Soon enough he was on the internet and he checked his emails. There was one from Terry asking him to report in with any news. Dan sent back a quick reply and read through his other emails. A couple were business related and again he sent quick replies. He closed his email account down and accessed Google. He checked for news items relating to McCall’s death and found several links, but as he read them he could see that the authorities had nothing really to go and he smiled with relief. They were still safe and from what he could tell were not wanted for questioning in relation to the shooting in Perfection.
Dan checked other news sites for details relating to Nakatomi and Williams, but once again the killings hadn’t been linked to Dan or to each other. He found himself grinning when he checked on the “BigGame” site and found that it was no longer in operation. Dan logged on to several other news websites and found that there had been a few suicides among certain financial institutes, and corporations and he wondered if this was related to the Brotherhood or whether it was just coincidence.
He finished off a blueberry muffin and logged off from the internet and then shut the laptop down. The bathroom door opened and Chloe stepped out and Dan smiled at her.
‘Back to your old self I see?’
Chloe smiled at him and helped herself to a muffin.
‘Almost, we still shouldn’t fuck just yet, but it feels so good to be able to wear nice things again.’
‘You look stunning Chloe,’ Dan said as he watched her eat her muffin. ‘You’re giving me a hard-on and you’re saying we have to wait, I think I preferred it when you were angry and wearing jeans.’
Chloe crouched in front of him so that he could see down the front of the tight pink sweater she was wearing. She wasn’t wearing a bra and he could see her breasts sloping down and the hardness of her nipples.
Dan sipped his cappuccino. ‘Now you’re just teasing me; that’s just cruel.’
‘At least I’m wearing jeans, imagine the frustration if I was wearing stockings and a skirt.’ Chloe was smiling and teasing him and they both knew it.
‘You wait ‘til next month; the minute your cycle starts I’m going to walk around naked with my hard cock in my hand.’
Chloe laughed. ‘You probably will too, you bastard!’
Dan kissed the top of her head and he could smell her shampoo and the slight delicate perfume she wore. ‘All joking aside, I’m glad you’re feeling better.’
Chloe stood up and picked up her cappuccino and took a sip.
‘Why don’t you take a shower and then we could always go for a walk, we haven’t been outside in the fresh air for days.’
‘Yes, that would be nice, I don’t want for us to be seen around town, but we can drive out and find somewhere to take a walk.’
‘Sounds good,’ Chloe said and shooed him in to the bathroom and sat on the bed to eat her muffin and drink her coffee. She was also waiting for Dan to be nice and clean, she had a nice surprise in mind for him later.
They drove up in to the wooded hills to the south of the town and soon came to a parking area that had several nature trails to explore. They got out of the Ford and Dan adjusted his sweater so that the Browning was hidden at the base of his back where it was nestled inside his jeans. Chloe had the six-shot revolver and she’d tucked it into the waistband of her jeans in the front of her. The metal was cold against her flesh but Dan had said a little coldness would be the least of her worries if they got in to a gunfight and she wasn’t packing.
The day was warm enough that they didn’t need jackets and Chloe slipped on a pair of sunglasses and handed Dan his. Dan took her hand in his and they started along one trail that took them parallel along Elk Creek.
‘There actually is a creek,’ Chloe said as she looked down the banking towards the slowly moving creek below.
‘There might even be elk,’ Dan said recalling their earlier conversation.
He adjusted the strap of the small back pack that he carried over one shoulder. Inside were some cookies, tissues and the 4 pack of RedBull that he had purchased earlier that morning.
Chloe scratched at her stomach through her pink sweater and pulled the sweater away from her chest and blew cold air down in to the circular gap she had made. Dan laughed. ‘You’re so obvious baby, like I haven’t been looking at you every opportunity I get.’
Chloe let her sweater go and smiled at him and tightened her grip on his hand in hers.
‘I have no idea what you’re talking about.’ She was smiling broadly, enjoying the little game.
‘Your next period; I am so going to make you suffer.’
They continued walking and the sun felt good on their faces and they enjoyed the solitude and the brief moment of normality that the situation offered them.
Twenty minutes later they stopped where the trail opened out on to a small picnic area where a couple of benches had been placed to look out over a wide stretch of the creek. They sat down next to each other and watched birds swoop and glide across the water’s surface. Dan opened the pack and offered Chloe a can of RedBull and took one for himself. They drank in silence, not wanting to spoil the moment.
A little while later Chloe said, ‘It’s beautiful around here, this is lovely country, I could get used to living here.’
‘This is nothing compared to Montana.’
Chloe turned her face to him and smiled. ‘Why Montana, I know we’ve talked about it and its fine with me, if that’s where you want to live then so be it, but why Montana?’
‘It’s beautiful up there, the springs and summers are full of colour and warmth, the winters are cold, and I love the changes of season. It’s one of the remaining states where bison run free. They’re protected by state law. Its history is like nowhere else in the continental United States; tales of the frontier, the Indian wars, all that history right on your doorstep.’ Dan took a gulp of RedBull and then smiled at Chloe. ‘I guess I want to be a cowboy and ever since I was a kid I always wanted to live in Montana.’
Chloe leaned in to him and kissed him, her tongue traced against his and she nibbled his bottom lip playfully. She stroked his thigh through his jeans and said, ‘I better take up riding lessons again then, because honey, once we’re out from under all of this I want to grow old with you.’
‘Won’t you get lonely in the middle of nowhere? With just nature for a companion,’ Dan said, he was smiling and making light of it but Chloe detected a serious undertone to the question. She had thought about it before when he had first mentioned his desire to live where the madness was left behind.
‘Honey, we’ll still be in touch with the world, haven’t you heard of the worldwide web?’ She kissed him again. ‘I just want to be with you, and besides from what I’ve learnt so far, you’re loaded so we can always take city breaks and invite people to stay, you make it sound like we’ll be living on the moon.’
Dan laughed. ‘During the winters it’ll probably feel like that, roads will be impassable; we will be cut off from the world.’
Chloe smiled sincerely. ‘Perfect, that’ll give us plenty of opportunities to do what we like without having to worry about being intruded on.’
‘I just don’t want you regretting it once we’re up there.’
Chloe kissed him again. ‘Honey, I don’t think I’ll ever regret anything we do together.’
Dan pulled back from her kiss, he was getting too excited and Chloe grinned. ‘Sorry.’
Dan looked out at the creek and pointed at the far shore and said, ‘Chloe, look.’
Chloe looked and saw three deer at the water’s edge, their heads bent to the water.
‘Are they elk?’ she asked in a whisper.
‘I don’t know, maybe, probably, I really don’t know.’
‘Then the first thing we’ll buy for our new home will be a book on the wildlife of Montana.’ Chloe finished her can and Dan offered her another one. She took it and popped the tab and took a swig.
‘They’re beautiful whatever they ar
Dan agreed and opened a second can for himself.
‘We’ll have to stock up on this stuff if the winters are as bad as you say they’re going to be,’ Chloe said.
‘Yeah, and we’d better find a dentist too, this stuff is like acid.’
Chloe laughed but conceded his point.
‘There’ll be so much to plan and organise if we’re really going to do it.’
Dan nodded his head. ‘I haven’t really thought that far ahead.’
‘Well we’ll have to once this shit with the Brotherhood is done with.’
‘And we will.’
They watched the deer at the water’s edge move out in to the creek and begin to trot up stream; they watched the majestic animals until they rounded a bend and were lost amongst the dense covering of trees.
‘We should head back, I’m hungry,’ Dan said.
‘In a while, but first...’ Chloe said with a grin and slipped off the bench and crouched in front of Dan. She looked up at him as she took off her sunglasses and placed them on the bench next to Dan.
‘What’re you up to Chloe?’ Dan asked with a smirk.
Chloe quickly pulled her pink sweater off and said, ‘I told you we couldn’t fuck until tomorrow, I never said anything about blow-jobs.’
Dan laughed and scanned the surrounding area; he could see the trail leading in to the clearing for about half a mile, they wouldn’t be caught. He looked back down at Chloe’s upturned face.
‘And you need to be topless for that?’ He asked playfully.
Chloe shook her head. ‘No, but I want you to shoot your load all over my tits.’
‘I love it when you talk dirty,’ Dan replied grinning.
‘Duly noted,’ she replied and reached for his zip.
McCreedy looked at the man sat across the desk from him. McCreedy didn’t know the man’s name; he only had a phone number for him. The man was the best contractor in the business and McCreedy wanted the man’s skills. Looking across the desk at the deadly killer McCreedy hadn’t been prepared for how normal the man looked. Average height, slim build, short blonde hair, dressed in a casual suit and a slight smile on his rather boyishly handsome face.
‘Thank you for coming so soon.’
‘You’re welcome,’ the man replied in an accent that McCreedy didn’t recognise.
‘The two people that I need you to take care of are causing me considerable problems; I’ll have their photographs and detailed biographies for you by the end of the day.’
The man shook his head. ‘That won’t be needed.’
‘Sorry?’ McCreedy asked.
The man reached inside his sports coat and withdrew a large automatic pistol. The man pointed the gun at McCreedy and smiled as he said, ‘I wouldn’t move if I was you.’
The assassin slipped his right hand in to another pocket and removed a silencer which he quickly screwed to the end of the pistol, all the while he smiled at McCreedy.
‘You see, someone else acquired my services before you. If you hadn’t called me then we would have met sooner or later, all you did was save me having to get close to you.’
McCreedy sighed and closed his eyes. ‘Who put the contract on me?’
‘I’m sorry, but client details always remain confidential, let’s just say that someone saw an opportunity.’
McCreedy nodded his head. There were so many potential names, it could have been any of the Brotherhood; maybe they saw his power slipping and saw an opportunity to sit on the throne.
‘I guess we all have it coming.’
The pistol sputtered, the noise of the shot like a hardback book being slammed shut. McCreedy’s body convulsed back in to his seat, a hole direct over his heart, momentum causing the chair to topple backwards. The assassin stepped around the desk and shot McCreedy between the eyes.
‘Yes, we do,’ the assassin said. The man removed the silencer, slipped the hot cylinder of metal in to one pocket and put the pistol back in to his shoulder rig. He picked up the two spent shell casings and exited the office.
On his way out of the building he smiled and spoke to a few office workers as he passed their desks.
Out on the street he walked quickly to his car and got in and started the engine. He put on his seatbelt and turned to his seven year old daughter sat in the passenger seat.
‘Sorry honey, it took a little longer than I had anticipated.’
His daughter grinned at him. ‘That’s okay daddy, are we still going to the movies.’
‘Once you’ve put your seatbelt on, it’s dangerous out there and it’s always best to be safe and secure.’
His daughter attached her belt. ‘Can I get popcorn?’
The man pulled out in to slow moving traffic and ruffled his daughter’s blonde hair.
‘Daddy!’ She said laughing, ‘I’m not a baby.’
The assassin laughed with her. Parenthood was the best thing and he was a lucky man, he had two daughters and a beautiful loving wife. His other daughter was off at ballet practice with his wife. They’d all catch up this evening over a pizza. Family was everything to him.
Chloe was grinning as Dan handed her the opened packet of tissues. She took one and wiped at her face. ‘I’m going to need a few more than this,’ she said. ‘That was a lot of jizz.’
‘Jesus,’ Dan replied and struggled to control his laughter as Chloe pulled more tissues from the packet and wiped at her cheeks.
‘It’s fucking everywhere,’ Dan said and used a tissue to wipe at her chin. They were laughing and if Dan hadn’t caught movement in his peripheral vision they’d have been caught in a very embarrassing situation by a family of hikers moving up the trail.
‘Shit, we’re going to have company in about two minutes.’
Chloe almost fell backwards on to her ass as she fought to control the giggles that had attacked her.
‘Help me up baby,’ Chloe said and lifted her right arm up in to the air. Dan pulled her to her feet and she tugged on the sweater. ‘Yuck, your stuff is all over my tits still.’
‘Stop it,’ Dan said laughing with her. ‘Here,’ he said and with a handful of clean tissues he wiped her face and throat clean. He balled the sticky mass of tissues and wrapped them in the empty tissue packet. Chloe ran her fingers across her face and chin and her fingertips found a glob of semen near her left ear. She swiped it off her face and put her fingers in to her mouth and sucked his semen from her fingers.
‘Any more?’ she asked as she managed to get her giggles under control.
Dan studied her face. ‘All clear.’
They sat back down just as the family arrived in the clearing. The family sat at the other picnic table and everyone said hello and passed a few pleasantries.
Chloe finished her second can of soda and whispered to Dan. ‘I can feel jizz running between my breasts.’
‘Hey, it’s your fault,’ she chuckled.
‘You instigated it.’
‘True, but we should head back, I need to clean up.’
Dan handed her his can of RedBull and Chloe took it from him. Dan put the empty cans back in to the rucksack and slipped it over his shoulder. Chloe crouched by him, so that Dan’s body was between her and the family and she slipped the pistol off the bench and lifted her sweater and tucked the weapon back in to her jeans. She could see the slickness of his semen on her flat stomach and she wiped at the mess with her hands smearing it across her skin.
Chloe adjusted her sweater to hide the gun and then wiped at her breasts through the sweater. The mess beneath spread across her skin and she started to giggle again. ‘Shit, that’s made it worse.’
Dan helped her to her feet.
‘Come on, let’s get out of here.’
Back at the motel Chloe took a quick shower and then Dan took one, the bathroom was by now a steam room and he was frustrated that he couldn’t see her naked flesh through all the steam as she passed him headin
g back in to the bedroom to get changed.
Dan scrubbed at his body and washed his hair, the hot water was good on his aches and strains. Back in the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and another in his hand as he dried his hair Chloe was facing away from him and pulling up a pair of tight hipster-style jeans over her rump. He caught a quick glimpse of silky knickers and bare buttocks and then she was fastening them.
‘Damn,’ Dan said. ‘Roll on tomorrow.’
Chloe turned to him as she slipped on a black balconette bra and fastened the front opening clasp.
Chloe smiled at him. ‘Patience is a virtue.’
‘Yeah; and it’s a pain in the ass too.’
Chloe pulled on a silver metallic vest top and Dan said, ‘Christ, you want to go to the diner looking like that?’
‘What? Everything’s covered.’
‘Barely, that bra leaves very little to the imagination.’
Chloe grinned. ‘As much as that?’ She applied make-up to the exposed part of her chest, doing a good job of covering the vivid bruising.
Dan got dressed quickly in jeans and a thin sweater. Chloe smiled at him. ‘You look handsome baby.’
‘Thanks,’ Dan replied as he pulled on his socks and shoes.
Chloe found a pair of black high heels and slipped her bare feet in to them and stood up straight. The jeans covered most of her shoes, but she wanted the height. Chloe applied a little foundation and a cherry red lipstick and fluttered her eyes at Dan.
‘Come on if we’re going, I’m starving.’
‘One sec,’ Chloe said and quickly applied mascara to her eyelashes. ‘Now I’m ready, let’s go.’
They walked down to the diner and said hello to others they passed on the street but both of them were alert to any danger. Chloe still had the revolver and Dan carried the browning, both hidden beneath their tops.
Entering the diner they saw that the place was busy, a lot of the booths were filled and the counter bar didn’t have a spare seat. They managed to find an empty table at the back of the diner near a window that offered views of a large back-lot filled with potted plants and flowers.
Rage Against The Machine: Special Edition (Dan & Chloe Book 1) Page 43