Raining Kisses (The Opeth Pack Saga Book 2)

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Raining Kisses (The Opeth Pack Saga Book 2) Page 9

by Sascha Illyvich

  “I want to tongue fuck your hot pussy, Krys.” Nicholaus didn’t recognize the low, deep rumble of his own voice, but he understood the one motive behind his words.


  Krystyna's eyes lit up, widening with pleasure. She nodded, shifted and turned to face Katarina.

  Tongues danced, the sounds of sucking echoed loudly in the room before Nicholaus grabbed Krystyna’s hips and helped position her over his face so he saw straight into her sex. He licked his lips, inhaling the spicy scent of her dripping sex before he pushed his tongue into her wet core, making sure to take wide licks while exploring her folds. He tasted, licked, sucked and speared her clit, enjoying the muffled sound of her moans while Katarina moved on top of him.

  Krys shuddered above him.

  Pressure built higher and higher, his blood pumping quickly through him. The wolf in him definitely found pleasure in the ménage they shared.

  The firmness of Krystyna’s ass in his hands made it harder to spread her open, but Nicholaus managed, diving deeper into her to taste her, own her. He flicked his tongue over her clit, then took the bud between his lips and speared it repeatedly.

  Katarina’s cries grew fierce with each thrust, her movements becoming jerky against his cock. She’d started off slowly, but built up a quick rhythm that drew them both toward climax.

  It took some concentration but Nicholaus managed to keep Krystyna's thighs from crushing his head and totally blocking out her mostly muffled cries of pleasure.

  Katarina’s pussy squeezed his cock.

  He lost all focus, gasping into Krystyna's thigh before he bit her.

  In this moment, he was more than fucked. He’d been claimed by the only two beings on this planet who could trap him. All thought shifted to the horror of that outcome until Krys jerked from him nipping her thigh.

  It was time to end this for them both, then sever the ties to protect his heart and ultimately theirs.

  Another squeeze of Katarina’s pussy forced his concentration elsewhere.

  Familiar routine sucker-punched him in the gut, forcing air from his lungs. Or was that Katarina’s pussy convulsing around his cock? It didn’t matter. She fell forward; her hips rose and slammed down on him.

  Thrusting his tongue deep inside Krystyna’s slick folds, he licked and suckled her clit, flicked his tongue over the nub.

  Krystyna squirmed in response.

  Using his natural strength, he gripped her ass with one hand and held her in place.

  Krystyna moaned louder, her words incoherent

  Nicholaus forced the pre-orgasmic fog from his mind just long enough to flatten his tongue over Krystyna's bud and press hard.

  Her thighs squeezed together and her hips bucked against his face, nearly suffocating him. Her orgasm slammed into her, tremors ripping through her body matching the cries echoing in the tiny room.

  He pushed her hips just above his face enough to give him time to catch his breath.

  Then Krystyna slammed down on him, digging her nails into his chest while he resumed hitting that sweet spot.

  Another pair of fingers clutched and tore at flesh as Katarina’s orgasm hit too, triggering Nicholaus’s release.

  His balls drew against him, the slaps of flesh on flesh mimicking the sucking sounds he’d made at Krystyna's pussy until he felt the wash of come flood his mouth while his cock exploded.

  Screams of pleasure blocked out all else until the cries subsided into sighs and the trembling above him stopped.

  He waited patiently until Krystyna moved ever so slow, positioning herself and collapsing beside him.

  Katarina fell onto his chest and rolled, forcing herself to flop on her back.

  Both women reached for his hands and turned to face him.

  Shudders vibrated through each woman and a different sort of heat settled around him. This heat felt more like the fur of his beast, the calm of the forest around him. He closed his eyes, slowed his breathing, let his mind fall prey to the emptiness that would come next.

  Hands stroked his arms, his chest. A hand cupped his chin another tousled his hair.

  Silence filled the room all right, save the three hearts beating almost in time, three pairs of lungs working, panting still to catch up with the physical exertion. Then the softness of hands smoothing over sweat slicked skin added to the sounds.

  Nicholaus tried to move but found neither woman would budge. Instead, they put their hands over his heart.

  For a moment, he swore he felt tranquility amongst the threesome.

  Nicholaus glanced at Krystyna, heard Katarina’s deep, even breathing, signaling she’d fallen asleep from their ordeal.

  She looked back at him. “She’s asleep already,” Krystyna whispered, stroking Katarina’s hair, the large smile on her face so wide it seemed she’d just been given her favorite thing.

  Of course she had, this was the world to her. The three of them, in bed, sharing. Except he couldn’t belong to this, couldn’t have this, though not because he didn’t want to. That had never been the case. Nicholaus wanted to protect his lovers more than anything else, but fearing what he was, what he could become, meant he had to pull the dine and dash routine. Still, he nodded and turned his head toward Katarina.

  Eyes closed, breathing remained steady, slow. Breasts rose and fell in time with each exhale.

  Light from the window spilled in, emphasizing her red hair against her moon kissed skin.

  Krystyna toyed with strands of his hair, twirling them around her finger before tugging them lightly. “You will stay a few days, right?”

  Her question caught him off guard. He looked at her, “I, I don’t know what to say.”

  “She has not fallen asleep so quickly after making love in such a long time. This is the first peace Katarina has known in a very long while. Would you steal that away from her?”

  He sat up on his elbows, parting his hair back to one side. No, he’d never take her peace from her, not if he could avoid it, which was why he’d leave soon.

  Maybe he could stay for a day or two though. Follow up, check out the new alpha if he showed. See what quality of life his lovers have. “What of you?”

  She sighed, weariness showing in her eyes. “I have grown used to your shit, Nicholaus. I do not pretend to like it, but I accept it.”

  Careful not to disturb Katarina, Nicholaus sat up. “Let’s go into the living room and talk.”

  Krystyna nodded.

  Standing, stretching, Nicholaus realized he’d be sore in the morning. There wasn’t a single woman in Albuquerque who had managed to bring him to the point of exhaustion that these two had, not a single woman could steal his logic the way either of them could.

  It bothered him.

  “Here.” Krystyna slid off the bed and retrieved a robe from the closet.

  Nicholaus recognized the blue terrycloth robe as his own. “You kept it?”

  “You left it. Katarina and I used to wear it and think fondly of you.”

  The statement struck another blow to his heart. He couldn’t turn his back on them now, could he?

  I'm a killer. A violent one, at that.

  Taking the robe, he slipped it over his shoulders. It barely fit now that he’d grown into a man.

  Krystyna slipped on a dark brown robe that matched the color of her fur. Even through her irritated stare, she wore the ‘just been fucked’ look very well. Hell, desire still smoldered in her eyes.

  They walked down the hall hand in hand and found a spot on the couch. “She will sleep throughout the night now for the first time in years, Nicholaus.”

  Why was she not sleeping all the way through? He wanted to ask, but afraid of the answer, he decided to just nod instead.

  “Why did you leave us?”

  Of course, it had to come to this. Nicholaus swallowed hard. The fight in his mind had come back but only as whispers, not the loud, vehement screams he heard before coming to their bed. He looked at the floor, set his head in his hands. “I
don’t know anymore.”

  She rubbed her temples and smoothed hair back from her eyes, gazing at him with intent. A warning. “It doesn’t matter. Be aware though. When you leave this time, she’s going to come after you.”

  He gasped, eyes widened. “No. She wouldn’t. Why would she do such a stupid thing?”

  “She too grows tired of what isn’t and what should be. Do you think where you live is unsafe?”

  “No,” he shook his head, “but this is all she’s ever known. For fuck’s sake, the aluminum air conditioning in my loft creaked when the heat kicked on and she nearly jumped out of her skin.”

  “She’s never left the country save to come get you for me, because she,” Krystyna narrowed her eyes. “Because she loves you so deeply it actually hurts to be apart from you.”

  Nicholaus faced Krystyna. “And you’ll let her?”

  “She’s a grown woman. I can no longer stop her.”

  “What do you mean, you can no longer stop her?” He growled at her, not meaning to.

  Krystyna's stare filled with darkness. “She had never left the country until Lukina showed up recently and took her to New Mexico. She practically begged Lukina to let her come back to the States just so she could find you. My kidnapping was only icing on the cake.”

  Nicholaus wasn’t sure whether he should be grateful or upset. He settled for mild irritation. “She lied to me then, when she said Lukina dragged her to America. Damn woman.”

  “No, damn you for leaving us. The men of this pack are real bastards and have this thing in their heads about all the god damned prophecy and how much responsibility it is. Blah blah fucking blah. Pity party shit. You all need to grow the fuck up.”

  “This from the woman who has never had to deal with so much pressure.” As soon as the words left his mouth he wished he could take them back.

  Krystyna’s jaw dropped, then she closed it. Her lips formed a tight line before she glared daggers meant to kill at him, then she leaned forward. “Fuck you, Nicholaus. You of all of us know just how much pressure I have on a daily basis as a pack healer. It gets overwhelming at times. So many in our pack are sick, dying. We’ve dwindled to maybe fifteen or twenty and none of us are physically strong like our pack once was. The elders dead, the rules are changing thanks to a well-meaning but frustrated Alpha. Being chased by the damned hunters and wounded. I’ve seen so many of our brothers and sisters disappear only to be found dead days later. Being an empath of the pack is not fun. You,” she stared angrily at him, “should know better.”

  Indeed, he should. She was there for him after he’d killed Katarina’s brother and father. After that, the image of murdering a family, even in defense, had been burned into his mind. She’d tried to heal him, telling him she couldn’t erase the memories but could heal the wound he’d created in his heart. He never let her even though he sensed her awareness of him trying to stop her.

  “Get over it already. She’s forgiven you.”

  “And what of you?” He practically spit the words out.

  “I’ve…” Krystyna said nothing more. She turned away and sighed. “I never cared. Sometimes you do bad things for the right reasons, Nicholaus. You protected what was mine, ours.”

  He swore he heard her sob. “Look,” he reached out to her, “I’m sorry. I was wrong to attack you like that. I…”

  Krystyna looked at him with tears in her eyes. “I just want one day of peace, Nicholaus. One fucking day. Is that too much to ask? You've given Katarina your time in coming out here and spending it with her. I want what is mine to have too. And you are the only thing missing from my life in order to give me that peace.” She started to turn away but Nicholaus grabbed her and pulled her to him.

  Warm tears fell on his chest while he stroked her hair, tangling his fingers in the soft strands. He couldn’t stand hearing her cry, though she was right. Much like Lukina, Krystyna had been thrust into a role she wasn’t sure she’d been ready for at such an early age. Yet she didn’t ask questions, she just preformed her duties as though she’d been born with the knowledge.

  Why couldn’t he do the same? Wetness stung the back of his eyes but he refused to shed a tear. It wasn't the macho thing, just not his way to go all emotional over shit.

  The burden in his heart reminded him he needed to get out of here, but the clock on the wall showed it to be well after midnight. He yawned, and realized their evening had drained him more than he knew. Plus, if he did leave quickly, what was to assure him that the Turks wouldn't come after Krystyna again?

  Or that she’d let them. Something still smelled off about her story but he couldn’t figure out what. She seemed nervous but maybe that was just the fact of seeing him again after so long. He certainly didn’t know how to just let things go, so why should he expect Krystyna to do the same?

  Hell, who cared? Then she did the one thing guaranteed to knock him off balance.

  She threw her arms around his neck and started sobbing. Angry tears, not like the hurt ones Katarina spilled, dripped on his chest, shoulder, the crook of his neck. “I’ve missed you so god damn much, Nicholaus. I’ve—” she inhaled a deep breath, “had to be strong on my own. Twenty some odd years is a long time.”

  He stroked her back, pressed his lips to her temple. “I know, Krys.”

  “You didn’t leave to hurt us, did you?”

  Lips parted, eyes wide and filled with horror at having to ask the question made his heart ache. “Hell no. I’d never have left you to hurt you. I left you both to…” He closed his eyes, thought hard on why he left. Was pack responsibility too much to bear? No, not really. Unless you counted on prophecy to dictate his future, then he realized the independent streak of the wolf would rebel. And it had. Once he’d made the decision to kill Katarina's father and brother, the wolf was in control, not the man.

  That bothered Nicholaus greatly.

  Kiba had filled Nicholaus’s head full of shit, and Les’s words remained cryptic. Would he be the man his father had been? Cold, calculating and deadly? His life had been cut short by his own stupidity and bravado. Things Nicholaus swore he didn’t possess, since he’d made the choice to control the wolf through man, rather than let the wolf own his world.

  Yes, he’d been touted as a hero for ending Katarina’s and Krystyna’s torture but then hunters attacked the village and Nicholaus slaughtered them without effort.


  Those men never had a chance.

  His father had done the exact same thing years earlier. Of course, his mother had to kill his father, a mistake she later regretted, blaming herself, rather than prophecy. Nicholaus’s eyes were open from day one though. Prophecy dictated their lives if they lived in Hungary, stayed here and it almost guaranteed sadness.

  When his father had gone out to hunt, he returned with human carcasses, said they were a band of people looking to exterminate the wolves of this world. While the story seemed plausible enough, humans had a distrust of the magic of wolves, something about his posture and the way he twitched remained odd. Then Nicholaus caught the look in his father’s eyes and realized his father had been touched by the Flower Maiden.

  Her curse on the wolves she had despised so much had been to choose some of the males and slowly drive them mad. Kiba displayed signs before Nicholaus had left.

  Sadly, their fate was often worse than the curse predicted and led them to do horrendous acts, usually on others first and when they couldn’t be sated that way, they’d often self-destruct.

  Nicholaus’s mother couldn't bear to watch her husband and his father do the same, so at dinnertime, she dosed his meal with sleeping pills, changed his cigar for a joint she'd acquired through who knows what connections and laced his liquor with pain killers. Then she killed him in his sleep.

  Then, to avoid her fate in Prophecy as a murderous being, she’d taken her own life, leaving a note saying that the wolves needed purity and her son would one day show them how to be pure.

  Already, things dic
tated by what was known of Prophecy had made themselves clear. Kiba had started to show his infection by the Flower Maiden, Nicholaus had killed in cold blood, Les continued to grow more cryptic and become a loner. Oh and some of the males disappeared, trying to shirk duty just as Prophecy dictated. Only, Józsi came back and became Alpha just as promised, Marco would ascend to rule the pack once he'd finished his education and returned from the States and the witch, Selene, had returned.

  Krystyna looked at him with a sad smile. “I know you feel you did what you had to, but could you have been wrong, szeretőm?”

  Nicholas had no idea what he should say. He’d never thought about things from that perspective. He’d spent most of his adult life assuming he knew better, because he happened to be right about several other things in the past, he let that guide him. So he leaned into the warm, ratty couch, ignoring the squeak.

  She pushed back from him, wiped tears from her eyes and put a hand on his shoulder. “None of us are certain that we are ever right in this life time, Nicholaus. But we do the best we think we can.”

  “Then I did what I thought was my best.”

  “So be it.” Krystyna looked away. “Tell Katarina that and make her understand why. Hell, Nicholaus, you can’t even make me understand and I’m not as emotional as she is.”

  She had a point.

  He ground his teeth. Not having any of this shit tonight, he cupped Krystyna's face and pressed his mouth to hers.

  A hand caressed the back of his head.

  She sighed into the kiss, almost like she picked up his frustration with the topic.

  He pulled back and looked into her beautiful eyes. “Come on. Let’s go back to bed with Katarina.”

  Krystyna nodded.

  Standing, he took her hand and helped her to her feet. She fell into his embrace and threw her arms around him.

  Nicholaus pulled her to him tightly, enjoying the feel of her body pressed against his. She was soft, warm like Katarina.

  Krystyna shivered.

  “Cold, drágám?”

  She nodded.

  “Let’s go where it’s warm, then.” Nicholaus pushed her back and gazed into her eyes. Beautiful flecks of silver were sprinkled throughout midnight blue eyes that spoke more than any words ever could.


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