Yahn: Paranormal Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Alien Mates Book 4)

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Yahn: Paranormal Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Alien Mates Book 4) Page 23

by Ashley L. Hunt

  “Are you alright, my love?” I asked her.

  “Yes, let’s keeping moving. We have to prevent the officials from escaping. My guess is that the cruiser is there to help the executive and probably Demarin escape,” Jessie answered.

  We moved forward. Yeritus and his soldiers had already taken out much of the executive guard.

  “Board the ship; we have to make sure that it doesn’t take off and save the executive!” Yeritus ordered. His soldiers entered the ship and a second later, we could hear some fire being exchanged.

  Cheers went up amongst our Sarceastian allies as Yeritus emerged from the ship with a laser cannon pointed to Executive Farfaulus.

  “We have the executive!” Yeritus declared.

  "Yah!" the cheer went up. The allied soldiers surrounded the executive and what was left of the executive guard. They were holding their laser cannons up to the sky and chanting.

  “Down with the executive!” they began to chant. Jessie and I watched from outside the circle that they had formed.

  “Where is Demarin? Something’s not right here,” Jessie stated.

  “I agree. I fear he’s already escaped,” I said. Our fears were not unfounded. A second later, an executive guard emerged from the stairway that led to the roof. He held a laser cannon up to one of our allied Sarceastian soldiers.

  “Hold it right there! Do not try anything or your comrade will get it!” Luckily, the guard couldn’t see that we had Executive Farfaulus that was hidden from view in the center of our soldiers.

  Yeritus and his group stopped their chanting and watched with concern as the executive guard stood there by the cruiser, the laser gun still pointed at our comrade. Just behind him, Demarin and several of his guards emerged from the stairwell and boarded the cruiser. Demarin saw us and gave us a sly grin before he climbed up the ramp into the cruiser to make his escape.

  We watched helplessly as the cruiser began to lift off above us.

  “I knew it!” Jessie said, shaking her head. “He eluded us again.”

  “We still have the executive at least. That will be enough for a coup.” I rested my hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

  We turned to the executive guard that still held one of our comrades captive.

  "Let him go! We have let your military commander escape!" Yeritus stated. The executive guard released our comrade and disappeared down the stairwell. Now we faced the dangerous prospect of making our way out of the complex. We made our way down the stairwell and immediately had to hunker down again as laser fire broke out all around us. The guards had flooded the building from below and escape now seemed impossible.

  “What shall we do now?” Jessie wondered.

  I knew that I had used an energy force field in the past to protect myself and Jessie, but I had yet to try and protect such a large group. However, I knew it was worth a try.

  “Yeritus, I am going to try something. I need you and your men to huddle together with ours as closely as you can, just trust me.”

  He did as I asked and soon we were all huddled together, firing back at the soldiers in front of us. I closed my eyes, trying to draw as much power to myself as I possibly could. I thought of my love for Jessie and my entire family. Soon, a powerful energy bubble began to form around the group as I concentrated as hard as I could. Yeritus and his men were astonished as they looked at the bubble around them.

  “Move forward!” Jessie told them. Soon we were marching in formation, close together as the lasers being fired at us bounced off of our energy bubble. Slowly, we made our way down to the lower levels and exited the compound. We had successfully invaded the compound and captured the executive. I sustained the energy bubble long enough for us to make it out of the area. We fired back and retreated back to where we had come from.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  As soon as we got out of the complex, we saw a back army approaching us. Yahn and I each had a hold of Executive Farfaulus and I held a gun to his head.

  "Your armies must return from where you came from or your precious executive that pays you to intimidate the ‘underling' Sarceastians will be no more!" I shouted loudly. The soldiers did not move right away- they looked to Executive Farfaulus to see his reaction. He took a deep breath, trying to slow down his pounding heart.

  "You heard her, return to base," Executive Farfaulus declared.

  “I’ll go with something better than that- soldiers drop all your weapons and return to base!” Yahn commanded. They looked at him and then at the executive in disbelief.

  “Is that what you wish, Executive Farfaulus?” one of the soldiers asked.

  “It is, I’m afraid a coup has taken place. I am sorry. Thank you for your devotion,” Executive Farfaulus muttered. He was far too a coward to risk any harm to himself.

  Soon there was a pile of laser cannons, freeze and heat rays, stun guns, and energy projectors in the street. The allied Sarceastians gathered up the weapons and marched the executive through the street. One by one, the members of the poor sections of the city drew closer to take a look at the victorious army as they marched back to Hilga's compound. Finally, one young male Sarceastian cried out.

  “They’ve performed a coup! The harsh government of the executive is no more!”

  "Yah!" the cheer went up in the crowd. "The executive is no more!" Finally, the chant spread far and wide. There was a celebration in the streets.

  When we went back to Hilga’s building, the air was full of optimism. Several poverty-stricken Sarceastians followed them there. Finally, Yeritus turned to address the crowd.

  “My fellow Sarceastians, it’s a new day for us all!”

  “Yah! The cheer went up!”

  "Just as the prophecy says, the human and her Karkastian partner saved us. For they are the ones that mobilized the force that took down the executive. However, we must be on the lookout for the military commander, Demarin Goldarn. For he managed to escape in a hover copter from the compound."

  “Booo!” The crowded yelled out.

  “Even so, we will make sure that the will of our citizens is carried out. Just as it was before, the populace shall decide on our ruler. We will reinstate the election process as soon as possible and make right all of the wrongs that have been committed against us!”

  “Yah! Yeritus should rule us!” several called out.

  “Only if that were the will of the people. Right now, we should celebrate our alien friends who have brought freedom to us once more!” Yeritus called out. I blushed, and if Yahn’s face weren’t blue, I’d swear he was blushing too.

  Several Sarceastians came up to us to thank us. I had never felt such an outpouring of gratitude before and it gladdened my heart. I knew we had done the right thing; and by helping them, we had turned an enemy into an ally. I was hoping that this would bring the horrible invasions of the Sarceastians to an end. It would also make it likely that the relationship between Sarceastium and Earth would improve for the better.

  The Sarceastians combined their resources to have a feast of sorts. There was some kind of unidentified meat that was seasoned with spices and fresh vegetables. It tasted delicious. Some had even raided the liquor in the executive pantry. Many small bowls of the sweet alcoholic drink were passed around; Sarceastians used them to drink from. Several of our allies had been left to guard the military complex in case the executive guards or Demarin Goldarn returned.

  “You are heroes and will always be considered friends of the Sarceastians!” Hilga announced, holding up her bowl of liquor.

  "To your continued health and long life, allies!" she said.

  “To your continued health and long life!” The crowd repeated and everyone took a sip.

  “So what will you do now?” Yeritus asked. “You are welcome to stay here and help us better the situation of our citizens. Once we elect a new leader, we must go about rebuilding the wealth of all of our people and finding them worthwhile employment. That will take a lot of work and effort
on the part of the people who care, such as yourselves,” he said.

  “Thank you, but for now, at least, I think we need to see what has become of our home on Gwuarden and help them recover from Demarin's attack,” I stated.

  “No doubt you will, but perhaps you may return after you check on your home and help to rebuild it?” Hilga stated.

  "We must certainly return. I will make it a point to return and help with the work that is to come. For I'm sure that it will take a great deal of time to rebuild the former order," I said. Yahn had a strange look on his face. After Hilga, Yeritus and some of the other Sarceastians began to talk amongst themselves, Yahn took me aside.

  "What is it, my love? I know that look in your eyes. There's something that's troubling you," I said.

  “Yes, I’ve been having dreams again,” he answered.

  “About our home?”

  "No, they are about Earth. They are about your parents. I can't yet see what has befallen them in the dream, but I can see that they are in distress. We need to return to Maryland so that you can make sure that they are alright," Yahn said. As soon as I heard this, I was determined that we would depart for Earth the next morning. If Yahn's intuitive dreams were right - and most of them always were - we needed to check up on them right away. That night, we mind-melded, sharing our most intimate thoughts with one another and giving one another two orgasms each. It was one of the most intense experiences we had shared yet. All of our accomplishments and teamwork had brought us closer and closer together. We began to finish each other's sentences and we were able to tell what the other one was thinking.

  The next day, Hilga hugged us both and wished us well. “I wish that you weren’t leaving so soon. I feel like I was just getting to know you, and here you are leaving me already,” she said.

  "You will always be a special friend to us. We will make it our business to return here when we can, but first, we must check on matters back home. Yahn has had some visions in his dreams about my parents, and I have to check and make sure they are alright. Yahn has been right about these things time and time again." I smiled at Hilga and took her by the hand.

  “Then you must go. Loved ones are the top priority of the Sarceastians, and I can see that this is no different amongst humans and Karkastians. Let this mark the beginning of an era of peace between our races,” Hilga said. Then, I hugged her.

  “I would like that more than anything.” I smiled at Hilga and we waved goodbye. We took one of the elite fighting Sarceastian ships. It was triangular and black and white in color with two dome-shaped boosters coming off of the back. These machines were built for lightning fast speed, so we knew we could make the journey back to Earth in record time. The only trick would be keeping my fellow Earthlings from shooting us down once they saw a Sarceastian fighting ship approaching.

  “Not to worry, my love. When they hear the voice of the conquering hero, Private Jessie, they will be sure to grant us clearance to land. Then we can make haste in order to check on your parents.” Yahn always had a way of comforting me in my times of distress. He put his hand on mine and smiled. We switched the ship on autopilot and went back to the sleeping quarters.

  After gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes, we began to kiss and caress, softly and gently. I climbed on top of Yahn, taking in his muscular physique, and we began to make love. We made love and rested over and over again for what seemed like hours until we were hungry. I wondered if we could just drift through space together like this forever, not needing a place to settle down and call home. We would only need the pleasure of each other’s company and enough fuel and food to sustain ourselves. It was a nice notion, but after several days had passed, we began to approach planet Earth. It always looked like the most inviting place in the universe to me, every time I returned to it- its teeming blue seas and brownish landmasses, sprinkled with clouds above them. However, it didn’t take long until hostility was in the air. Several military space cruisers began to surround our ship after we descended through the first layer of Earth’s atmosphere.

  "Surrender your ship, Sarceastian intruders before we blow it apart!" A voice spoke through our communication panel. I pushed the response button on the panel.

  “This is Private Jessie of the Allied Earth Expedition army requesting permission to land. I have been given a Sarceastian ship for travel, but I assure you, no Sarceastians are aboard.”

  “Private Jessie? Did you capture the vessel you are currently manning?” the officer asked.

  “Yes,” I said, looking at Yahn knowing it wasn’t the truth. “I will explain the whole thing to them later. I think it’s best not to try and explain all that now,” I said to Yahn.

  “Yes, I agree,” he responded.

  “Private Jessie, we grant you permission to land your ship on docking bay 47, Washington D.C.”

  “Thank you, eh- what is your rank, officer?”

  “Captain Swansen, Private,” he answered.

  “Thank you, Captain Swansen,” I answered back.

  “No problem, Private. We will also make sure that no one tries to attack you since you are driving a Sarceastian ship.”

  “That would be much appreciated!” I landed the ship and Yahn and I were greeted warmly by the soldiers there. Soon, General Watkins arrived to talk with us. We debriefed him about our travels and about the coup that we had helped stage on Sarceastium. The general’s eyes lit up with excitement as he heard our story.

  “Private Jessie, just when I think you are the best soldier you could possibly be, you amaze me again,” he responded. I told him about Yahn’s premonitions, and he soon let us go on our way. We made sure to agree to meet with him to discuss further on the matter after we visited my parents.

  Later that same night, we arrived at my parents’ hover house and things seemed eerily quiet. There didn’t seem to be any lights on in the house, either. I ran up the ramp and looked inside the window. I knocked loudly.

  “Mom, dad? Are you there?” I asked. There was no answer. Yahn and I looked at each other with the same worried expression. I threw my weight against the door and finally forced it open. There, in the dark house, we saw a broken glass and a couple of other things that seemed to have been knocked onto the floor as if there had been some sort of struggle. Then, my attention focused on the virtual reality player in the corner. There was a blinking light on it, indicating that someone had recorded a message on it. I pushed the play button and Demarin's awful, wicked face appeared before us.

  “Demarin has taken them,” I said to Yahn. He didn’t answer but I could tell he was thinking the same thing.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  "If you are watching this message, chances are, you've guessed what has happened. I have your precious parents; and if you wish to see them again, alive, you must listen to my demands. You do not have to guess my motives. I am a reasonable being and as long as you follow through with my request, I will not harm them. I wish to finish the business between you and me with a duel at the Universal Challenge Course on the space colony of Dweardon. You will have one month's time to train for this occasion. Once you arrive, I will release your parents. Please send a message bot back with your answer as soon as possible. I look forward to a spirited match between us," Demarin said, ending his message with another wicked grin.

  “Oh no, you can’t go through with it,” I stated, after hearing the message.

  “Why not? You heard him. If I don’t meet his demands, he’ll kill my parents. I can’t allow that to happen. There’s only one thing to do and that’s train for the duel.”

  “Have you ever heard of the Universal Training Course? Fights that take place there are usually between criminals and prisoners. They always end with one opponent dying. I can’t let you do this,” I insisted.

  “Yes, I’ve heard of it. I just don’t see any other alternative. If I don’t face him, he will kill my parents. I can’t and will not allow that.”

  “I’m not saying that we
do nothing. There just has to be another way to find and defeat Demarin. This is going to be a very dangerous situation, Jessie- one in which you may not make it out alive!”

  “We will see about that. The first thing I need to do is send a message bot back telling him that I accept.”

  “Jessie, even going to the colony of Dweardon is dangerous enough.”

  “Yahn, you and I have already braved untold dangers in different space colonies. This will be no different from what we’ve been through before.”

  “I should know better than to try and change your mind. If I cannot convince you to give up this challenge, I will help you train. We will have to begin the journey very soon because Dweardon is several million light-years away.”

  “I knew I could count on you!” Jessie threw her arms around me and kissed me, but it was hard for me to enjoy this. I was too preoccupied with the danger that she was putting herself into. Jessie pressed record on the message bot to reply to Demarin’s message:

  “Demarin, I accept your challenge. You had better train as hard as you can because I don't plan on losing. I am going to hold on to your agreement. No harm must be done to my parents!” Then, she programmed the bot to journey to the destination of the message, which we could not see. Demarin had blocked access to the information so that we could not seek him out prior to the duel. The oval message bot lit up with red and blue lights and shot out of the door of the hover house and into the sky.

  "Let's get ready to depart," Jessie stated, fearlessly. I looked at my beautiful partner with both admiration and fear for her safety. Although I had no doubt that she could defeat Demarin, I wished there was a better way for her to recover her parents. We packed our provisions into our Sarceastian space fighter and prepared to leave. Each space fighter was equipped with a training area complete with most of the weapons that could be used in the challenge course. There were different types of laser guns, energy beams, fighting discs, energy deflectors, and more primitive weaponry such as spears, swords, and shields. As we took off for Dweardon, we began a daily regimen of training with these different weapons. Sometimes, I would duel with her, and other times, she would duel with a simulated opponent. Also, Jessie began to build her muscles using the treadmills and weight machines.


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