Yahn: Paranormal Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Alien Mates Book 4)

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Yahn: Paranormal Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Alien Mates Book 4) Page 10

by Ashley L. Hunt

  I noticed that the one surviving Sarceastian had taken out some sort of device and placed it on the rock that he was hiding behind. As we approached the rocks, we began to hear a beeping sound, and I knew right away what the creature had done.

  “What’s that sound?” Jessie asked.

  “It’s a planetary detonation device. He has activated it, which means that we have about ten minutes to vacate this moon before it is blown to bits!” I said. Rufando who was standing just behind me, turned to address his people.

  “We have a Code Red emergency! Everyone to the ship!” Rufando said.

  “Farewell, lord. If we meet again, we will have quite a story to discuss,” he said, turning back to me.

  “Yes, we will,” I said as I grabbed Jessie’s hand and headed back to our Sarceastian space cruiser. I turned around to see a large, round stone-like disc that had lifted out of one of the craters. I assumed that this had to be the escape vehicle that the Domyabee were going to use to escape. I hoped that they had a destination in mind. I had no idea where we were going to go, but at the moment, we had to get out of there. We strapped ourselves in and began to lift off.

  “Everyone hold on tight. I’m going to put the boosters on full throttle so that we can get as far away from this rock as possible when it blows!” I said.

  “Roger that,” David said.

  I started the ignition sequence and we lifted off. Soon we were out of the moon’s atmosphere. Suddenly shockwaves emanated out from the moon as it blew into a million tiny fragments. The ship was already going full throttle, but the shockwaves made us go even faster than before.

  “Hold on!” I said. Jessie practically had her nails dug into the side of the chair as we hurdled through space.

  Finally, we were far enough away that we could relax and slow down our speed.

  “Whew, I really am growing tired of close calls,” Jessie said.

  “You and me both,” David said, shaking his head.

  “So where to, now?” Jessie asked.

  I was fresh out of ideas at the moment. It seemed that everywhere we landed in this part of the universe we ran into some sort of trouble.

  “I say we take our chances out here for a while until we’ve left this solar system, entirely. Once we reach a new solar system, we can check the navigator for a suitable docking place. We have enough fuel left to stay out here for quite a long time,” I said.

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve been on a space voyage. Reminds me of my younger days,” David said as he watched a comet go streaking by.

  That night, we put the ship on autopilot and went to our quarters. Sarceastian ships were actually quite comfortable, although not as spacious as the Neutomian ships. Jessie and I lay down on the large rectangular bed and looked into each other’s eyes.

  “You know I could wander the universe with you and be happy as long as we are together,” she said, clutching my hand.

  “Yes, I could too, but I would be even happier if we could finally find a place to settle down, at least for a time,” I said.

  “We have to believe that such a place exists. We can’t lose faith,” she said.

  As I stared into her gorgeous, sparkling eyes, I couldn’t help but be hopeful about the future. Our lips touched and I pulled her closer to me. Our hands began to explore one another’s shoulders and chests. I kissed Jessie, starting at her neck and then working my way down to the glorious intersection of her long, perfect legs. I buried my face there until she began to moan with delight. Then, I interlocked my fingers with hers and began to make love to her. She arched her back as her breasts began a mad dance. Soon, I was thrusting at a feverish pace and I could last no longer. Both of us reached what Earthlings refer to as ‘orgasm’ right at the same time. Afterwards, we lay together, our bodies intertwined as if we were one.

  David interrupted our reverie when his voice came over the speaker.

  “Eh, sorry if I’m interrupting anything, but we have a little problem out here,” he said, with urgency in his voice.

  “What is it?” Jessie asked.

  “It looks to be one of the Earth expedition ships. They are approaching fast!”

  We jumped up and threw our clothes on. Once we got to the front of the ship, I turned off the autopilot and tried to increase the power to the boosters.

  “Too late,” David said. “They’ve jammed the frequency. I tried it already.”

  We watched helplessly as the Earth ship came closer and closer. Finally, the pilot of their ship began to speak to us.

  “Surrender your vehicle, Sarceastians. If you do not surrender, we will attack. There is no escape!” I looked over at Jessie who shuddered at the familiar sound of her captain’s voice.

  “We are not Sarceastians,” David said.

  “If you are traveling in a Sarceastian vehicle then we consider you to be an enemy,” the captain said. “Who are you?”

  “My name is David and I am alone,” he said.

  “You are lying. We are picking up on two more life readings. Prepare to be boarded!” the captain said.

  “They’ve finally caught up to us,” Jessie said as a tear streaked down her face. I turned to comfort her, throwing my arms around her. Then, I looked her in the eyes.

  “Jessie, it isn’t over yet. Just because they have the upper hand now that doesn’t mean that it will remain that way forever. We will figure out a way out of this just as we have done with all of the other trials we have lived through.”

  “Yes, I believe it. In fact, I know that this isn’t the end for us. As long as our love for one another endures, I know we can face any obstacle, even this one!” she said, hopefully.

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  Chapter Sixteen


  I sat in the holding cell of my old expedition ship and put my head in my hands. I couldn’t believe that after all we had been through we had finally been captured. Jessie had been carried off to another part of the ship so that we couldn’t see each other. I didn’t know where David was either. I was very upset because I knew what the outcome would be. Both of us were likely to be put to death without a trial, never to see one another again. David, would probably face charges for aiding a known fugitive, but I didn’t know this for sure. The crew members all had their turn giving me a piece of their minds, but I ignored all of their comments and tried to focus on any means of escape.

  They fed me nothing but leftover rations that the crew didn’t want. After everyone had gone to sleep, Jessie’s good friend, Wendy came over to my cell and brought me fresher rations. Unfortunately, it was all they had to eat, but it was better than the leftovers that they were feeding me.

  “How are you holding up?” she asked me as I looked over at her through the invisible barrier of my cell and smiled.

  “As good as can be expected under the circumstances. How is Jessie holding up?” I asked her.

  “She is very upset. She thinks that she is likely to be put to death without a trial and treated as a traitor,” Wendy shared with me.

  “Unfortunately, I think she is right. I would free us all right know if they didn’t have me under the control of this neutralizer. I can’t use my mind control powers or telekinesis. I also can’t turn into a vapor, but at least I can get messages to the others through you. If you would, please tell Jessie that I love her and that I am t
rying my best to work on a plan for our escape once we reach Earth.”

  “I will tell her,” Wendy said with a smile. I waited for what seemed like hours before she finally returned with a message from Jessie.

  “She says that she loves you too, and that is what keeps her going. However, she is really upset and says that she is afraid of dying. She is starting to lose hope and says that if she doesn’t see you again, she will always treasure the time that you spent together.”

  I stood up in my cell and took a deep breath. “Tell her that we will definitely see each other again and that I will find a way to free her and David, no matter what! Tell her not to lose hope!” Wendy nodded her head and left just in time. The human named James came walking by the cell and stopped to look at me.

  “Just wait, you Karkastian. When we get to Earth, you will get what’s coming to you. If I had my way, I would have a chance to execute you myself. In fact, I am going to ask the general to allow it,” he jeered.

  “I am not afraid to die. I can join my loved ones in the ether. This life is only one aspect of our existence. You don’t scare me,” I said, fearlessly.

  “Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, but when it’s time to die, I’ll bet you are going to scream like a little girl.” He laughed at me and walked away. Wendy came back one last time to talk to me that night.

  “Jessie seemed to cheer up when I gave her your last message.”

  “Good, how about David? Are they treating him well?”

  “They have him in a cell not too far from Jessie. They want to trial him for treason as well, but technically he is no longer a citizen of Earth, so I don’t know if they will be able to get away with it.”

  “Good, I guess that one of us may be treated fairly,” I said as I shook my head.

  “I wouldn’t bet on it. They have ways of bending the rules when they want something. Let’s just hope they don’t get their way. Look, Jessie wanted you to know that she will be ready when you work out your plan to free yourself.” Wendy had to leave quickly as the captain began to walk in our direction.

  “Wendy, I want you to get to your station. We will be landing very shortly. I sure hope that you haven’t aided the traitors in any way. If I find out you have, there will be a hell to pay!” Captain Henson shouted.

  “Yes sir,” She answered feebly and went to her station.

  As we prepared for landing, I looked out of the nearest window at Earth. It looked like a beautiful blue mass with white clouds swirling above its surface. Once we got closer, I was able to see brown landmasses amongst the blue, which I presumed to be large bodies of water. I was amazed at the amount of water on the planet compared to my own. It looked like a wonderful place to live, but for us, it was a place that we needed to escape in order to keep ourselves from being executed.

  Once we landed, I looked out and saw a very crowded area around us. There were raised platforms and tall, gleaming towers that were bustling with humans moving back and forth. Jessie told me that at once, the Earth cities were far less crowded. Now, the population of humans was out of control. Hover cars crowded one another, honking at one another and causing a lot of commotion.

  About an hour after we had landed, they unlocked my cell and put a silver headset device onto my head. I guessed that this had to be another type of neutralizer to keep me from transforming and using my powers. They bound my hands and yanked me out of my cell.

  “Move, you wretched Karkastian!” a young soldier said. I did as he told me to, having very little choice in the matter. As we walked out of the ship and onto the platform, a group of humans came over and began to shout at me. Some of them threw rocks and other items.

  “You are going to get yours, you terrorist!” One of them shouted. I tried not to look at them. I kept my head down and tried to tell myself that these humans were just misguided. I knew because of Jessie and Wendy that not all humans felt the way these people did.

  I was taken through the doors of a very large, rectangular building which looked to be part of a very large military complex. There were men and women coming and going in all directions, all of them wearing the same olive drab uniform. We walked up several scaffolds and through several doors until we came to a large cell block. There were aliens of every description sitting in the cells looking very dejected. I was shoved into a cell next to an evil-looking Sarceastian. He shot me a glare and I frowned at him.

  I sat there for the longest time looking all around me. The cells stretched all of the way up to the ceiling and occupied several floors below me. There were no windows to reveal the surroundings outside of the prison. I tried to use my mental powers to reach out to Jessie, wherever she was, but the device made it impossible for me to do so. Finally, I sat down in the corner of the cell and closed my eyes. I wouldn’t be able to execute any plan of escape until someone opened the cell.

  Finally, after what seemed like hours, I overheard a male prison guard talking to a female one.

  “That’s the Karkastian that the traitor fell in love with,” the male guard told the female.

  “Wow, he’s rather handsome,” she said.

  “Well, have your fun with him while you can, I won’t tell anyone. He’s going to be executed tomorrow I hear,” the male told her.

  The woman began to raise an eyebrow at me. She was tall with short, dark hair and very muscular. I looked over at her and began to devise a plan of escape. I smiled at her and winked.

  “I never knew Karkastians could be so good-looking,” she said as she continued to look me over.

  “You’re not too bad yourself,” I answered, doing the same thing.

  “Since you are going to be executed tomorrow, maybe I can show you a good time. It will be better than any last request you could want.” She winked back at me.

  “I would be more than happy to take you up on that offer, but I need you to take this device off of my head if you really want me to perform properly,” I told her. She looked at me skeptically but then began to unlock the cell.

  “Don’t try anything,” she said as she shut the door of the cell and pulled out a laser gun. Then, she moved closer to me and ran her hand down my chest. “Wow, you really are muscular, aren’t you? I bet you have a really nice muscle under those pants.” She ran her fingers over my crotch.

  “You will need to take off the device if you want me to function properly,” I said.

  This female Earthling obviously didn’t realize what powers us Karkastians had so she began to unscrew the device from my head and threw it on the floor. Then, she began to kiss my neck and wrapped her left arm around me. She kept the laser gun pointed at me with her other hand. I tried my best to search her mind and control her thought patterns, but I was unable to do so. It was then that I realized that my mind control powers didn’t work on this planet, although I wasn’t certain why they didn’t. I decided to try my telekinetic powers as the female guard began to kiss my chest and worked her way down my body. I focused on her laser gun with all of my mental powers and was delighted to see it came out of her hands and into mine.

  “What the...?” She said with anger and surprise as I pointed the gun at her.

  “I guess you didn’t know about Karkastian telekinetic powers,” I said with a sly grin.

  She glared at me and put her hands up in the air. “Too bad, I guess you’ll never know how great sex with me can be,” she jeered.

  “Get in the cell. Thank you for freeing me. I hope they aren’t too hard on you for allowing me to escape.” I kind of felt sorry for the dejected woman.

  “Screw you, Karkastian!” she shouted.

  “You keep it quiet!” I said as I pointed the laser gun at her. “I will be leaving now.” I put the gun down and transformed into a blue vapor before her eyes. Then, I began to drift off towards the exit of the prison.

  “Help” Help! The Karkastian has escaped!” she shouted. The male guard that she had been talking to before appeared in front of the cell and other guards began to run towa
rds her with laser guns in their hands.

  “What happened Gina? You need to get your hormones under control. Now look where it’s gotten you! Where did the Karkastian go?”

  “I don’t know, he vanished into a vapor!”

  “What? You must have taken off his neutralizer. Did they not teach you anything about Karkastians in basic training?” The other guards came up as he unlocked the cell. “I need everyone to fan out in all directions. The Karkastian is on the loose. No one will be able to come off of their shift until he is found. Look for a blue vapor traveling through the air. I want him found. He is due to be executed tomorrow and I do not want that to delayed!” he shouted.

  Chapter Seventeen


  The trip back to Earth was agonizing. All I could think about was the horrible fate that awaited us once we landed. As if these thoughts weren’t enough, the crew members would walk by my holding cell and give me a hard time. James, in particular, could not resist any opportunity to give me a piece of his mind.

  “I want to make sure that I have a front row seat when they execute you,” he jeered. I sat there with my head between my knees and did not answer him.

  “It’s too bad. I sure could have shown you a good time, but now, you had to have sympathy for a terrorist alien. I hope it was worth betraying your country and sacrificing your own life!”

  “Yahn is not a terrorist! I simply stopped you from going against your orders. I couldn’t just let you kill him!”

  “You did a whole lot more than that! By the way, all Karkastians are terrorists as far as I’m concerned. The only good ones are the dead ones, and soon their whole race will be extinct. I say good riddance!” He said as he spat on the ground and walked away. My only comfort was Wendy who came and told me that Yahn was working on a plan to free us once we landed on Earth. As long as we were both still alive, I had reason to hope and that was all that kept me going at that stage. Soon I could see the Earth below us through a nearby window. Its familiar blue glow and fluffy white clouds would normally be a welcome sight for me. However, under the circumstances, it was the last place in the universe I wanted to be. I put my head between my knees and began to cry again, thinking of the fate that awaited me once landed. I knew that I would probably get to see my parents one last time before I was executed, and I dreaded seeing the look of disappointment on my father’s face. Like most Earthlings, he thought that Karkastians were all evil and I knew there was no way that he would ever understand the love that I felt for Yahn.


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