Rage Against The Machine: Special Edition (Dan & Chloe Book 1)

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Rage Against The Machine: Special Edition (Dan & Chloe Book 1) Page 30

by Flamank, Nathan L.

  ‘Fuck you! Dan croaked.

  He’d have spat at the bastard but he didn’t have the strength. He’d taken a few beatings in the past but this was by far the worst. The Jap bastard certainly knows how to beat on someone, Dan mused. Several teeth were loose and he thought that one of his cheek bones was fractured.

  ‘Fuck you!’ Dan repeated.

  Nakatomi back-handed Dan across the face, the force toppled the chair and he crashed to the floor. His right shoulder dislocated from the pressure put on it as he toppled over and Dan screamed.

  ‘No! Fuck you Mister Adams. Haven’t you learnt; there are no heroes anymore!’

  ‘Is that right mother-fucker!’ Chloe screamed from the doorway.

  Nakatomi spun around and Chloe fired the shotgun.

  Nakatomi roared in agony as his right arm disappeared below the elbow. He dropped the pistol and grabbed at the stump of his elbow and staggered back against the wall and crumpled to his knees.

  Chloe stepped across to Nakatomi’s prone body; she was a naked bloodied Amazon.

  ‘How do we get to McCreedy?’ She screamed at him.

  Nakatomi looked up at her, fear in his eyes. ‘How the fuck should I know?’

  ‘Then what use are you?’ Chloe said and pulled the trigger. At such close range Nakatomi’s head was pulverised from his shoulders; blood, bone and brain splattered across the wall.

  Chloe dropped the empty shotgun and picked up the beretta that Nakatomi had been holding only seconds ago; it was covered in Dan’s blood. She crouched in front of Dan’s face and wept at the sight of his broken face.

  Dan managed a smile and said, ‘Now that’s what I call a view.’ His eye-line was level with her exposed groin.

  ‘Jesus baby, look at you?’

  ‘Yeah but you should see the other guy.’ Dan laughed and started to cough. ‘That hurts.’

  ‘Can you walk?’

  ‘Once I’m up,’ Dan managed. Chloe untied the rope from the chair and together they were able to get Dan to his feet.

  ‘Did Jinsui?’

  Chloe shook her head, she smiled, ‘I’ve told you before; only you.’

  Dan nodded, ‘I’d kiss you if it wouldn’t hurt so much.’

  ‘We have to get out of here.’

  Dan staggered across to the desk and picked up the machine pistol in his good hand.

  ‘My right shoulder’s fucked, ha; tell the truth I’m fucked.’

  ‘We’ll get you fixed up baby.’

  ‘How did you...?’

  ‘Later, when we’re safe.’

  They moved to the doorway and Dan pointed his weapon at the closed doors to the lift.

  ‘Anyone comes through there let rip,’ Chloe said and she ran back to the other room. Chloe pulled her jeans on; it was a task as her legs with sticky with Jinsui’s blood. She finally managed to pull the denim up over her ass and slipped the vest on. She knew that on the street all the blood would be a dead giveaway but there was fuck all she could do about that. They needed to get to Makati as quick as possible. Chloe didn’t bother with her trainers and moved quickly back down the hall to Dan.

  ‘Ready?’ Chloe asked.

  Dan nodded his head and Chloe put his arm around her shoulders, he held the machine-pistol in that hand and he kept it aimed at the lift. Chloe hit the call button and raised her pistol.

  The lift was empty and they piled in, Chloe hit the ground floor button and Dan leant against one tiled wall, his weapon aimed at the doors. The lift started its journey and Dan said, ‘I thought you were dead baby.’

  Chloe looked across at him. His face covered in blood, his eye swollen shut, his mouth a mess and she realised that she’d never seen anyone so beautiful in her life. Relief flooded through her and she hugged him close. She kissed his neck and said, ‘I love you baby, I love you so much.’

  ‘Same here.’

  Chloe stood back and watched the numbers above the door.

  ‘You were great up there.’

  Chloe nodded, ‘I thought I’d lost you, right up until I saw you on the floor I’d thought I’d lost you.’

  ‘That fucking Hantaki!’

  Chloe nodded. ‘We’ll deal with him later.’

  Dan rubbed at his good eye and winced in pain, his vision was getting worse.

  ‘Think I’ve got a concussion.’

  Chloe bit her lip with worry. ‘Just hang in there a little longer.’ Chloe had her back to the doors, her face a rictus of concern for Dan.

  The lift door opened and Dan opened fire with the machine-pistol. The noise was deafening in the confines of the lift. Rapid fire tore the lone guard to pieces. Chloe looked at Dan, ‘Baby, you just saved my life.’ Her ears were hurting from the barrage of gunfire in such an enclosed space and they had to shout at each other to be heard over the ringing in the ears that they were both suffering.

  Dan dropped the empty weapon and peered out in to the foyer; it was vacant. Dan crouched by the dead gunman and grabbed the man’s assault rifle.

  Chloe moved with him quickly to the main doors. The street beyond seemed deserted and Chloe put Dan’s arm once more around her shoulders; again he held the assault rifle up with that hand. Chloe had the beretta in her free hand; it was cocked and ready to fire.



  They burst from the hotel; they both swept the street and in a loping run ran for the parked car. Dan managed to keep from falling over.

  ‘Where is everyone?’

  ‘Who cares,’ Chloe replied as they reached the car. Dan staggered against the passenger door and Chloe ran around to the driver’s side. She opened the door and Makati’s body fell out on to the tarmac. His throat was slit from ear to ear.

  ‘Forget about him,’ Dan shouted and Chloe stepped over Makati’s lifeless form and got behind the wheel. Dan crashed in to the passenger seat and slammed the door. ‘Go.’

  Chloe turned the ignition key and they shot off from the kerb. Dan held the rifle between his legs and reached in to the back seat, he grabbed their bag and quickly found his mobile.

  ‘Who are you calling?’ Chloe asked as she turned a corner a little too fast. She narrowly avoided a taxi and the driver sounded its horn. Chloe floored the accelerator and turned another corner.

  ‘Pull over, ‘Dan said.


  ‘Pull over; we don’t know where we’re going.’

  Dan punched in Katsumoto’s number and Chloe turned in to an alley and stopped the car.

  ‘Katsumoto, it’s all gone to shit, we need help.’

  ‘What has happened?’ Katsumoto asked down the phone.

  ‘Your brother; Hantaki, that’s what happened, he sold us out.’

  ‘Where is Makati?’

  ‘Dead, I’m sorry, but we’re in a hurry here.’

  ‘Where are you?’ Katsumoto sounded both angry and defeated.

  ‘I have no idea,’ Dan managed before he passed out.

  Dan opened his eyes and immediately shut them again; it hurt too much.


  ‘I’m here baby.’

  ‘Where’s here?’



  ‘Tracking device on the Mercedes, he came and got us.’

  ‘How long have I been out for?’

  ‘Three days.’


  ‘The doc said you would be, here, drink this; slowly.’

  A straw was pressed against his parched lips and he sipped slow and steady.

  ‘I feel like shit.’

  ‘You’re looking a lot better; doc said there’d be no permanent damage.’

  Dan opened his eyes, he couldn’t see much; the room was dark. He blinked a couple of times. His left eye hurt like a bitch but at least he could open it.


  ‘Right here,’ Chloe’s voice, soft and concerned came from the dark.

  ‘Did I fall asleep again?’


  ‘How long?’

  ‘That time, a day, how are you feeling?’

  Her hand stroked his brow and he could smell the sweetness of her perfume.

  ‘Like I’ve gone ten rounds with Rocky. I’m thirsty.’

  Chloe pushed a straw in to his mouth and he sipped the cool water.

  ‘Katsumoto paid for everything, doctors and a dentist. There shouldn’t be any major scarring and they saw to your eye and shoulder; it had been popped from its socket.’ Chloe laughed. ‘He also said you had the hardest head he’d ever seen. Nakatomi should have killed you.’

  ‘I’m a tough hombre.’

  ‘Can you remember everything?’

  Dan nodded and immediately regretted it; his head began to pound.

  ‘Take these,’ Chloe said and slipped two pain killers in to his mouth. He washed them down with a mouthful of water.

  ‘I remember it all, no amnesia here.’

  Chloe laughed and then she was all over him. The glass fell to the floor and she was hugging him tight. He could feel her tears on his face as she kissed his nose and then smothered his face in what felt to Dan like a thousand kisses. She was crushing him but he didn’t mind. He managed to slip his left arm around her and stroked her back through her shirt.

  ‘Careful honey.’

  Chloe nodded against his cheek. She sat back and Dan breathed in as the pressure was lifted from him.

  ‘My shoulder feels pretty good.’

  ‘Katsumoto said the doctor was the best that money could buy, he paid for everything. He blames himself for his brother’s betrayal. There has been a lot of traffic through the house over the last few days.’

  ‘What have you been doing whilst I’ve been out of it?’

  ‘Nothing, I’ve not left this room other than to shower or pee since we got here.’

  Dan managed a soft chuckle.

  ‘Must have been boring for you.’

  Chloe stroked his bare chest, her delicate fingers felt good on his skin.

  ‘I just wanted to make sure you were okay.’

  ‘Have you called Terry?’

  ‘No, I haven’t spoken to anyone other than Katsumoto and the doctors, oh and Atsuki, she popped by this morning to see how you were doing.’

  ‘What about Hantaki?’

  The mention of Katsumoto’s treacherous brother made Chloe snort with derision.

  ‘Katsumoto has him captive; he’s waiting for you to feel up to getting up.’

  ‘Maybe in the morning.’

  Dan moved his hands across the sheets, he realised that he was in a double-bed.

  ‘Is this the same room we had before?’


  ‘Where have you been sleeping?’

  ‘In the chair by the window, I didn’t want to hurt you.’

  Dan coughed and a needle of pain shot through his head.

  ‘Ouch, that hurt.’

  Chloe placed her left palm against his cheek and smoothed the skin beneath his eye.

  ‘Sleep with me tonight honey; I could use the company, in the morning I’ll speak with Katsumoto.’

  ‘You’re sure?’

  ‘Yeah, but do me a favour?’

  ‘Anything baby.’

  ‘Help me to the toilet; I’m desperate for a pee.’

  Chloe and Dan both laughed, after everything that happened over the last few days it felt good.

  Dan opened his eyes, blinked a couple of times and felt no sudden pain, just a dull ache at the back of his head. He looked around the room; sunlight spilled through the partially opened velvet curtains. Chloe was bent over her suitcase; naked, he could see everything. He looked down the bed and saw the bulge pushing against the sheets. He smiled.

  ‘At least something’s still working,’ he said.

  Chloe stood up and turned around. She was beautiful in the sun’s early morning rays. Her breasts had never looked so appealing. ‘What did you say?’ Chloe asked.


  ‘How are you felling today?’ Chloe asked as she walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge of the bed. Her left hand stroked his thigh through the silk sheets; she’d seen his hard-on pressing through the sheets.

  ‘A lot better, my head hurts but nothing like it did. My shoulder feels remarkably improved.’

  ‘Did you sleep okay?’

  Dan nodded and reached for the glass of water on the small table beside the bed.

  Chloe smiled at him. ‘You were talking in your sleep just now.’

  ‘I was? What did I say?’

  ‘”Suck it Atsuki, suck it,” I think was what you said.’

  ‘I what!’ Dan cried and then he saw the grin on Chloe’s face and he threw a pillow at her.


  Chloe laughed as she swatted the pillow aside. She pulled the sheet down over his hips and lowered her face to his waiting cock. She opened her mouth and enveloped his hardness in her mouth.

  Dan closed his eyes and moaned with pleasure as Chloe sucked.

  Dan gripped the sheets and said, ‘I’m going to come!’

  ‘Uh-huh,’ she managed around his shaft and then he was exploding in to her mouth. Chloe worked his cock with her hand and swallowed his semen. There was a lot of it and when he finally finished she licked her lips and said, ‘That was quite a load.’

  Dan laughed. ‘Five days without, what’d you expect?’

  Dan stepped from the shower and Chloe helped to dry his body. His left shoulder was strapped up tight. He looked in the mirror and saw that the swelling to his left eye had all but receded, the bruising was still there; a violent purple in shade. His lower lip had been sutured and the swelling was not as bad as he feared. He grinned; the dentist’s work was good, his teeth looked better than before but he still felt like he’d gone ten rounds with Rocky Balboa.

  Chloe helped him in to the bedroom and then took a shower herself.

  Dan took two painkillers and washed them down with fresh orange juice. A maid had brought it to the room twenty minutes ago along with some scrambled eggs and toast. She’d also informed them that Katsumoto was in the study whenever they were ready.

  Dan managed to eat most of the eggs and a piece of toast and Chloe helped herself to the last of it when she walked back in from her shower. She was naked, a towel wrapped around her, secured above her breasts.

  Dan pulled her towards him on the bed with his good arm and she laughed. He tugged the towel from her and tugged her down on to the bed. Her breasts swayed about as she flopped back on to the bed.

  Dan rolled her on to her belly and pushed her legs apart and knelt on the floor between her spread legs; her ass was near the edge. Chloe turned her face to him and smiled.

  ‘We don’t have time honey, Katsumoto is waiting for us.’

  ‘He can wait,’ Dan replied and lowered his face between her legs.

  ‘Fuck, he can wait all morning,’ she sighed as his mouth found her wet slit.

  Chloe was lying back on the bed, flat on her back as she struggled to pull the tight, short denim skirt over her hips. She kicked her legs in the air and finally managed to slip it over her rump. She buttoned the front clasp and sat up.

  Dan smiled as he waited for Chloe to stand up and help him with his shirt. His shoulder still caused some discomfort but he figured he’d be fine in a day or two.

  Barefoot and topless Chloe looked up at Dan as she fastened his shirt.

  ‘Back in that lift when you shot that guy?’

  ‘Uh-huh, what about it?’

  ‘I’ve never seen reflexes like that.’

  ‘It’s all coming back to me baby.’

  Chloe smoothed his shirt down and said, ‘Let it loose, that’s what I say.’

  Dan smiled thinly. ‘And if I can’t put it away again once this is all over?’

  Chloe picked up a gold coloured mohair sweater from the case on the bed and as she slipped it on over her naked breasts said, ‘I’ll love you just the same.’
/>   Chloe adjusted the sweater, its deep v-cut front showed a lot of flesh; the slopes of her breasts.

  ‘No underwear?’ Dan asked smiling.

  ‘Can’t be arsed, I’m going commando.’

  ‘I never understood where that phrase came from; “going commando”.’

  ‘It would be a funny battlefield if the soldiers were all naked.’

  She sat on the bed and slipped on a pair of low tan heels. Her open legs left little to the imagination.

  ‘Just make sure not to flash Katsumoto.’

  Chloe tied her hair back and applied a coat of lipstick to her large lips and kissed Dan on the cheek.

  ‘Ready for this?’

  ‘Yes, we need to find out what Hantaki knows.’

  ‘If he knows anything worth telling.’

  Dan followed Chloe out of the bedroom. He felt much better and he was comfortable in the jeans and shirt that Chloe had helped dress him in. The Nikes were soft on his feet. He’d take a couple of the strong painkillers a little while ago and for now the aches and pains were subdued.

  They headed downstairs and passed a lone Japanese guard in the hallway. The man nodded but kept his face neutral; word had got around about what had happened to the two men who had spoken about Chloe.

  They found Katsumoto in his study; Atsuki was with her grandfather, and Dan could see that the man had aged years in the last few days.

  Katsumoto was wearing a black button down suit. He got to his feet and smiled a sad smile at Dan and Chloe.

  ‘Dan, you look so much better than when I brought you here.’

  ‘Thank you for all you have done.’

  Katsumoto smiled and said, ‘I have a lot to atone for. Please won’t you both sit?’ The older man gestured at a leather sofa. ‘Can I get you both refreshments?’

  ‘We’re fine.’

  Dan and Chloe sat on the sofa. Chloe kept her thighs together for which Dan was grateful. Atsuki, dressed in another one of her severe looking business suits sat in a chair near the window.

  ‘I am glad that you are both okay,’ she said.

  Dan and Chloe thanked her.

  Katsumoto sat behind an impressive looking desk and said, ‘I have spent every waking moment thinking of what has happened. The death of Makati has deeply saddened me.’


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