Game of Chance

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Game of Chance Page 16

by Donna Vitek

  "When will Wendi be going?" she asked, hoping for a reprieve of at least two or three days.

  Brice's answer was a disappointment, however. "She's packing right now. There's an eleven-fifty flight to Las Vegas and Mallie said she'd be delighted to drive Wendi to the airport." Brice smiled wryly. "I didn't even have to ask her to play chauffeur. She volunteered. So you go get packed now, Kit, and come home with me."

  "I'd planned to take Kit to the hospital to have her ankle X-rayed," Jason interceded, speaking for the first time in several minutes. "It would be a wise precaution to take. Her ankle could be broken. I don't think it is, but it could be, so if you're busy, Brice, I'll go ahead and take her."

  "I'll take her myself," Brice answered almost irritably, his tone indicating a hint of paternal possessiveness. "Kit's my responsibility." Not yours, he seemed to be adding silently.

  Though there was a glimmer of reaction in Jason's eyes, he smiled, but the smile was somewhat mocking. "Whatever you want to do, Brice."

  This new undercurrent of tension did nothing positive for Katherine's already frazzled nerves. Gingerly lowering her foot to the floor, she stood clumsily, unable to look directly at either her father or Jason. "I'll go pack," she murmured, "It won't take long."

  Before she could attempt to take a step, Jason was beside her, sweeping her up in his arms with an unabashed smile. "Didn't I tell you not to walk unless it was absolutely necessary?"

  Katherine nodded bemusedly as he carried her to the stairs and started up to her room, but with every step he took she was aware that her father was boring holes through both of them with a disapproving glare. That didn't seem to matter much, however, when Jason crossed the threshold of her room and kicked the door shut behind them.

  Her startled expression elicited his most irresistible indulgent smile. "Yes, I know Brice is probably mad right now because I'm in your bedroom with you and the door's closed, but he'll just have to tolerate it since I need to talk to you."

  "You do?" she whispered breathlessly, her senses spinning as she inhaled the familiar lime fragrance of his aftershave.

  "I do," he whispered back, stopping in the center of the room, still cradling her in his arms. His narrowed gaze trailed along the lissome slenderness of her body. "Kit, I'm going to miss you, but I think it's better for you to go home with your father. Don't you?"

  "Why" she asked, unaware of the sad downward curve of her lips. "I mean, why do you think it's best? Have I been that much of a nuisance to you?"

  "Not a nuisance, Kit. A temptation," he answered softly, captivating her with the drowsy cadence of his deep voice. "And after what almost happened last night, I know I wouldn't be able to resist that temptation much longer if you stayed here."

  A becoming rose color tinted Katherine's cheeks. "Oh, Jason, I…" She was silenced as he lowered his head to cover her mouth with a gentle feather-light kiss and his lips hardened only slightly in demand as her arms around his neck tightened. He lifted his head again, a glimmer of barely restrained passion in his eyes seemingly willing her to lose herself in the deep dark blue pools. "I think we could start all over again if I don't have to cope with knowing you're sleeping in the room next to mine every night. And I do intend to begin again with you. So I'll be seeing you. Often."

  "But why?" Katherine exclaimed softly, suspiciously. "You're not really interested in me. You couldn't be. You spent the night with Julie."

  He frowned slightly, apparently confused. Then understanding narrowed his eyes and at last he shook his head. "I didn't spend the night with Julie, Kit. I spent the other night in a hotel because I didn't trust myself to stay here with you. So you're very wrong in thinking I'm not interested in you." He put her down gently on the edge of the bed, pressing one light fingertip against her lips when she started to speak. "Just sit there. Stay off that ankle. I'll send Mary up to help you pack." His finger trailed downward from her mouth to beneath her chin, tilting her face up. He leaned down to kiss her again, his firm lips moving gently and too fleetingly over the soft shape of hers. Then he straightened and left the room.

  Katherine lifted trembling fingers to touch her lips. A soft, agonized moan escaped her. Jason was driving her crazy. Though she longed to believe he was seriously interested in her, she knew that couldn't be true. Some gambling men could charm the birds right out of the trees, Mallie had said, and now Katherine believed it. And to make matters worse, she was almost to the point where she wished she could simply succumb to Jason's charm and allow herself to be seduced.

  True to his word, Jason did visit Katherine. Three days after she had left his house, he came to see her. The sun was setting, turning the surface of the lake to shimmering gold and tinting the western sky orange. Katherine sat on the beach, chin resting on her drawn-up knees, allowing her mind to drift to implausible fantasies as she gazed bemusedly at the exquisite sunset.

  As she felt warm hands descend on her shoulders and Jason's deep voice softly saying her name, it was as if her fantasies were coming true. He sat down behind her on the blanket, lifting her hair forward over one shoulder. His lips grazed the sensitive skin of her nape, but when she would have instinctively turned into his arms, he stilled her movement, encircling her waist to draw her back against him.

  He said nothing and as Katherine began to relax, her head came to rest in the hollow of his shoulder as he brushed wayward strands of hair back from her cheeks. It was the oddest sensation, being held by him this way. Since he had joined her on the blanket, she had only glimpsed his face and he hadn't kissed her at all except for the light touch of his lips on her nape. She felt content, strangely secure, and she realized with some surprise that if he only wanted her physically and this was his method of seducing her, then seduction was sweet.

  Long lazy minutes passed as the sun sank lower behind the Sierra ranges bordering the opposite shore. For the first time in weeks, Katherine was free of real tension but, unfortunately, peace was short-lived. As she laid her own hands over Jason's, inviting the tightening of his muscular arms around her slim waist, Brice appeared beside them, his glowering glance at Jason shattering the tranquillity.

  "Kit, I want to talk to you," he commanded rather than requested.

  Diplomatically, Jason pulled his arms, with obvious reluctance, from around Katherine's waist and stood, then discreetly walked away toward the water's edge.

  "What is it?" Katherine asked worriedly as Brice came down on his heels beside her. "Is something wrong?"

  "I know where Jess is," he announced unceremoniously. "She applied for a job in L.A. and someone from personnel called me to check her references. I got her address by lying and saying I had a bonus check to send her."

  "And?" Katherine questioned expectantly. "What do you plan to do now? Are you still too stubborn to go after her or have you changed your mind?"

  "I've changed my mind," Brice admitted gruffly. "I miss her. I guess I'm just one of those dopes who didn't know what he had until he lost it."

  "I guess you are," Katherine agreed unapologetically. Then she smiled at him. "But you realize what Jess means to you now and that's what matters."

  "I hope she feels that way. I hope it's not too late." Brice raked his fingers through his hair. "I'm going to L.A. to ask her to come back here so we can try to work something out. There's a flight out of here at two a.m., so I'll just stay at the casino tonight and one of the boys can drive me from there to the airport. Hopefully, I'll be back by tomorrow night, with Jess."

  "I'm sure you will. Everything will work out, you'll see."

  "We'll have a lot to talk about," Brice murmured. "I may have to be very persuasive."

  "You're not planning to ask Jess to come back to things the same way they were, are you?" Katherine asked suspiciously. "You are going to ask her to marry you? I don't think she'll settle for anything less now."

  "I don't think so, either." Her father smiled wryly. "I never imagined I'd get married again, but…" He shrugged. "Oh well, if Jess will marr

y me, I just hope I'm not a disappointment to her."

  "She loves you, Daddy," Katherine reminded him softly. "She won't be disappointed."

  Though Brice had rarely ever displayed his feelings for Katherine physically, he reached out now to gently ruffle her hair. "You're a good child, Kit," he said with a fond smile. "We have a lot of talking to do, too, but I hope you'll understand if Jess gets most of my attention in the next few weeks… if I can get her to come back with me."

  Katherine nodded. "I'll understand."

  As her father stood, his expression became very sober again. "Promise me something," he muttered abruptly, his green eyes icy as he stared over her at Jason who still stood at the water's edge. "Promise me you'll spend tonight at home."

  Katherine blushed, looking around quickly at Jason, as if she feared he might have overheard what her father said. "I planned to stay home tonight," she said weakly at last. "I don't know what you're worried about."

  "Yes, you do. Nobody knows much about Jason Roarke, Kit, so that means he's something of a loner. He'll probably always be and I hope you'll remember that. I'd hate to see you get hurt." After casting one last none-too-friendly look in Jason's direction, Brice turned and started to walk away. "See you tomorrow night. I hope."

  Katherine couldn't even answer him. With those few words, he had renewed all her doubts about Jason and suddenly she knew what she had to do. She had to get away from here because her father was right. She would get hurt if she allowed herself to become any more involved with Jason than she already was.

  Obviously noticing Brice's departure, Jason joined Katherine again, reaching down to take her hand to draw her to her feet. "How's the ankle?" he murmured, spanning her waist with large yet gentle hands. "Better?"

  Unable to look up at him, she fixed her gaze on the pulse beating in his tan neck. "It's nearly well," she murmured, then before she could lose her nerve, blurted out, "I'm going home to Baltimore tomorrow."

  Jason tensed. For a long moment, he said nothing. Then his hands around her waist exerted rough pressure as he pulled her closer to him. "Why?" he asked roughly. "Why are you leaving now?"

  Haltingly, she explained about her father's plan to bring Jess back. "I—I just think they'll n-need time alone when they get back," she concluded. "I wouldn't want to get in their way."

  "You're lying, Kit," he muttered harshly, grasping her small chin between his thumb and forefinger, tilting her head back so she had to face him. "You're just trying to get away from me. Are you that afraid of me?"

  "Yes," she answered honestly, pain darkening her green eyes to pools of jade. "My father says you're a loner and I think he's right. You'll always have women like Julie in your life, but I… I couldn't be one of them."

  "You're not going to give me a chance, are you?" he uttered furiously. "I'm a gambler, so I can't be dependable. Right? But how do you justify the fact that you want me? You can't tell me it means nothing when I touch you. Like this." Without warning, he lowered his head. His mouth took possession of hers as he gathered her closer. His lips closed on the soft curve of her lower lip and as her mouth opened slightly to his, his tongue tasted the sweetness within. His hands moved over her firm hips, into the inward curve of her narrow waist, then up to play over her breasts and he groaned softly in triumph when the tumescent nipples surged against his palms. As he lowered the straps of her white gauze sundress and his lips sought her bare shoulders, she melted against him, wrapping her slender arms around his neck. She wanted him, ached to know his complete possession and her parted lips clung to the firm warmth of his until he pulled away slightly.

  "You see, Kit," he whispered, his warm minty breath fanning her hot cheeks, "we need each other."

  His words brought her back to reality with a jolt. Tears filled her eyes. "But it's only physical need," she said thickly. "That's not enough for me."

  His narrowed gaze held hers. "Physical need is a part of the relationship between a man and a woman, Kit. It's no sin."

  "But if that's all there is…"

  "Why are you so certain that's all there is between us?" he interrupted, almost impatiently. "Why are you so afraid to take a chance with me? Because I'm a gambler? If so, that's a very shallow reason. Sure, you'll be taking a chance. And I'll be taking a chance with you. When a man and a woman get involved in a deep relationship, it's always a game of chance. It might work out and it might not. That's just the way life is. We all have to take risks. And if you don't know that, you're living in some little-girl dream world."

  "Jason, I…" Katherine's words halted as he gripped her shoulders and shook her slightly. Auburn strands of silken hair fell across her paling cheeks and she gazed up at him with wide, startled eyes.

  "Is this really the way you want it to end?" he asked roughly. "Is it, Kit?"

  "No," she whispered. "But the ending I want is impossible."

  Jason's hands dropped away from her. "If you'd only trusted me, Kit, I think we could have had something very special together."

  "Yes, it would have been special," she muttered unhappily. "But how long would it have lasted?"

  "Since you have to ask that question, it could never begin," he answered brusquely, then shook his head. "Don't wait until everything is perfect, Kit. That may never happen with any man. You'll have to take a chance or be alone the way Brice has been for years. But maybe you're more like him than you thought; maybe you're as afraid to make a commitment as he's always been, until now."

  "No!" she gasped, her face white. "That's not true! I…"

  "Good-bye, Kit," he interrupted softly, leaning down to brush a kiss across her forehead before he turned and walked away.

  Katherine spun around to stare blindly at the lake, unable to watch him leave her. Tears filled her eyes, blurring her vision. An aching empty void spread within her and she felt cold inside. She felt as if he had ripped the very essence of her being from her and carried it away with him. She lifted icy fingers to press against icy cheeks but her unhappiness was too deep and devastating to find any release in tears.

  Chapter Eleven

  Katherine was driving to the airport the next morning when she changed her mind. All night and since she had gotten out of bed, she had been doubting the wisdom of her decision to leave Tahoe. But that old instinct for self preservation had driven her to pack, get in the car, and start for the airport. Now, as she moved farther and farther away from Jason, she knew she didn't want to leave him at all.

  A sudden trembling overtook her and she pulled her father's Porsche off the road into the parking lot of one of the casinos near the state line. Gripping the steering wheel tightly, she rested her forehead against her hands, trying to take deep calming breaths. She was on the verge of making a momentous decision, one that could alter her entire life but, though she wanted to approach her problem logically, logic had little influence over her emotions.

  Jason was the only man she would probably ever love. He was intelligent, exciting, and he had always been very gentle, almost loving, with her. She was stupid to even consider leaving him, she finally decided. Perhaps he was right—love was a game of chance. And if it was, she would rather take her chances with him than with any other man she had known or ever hoped to meet. Undoubtedly, if she tried, she could find more security with a man like Brad Whitney, but he had bored her to tears and suddenly security didn't seem all that important to her if she had to live with a dullard to achieve it. Even if Jason only wanted to be with her for a few months, he would give her more happiness than she would find in fifty years with a man like Brad. And, maybe, if she were really lucky, Jason might fall in love with her and never want to leave. The odds against that happening were astronomically high; she realized that. Jason was a gambler and gamblers rarely settled down, but even with the odds against her, she was ready to take the risk. Actually, she had little choice. Since Jason had walked away from her at the lake last night, she had felt empty and alone. Now, she knew she would be an idiot to leave the only man wh
o could make her feel alive.

  Katherine raised her head. Excitement and determination sparkled in her eyes. She was going back to Jason. Mallie would be horrified and Brice would probably have fits, but Katherine couldn't really care. This was her life, her risk. Turning the car around in the parking lot, she headed back the way she had come. She had planned to leave her father's Porsche at the airport for him to pick up on his return from L.A. so she made a mental note to be certain someone was there to meet his plane.

  Now that she had made the decision to go to Jason, she could hardly wait to get to his house… until she actually turned off the road onto his driveway. Then all sorts of unjustified fears assaulted her. What if he had changed his mind about wanting her? He had been upset with her last night. What if he rejected her today? She didn't think she could bear that since she had battled and defeated all her strongest inhibitions to decide to come to him in the first place.

  To Katherine's relief, Jason's Jaguar was parked in his drive but there was a strange car parked there also and she prayed it didn't belong to Julie. She had no idea what she could say to Jason if that blond bombshell were there or if, indeed, he would give her a chance to say anything at all. Yet, she knew she had to try. Before her courage could desert her, she parked the Porsche, got out, and removed the jacket of her grass-green suit and tossed it back onto the front seat of the car. Squaring her shoulders, she walked briskly toward the house, sighing audibly with relief when a man came out the front door just as she reached it. Dressed sportily in a navy blazer and white slacks, he carried a briefcase and wore a pleasant smile on his fortyish face. He was a stranger, but Katherine smiled back at him almost gratefully. Obviously the strange car belonged to him, so Julie wasn't inside with Jason as she had feared.


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