by Jenn Nixon
“But they knew who your king was,” Harai interjected with an agitated sigh. Healer Kiya was in the corner, tending to more wounded and seemed as if she were about to speak, but upon seeing Tiva’s gaze, turned back and stayed in the dimly lit corner.
“I just don’t get it,” Adam repeated.
“I have often felt that many of the Legionnaires who first switched sides were seduced and manipulated to the Rebel’s cause. Many of the children I met in Hentor long ago felt Harer was a corrupt king. Someone fed them lies and they blindly followed without justification or proof. My thought is that someone high ranking must be in charge, only a Legionnaire, Guardian, or noble would have enough sway to be considered trustworthy.”
“But who?” Razzil asked, holding his broken hand close to his chest. “Most of the Legionnaire captains remained on the king’s side. The Royal Guardians were all killed, we saw that with our own eyes…”
Kiya glanced over again and Tiva looked her way, but the healer rushed away before saying anything. “I do not know, my friend. Perhaps once we blast through the gate of Kinchar we will find the answers we are looking for.”
“What about Hentor?” Adam added. “You wanted to go there. The Rebels haven’t attacked for two hours. I’d say it’s a safe bet they’re going to wait for morning.”
“You wish us to let them gather more forces?” Razzil said.
“How are they to get here?” Neola smirked. “We have the bridges, marketplace, and the town, aside from the forest there is no means to get to the palace.”
“Do we have guards in the forest?” Adam questioned.
“We do as far north as possible without them being noticed from the palace perimeter. Besides, if they are calling more forces, we should do the same, we’re still out numbered but I would rather have more people here than in the provinces. Once we take down the leaders…” Tiva answered.
“You assume the Rebels will just give up without a fight?” Gessin said suddenly.
“Wouldn’t you?” Harai remarked.
“If I believed in what I was fighting for, no.”
“That is a sound point, Gessin,” Tiva began sighing heavily. “I do not believe everyone under the Rebel rule believes in their leaders any more. Many are afraid and confused. I sensed that when Adam and I breached the perimeter. But whoever is in charge did not want me to notice and masked the thoughts and emotions of those within the palace walls.”
Kiya suddenly gasped and froze in the door frame leading from the back of the shop. Tiva stood slowly, holding her side tenderly. “Please, speak what you hide.”
Nervously, she approached and met Tiva’s eye. “Do you remember, long ago when I told you rumors of you being a half-spirit?” she asked and Tiva nodded in response. “Other rumors spread not long after you left and the Great War began. Lo’mu and I came upon a dying Legionnaire in Cenii who begged for our forgiveness. He said his mind was clouded and he did not mean to turn on his fellow brothers. He told us of others who suffered the same fate, manipulated as you have said, but not by words, by a strong mind. A spirit-demon, just as the legends have told tales about. Anyone who dare defy the Rebel leader would become a slave to the spirit-demon’s mind.”
“What, like brainwashed?” Adam questioned thoughtfully.
“There have been some…many cycles ago who were thought to possess gifts beyond our mind-speakers and mystics. So powerful that they could force hundreds if not thousands of people to do their bidding by mere thought,” Kiya continued. “They were believed to have made pacts with spirit-demons.”
“Thank you, Healer…if you hear any more of this talk or can find any who believes they suffered the same fate, please bring them to see us.” Tiva saluted and turned back to the others; most looked confused, a few nervous.
“Do you think that’s what happened, Tiva?” Neola asked shakily.
“You don’t really believe in those tales do you?” Razzil added.
“I have felt the minds of the Rebels inside the palace walls vanish and the presence of the two only remained…however, I do not believe it is a spirit-demon.” Tiva frowned and returned to her seat, thinking and worrying even more now. “It is possible for one to train and become stronger. I myself am proof, but to control hundreds of people…”
“Perhaps they are using some sort of technology,” Wixx offered and chugged back a drink.
“Or it could just be a demon,” Adam grunted and cracked his fingers against his palm. “I’ve seen my share of demons, corporeal and otherworldly.”
Shaking her head, Tiva rose from her chair again and glanced out the window of the shop. Hundreds of Loyalists and locals were still clearing the road. Anntro—one of Harai’s men—and Millan one of Tiva’s Loyalists, were dead. It was a hit close to her heart as she had spent some time over the last weeks getting to know them. Almost everyone was injured, even herself and Adam. The Rebels here were better trained than the previous two groups and it was only a slight indication of what was to come. “I want to go to Hentor,” she announced emphatically.
“Do you think that is wise, Tiva? After what happened the last time you went out on your own?” Neola said.
“She’s right this time, m’lady…we don’t want to piss them off any more than we have, beating their asses as bad as we have already. Let’s just rest, keep watch, and finish this in the morning.”
Throughout the night, more joined the Yann sect to aid with the final fight. Many, including Tiva, did not rest. There was plenty to do, from interrogating Rebels, helping the wounded and shrouding the deceased. When she came upon a child of no more than ten cycles, dead in one of the alleyways near an eatery, she broke down and cried. She knew it was going to happen, but it did not lessen the pain in her heart. Carrying the young boy toward the healing bay, Tiva noticed a woman approaching. Her tear-ridden face, surprisingly, smiled.
“Thank the spirits you have returned, Lady Boon,” she whispered and took the boy in her arms.
“How can you thank me when your child has perished?” Tiva asked wiping her own cheeks.
“My son was headstrong and wanted to help fight the Rebels. He had grown up so much in these last few cycles and there was no swaying him. My son’s death will not be forgotten, but with you and the Loyalists finally striking down the Rebels, the rest of my family will be safe.”
Tiva only nodded in response, lost for words of comfort or wisdom. Harer would know what to say, he’d agree that the boys sacrifice would not be in vain, but she couldn’t commit herself to speak. The woman carried her son down the road and vanished inside one of the healing bays. Lost in a fog, Tiva returned to the shop, which was now the main headquarters. Several women were mending clothing, others sharpening swords and lances. In the far corner, a few of Wixx’s men were repairing plasma guns and refitting grenades. After watching the group work, Tiva pushed through the droves of people into the back room to see Harai and Neola in a deep conversation, so, not wanting to disturb them, she found a sleeping mat and lay down.
A few restless hours passed, lingering on the edge of dreamless sleep and nightmares of what was to come; Tiva forced herself to rest despite her inner emotions. The people needed her strength and focus, and she was not going to let them down, not this time, not ever again.
It was still dark when Tiva woke once more, Adam at her side, resting soundlessly. She softly kissed his temple, retrieved her weapons and quietly weaved her way through the room of her sleeping friends and out onto the road. Hundreds of Loyalists were patrolling the marketplace. Though they believed the Rebels would not attack until morning, she could take no chance and had done her best to ensure that enough people were alert and ready at a moment’s notice.
“Your people should be commended, Tiva,” Wixx commented as he neared. “They’ve followed your advice and the casualties have been minimal so far.”
“Yes, I believe we have convinced them that killing is not always the best option. I only hope that once we
break through to the palace, people will remember what we have told them.”
“I am sure they will,” he replied resting his large hand on her shoulder. “Gessin scanned beyond the walls; he hasn’t found many power signatures. I don’t think they have any of those fancy weapons.”
“Most likely a few, if any. The strength of the Rebels lies beyond the gates, those who have been with the leaders since the beginning, Legionnaires and guardsman who have trained with the Guardians, the best fighters and the most skilled minds. He would be a fool not to surround himself with the elite of all his faction.”
“Your husband was telling me about your ways, I find them interesting.” He grinned.
“So you know,” she responded, smiling some. “Sometimes Neola cannot help herself and lets her tongue run wild. I had planned on telling everyone once this was over, who has she told?”
“Just a few of us,” he replied and grinned. “I wish you happiness, Tiva. You deserve nothing less.”
Tiva embraced him. “Thank you, my friend.”
Harai yawned from behind and rubbed her eyes as she walked out of the shop, Rufal and Lo’mu followed closely. She walked over stretching her arms high in the air and ruffled her hair. “Get any sleep, your majesty?”
“Some, and you?”
“I got enough; though it wasn’t easy for anyone I’m sure.”
“Adam seems to not have a problem sleeping anywhere. I am sure he could find time to rest in the middle of a planet quake if the mood struck him.”
The group chuckled softly. Rufal and Lo’mu bowed and ventured off as Harai smiled sweetly at Wixx and maneuvered between them. “May I steal the lady, Wixx?”
“Certainly, I must go wake my men anyway. I will see you both shortly.” He dipped his head, smiled back at Harai and walked back down the road to one of the temporary sleeping houses.
“You two are…becoming quite close.”
“He’s a fascinating man, he tells wonderful stories. I’m sure my father will find him just as interesting as I do.”
“I believe so.” Tiva smiled, linked her arm with Harai’s and walked down the road toward the other buildings in the north. “Have you heard from your father?”
“Not in a few days. I’m sure he’s busy helping the Union still.”
“I hope he is safe.”
“I would have heard otherwise. Don’t worry about what’s happening out there, Tiva. There’s nothing we can do. They will contact us when they can, until then we need to focus on our task here and stop these bastards.”
Nodding, Tiva paused in the middle of the road and glanced to the palace in the distance. Through the cracks in the gate walls and the slight gaps, she saw slight movement back and forth. They too were awake and patrolling. Her eyes lingered upward. The rose colored Palace of Kinchar did not shine as it once did. The glass was dirty, some of the windows were broken or missing, but the four crescent moons still held strong, pointing toward the sky, a symbol that not all hope was yet lost.
“It’s as beautiful as you said it was,” Harai commented softly. “Will you live there when the war is over?”
“I…I am not sure. If the people still wish someone to oversee the new government and want to keep with tradition, I supposed Adam and I would reside here. I still have my home in Yann as well and I also have the option of returning to the Union if we lose the war.”
“The Loyalists aren’t going to lose, Tiva. It’s true that the emotions of your people are overwhelming my ability to foresee danger, but I know that you’re going to lead these people to peace.” She smiled slightly and pulled her back toward the shop.
“I just hope the cost of victory is not too high, my friend.”
Tiva stood in the middle of the road facing the gates of the palace. Almost five thousand men and women stood behind her, swords and guns at their sides. The first sun of the last day of the Cooling season spewed its magenta and coral streaks across the horizon. The air still carried the stench of death, though putrid now. Adam moved up beside her and laced his fingers through hers. The hopters and cannon-hovers were at the front of the line, six wide along the expanse of the marketplace road. No more than a hundred feet stood between them and the reinforced palace gates. Her guard was tight, Cala adding the extra protection she needed to face the minds that overpowered her before.
Every Loyalist was on their guard. Their emotions locked tight; minds sheltered from pending attacks, Tiva hoped it was enough. Harai, Neola, Wixx, and Wirto neared, weapons ready, stoic faces staring ahead at their destinations.
“You should say something…” Adam whispered softly against her ear.
“To whom?” she asked.
“Everyone, m’lady.” He looked down at her and squeezed her hand again. “This is the final battle. You need to rouse them. Give them hope and reason to fight and face death. Every good leader gives a speech to their troops.”
Nodding, Tiva slipped her hand from his and climbed on top of the nearest hovercraft. The dirty, tired, and hopeful faces of the Loyalists, townspeople who joined the fight and alien friends there to support the effort looked at her. Some smiled; others stared blankly at her, waiting. Her sword stayed close to her side, her fingers tight around the hilt. She looked up to the sky, asking for strength from her fathers, her mother, all the spirits watching her from the Eternal Lands.
When she looked back to the thousands of people on the road, on top of the marketplace buildings, standing inside hovers or the doorways of the merchant shops, her eyes watered.
“Long ago, a plot to over throw our great King Harer was uncovered in the hills of Hentor. My cycles of service to Harer and the people of Abennelp have been a struggle. Many of you have suffered alongside me in attempts to return our world to a state of peace. Now our time has come full circle. We must remember we are fighting against our own people. We are not here to destroy the fabric of our society, only bring closure to the oppression you have lived with.” She took a short breath and looked at Adam and the rest of her friends. “I believed once I was exiled and alone in the universe and that I would never see my home again…” Pausing, she turned her head to the palace in the distance. “However, when I learned you were in need, I did all that I could to return and help end this despicable regime, and free you and your families from tyranny. I ask you all to fight with me, not for me. This is your land, your home, as it is mine. Abennelp will again be free.” She raised her voice and the crowd cheered. Adam smiled up at her and nodded slightly. “Together, we will return Abennelp and the Palace of Kinchar to its former glory.” They cheered louder. “Abennelp and all her children will again live in peace!”
Swords and blaster rose in the air as the Loyalist bellowed their approval. Her friends beamed at her, and for a fleeting moment, she felt like a leader. “Rebel rule ends now, by the spirits, we shall prevail.” She pressed her fist to her heart and held the hilt of her sword. “By guardian light we will protect Abennelp in this time of darkness until the bitter end.”
The vibration of voices and bodies filled the marketplace. Tiva jumped down, but the crowd continued to cheer and chant. Several people praised their queen. Others thanked the spirits. Adam smiled and held her chin softly in his hand. “Couldn’t have said it better myself, m’lady.”
Her markings blushed and she rose up to kiss him tenderly. “It is time, my love.”
“We’re ready, Tiva.” He released her and gripped Cala firmly, turned and began ordering people around the marketplace. Wixx bowed and moved up to his hopter, the entire line lifted off the ground, and the hovers inched closer to the edge of the marketplace road. Neola and Harai stood behind Tiva smiling approvingly. A few long moments passed and the group was in place, weapons, and hearts ready for the battle.
Her PCD beeped and Wixx’s voice echoed through the much quieter air. “Say the word, my queen…it’s time to show these guys there’s a new boss in town.”
Smirking, Tiva lifted the device to her l
ips, “Blast the gates open, my friend, remain on guard.”
“With pleasure…” His voice cut off and the hopters rose higher in the air and began firing on the gates. The cannon-hovers discharged orbs over the walls, high-arched for minimal casualties. Groups moved into position to blast through the side entrances. Tiva ordered them to fire and the streaks of weapons illuminated the entire area.
An explosion rocked the ground and the main gates splintered into a hundred pieces. The Rebels began firing back, but as they only had a small opening in which to fight started moving backward, seeing the forces of people, hovers, and hopters cluttering the market. Tiva motioned with her sword for the group to spread out along the wall. Adam called for everyone to take cover. The group did so, finding shelter against buildings and inside the alleyways nearest the palace walls. The side gates blew open, more fire poured out from the grounds. Wixx lurched his craft forward and fired, forcing the Rebels to scatter and move back.
“Incoming!” Adam shouted as crimson streams of weapons’ fire soar over their heads. The thousands behind him scurried to find shelter against the buildings and crafts about the market.
Tiva ordered the hopters and cannon-hovers to blast the remaining walls for their impending march into the palace grounds. Wirto and Adam gave the order for the Loyalists on the rooftops to fire. The walls began to crumble under the pressure of the advanced weapons, the stinging sound of the weapons building louder and louder. More Rebels retreated, but continued to fire wildly at their attackers. People fell on both sides as the acidic smoke rose in the air.
Fires sprang up on the dirt where the walls crumbled. The hopters and hovers moved in first, forcing the enemy back toward the buildings and palace in the distance. More orbs appeared in the sky.
“Move in!” Tiva called on her PCD and the Loyalist began their march to take back the Palace of Kinchar.