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Riding Home Page 8

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

  “I didn’t realize she owns the local bar.”

  “Didn’t Regan or Drake give you a cheat sheet?”

  “Like I said, they’ve both been involved with the new women in their lives, and I’m fine with that. I’ll muddle through.”

  “You’re not going to have to muddle anymore. Before we go to the party, I’ll give you a rundown.”

  “That would be great.” She paused. “We won’t be in danger of upstaging Regan and Lily, will we? I’d never want to do that.”

  “I’ll clue Jack in before I leave work so he can pass the word around. And we’ll keep a low profile.” He wasn’t sure if that would work considering the gossip that had been swirling before. That gossip would erupt when people found out she’d left the Bunk and Grub to stay with him. But he’d do his damnedest. Her major concern might be for Regan and Lily, but his first concern was for her.

  One dim light shone from a front window of the Victorian house that Pam Mulholland had turned into a bed-and-breakfast. Jeannette had him wait while she went in and quickly packed her things and left a note at the reception desk. She didn’t waste time. She was in and out with no visible signs that anyone had heard her.

  He watched her sling her suitcase in the backseat of her rental car. Then he pulled forward so she could follow him out of the small parking lot. From the moment she’d left the cab of his truck, he’d missed her.

  Once she was behind him, he took the road out of town toward the ranch. She’d driven it before, but he kept tabs on his rearview mirror, anyway, to make sure her headlights were reflected there. His protective instincts had developed without him realizing it. Now, they weren’t together and he had to think about whether she was safe back there.

  The dirt road into the ranch property had been washboard-rough ever since he’d arrived a month ago. The family had an ongoing debate about it, with Jack insisting it stay that way because his dad had intended to make visiting difficult. His two brothers believed that customers for the registered Paints the Chances sold would appreciate a paved entrance to the property.

  Zach’s truck had no problem with the road, but he winced as Jeannette’s rental car bounced around. He went slowly, even though he was eager to get her ensconced in the Airstream. They drove past the massive ranch house, a two-story log structure with a central section and two wings set at an angle, like arms reaching out.

  The house was dark, the ranch buildings lit with a few dusk-to-dawn lamps. Otherwise the place was quiet. In a couple of hours, though, as the sun peeked over the horizon, the hustle and bustle would begin.

  Normally Zach looked forward to that time of day, but maybe he could be forgiven if he’d rather stay in the Airstream with Jeannette this morning. He wouldn’t do it, though. Once she was tucked into bed, he’d head back to the ranch to work his shift.

  The road to his campsite was filled with even more ruts. Maybe he should have told her to park at the ranch and then join him in his truck, but her car would create more gossip. This was better. They’d be tucked away, out of sight and maybe out of mind.

  He didn’t really believe that, but at least he’d be on hand to shield her from whatever came her way. Maybe nothing would. The Last Chance had been established as a place where people and animals really could have one last chance to set things right. Jeannette had come to Jackson Hole for that very purpose.

  At last he turned on a smaller dirt road and within minutes saw the silver gleam of his trailer in the moonlight. He parked and hopped out so he could guide her to a parking spot where the ground was firm.

  She pulled in, shut off the motor and got out of the car. “It’s so quiet. But it smells great, like Christmas trees. Wait, I can hear the water. That’s the stream, right?”

  “That’s the stream.” He pulled her close because he couldn’t help himself. He wanted to surround her with whatever security he could provide.

  An owl hooted, and she shivered. “I should warn you that I’ve never camped before.”

  “That’s okay. You’ll love it.” He had no basis for saying that, and maybe it was wishful thinking on his part.

  “Will you stay until it gets light?”

  “Yes.” He could tell she was nervous, but she would get over it. He’d make love to her in his double bed under the curved roof of his Airstream with the windows open so they could hear the night sounds while they enjoyed each other.

  He wanted her to fall in love with the woods the way he had. He couldn’t explain why that was so important to him. He only knew that it was.


  WHEN JEANNETTE HAD agreed to this plan, she’d only thought about being with Zach in his cozy little trailer. She’d thought about the solar shower, mostly in terms of watching him take one. She hadn’t thought about the bears.

  She didn’t want to mention them now, either, and look like a total wuss. At least Zach would stay until the sun started to rise. He had to be at work by dawn, but that was a flexible description. He wasn’t punching a time clock.

  Although she wasn’t clear on bear behavior, she thought they were mostly nocturnal. Even if they weren’t, a bear would be much scarier in the dark than in broad daylight. She could see a bear coming when the sun was out, and she had her phone.

  Zach continued to hold her close, probably because she was still shivering a little. “Ready to check out the Airstream?”


  He released her. “I’ll unlock the tailgate so you can haul the shopping bags in. I’ll handle your suitcase.”

  “Okay.” It wasn’t cold at all, and moonlight lit up the clearing pretty well. She shouldn’t be scared, but as she followed him to the back of the truck, she started to shiver again. “How’s the phone reception out here?”

  “Not that great. It’s sporadic on the ranch property.” He pulled the tailgate down. “Sometimes it’s great and sometimes not. This area is kind of a dead spot. If you need to make a call, your best bet is to try when you’re up at the house.”

  Crap. “Oh, well. Not important.”

  He unhooked the bungee cord holding the two shopping bags and handed both of them to her. Then he closed the tailgate with a clang. “Do you need to make a call?”

  “Not right now.” She’d been listening intently for the sound of pine needles crunching under heavy paws. She had no idea what kind of noise an approaching bear would make, but if she heard any shuffling or crunching, she was diving into Zach’s truck. It seemed more bear-proof than her flimsy rental car.

  “You could try texting if you want to reach your assistant. That might work.”

  “Sure. I’ll do that later.” She’d let him think that contacting Erin was the only reason she’d need a phone out here. Something rustled in the wild bushes growing among the trees. She froze. “Wh-what was that?”

  “I don’t know.” He walked toward her car, obviously unconcerned. “Maybe a raccoon. Maybe a skunk.”

  “A skunk?” She mostly didn’t want to be eaten by a bear, but she had no interest in being sprayed by a skunk, either. “Let’s get inside.”

  “Most things around here won’t bother you if you don’t mess with them.” He pulled her suitcase out of the backseat and closed the door. Then he held out his hand. “Come on. Check out the silver bullet.”

  “Is that its name?” She felt better the minute he laced his strong fingers through hers.

  “Not this one, specifically. People call Airstreams silver bullets for obvious reasons.”

  “It sure is shiny.”

  “It was a lot shinier before I pulled it over those dirt roads. Fortunately we had some rain and that washed it down some.”

  She heard the pride in his voice and guessed that he was excited to show off his trailer. “Is it old? I know these used to be popular a long time ago.”

  “It’s ne
w. I thought about buying a restored one, but I’m a beginner at this RV thing and I needed a manual and a warranty. My grandparents had one of these, and I used to love going on road trips with them, so it’s all about the nostalgia.” He squeezed her hand and let go. “Need to get my keys out.”

  “Sure.” She looked around as he went up the small steps and unlocked the door, but whatever had rustled before wasn’t doing it anymore. She couldn’t get over the feeling that unseen eyes were watching her, though. Made sense. She was in the wilds with wild creatures. Of course they’d be watching.

  Zach walked into the trailer, set down her bag and flicked a light switch.

  She didn’t wait for an invitation to follow him. She stayed right on his heels. Whatever had rustled in the bushes could be right on her heels for all she knew.

  He turned and bumped into her. “Oops. Sorry. Didn’t realize you were so close. So this is... Oh, hey, did you hear that?”

  “What?” Shopping bags held in front of her as some kind of barrier, she whirled to face the door in case that bushes-rustling animal was climbing the steps. She saw nothing in the light spilling out the door.

  “Be real quiet. Maybe we’ll hear it again.”

  Although she had a strong urge to close that door, she didn’t. She also tried to be quiet, but her heart pounded loud enough to drown out anything they might be listening for. She’d have to count on Zach to be her ears right now. “Hear what?” she whispered.


  She swallowed a little whimper of anxiety. “Are they close?” She knew logically a wolf wasn’t any danger to people, but still. If one walked up those steps and looked her in the eye, she’d have trouble being calm about it. She was used to horse farms that hadn’t seen a bear or a wolf in generations.

  “Not very. Maybe they won’t howl again. Go ahead and make yourself at home.”

  “Okay.” She set her shopping bags on either side of her and tried not to rattle them too loud.

  Then the sound came again. Now she recognized it as a howl, and every hair on her body stood on end.

  “Did you hear that?” Zach’s low voice vibrated with excitement.

  “Yes.” Another howl from a different direction seemed to answer the one that had come before it.

  “What a treat. Howling wolves on your first night.” Zach wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back against his solid warmth.

  The first wolf howled again.

  “They’re talking,” he murmured.

  “About what?” Now that Zach had both arms around her and she knew a wolf wouldn’t come charging in the door, she relaxed a little. Their calls to each other off in the distance were kind of cool. If the wolves stayed there, they could make as much noise as they wanted.

  “Possibly they’re announcing their presence to keep one pack from encroaching on another pack’s territory.”

  “How do they know where the boundaries are?”

  “The alpha males mark their territory by peeing on trees and rocks.”


  “They’re fascinating creatures. Loyal, brave, smart. I’ve always loved them.”

  “I can tell.” The longer they stood there listening to the wolves howl with her backside pressed up against his groin, the more she became aware of his interest in other subjects besides wolves.

  Sliding both hands up to cup her breasts, he leaned down and nuzzled behind her ear. “I’ve never had a pretty lady in my arms while the wolves howled. I think it’s bringing out the beast in me.”

  “Is that so?” Camping in the woods might have some advantages—she hadn’t considered that it might awaken his inner alpha male. The howling wolves had stirred her up some, too, especially when she’d realized he was getting hard.

  But she felt some responsibility for seeing that he rested for the hour or so before he had to leave. She captured his hands and held them still. “You really should take a quick nap.”

  “No, thanks.” Escaping her grip easily, he drew back her collar and nipped the sensitive skin of her neck.

  It didn’t hurt, but it sure as heck turned her on, especially after listening to those wolves. She moaned softly.

  “I’m going to take that as a yes.” He reached for the front button of her slacks. “But stop me if that isn’t what you meant.”

  “Zach, you really should...” She didn’t finish the weak protest because he’d slipped his hand inside her panties and discovered for himself that her answer was yes to whatever he had in mind.

  His husky murmur of appreciation aroused her even more. His voice rasped in the stillness. “Kick off your shoes.”

  She understood why. He had no intention of taking her back to his tiny bedroom. He wanted her to strip right here, in the open doorway.

  Apparently lust trumped modesty and her fear of wild animals, because she was going to let him do that. Once she was naked from the waist down, she wasn’t surprised when he turned her toward a counter beside the door and asked her to brace her hands on it.

  Her pulse beat frantically as she imagined having sex in a doorway open to the night air. No one could see or hear them, no one but the creatures of the forest. That seemed even more erotic. She had her own wild animal here in the trailer with her, and acting out his fantasy excited her more than he knew.

  The condom box just happened to be in one of the shopping bags at her feet, and he wasted no time finding it. Cool air touched her bare bottom and the hot, moist place where he would soon bury his cock. She shivered, this time in anticipation instead of fear.

  “Mmm, Jeannette.” His breathing was ragged as he grasped her hips. “You drive me crazy.” He probed once and sucked in a breath. “You’re so wet.” In one swift movement, he filled her, his groan thick with desire.

  She gasped with pleasure as his cock twitched and his thighs brushed hers.

  Supporting her and helping her balance, he eased back and slid home again. This time his groan was louder. “It feels too good.” His voice was tight with strain. “I want it too much.”

  Her chest heaved as she struggled for air. “Go...for it.”

  “I...I have to.” He began to stroke slowly at first, but that pace didn’t last long. Soon he was pumping wildly as his thighs slapped hers. His noisy gusts of breath turned into stifled sounds punctuated with hoarse swearwords.

  His frenzy fueled hers and she hurtled toward her climax. When their movements had reached a fever pitch, he slipped one hand forward to cup her, holding her for his thrusts as he massaged her trigger point.

  She came before he did, panting and whimpering as her release surged through her. Her knees might have given way if he hadn’t gripped her tight, one hand at her hip and one between her legs. Then he drove home one last time with a bellow of triumph. His body shuddered against hers and he swore once more as he pulsed within her.

  They stayed like that for several long seconds until their breathing no longer sounded like the tortured gasps of two long-distance runners.

  Zach spoke first. “Wow.”




  “If I let go, will you fall down?”

  She took inventory. Her legs felt rubbery but she had a tight grip on the counter. “No.”

  “I’ll go slow.”

  “Please do.” She felt a sense of loss as he withdrew. Now that they weren’t making so much noise, she heard a cricket tuning up outside. The owl hooted again. Some creature moved through the bushes.

  But she experienced the sounds differently now. Pushing herself upright, she turned toward the open door and unbuttoned her blouse. The breeze felt heavenly on her overheated body, so she took off both her blouse and her bra.

  Standing naked in front of the open doorway, she no longe
r felt so alien, so out of place. Sure, she’d freak out if a bear came wandering by. She might be ready to embrace nature, but she also would continue to have a healthy respect for it.

  “If you’d let me, I’d take a picture of you like that.”

  She didn’t turn around. “Well, I won’t let you.”

  “Then I’ll take a mental picture.” Once again he came up behind her and gathered her close. “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful as you standing naked in the open doorway of my trailer.”

  “Well, I was danged hot, and there’s a nice breeze.”

  “Logical. Is that all there is to it?”

  “No.” She leaned her head against his shoulder. “Thank you for what just happened.”

  “Hey, I’m the one full of gratitude. I honestly didn’t think you’d agree. You seemed really nervous when we arrived, but I wanted to hear the wolves, and I was hoping you’d be open to the mysterious beauty of the place.”

  “I was nervous at first. But then the wolves started howlin’, and you got turned on, which turned me on, and one thing led to another.”

  He laughed and gave her a hug. “It sure did.”

  “We behaved a little bit like animals do.”

  “I know. That’s what I wanted.”

  “And because you wanted that, I began to want it, and now...it’s as if some switch was tripped when we had sex that way, with the door open to the night. I feel as if I’m just another animal out here in the forest. It’s kind of nice. Liberating.”

  He sighed. “That’s great. I can’t tell you how happy that makes me.”

  “That doesn’t mean I’m ready to get up close and personal with a bear, though. I’m still scared of them.”

  “That’s okay. I’d rather you didn’t decide to get chummy with a bear. But like I said, I haven’t seen one yet, and I’ve camped here for a month. For you to catch a glimpse of one in the next two days would be astounding.”

  “I don’t know, Zach. Astounding things keep happening to me. But I could pass on seeing a bear.” Now that she was braver, though, she wouldn’t mind seeing one from a great distance.


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