The First Touch (Templer Series)

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The First Touch (Templer Series) Page 6

by Duka Dakarai

  He runs his hands through his hair and scrapes them down his face. He leans back in his chair, closing his eyes, surprising me when he asks:

  “Is that beer for me?”

  “Yes…I don’t know if you drink beer….but” I splutter words out, relieved at the silence finally filling the cabin.

  He sits up, grabs the bottle and almost downs it in one long slug. He leans back against the chair, again closing his eyes, his chest rising and falling slower now. He doesn’t utter another word.

  I twist the screw caps from both my miniature bottles, pouring them into my glass at the same time. I press the glass to my lips and throw the liquid down my throat, wincing at the burn.

  Chapter Eleven

  I’m flying around my cottage in Barripper, grabbing toiletries, clothes and essentials throwing them in a suitcase. Lastly, I snatch up my laptop and phone chargers. Drew and Thomson are waiting outside in a rental, engine running. I don’t know when it was arranged that we would be picked up in a rental, and I know not to ask. Either way, it was smart planning.

  Thomson deposits the case in the boot and we head out of the village. Drew is finishing a call, his voice soft and gentle, and a pang of jealousy sticks in my throat. I know it’s a woman he’s taking to, and by the easy drool of his words to her, there is genuine affection there.

  Speak to me like that….

  I can see Thomson stifling a smirk at his employer and I wonder what he knows. Is she a lover, an ex….my mind won’t shake off this jealousy.

  “I don’t know, Jenny….God, something soothing and feminine….yes, if you say so. Candles? I suppose. You know I don’t do this sort of thing…oh, and book a masseuse for tomorrow…no, they must come to the house. Ok, I’ll see you later. Jenny? Thanks”

  What has she got…that I haven’t….jealous devil sat on my shoulder…poke, poke….

  Another stifled smirk from Thomson followed by a cough.

  “Got something you want to say Thomson?” Drew stares sternly at him in the mirror. I watch the exchange of glances. Amusement in Thomson’s eyes, not easily disguised. Amusement eventually reaches Drew’s face too although I note he is desperate to try to contain it.

  “No, Sir….nothing at all”

  Suddenly, Drew throws his head back and roars out a laugh, shaking his head at himself. A few seconds later, he has regained his composure, eyes still dancing with humour, turning to face me.

  “You know Thomson has been a nightmare since you came along, don’t you? I might have to fire his ass!” And with that he laughs loudly, again.

  Thomson and I exchange glances and join in. I’m grateful for the change in mood, especially so as playful Drew has returned. Let’s hope for a while at least. The rest of the journey passes by with flashes of light conversation, interrupted by moments of seriousness when discussing what to do about my Simon situation. Drew is encouraging me that I should consider an injunction….well, he’s telling me that I should get one.

  He’s right…and I haven’t told him the whole story….about Simon’s two violent outbursts….striking me

  We pull up outside Drew’s house and I note there is a woman hovering by the front door. Maybe early sixties and a round matronly disposition, she has a kind face, surrounded by a mop of greying curls. She smiles broadly, directly at Drew and then to me, as we exit the car. Gushing forward, she squeezes him to her.

  “Jenny….that’s enough!” Drew gently scolds her. “Tilly, please meet Jenny, my housekeeper….or Wrath of God as my brother affectionately calls her” He is grinning widely now, thrusting me in her direction. She envelopes me in an overwhelmingly, tight hug, and for a brief moment, I can almost feel my late grandmother’s arms around me again. The hold is so similar…so…that I feel a single tear involuntarily spring from my eye.

  Her thumb reaches to catch it before it spills on my cheek….and she looks kindly into my face…..almost knowing.

  “Now, then Miss Tilly, you follow me now. I have a steaming hot bath running for you with lots of relaxing bubbles and the like. Even got you some of those smelly candles….lavender and something. Come on now.” And here I am being grasped by the hand and pulled up the stairs. Wrath of God not to be argued with.

  So this is Jenny…..and I’m immediately in love with her.

  The bath is wonderful and truly relaxing. My relaxation is only broken occasionally by Jenny popping in and out with warmed towels, oblivious to my shyness of my nakedness. She enters again after about twenty minutes. Stretching a huge, white bath towel across the length of the bath, she beckons me out. I can’t contain the shocked look on my face.

  “Come on, my lovely. Out you get. Can’t be having that beautiful skin of yours drying up and all pruny now.”

  “Jenny, please! I’m not five!” Although I’m aware I have a pout on my lips, yes, just like a five year old. She doesn’t flinch so I step into the towel as I’m instructed. She’s so likable, I can’t not do as I’m told.

  I untie my hair, finger comb it through and slip into a light maxi dress. I know my face looks tired and puffy from all the previous tears so some make- up is in order. A few sweeps of mascara and a light slick of gloss later, I grab my laptop and head back downstairs. I figure that I’ll sit outside and so some work. My being here has already disrupted Drew enough, and although I haven’t said it out loud, I’m thankful that he insisted I stay with him. Despite my yearning feelings towards him, and his obvious lack of feelings for me, I feel safe in his company.

  As I enter the decking area, Drew is deep in conversation with another man whose back is to me. I can see that Drew has the tension and anger returned to his face…and as I catch the odd word spitting from his mouth, I understand why. He’s relaying the events of this morning’s encounter with Simon. The other man is shaking and nodding his head, silently listening, matching Drew’s deep exaggerated breaths, but not responding.

  Suddenly, the other man speaks, spitting his words out also.

  “Sounds like a total cunt to me. Bet you’re glad you decked the wanker.”

  I make a move to head back into the house when Drew becomes aware of my presence gesturing me across to join him.

  “Tilly! Meet my brother Jake.”

  The man stands, turning to greet me, and as we lock eyes, his mouth breaks into the same lop-sided grin that has become familiar with his brother, Drew. His eyes, brown instead of blue, are growing wide and playful as he steps forward to meet me. I extend a hand, and instead of shaking it, he sweeps it up his lips and kisses it. I gasp in mock horror. I like him instantly. He is mischievous and cheeky. It oozes from him. And as deliciously as handsome as his brother.

  “Come sit next to me, Tilly, and let’s make friends!” He is openly flirty and I find myself laughing. In another situation, I would be putty in his hands. Mia would eat him for breakfast, however.

  “Jake!” Drew’s growl breaks through my momentary day-dream.

  “Oh, hello grumpy!” Jake arches an eyebrow in his direction, throwing him a smirk. I decide to sit at the other end of the table, a safe distance from both of them, placing my laptop in front of me. I feel quite affronted if Drew is assuming that I can’t handle a bit of flirty behaviour and jumping to my defence. I wouldn’t mind if you were a bit jealous…if only

  I decide to ignore his outburst and cast my attention back towards Jake.

  “So I believe you met my closest friend at the Hurlingham Club? Mia?”

  “Mia?” A blank look on his face. “Which one was she?”

  “You’ll note from my brother’s comment, no doubt, that he meets many women, Tilly. He is what you would call a player” Drew emphasises the sarcasm in his tone, obviously still pissed at his brother. It also feels like a warning in my direction…But I shake it off. I continue the conversation.

  “Yes, Mia. Tall, stunning redhead….a very successful international model and now carving a career in photography”

  “Ah yes, the ball breaker! So Mia is her name?”
  I laugh out loud. “So you didn’t get past her name before she broke your balls then?”

  “Twisted them right off and threw them back at me more like! But she’s a looker, you’re right there. Definitely the most beautiful woman there by a long shot. Were you there too at the event? Is so, then you both put the preened princesses in the shade.”

  I flush scarlet and know it. I catch Drew tennis balling looks back and forth between us.

  “Sounds like you made an impression!” And with that, all three of us join in the laughter. After a few rounds of further banter, I realise that I haven’t switched my phone back on and Mia will be frantic with worry. I bid my leave and exit down the steps towards the beach for some privacy for the call.

  There are another fourteen missed calls from Simon and a couple of particularly spiteful texts. I delete them and call Mia. She answers on the first ring.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I know you’re probably frantic with worry….I’ve been bubble bathed to oblivion then caught up chatting to Drew and Jake.”


  “Drew’s brother? Remember? Hurlingham Club?”

  “Oh the Pip Squeak! Pity….fucking gorgeous though”

  “He thinks you’re the hottest thing too! Oh, shall I match make?” I tease her.

  “Don’t you dare! Anyway, darling, he’s soooo not my type!” She’s playing along.

  We spend the next twenty minutes or so with me relaying the incident with Simon, and then finally me pouring out my woes about my night with Drew. I can’t lie to her. I never have been able to. I admit that if he rushed over to me right this second and swept me off my feet, I’d go willingly. The pull I feel for him is overwhelming but I know I’ve got to get over it….and I will….soon….After all, the relief I saw on his face when I lied to him about not wanting anything more said more than words ever could.

  “I think I need to pay you a visit, Tilly. Even just for hug. Ask Drew if he would mind another guest in his house, would you? Not for long, hun, just a quick overnighter….I can do that but need to return for that damn photo shoot. I’m committed now!”

  “Oh Mia, I’d love to see you! I need my bff even for just a few hours…Of course, I’ll ask him. But Mia, you won’t say anything will you…please honestly, I’m serious!”

  “I won’t….I promise….now go ask him so I can book the flight!”

  I almost tear up the steps to the house. Drew is stood with his hands in his pockets looking out across the beach. I don’t know if he has been protectively watching over me or just beach gazing. Either way, I only stop running when I screech to a halt in front of him. Jake is seated still, peeling the label of a beer bottle, but laughs when he sees me. I’m suddenly aware that I must look like an excited teenager not a twenty six year old woman!

  “Oh, Drew…I’ve got such a huge favour to ask….and I know you’ve done so much already…..and I know you’ve given up work schedules….and I feel really bad about…”

  He takes me gently by the shoulders and places a mocking hand over my mouth.

  “Breathe, Tilly, Breathe! What’s the favour?”

  I take a deep breath in. I feel calmer now.

  “Would you let Mia visit me here….just for a day….well, an overnighter? I’d really love to see her and she is very worried, especially after….after Simon”

  “Is that all? That’s the big favour? Of course Mia can come here to see you. She can spend longer than a day if she likes.” He smiles the biggest, kindest smile at me.

  And if I could put my next movement in reserve, and change my reaction, I would, but I can’t. Instead I find myself launching at him, throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him full on the lips…and worst of all? It wasn’t a chaste peck…ok, no tongues were involved…but it was a full on, lips electricity kiss. I felt it and I know he did. Make an exit quick, Tilly

  I dash my thank you at him and run up to my guest bedroom, both to call Mia again and to cringe. I’ve probably made him really uncomfortable and I feel mortified at myself. I decide to stay in my room and have a nap. Anything just to stay out of the way.

  “You’re blushing!” Jake roars with laughter at his elder brother.

  “Fuck off, Jake!”

  “You. Are. Blushing!” Jake emphasises each word, still laughing, harder now. “I never thought I’d see the day!”

  “Jake! Pack it in…I mean it” And with that, Jake returns to peeling at his beer bottle.

  Fuck, the taste of her….her scent………….those fucking lips

  “You still haven’t told me what’s the deal with you and Tilly, anyway? You banging her?” Jake eyes his brother gingerly. He’s still amused by his brothers obvious reaction to the kiss but mutual respect means he also knows when to tread carefully. Unlike himself, Drew is a very private person, business first always.

  “Banging? Fucking hell Jake. We slept together, ok? Satisfied? And now it’s over. Just friends. So drop it” A low growl throwing out the words. Hell, Drew never talks about any sexual partners so this is a major confession.

  “Hey, man. I’m sorry, ok. I didn’t mean to fuck with you. Honestly” Jake is genuine now, laughter over. His brother might not be prepared to admit it or even understand it but this Tilly is obviously a big deal. I mean, he has never had a woman at this house, apart from Jenny, he’s so passionate about his privacy and not having a committed relationship…so to have her stay here…..and invite her friend?! I can either stand back and watch Drew car crash this or I can do my upmost to make sure he doesn’t lose this opportunity. Hell, one of us deserves not to end up a total Fuckhead…..he decides on the latter, and maybe this Mia woman can help.

  Chapter Twelve

  I’m relieved that last night Jenny tapped on my bedroom door at exactly seven o’clock with a tray of delicious home cooked food. She had assumed that I must be exhausted from travelling and whatever the commotion was that was the reason for my stay, and so, when Drew had said to call me for dinner, she had scolded him, like a mother hen, and told him on no uncertain terms to leave me be. So, instead, he had dined alone. And I didn’t leave my room. Not until now, this morning.

  Mia is coming later this afternoon. I can’t wait to see her. She is bringing me yet another ‘treat’ of which I protested and as usual, she totally ignored. Now all I have to do is get through today without further humiliation and await her arrival. Mia is such a whirlwind that all the attention will be on her, and not me…of which I am often very grateful.

  Jenny informed me last night that Drew had her book me a Masseuse for this morning, and she/he is due to arrive by ten. I can’t remember the last time I had a decent massage and I’m really looking forward to it. But I can’t hide in this room until ten, so head down in search of some breakfast. Drew is sat in the kitchen, reading papers, and chewing on a croissant.

  “I’m really looking forward to my massage today, Drew. Thank you. It’s very kind of you” I decide that animating bright and breezy may help brush yesterday’s embarrassment under the proverbial carpet.

  “My pleasure, Miss Teague. Anytime. Did you sleep well? Jenny said it was better to leave you to rest.” He folds his paper down and crosses his arms in front of himself, leaning on the table. He is smiling and seems relaxed. Bright and breezy may have done the trick.

  “Wonderful. I didn’t stir until this morning” You are such a blatant liar….

  “And you have everything you need?”

  Apart from you in my bed…..”I have everything I need. You’re so kind, Drew. I really appreciate this, honestly”

  “Tilly, don’t be mad at me but I’ve booked a conference call with my solicitor on your behalf for midday. I just want you to hear him out about the injunction idea.”

  “Of course I’ll hear him out. And I’m not mad at you at all. After some thought, I realise that you are right. Actually, when I turned my phone back on yesterday, I had 14 missed calls from Simon and several abusive texts. And after threatening Mia,
I want no more contact from him….in any form.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’re not mad at me. I genuinely just want to help. So apart from being a total loser….can I ask why you ended your engagement? If I’m honest, part of me is wondering why you were even with him in the first place?” Drew throws a shy smile my way.

  “I wonder now too. And yes, it’s ok to ask. For a long while, I thought I was totally heartbroken over him and when I inherited my grandmothers’ cottage, it was the escape I needed. But on the plane yesterday after the incident, and again while I was alone in the guest room, I wondered whether I ever really did love him. I’m not sure I truly know what that is.”

  “But you’ve had other relationships? You’re a beautiful woman, Tilly, I mean Simon can’t have been your only relationship? I’m sorry, I’m assuming too much. You don’t have to answer that.”

  “I don’t mind. Honestly. And yes, I have had other relationships…well, two I suppose serious ones. Simon……and David. David was my university ‘love’ but looking back, I was never in love with him just the idea of him. He was a poet and I suppose I had girly visions of him writing me long winded love poems….but he didn’t. He dropped out of uni and is now a car mechanic, I believe.”

  “And Simon?” Drew is listening intently, seemingly genuinely interested.

  “Our paths crossed through work. He owns a catering firm and a couple of nightclubs. I used his firm for a couple of fundraising events. One day, I admired the shoes of one the ladies at one of my events…you know….expensive designer brand that some of us ladies like to drool over and apparently, he overheard me. The next day, the exact same pair and in my size were delivered to my then office in London. The rest is history, I suppose, I was flattered. While I was thinking he was buying me such expensive gifts because he adored me, it turned out he was doing the same for two other women….and sleeping with them. I believe he put an engagement ring on my finger to control me. You see…Simon liked to tell me what to wear, and eventually who to talk to, and what to say…and I can’t believe I let it happen.” I let out a deep sigh, suddenly, feeling overwhelmed by the memory.


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