Bet On Me

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Bet On Me Page 12

by Mia Hoddell

I pointed at my chest with my thumb, still not meeting her gaze in the hope she would leave. It was a long shot and I knew it.

  “They’re not from—”

  “Cole? Yeah. Apparently, he thinks we’re going to be seeing each other again.” My fingers clacked against the keys. “Not if I have anything to do with it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “If I have a say in the matter then I’m never seeing the bastard again.”

  Rose sucked her bottom lip in between her teeth. “How long is his friend staying?”

  “I don’t think he is. It seemed like he was only passing through to look for Cole. He was in some kind of gang-related trouble.”

  “What?” she gasped, her mouth agape, and she raised a hand to cover it.

  “Yup.” I popped the ‘p’. “Guess I should have listened to his warnings, but at least it makes him easier to leave in the past,” I lied. I knew it’d take time to get over Cole. I thought his past would be so horrible it would make me hate him, yet the few details I had didn’t. Distance seemed like the only option left. “Speaking of which, I’ve decided I’m going to move on at the end of the week.”

  “That’s tomorrow! Please don’t tell me it was the asshole who’s run you off. I can make sure he never bothers you if he comes back.” She cocked a hip, resting her hands on it dramatically.

  I didn’t know what to say to her. The idea behind this trip was to live my life how I wanted. My intention had been to free myself from everything I didn’t want, and so far all it had done was weighed me down with more baggage. I needed to reclaim my journey, and that would only become possible if I left.

  Moving on would cut all ties with Cole completely. He’d have no idea where I’d gone, no point of contact—even though I didn’t believe he would—and I would have nothing reminding me of him. Because I still found it hard to walk by the pool without imagining his half-naked body sprawled out lazily on a lounger.

  “It is, isn’t it? You’re moving because of him.”

  “Partly, but it’s mostly for me. I promised myself I’d move on as soon as I felt the time was right. Dalton’s offer allows me to pick up and move my entire life to another country without hassle and I’m running out of things to do here. It feels right, so I need to go.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because I know me. Settling has never been part of the plan and it never will be.” I flashed her something I hoped resembled a genuine smile. “What can I say? I’m a free spirit.”

  “Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing, just don’t be blinded by this need for adventure so much that you forget to live in the moment with those around you. You can get to know people without settling.”

  “If we’re somehow talking about Cole again then remember he left me.” I snapped. “I let him in and he left.”

  “And now you’re allowing him to dictate your next move. You’re doing exactly what you didn’t want … compromising. You don’t want to risk seeing him so you’re giving up on France.”

  I brought up my hotel booking on the computer, stabbing at the keys furiously and clicking the mouse with more force than necessary—cancelling all of the dates after the end of the week. I then called up the train services and booked the first available train to Nice. I also searched for a flight to Greece.

  “I’m not, this is my choice. I always intended to leave. So what if it’s coming a bit earlier than I originally planned?” I scooted back on the casters attached to my chair, moving to stand. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to find Dalton.”

  Okay, so Rose hit a nerve … I never claimed she hadn’t. In a way I was compromising, but I could live with it. I could always return to France at a later stage if I wanted to, and I didn’t need her making me doubt myself. Ever since Cole left, things had turned to shit; and I wanted my fun back. I thought I would be the one changing him, only he’d affected me too. I’d been fully set on undertaking my journey alone, never imagining another person, let alone a guy, tagging along. Regardless, at some point, Cole worked his way into my visions of future travels. I found myself growing to like his presence as he gave me someone to share the experiences with. Cole being around meant I always had someone to laugh at my jokes or someone to tease. Everything I threw at him he took, and I knew moving forward alone was going to be hard now I knew what I was missing.

  Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t suddenly converted to wanting babies and marriage. Those weren’t futures I imagined. However, Cole had seemed like me. He was out searching for himself and trying to break away from the ties back home. I could have lived with that and I hated he’d taken the possibility away from me.



  A knock on my door drew me from the book I’d picked up to skim, and banished the fantasies I had been lost to. Grumbling, I scrambled off the bed and almost tripped over my bags on the way to the door. I didn’t think it was common knowledge I’d decided to leave tonight and I would be damned if someone thought they were going to try and drag me on shift.

  “What?” I threw open the door and braced myself on the frame with an irritated expression.

  Rose shuffled uneasily on the spot. I’d made a point of trying to avoid her, but obviously she figured out my plan. Clutching her hands in front of her she twisted her fingers together.

  “Can we talk?”

  I stepped back from the door with a sigh. Gesturing with one hand, I motioned for her to move past me.

  She sat down on my bed and subconsciously began picking at the blankets as she took in the sight of my bags. “You’re really going then?”

  “Yep. My train leaves in two hours and I’ll be flying overnight.”

  She nodded regretfully and when she met my gaze her lips tilted down at the corners. “I’m sorry for what I said yesterday. It annoyed me to see you were leaving because of the asshole. I thought we had the entire summer—I still think we could have fun until October—but it’s your choice.”

  “You don’t need me here, Rose. You were fine before I arrived.”

  “I know, it’s just been nice. It’s like it was back home, only with better weather. Are you sure you won’t stay?”

  I sat down next to her. I didn’t want to stay mad; none of it was her fault and she didn’t deserve the attitude I’d reserved for Cole. “I can’t, the roses were the final straw. I need to cut all ties with him and I can’t do that if I’m checking the bookings every day to see if he’s back. You could always come with me to Greece.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t. I have everything paid for here and I’ll lose money if I leave. Are you sure you won’t reconsider?”

  “It’s time for me to move on, Rose. I need a new start without all of this drama.”

  She bobbed her head in acceptance and I leaned over to hug her. When she pulled back eventually, her lips were drawn into a tight line. “What are you going to do in Greece?”

  “Drink and party. What else is there to do when I’m going to be working as a holiday rep? It was meant to be my last stop next year. You know, as a way to unwind. I think I’m in need of it now more, so I’ll be staying there until November.”

  “Sounds like fun.” She giggled, perking up marginally. “Don’t get in too much trouble. I know what Brits are like when they hit the club scene abroad.”

  I hummed noncommittally. “That’s the whole point. What’s the fun in going if I can’t go a little wild?”

  “Good point. In that case you should have a drink for me … but make sure there are no lakes around. And swear you won’t get with any guys, especially on the train or flight!”

  “You’re the boss.”

  I didn’t know what she expected me to do. I thought I’d made it clear I wasn’t looking for romance, even the holiday fling kind. Cole had been an anomaly and a mistake, one I had no intention of repeating.

  “I guess I’ll see y
ou back in Cornwall at some point then?”

  “Maybe. Who knows where I’ll end up?”

  She pushed off her knees and I did the same. As soon as I stood next to her she pulled me into her arms. “Have a safe flight and keep in contact.”

  “Don’t worry, you’ll hear all about my exploits.”

  “With pictures? I want to compare the guys to the ones here.”

  I chuckled. “Okay, with pictures.”

  I hated to leave Rose behind as up until now I hadn’t been truly alone. I knew it would only be as soon as I got on my train that my journey would start to follow my plan.




  November 5th, Cologne, Germany

  Where the fuck is she?

  For two months I waited in the lobby of The Beckett hoping to see Alaya, and at my current rate I’d have completed their entire library by the end of the week. I found myself stuck with either playing Snake on my burner phone—which became boring after ten minutes—or reading. Considering the time I spent on the sofas I claimed as my own, I chose the books.

  Reading wasn’t exactly my thing, but at least I appeared busy. It stopped the receptionists from asking me to move as I assumed the sofas were for guests who were waiting for their rooms to be ready. Regardless, as a paying customer I refused to be moved because from my vantage point I had a perfect view of the entrance.

  Every time the automatic doors slid open I glanced up over the top of my latest read, only to be disappointed—especially since the start of November. None of the arrivals were ever her.

  Each time it felt like a punch to the gut.

  When I left France I was certain we’d meet again. It had been the only shred of hope I clung to while I checked out and left. She’d told me she didn’t want to miss the Christmas markets. Three months in each country was her plan, and that meant she should have arrived by now. The markets started late November, yet with every day that drifted by my hope of her coming lessened.

  Maybe I forced her to change her plans.

  I prayed I hadn’t. I would hate myself if I turned out to be the reason Alaya changed her journey. She’d been so sure of herself when we met and I knew I was going to destroy her spark. I took her up on the offer knowing full well I shouldn’t.

  Fuck, I’m an asshole.

  I slammed the book on my lap shut. The sharp crack echoed around the quiet lobby and caused a few heads to snap in my direction, though I ignored them. Placing the book back on the shelf behind me without leaving the sofa, I resumed watching the door with a cool, hard stare.

  My life would have been so much easier had I been able to forget Alaya. Then again, my life would have been a lot easier had I not tried to save Aaron.



  November 25th

  Doubts over whether Alaya was coming started to seep into my mind. Nearly three months had drifted by and the Christmas markets opened two days ago. Still there was no sign of her, and every time I checked at the reception desk I got the same answer: they weren’t allowed to reveal anything.

  I wanted to reach over and punch the scrawny man relaying the information until he broke the company’s policy. However, that also happened to stop me. He was only doing his job and I couldn’t hold him responsible for all of my fucked up decisions that led me to this point. If I never saw Alaya again then I had to live with it. I wouldn’t like it, but I presumed I would get over her … eventually … maybe.

  Every day I told myself it’d be the last day I spent on the sofa waiting for her. Nonetheless, with every sunrise I found myself back in the lobby. The thing was, I had nowhere else to go. I couldn’t waste money by running around Europe for no reason, and Cologne seemed as good as anywhere to make camp. Even if every morning I awoke hoping it would be the day I saw her, only to be left bitterly disappointed, it still felt better than leaving and admitting defeat. After all, I didn’t have a lot to live for and the shred of hope from the thought of seeing her again kept me going.

  I knew I sounded ridiculous. We’d only known each other for a few weeks, but it was surprising how quickly someone like Alaya could leave a permanent mark on a heart.

  My phone buzzing in my pocket drew me from my wallowing.

  God, I am wallowing. I really need to find something else to do, I thought as I brought the phone up to my ear.

  “I lost him, Cole. I followed him from France to Paros, then on to Athens, but he managed to ditch me at the airport. He didn’t leave the building and I can’t get access to what flight he’s on. I’ve been trying for the last few hours to find any clue to lead me to where he is, only my contacts don’t stretch this far. I have nothing to work with.”

  I bit down on the inside of my cheek to stop the tirade of expletives flowing from my mouth. Taking a deep breath, I collapsed back against the sofa and tilted my head back. I pinched the bridge of my nose and forced every emotion racing through my body to calm. It didn’t mean Ryder knew where I was just because Levi had lost him.


  “What was he doing in Paros?” I forced out through gritted teeth, dangerously close to losing control of the anger, confusion, and fear swarming through my chest like an angry hive of bees eager to be released.

  “He’s got an unhealthy obsession with this redhead. I’ve never seen him make contact, but he’s been following her everywhere.”

  Fuck no.

  No, no, fucking no.

  My heart missed a beat and my breaths started to shallow as the meaning of Levi’s words sank in. I didn’t want to believe it, even if nothing else seemed logical.

  Levi and Ryder had been in France … in France at the same time as Alaya.

  I tightened my grip on the phone. How the fuck did he make the connection between her and me? There had to be something if he was following her from country to country, yet I’d been careful. I left nothing to link me to her.

  Speaking of which, what the hell was she doing in Greece to begin with?

  Thoughts of his scarred face leering after her powered red-hot spikes of anger through me. I left to keep her safe, and if he followed her anyway it meant I’d spent nearly three months in hell for nothing.

  I was going to kill Ryder if he harmed even a single hair on her head.

  Actually, forget that.

  I planned to kill him either way.

  “Are you still there, Cole?” Levi’s voice rang out in my ear, but it wasn’t what drew me from my murderous thoughts. The ping of the automatic doors and the cool breeze that swept into the lobby forced me to sit up straighter as Alaya shuffled into the building.

  My jaw dropped open and the air caught in my throat that suddenly felt too small. I forced myself to swallow and remain seated. A flurry of emotions swirled within me, excitement battling with raw fear. If she was here then no doubt Ryder wouldn’t be far behind. The thought had me diving over the back of the sofa, my body moving like a slinky.

  “It’s Alaya,” I murmured more to myself, forgetting all about Levi until his confused questions bombarded me.

  “What? Who’s Alaya? What are you talking about, Cole?”

  “Alaya, the redhead. She’s the one I met on the train. She was working in France and moving around Europe, and now she’s here. She’s the one I’ve been waiting for.”

  A loud crash emanated from the other end of the phone. It sounded like something had gone flying across the room. “You really picked a great time to fall for someone. You know that?”

  “I haven’t fallen for her. She was helping me get my life back.”

  “You have, but that’s not the fucking point, Cole! Where are you?”

  “Cologne. We’re staying at The Beckett.”

  I heard furious typing so I knew it wasn’t his laptop he sent flying. Then he let out a string of furious curses.

  “There are no flights out until seven o’clock tonight and then it’s going to take six hours with la

  “I’ll deal with it. Just get here as quickly as you can.” Moving from my crouch, I turned my back on the room and pretended to peruse the bookcase. Keeping the lift in my peripheral, I watched as Alaya came into view carrying her bags.

  “No, Cole. Get out now. Go and find another hotel then text me the address.”

  She paused in front of the doors, waiting for the lift to descend. The red light above it counted down the floors until it reached zero and the doors slid back. She allowed the people to step out before walking in, spinning, and placing her bag on the floor. When she reached over to press the button for her floor her gaze met mine.

  Like someone zapped me with a bolt of electricity, the connection sent a current through my veins and it spread like wildfire as her lips parted in a gasp and the doors shut.

  Hurriedly, I moved to the other lift, watching the numbers count up on Alaya’s. I stabbed at the button frantically, my lift arriving as Alaya’s stopped on the fourth floor. I jumped into the lift, pressing the button with the number four on it, and tapped my foot impatiently. There was only a sliver left to close when I caught sight of the figure coming through the entrance: tall, dark-haired, and a prominent scar running down his right cheek.

  Drake Ryder.

  “Cole! Fucking listen to me!” Levi shouted down the phone, making me remove it from my ear with a wince. I’d forgotten I even held it.

  “I’ve got this. But get here as soon as you can because Ryder just walked into the building.”

  “Christ, did he see you?” I could imagine him running his hand through his hair in distress.

  “No, and it’s going to stay that way. I have to go.”

  “Don’t be an ass, Cole. Get. Out. Of. There.”

  “Can’t, Levi. This has become bigger than me now. It’s about her too. I’m not going to let them get to her, even if it means putting myself in the firing line. She doesn’t deserve this shit and I can’t run and leave her to deal with it.” I puffed the air from my cheeks. “We both knew I wouldn’t be able to run forever, and now is as good as any time to stop. She’s worth it.”


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