Rage Against The Machine: Special Edition (Dan & Chloe Book 1)

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Rage Against The Machine: Special Edition (Dan & Chloe Book 1) Page 26

by Flamank, Nathan L.

‘They’ve just left, keep an eye on them, and if you ever want to be free of me don’t fuck this up.’

  Terry disconnected the call just as the doorbell rang. He smiled as he opened the door to the two companions he had booked. ‘Hurry up; I need to fuck.’

  His “dates” giggled as they stepped in to the house.

  The drive to the hotel was uneventful and Chloe grinned at Dan; he was unable to take his eyes off her plunging neck line, with no bra her large breasts filled the dress perfectly and her nipples were huge against the satin material.

  ‘I have such a hard-on.’


  Dan looked out the window and watched London drift past. Unlike many people he hated the capital; it was too crowded, too uniform for his tastes and over the last few years the government had fucked it up with newly built sky rises to house an ever increasing population, a lot of the city’s once beautiful architecture was lost behind a sea of metal and concrete and he wondered what historians would have to say about this period in the city’s history many years from now.

  ‘If we get out the other-side of this I’m moving to Montana.’

  Chloe looked at Dan, ‘Where?’

  ‘Montana, it’s in the north west of America, along the Canadian border; thousands of square miles of wilderness untouched by politicians.’ Dan took Chloe’s hand in his. ‘A ranch miles from anyone, surrounded by hills and prairies.’

  ‘Could we get some horses?’

  ‘As many as you like, you ride?’

  ‘Not for a while, do you?’

  ‘Every chance I get.’

  Chloe sat up, ‘Really?’


  ‘Are you any good?’

  ‘Like you are at swimming.’

  Chloe smiled, ‘You want to be a regular cowboy.’

  Dan nodded as he turned his face once more to the window.

  ‘The native Indians of Montana called it the place “where the madness is left behind” I think I deserve some of that.’

  ‘Then that’s where we’ll go, we’ll grow old together watching the sun set over the hills.’

  The concierge was called Christopher and he greeted them like old friends.

  ‘Mr and Mrs Adams; so good to see you. Sir the suite is ready for you as per your instructions. The tight time frame was not a problem. I am sure you will find it to your liking.’

  ‘Thank you Christopher.’ Dan shook the man’s hand and palmed him a crisp fifty pound note. ‘I’m sorry I couldn’t have given you longer but it was a spur of the moment thing.’

  ‘Not a problem sir.’ Christopher motioned for a bell boy who picked up their cases.

  ‘If you’d both follow me I will show you to the suite.’ He headed for the lifts.

  Dan and Chloe followed the two hotel employees. Chloe received a lot of admiring looks. She fit in to the opulence of the hotel easily.

  Chloe lent her head in closer to Dan’s, ‘What arrangements? When did you organise this?’

  ‘In the cafe when I excused myself to go to the loo.’

  Christopher opened the door to the suite and handed the swipe card to Dan. The bell boy quickly stowed the cases in the suite’s entry hall and Dan gave him a note for his time.

  ‘Thank you sir,’ the bellboy said quickly pocketing the twenty pounds without looking at it.

  ‘Dinner, as per your instructions will be served at precisely eight o’clock, is there anything else sir?’

  ‘No, that’s all for now, and again thank you.’

  ‘My pleasure, enjoy your stay.’

  Christopher and the bellboy quickly left and closed the door. Chloe stood before Dan, her arms crossed under her breasts, which pushed them up and out and gave Dan another hard-on. She was tapping one foot against the wooden flooring and she cocked her head to one side.

  ‘You’re full of surprises tonight.’

  Dan smiled, ‘Wait until you see the suite.’

  Dan opened the door to the main suite and ushered Chloe through the doorway. Her gasp of surprise was exactly as he had hoped.

  ‘My gosh,’ Chloe said, ‘It’s beautiful, magical!’

  Magical was the word; the suite was split in to three rooms, the entrance hall, the main room and another through a shut door to the right. The main chamber was one hundred feet long by fifty across. One entire hundred foot wall was glass from expensive wooden floor to ornate ceiling; the panoramic vista of London’s rooftops lay below them; situated on the top floor of the thirty storey hotel the rooftops of west London disappeared in to the night. A thousand lights twinkled across the city-scape. The suite was something special but what elevated it to magical was the thousands of fresh rose petals; a myriad of colours and rich scents that covered the floor and king-size bed. A door off to the left near the mini-bar was ajar, and Chloe could see it was a small toilet; the tiled floor was covered in more petals.

  ‘This is beautiful Dan.’

  Dan smiled, he could see tears in her eyes and he even felt a lump in his throat.

  ‘I never knew it could be like this, it’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.’

  ‘Have a look through there.’ He pointed at the closed door.

  Chloe gracefully moved across the carpet of petals and she winced as she crushed the roses beneath her shoes.

  Dan laughed.

  Chloe opened the door and her hands went to her mouth.

  Dan followed her through the doorway and slid his hand up under her dress and gripped her right buttock. The room was easily twice the size of the main suite and it housed a pool in the middle of the room. Expensive black marble was used as flooring and in here two walls were given over to glass and the views out to the river were spectacular. Another doorway, this one open, gave on to another bathroom. Dan flicked a switch on the wall near where they stood and a dozen lights illuminated the heated pool from below. More rose petals covered the surface of the pool and the lights shimmered through the petals to cast a dazzling light show throughout the room.

  Chloe turned her face up to Dan’s and said, ‘This must have cost a fortune, I never knew such places existed.’

  ‘Wait until later, this is nothing.’

  Chloe kissed Dan and held him close as she worked her tongue over his. Dan caressed her ass and felt her nipples pushing against his chest through the shirt he was wearing. Chloe broke the kiss.

  ‘It’s like a Disney movie, I feel like a princess.’

  Dan reached in to his pocket and withdrew a small velvet jewellery box.

  Chloe saw it and smiled, ‘The ring?’

  ‘Open it.’

  Chloe took the box and opened it, it was empty.

  Chloe frowned at Dan, ‘I don’t get it.’

  Dan smiled and pointed at the pool. ‘It’s in there.’

  Chloe looked at the empty box and then at Dan before casting her eyes at the pool.

  ‘I don’t...’

  Dan chuckled, ‘There was no ring; we left the jewellers with an empty box. That’s why I couldn’t give you it sooner. At the cafe I rang the jeweller and gave him instructions and payment, the ring, your ring is in the pool.’

  ‘My ring?’

  ‘Go see for yourself.’

  Chloe crossed to the pool and looked down at the film of petals, she looked at Dan and smiled, ‘You’re joking right?’

  Dan shook his head. ‘No, it’s on the bottom of the pool somewhere.’

  ‘I’ll never find it you ass.’ Chloe laughed.

  ‘Well, there’s only one way to find out.’

  He half expected her to dive straight in but Chloe held his arm as she removed her shoes and then all of her clothes, handing each item to Dan to hold for her. When she was naked she unclipped her hair and said, ‘Dan, it better be in there or else.’

  ‘You’ll see.’

  Chloe gracefully dived in to the pool and Dan watched her disappear beneath the petals before resurfacing several yards away. Petals clung to her hair and face and Chloe laughed

  ‘This is a big pool.’

  ‘You’ll find it.’


  Chloe took a breath and submerged once more beneath the petals. Dan quickly crossed to a unit containing towels. He put her clothes down and found the champagne bucket and glasses that he had instructed be left there for him. He quickly popped the bottle and poured two flutes of champagne.

  Chloe took a deep breath and dived beneath the petals, she was an excellent swimmer and could hold her breath comfortably for three minutes, she’d never been a smoker and she had great lungs. As she swam deeper she opened her eyes and waited for the initial blurriness to dissipate, after several seconds she could see quite clearly through the well lit pool. She stopped swimming and slowly rotated in a circle, looking at the bottom of the pool.

  This is like looking for a needle in a haystack she thought. She couldn’t see anything glimmering in the water that might indicate a diamond ring so she swam further towards the deeper end. Breast stroking, enjoying the feel of the water against her naked skin she looked up at the film of rose petals and smiled to herself. Dan had really done a number on her; she hadn’t been expecting any of this. She’d been under for just over two minutes when she saw something black at the bottom of the pool about ten feet away. She kicked with her feet and was soon hovering above it. It was a small black box, the sort that rings came in. She reached down and scooped it up in her hand and kicked for the surface. Her head broke through and she took a breath of air and turned in the water and saw Dan crouched at the edge of the pool half way up the pool from her. She held the box tightly in her hand and breast stroked towards him. She smiled, ‘Found it; I hope.’

  Chloe reached Dan and used her free hand to grip the pool’s edge. Her face level with Dan’s feet. She looked up at him as he revealed two flutes of champagne.

  Chloe put the small box on the marble floor by Dan’s left foot and gripped the sides of the pool with her hands; she looked at the champagne glasses and smiled.

  ‘Aren’t you going to open it? You’ve not stopped going on about it.’

  Chloe boosted herself up so that her upper body was out of the water, her breasts crushed against the marble, and her ass hanging over the edge. Chloe lifted the box and with some manoeuvring managed to prop herself up on her elbows. Dan was looking at her squashed together breasts; the nipples hidden; crushed flat against the marble. Water ran from Chloe’s hair down her back and also her throat, trickling over the mounds of her breasts.

  Chloe opened the box and her mouth fell open just like a scene from a movie.

  Nestled inside the velvet box was the ring she had first seen in the jewellers; the ring with the ten grand price tag. The large diamond sparkled under the lighting. Chloe looked up at Dan. ‘But...’

  Dan smiled, ‘Chloe, would you marry me?’

  ‘What?’ She coughed, hoping that she had heard him right.

  ‘I know it’s only been ten days but I know I want to spend forever with you, I want you to be my wife. What do you say?’

  Chloe didn’t need to think, ‘Yes baby, and now help me up.’ She had tears in her eyes.

  Dan put the flutes down and effortlessly lifted Chloe to her feet. Barefoot she had to stand on tiptoes to kiss him. She locked her lips on his and didn’t break away for several minutes. Chloe looked at the ring and Dan took it from the box and slipped it on to the correct finger.

  ‘When this is all over Mrs Adams we’ll get married for real.’

  Chloe kissed him again, ‘I love you baby.’

  ‘I love you too.’

  Dan squatted down and picked up the two flutes, on his way up he licked at her left nipple and she quivered in delight. She took the glass from him and they touched glasses and then drank. They downed the contents in one and Chloe took his empty glass and tossed them both over her shoulders where they splashed in to the pool. Chloe held her hand out and looked at the large diamond and smiled at Dan.

  ‘Now you get your reward.’

  ‘Reward?’ Dan asked, ‘Your saying yes is reward enough.’

  ‘Really?’ Chloe said. She walked naked over to the wall of glass and placed her hands flat against the window. She spread her legs and wiggled her ass at him; she looked over her shoulder and said, ‘Well?’

  Dan stripped quickly as he walked towards her. He spread her buttocks with his hand and his cock nudged against the wetness between her legs. Chloe pushed back on to him and he slid in to her tightness. Dan reached around and massaged her breasts as he thrust powerfully in to her, within moments he was exploding inside her.

  ‘I don’t believe it, we’re engaged; we’re going to get married.’

  Dan kissed her shoulder, ‘What can I say, it was love at first sight.’

  Fifteen minutes later and Chloe was once more dressed as before, she applied fresh make-up and found herself yet again looking at the engagement ring on her left hand. Despite only having know Dan for a little over ten days she knew that saying yes was the only answer and she knew that she would never live to regret it. Dan made her happy and for the first time she wished that they had met under different circumstances. If she relayed the last ten days to one of her friends she knew they’d never believe. Hell I can hardly believe it myself sometimes Chloe thought.

  Dan smiled as he looked at his watch, ‘Its eight o’clock, are you about done?’

  Chloe stood up, ‘Ready when you are.’

  Dan took her hand and led her from the suite and along the corridor to the lifts.

  ‘Where exactly are we going?’

  ‘Up,’ was all he said in way of explanation.

  The lift doors opened and Dan pressed a button marked 50 and the doors closed. Chloe watched the indicator above the doors ascend upwards one floor and the doors opened on a private rooftop garden.

  Chloe stepped out on to the rooftop and looked around. The entire roof was ornately decorated with footpaths that led around a central heated gazebo, strange exotic ferns were everywhere on the rooftop and she could hear the distinct sound of running water.

  ‘Follow me.’ Dan said and led Chloe on a brief tour of this hidden paradise high above the metropolis.

  Tall palms and ferns were planted in raised beds of compost and exotic orchids and lilies were interspersed adding vibrant colours to the greenery. Lights strung among the taller trees illuminated their way and behind the gazebo was a man made waterfall and pool; Japanese coy carp swam in the pool’s shimmering waters. The rooftop was quiet and Chloe held her breath in awe.

  Chloe turned to Dan. ‘This is truly unbelievable; I can’t believe this is up here, it’s like paradise.’

  ‘There are a few of them scattered around the city, hidden from the people below.’

  ‘It’s too much to take in.’

  There was a strong breeze and Chloe was chilled in the thin dress she wore, the flesh on show was puckered with goose-bumps and Dan grinned at her hard nipples pushing through the dress.

  ‘Shall we eat?’

  ‘Please, it’s beautiful but I’m also freezing.’

  ‘I can see,’ Dan said and touched her nipples through her dress. Chloe pushed in to him and he put his arms around her and gripped her ass through the satin material.

  ‘You forgot to put your knickers back on,’ he said as he slid his hands beneath her dress and gripped her ice cold buttocks.

  ‘Oops, how forgetful of me,’ Chloe replied smiling.

  Dan let go of her and escorted Chloe in to the heated gazebo where a small circular fully laid out table waited for them. Several silver platters and lidded plates hid the feast waiting for them. In the centre of the table were two bottles of red wine already de-corked.

  Dan showed Chloe to her seat and sat opposite her. He poured them both a glass of wine and raised his glass in toast. ‘To my future wife.’

  Chloe smiled, ‘My husband to be.’

  Dan lifted the various covers to the platters and plates. ‘Dig in.’

starving; this is something I will never forget Dan, it’s all so perfect.’

  They ate in comfortable silence, the sound of clinking silverware all there was to be heard. Dan finished first and watched Chloe as she ate, he didn’t say anything and when she finished and pushed her plate away she saw the look in his eye.

  ‘What?’ She asked with some trepidation.

  ‘I don’t want to spoil tonight, I’m sorry.’

  Chloe sipped her wine and cocked her head to one side, a gesture that Dan had grown accustomed to. ‘You couldn’t spoil tonight; nothing could, if you need to talk, talk, now is as good a time as any.’

  Dan poured more wine and then, reaching a decision nodded his head.

  ‘Terry and I grew up in a very poor house, our mum was not a good mum, and I’m not anywhere near ready to talk about her yet but there are others things I should tell you, I don’t want you seeing me do something and wonder who the hell you’re with.’ His mouth had suddenly gone dry and he took a deep gulp of wine, Chloe sensing that to interrupt would close him up, kept quiet and waited for him to continue.

  Dan’s eyes drifted down her plunging neck line, his concentration seemed to be on the curves of her breasts but it was obvious to Chloe that he was looking elsewhere, looking back in to the past.

  ‘We went to school together, Terry being older was a couple years ahead of me and although he should have been off doing other things, with older boys, we spent every break and lunchtime together in the grotty playground. We would get in to fights; I can remember so many times when we were back to back fighting whoever. After a while word got round that we were not to be fucked with. I was only eleven but I was a mean bastard even back then, the troubles at home I couldn’t do anything about, not then, so I took all that anger out on whoever was stupid enough to pick a fight with us. I was putting fifteen and sixteen year olds in to the hospital on a regular basis. Terry could fight, but I was the crazy one, even after I’d taken a beating I’d still get up, no one ever walked away from me, I wouldn’t stop until the job was done.’

  ‘After school there weren’t a lot of prospects for either of us and by then I’d already killed a man and Terry had been selling weed since he was ten so it seemed natural to take the wrong path. Within no time at all we were selling drugs, guns and anything else that we could make money out of. I often think about the families that we must have destroyed through the drugs we sold, which kids had to go without so their mum could get a fix, but back then I didn’t give a shit.’


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