Winds Of The Apocalypse

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Winds Of The Apocalypse Page 24

by Novak, Karina

  “Where is Morgan?” Casey looked around the almost empty room.

  "There is nothing here but this thing!" Casey growled as she pointed at the ugly throne, disappointment evident in her features.

  “You led us here for nothing.” Colin blamed, rubbing his throat.

  ”Patience.” Lisa shimmed calmly and then she stepped up to the green slime covered throne. “Now…”

  She drew a deep breath and closed her human eyes, emerging into the form of the apocalypse.

  She lowered her feelers to the throne and pressed on a few of the seemingly moving insects that covered it in random locations until another shriek came, different, more powerful than what the regular apocalypse could ever produce.

  It nearly knocked Casey and Colin out, it was so terrifying.

  ”Agh…”Colin growled, holding his head. “Why did you do that?”

  Lisa didn't answer, she turned away from the throne and a second later a golden cage containing Morgan's unconscious soul appeared on the floor in front of them, his body appeared soon after lying motionless on the ground beside it.

  "She killed him!?!" Casey couldn't contain her scream, she ran to the cage, falling to her knees and reaching her hands inside to caries her brother’s face.

  "Oh god!" Casey cried. "She killed him! Look! He is not on life support anymore!

  She killed him!"

  "No she didn't.” Lisa resumed her human form so she will be able to speak to them normally.

  “Quite the opposite actually." She told them, coming closer to the golden cage and pulling the unlocked cage door open. "As you can see he is quite well.” She pointed at the body that lay beside them. “The body is in a good state, breathing, she partially healed him Casey so he doesn’t need the machines anymore."

  Casey breathed in and Colin quirked his eyebrows.

  "Why would she do that?" Colin asked, picking Morgan's body up and adjusting his light weighted friend in his arms.

  “She wanted a pretty trophy.” Lisa snarled. “Always the one for the appearance, like any queen she thinks should be and that will be her downfall.” Her voice was filled with venom. Casey gulped.

  “Colin…Is he really ok?” Colin looked down at his friend, lacing his fingers carefully around Morgan’s neck to check his pulse.

  "She’s right.” He confirmed. “He’s alive." Colin smiled to Casey who smiled back at him with a sigh of relieve.

  "She put him in the same state as Jon is to stop him from fulfilling The Prophesy."

  Lisa shook her head. “She will never learn.” She smiled as Casey reached into the cage and carefully pulled Morgan’s soul out, laying him on her knees as Morgan whimpered slightly.

  "Morgan?" Casey whispered, gathering the boy in her arms and standing up with him, taken aback by his feather like lightness.

  "Morgan?” Casey whispered more clearly, afraid to raise her voice so she wouldn't startle him.

  "He can't hear you." Lisa looked at the door to the chamber, her voice vacant of all human emotion. "He is too weak.” Casey looked down at Morgan.

  "We have to get him out of here." She said to Colin who nodded wordlessly, carrying Morgan's unconscious body to the door.

  "How are we going to get out with the guard there?"

  He asked, turning his head to Lisa who smiled.

  "Leave that to me." She said, closing her eyes again. Her body began to shift, she started growing smaller, and Casey was beginning to wander how she is not tired from all that form changing she was doing for them.

  Casey blinked surprised, it shocked her that she had cared about an apocalypse the way she did. She took a short breath, and it must have been Lisa's human side that awoke her sympathy, no more.

  Casey looked at Lisa who was still changing and a moment later another Colin stood before them as the Colin that held Morgan’s body gasped in surprise.

  “Oh shit…”

  "I'll distract the guards." The other Colin said lightly, he sounded just like the original Colin, it was just creepy. Too many people that looked alike in the same room.

  “I feel like I’m in a fucking twin convention.” Colin muttered but the other Colin ignored him.

  “Wait until they come after me then run up, just go right all the time, never stir from that path, it will lead you back out. If they don't catch me I will meet you in your bedroom.”

  Casey opened her mouth to thank her but instead she bit her lip.

  Ultimately the two teens nodded and then Lisa, in Colin’s form had opened the door and ran out, leading the shrieking guards away from Utopias chamber, allowing the teens to head back to their room.

  “I don’t think that she is going to make it…” Colin mumbled as they ran down the dark corridor. Casey didn't answer, she held onto Morgan’s soul tighter, afraid that it would at some point slip through her fingers. She hoped that Lisa will make it; they needed her to bring their friends back to life.

  Chapter sixteen: Off to find the crystal we go

  They only had to hide ones in the halo beneath the large lobby stairway to avoid a random student that came downstairs from spotting them carrying Morgan's body but other than that, luckily, there were no more intrusions on their path to safety. In fact the whole thing, surprisingly enough went quiet smoothly and pretty soon all four of them, technically, were back in Casey's and Morgan's room with Colin using his foot to knock on the door.

  “Oh! Casey!” Jon hugged her tightly as he was the one to open the door.

  Casey suspected that her brother hadn’t moved from his spot the whole time that they had been absent. It filled Casey with happiness, if not a little self-pride.

  “Oh, careful…” Casey whispered as Jon moved back to allow Casey and Colin to carry Morgan’s two parts in.

  Colin laid Morgan's body on his bed and Casey laid his soul right next to it, gently stroking his dreads away from his face.

  “Is Lisa…?” Casey heard Toby ask Colin.

  “We are not sure.” The latter stuttered. “I think that she had sacrificed herself for us…It wasn't a trap…She was really human…”

  Their quiet words soon became nothing but inaudible mumble to Casey as she sat down by her brother.

  Morgan looked so fragile it utterly hurt Casey to see him like that. She wasn't used to Morgan being so helpless and although she will never admit it she liked being the week twin, the one that was taken care of.

  This whole hero persona she had to take on in Morgan’s absence, it wasn't her.

  "He's not…" Toby asked, noticing that the life support system that Morgan was brought back from the hospital with was gone.


  "Long story…" Colin said flatly.

  "He will be fine." Casey said confidant as she turned to May.

  "No thanks to you by the way. I almost lost him because of you’re stupid attempt at getting my brother. Is this the way you wanted him in? All helpless and willing?"

  May gulped, she was genially afraid of Casey. She was about to open her mouth to defend herself again but Casey's glare silenced her from any attempt of trying.

  “You be careful of what you might think to say.” Casey warned her.” you are going to help me bring him back cuss if you don’t…Well Morgan is not awake right now to stop me from murdering you.” She threatened.

  The room went silent, Casey sounded dead serious with her death threat on the blond girl’s life. And no one seemed to even try to argue. Even Colin and Toby who were ones on her side had seemed to turn their back on defending her.

  “Now.” Casey patted Morgan’s hand lightly and then got up from her sit.

  “Since we currently lost the only connection we had to those things, the only ally that was willing to help us you are going to do exactly as I say, is that clear?” Casey asked aggravated.

  ”I…” May’s lips trembled, she felt the tears push up her throat but Casey ignored her horror.

  “Now if you don't want to join the previous moron that summoned
the apocalypse you better spill May. Where is the damn crystal that Utopia had divided?" May breathed out in fear.

  “I don’t…I don’t know…”

  Casey’s hand was at her throat before she could even blink. No one saw her move.

  ”Are you sure?”

  “No…No please…” May begged. “I really don’t know.” Casey pressed down on her neck, making her knees buckle. “Please…Please Casey stop…I’ll…I’ll tell you what I know.” Casey let her go, watching May drop to her knees.


  ”There are…” May let out a hiccup, desperate to prevent Casey from hurting her any further. “There are three riddles...That...Well; each leads to a different part of the crystal…." She mumbled.

  ”Bulshit!” Casey snarled.

  “No! No! It’s true!” May’s eyes glistered with fresh tears.

  "Utopia made them so she could find the pieces in case she will be sent back to her world and the knowledge of this one will be lost to her so she entrusted each riddle to a human…Or a former human who swore to serve her. I only know the first….But the first supposed to lead you to the others!" She quickly added, still scared of what Casey might do to her. Casey was unpredictable in her anger and May didn't want to get on her worse side.

  “So Utopia decided to play games, I see.” Casey crossed her arms over her chest.

  "Very well, we can play her little game for now. What is the first riddle, then?!"

  She demanded, taking a step forward to the frightened girl.

  “Casey…” Jon took her arm. “Stop being like that, you are scaring her.”

  “Good, she deserves it.” Casey growled.

  ”But it doesn’t suit you at all, this isn’t you." Jon shook his head sadly and something in Casey’s eyes softened. No, it wasn't her but she felt like it had to be done.

  “What is the first riddle May?” Jon asked her quietly and sighing deeply May began to recite the shaky words.

  "And in the place it spilled as red as wine, like the bred we eat that lost its shine."

  Casey huffed, looking in deep thought for a moment but then suddenly his eyes widened and she sprung up on her feet.

  "My god! Did Utopia think that this would be funny?!" She snapped particularly to no one.

  "Did she plan it from the start?! How did she know?"

  “What will be funny? What did she know?” May looked at her puzzled.

  ”Never mind…C’mon,” She looked at Jon. “I know where it is.” She said, headed for the door.

  ”Huh? Wait! How?” Jon hurried after her.

  “I'll explain on the way!" Casey blurted, practically running out the door.

  “Ehh,” Jon looked at the others.

  "Go, we will stay with Morgan." Colin nodded; he wasn't going to leave him alone with May, which was for sure.

  Toby and Jon exchanged worried looks between them and then fallowed Casey to uncover the mystery of the first riddle.

  A mystery that apparently Casey had already uncovered all by herself.

  "Casey! Casey! Casey! Fucking slow down already!" Toby and Jon found it hard to keep up with Casey's rushed half running.

  “We have to find the first peace of the crystal!" Casey stated, not slowing down but actually hurrying her pace.

  "Yes, but we have to solve the riddle first! Casey! Stop!" Casey stopped and turned around, annoyed.

  "I told you!” She said, glaring at them coldly. “I already solved it." She said more calmly, not a bit of glee in her voice.

  "You did?" Toby looked at her fairly impressed. "Then what is it?"

  "Well," Casey began to walk again, slower than before as she explained the riddle to her companions.

  "I tried to look at it from an apocalypse point of view." She said, feeling a bit more relaxed now that they had something to go by. "They feed on souls so I assumed that that is their bread and I know of only one thing spilled unnaturally this year in the school that is red as wine and connected to a soul. It's blood."

  Casey explained to her puzzled friends.

  "So you think…" Jon began and Casey nodded.

  “It’s very religious, don’t you think?” Toby frowned. "I wouldn't think that a hellish monster would willingly choose such symbolism."

  ”No.” Casey shook her head. “I think it is Utopias private joke on the matter so the crystal is where Morgan fell, or was pushed down to actually. It has to be." She declared, stepping down the steps to the place where Morgan’s body was found.

  They did the rest of the way in silence, each in his own train of thoughts until they stepped down from the last step, standing in the place where less than a week ago Morgan’s blood was almost spilled to the core.

  "Where do you think it is?" Toby asked, looking around the empty lobby.

  "Look for a place so obvious you would never think about it." Jon said.

  "That's where I would hide something like that and remember that she is not very creative."

  "Like the central air shaft?" Casey asked with an amused tone.

  Jon nodded thoughtfully. “Yes, like the central air shaft or…"

  "No! Look!" Casey interrupted him, pointing at the wall behind them.

  Jon smiled.

  "Oh! Perfect." Casey hurried to the dark opening.

  "Toby, help me up." Toby hurried to her side, blushing.

  He crouched by the wall and crossing his arms before him, created a thieves step for Casey to step on.

  Casey placed her leg on Toby's hands and within a second was lifted easily to the dark shaft; at times like this Toby thanked god for Casey being such a skinny person, you wouldn't believe how many situations like that they already had growing up.

  "Can you see anything in there?" Toby asked, keeping a firm grip on Casey’s legs, careful not to drop her.

  "Yes…" Casey stretched out her slender arm and reached into the dark shaft.

  "Yeah. A little higher, Toby. Oh!" Casey made a surprised sound when Toby sharply pushed her higher.

  "What?” Jon asked in a worried tone. ”What is it?” He enquired as Casey's hand slid into the black hole.

  "There is…” Casey huffed, her hand seemingly touching nothing. “There is some kind of a hologram here…Or something…The wall inside is not real, it's hollow. I… Hold on…" Casey leaned over the wall, supporting herself on one arm she reached her tiny hand further, feeling the silhouette of something cold and square shaped against the tips of her fingers.

  ”Oohhh!! Agghh!” She suddenly screamed in horror.

  “Casey!” Both Jon and Toby screamed as Toby uncrossed his hands in fear and Casey fell right into his arms. Both he and Jon stared down at her petrified as she began to laugh. “Kidding.” She said, flicking her tongue out at them.

  “This is not funny!” Toby fumed. “I could have dropped you!”

  “Oh relax.” Casey looked back at the weird dark hollow.

  “Here…” She whispered to herself as she unlocked her hand from around the apparent small box she pulled out of the gap, completely ignoring Toby's flustered look as he held her

  "Err, Casey?" Toby begged her silently to put her legs on the ground so he could let her go. He was feeling very uncomfortable.

  “Oh! Careful!” Toby warned as she laughed and sprang down from his grip while he did what he could to lower her down carefully, examining the object that the girl was holding in her hands.

  "Pretty…" Casey mumbled, looking down curious at the small object as well.

  It was a silver jewelry box with a huge cockroach carved on the lid, and red bloody rubies on the sides of it.

  “I seriously doubt that Utopia had made something like this.” Jon pointed out.

  “Yes…Me too.” Casey agreed. "Maybe May got it wrong. Maybe Utopia didn't write the riddles, maybe she stole them."

  “Who did it then? Who did she steal it from?” Toby enquired as Casey tried to pull the lid open but failed. She looked helpless at Toby.

  “I don’t kn
ow but I doubt she kept him alive and it won’t open, maybe we need a key?”

  "No,” Toby looked at the box. “There is no key hole. Let me try." Toby said, taking the box into his hands and trying to get it to open as well but it just wouldn't budge in his grip.

  Force wasn't the answer.

  “I can’t…” Toby growled.

  ”Shit! What are we going to do?!" Casey whined.

  "Don't panic." Jon said. “And don’t be so loud…” He warned, looking at the set of students that had just walked past by them, looking at them weirdly, obviously they didn't see Jon.

  "There has to be a way. “ Casey whispered after she was sure the annoying teens were out of hearing range.

  "Maybe the person that is connected to the riddle is meant to open it?" Jon suggested shrugging. “Maybe it’s meant for Morgan?”

  “Why would Utopia mean something for only Morgan to be able to open? This does not make any sense. It looks more and more like she hadn't planned it at all.”

  "Casey,” Toby frowned. “None of this makes any sense but he might have a point here. Let's just try it. No harm will come from it.” Casey stared at him for a moment and then sigh.

  "Fine.” She agreed, snatching the box from Toby's hands a little more sharply than she intended to and then hurrying back up the stairs.

  Jon and Toby hurried up the stairs and thought the hall back to Casey's room and as Casey pushed the bedroom door open she was stunned and happy to find Morgan, although still lying on the bed where they had left him, looking up at his siblings as they came in from the hallway, his soul completely awake.

  "Casey…Jon…" He whispered as his siblings closed the distance between them.

  "Morgan!" Casey was the first to reach him. She leaned to him and hugged Morgan tightly, helping his soul up into a sitting position; it was kind of weird with his body lying right next to them.

  "My body…" Morgan shuddered as if he had read Casey’s mind. “Is it…?”

  "It's fine!" Casey assured him, smiling brightly. "Utopia put you in the same state as Jon is. You can still come back.” She chirped happily as Morgan smiled back at Casey and then Casey remembered why they were in such a hurry to get back in to the bed room.


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