminding him of his behavior and how much they resented him for it. Maybe it was time for a change. Maybe…

  “We’ve got another group ready to come down!” Mike yelled from his office.

  * * *

  Twenty minutes later, they were all heading down to their cars. The only information they had was the name of the hospital Zach was on his way to. No one could or would tell them his condition.

  “We have two town cars and drivers,” William said as they exited the front door. “If it’s all right with everyone, Robert and I will go in the first car with Ryder and Gabriella. We’ve got some business matters I’d like her to help us with.” Everyone nodded. “Ryder, you’ll need to get in touch with our other West Coast office and see what they can do to lend a hand in Portland until we’re all back.” Ryder nodded and climbed into the car. “Ethan and James?” He waited until they faced him. “Make sure Summer’s okay.” With that he climbed into the vehicle.

  For the first few minutes, no one spoke in Summer’s car. They were all lost in their own thoughts, so Summer was surprised when Ethan took one of her hands in his.

  “How are you holding up?” he asked quietly, just as he had earlier.

  “I thought I’d feel better once we knew they had rescued him. I didn’t count on them not giving us any information.”

  He squeezed her hand. “We’ll be there soon and no matter what the news is, we’ll deal with it, right?” His voice was soft as he inclined his head toward hers, and when she looked up at him with her wide, dark eyes, he wanted to lose himself in them. If James weren’t in the car, Ethan would have wrapped Summer in his arms and promised he’d be there for her no matter what. But he knew he had to control himself a little more.

  On the opposite side of Summer, James watched the scene in front of him. Since when had Summer and Ethan gotten to be so chummy? He leaned back and did his best to observe without looking like he was watching them—a trick he had learned during his years on the force—and what he was seeing wasn’t an interaction between two friends, but something a lot more…intimate.

  His first reaction was to reach across the car and grab Ethan by the throat. How dare he lay a hand on his sister! Is that how he spent his time comforting her? By seducing her? Shit. What the hell was he supposed to do? Now was totally not the time to start a fight and yet at the same time, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep from saying something—or just flat out threatening Ethan.

  The thought of hitting Ethan was completely appealing. James’s nerves were already on edge—thanks to this trip and being away from Selena—and the opportunity to hit someone would certainly help take the edge off.

  But seeing how relaxed his sister looked took the fight right out of him. Ever since he’d walked into the office earlier and had seen how utterly exhausted and sad she was, he’d been wishing for a way to make her feel better. Then hearing her tell off their father had him wondering who this woman was and where had his little sister gone! But now? Sitting here and watching her interact with Ethan? James cursed under his breath and knew he’d have to find the right moment to talk to her. Or Ethan. Or both
of them. A weary sigh escaped as he turned to watch the scenery go by.

  Worst. Trip. Ever.

  * * *

  In the lead Montgomery car, Robert was giving Gabriella a list of people she needed to call and dictating a news release he wanted her to get out as soon as possible. She tapped away on her tablet while he spoke. In the front seat, Ryder was on his cell phone, speaking to his cousin Christian, who was heading up to Portland from the Montgomerys’ San Diego office.

  And in the corner of the backseat, seemingly relaxing, sat William.

  He waited patiently while his brother prattled on about calls and letters and whatever other nonsense he could come up with to keep poor Gabriella on her toes. Didn’t he realize she wasn’t here as an employee? Couldn’t he tell she was just as worried as every family member was? Sometimes Robert can be completely obtuse, he thought to himself. When all of this was over and Zach was home and on the mend, William made a mental note to spend some time alone with his brother and do his best to help him get his head out of his rear!

  When things were finally quiet, William did his best to come up with a clever question that would ensure a response from Gabriella—and no one else. “So tell me, Gabriella, have you ever been to Alaska before?”

  She placed her tablet back in her bag and looked at William, her expression confused. “Excuse me?”

  “I mean before this week. Had you ever traveled here before?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t travel much. I’m more of a homebody.”

  William nodded. “Well, I must say you come off like a seasoned pro.”

  Her brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”


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