Royal Scandal (The Prince's Choice Book 2)

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Royal Scandal (The Prince's Choice Book 2) Page 3

by Leila Haven

  Rick ground his palm into my clit, and there was no way to go back from that. He set off the explosion as the orgasm caused the fire to spread throughout my body. I was rocked from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head.

  I thought for sure my face was red with the effort of holding myself together. Rick’s hand stilled and cupped my pussy, his face so relaxed and composed even though he knew he’d made me come.

  He was going to pay for this.

  I was an absolute mess of emotion, and he was just smiling with silent satisfaction.

  My pussy was still pulsing and burning as I took some deep breaths. The pleasure was washing over me in waves. Every one just a little bit calmer than the one before it. I was so wet below that I was going to need to clean up once it was all over. I couldn’t have my juices running down my leg. Rick had made me so wet that I thought it was possible that he might know my anatomy better than I did.

  The orgasm died down, bringing my senses back to me. I let go of my hands so the blood could return to my fingers. I sat up straight again, able to move now that I wasn’t a slave to my desires.

  I really wanted to reach under the table and feel his cock. I knew it would be swollen and hard; it couldn’t not be with the level of heat he was giving me. He knew what had just gone on underneath the table, and there was no way he couldn’t be turned on.

  My hand went to move under the table, but Rick shook his head discreetly. It was a warning sign that he could touch me, but I couldn’t touch him. Maybe he wouldn’t be able to hold himself together if I tried to split him apart. Maybe he wanted to make sure this was about my pleasure only.

  “Miss Parker, you seem to be flushed,” Rick whispered. “Is everything okay?” He tickled my sensitive clit, and it nearly sent me into another spin. I clenched my legs together, stilling his hand.

  “Everything is perfect, Your Majesty. Just a little overwhelmed with my love for you,” I replied. At least that was a conversation others could overhear without disgracing us both.

  His hand slid away, and I slipped him a napkin to wipe away traces of our action. He cleaned up before bringing his hand above the table again. It looked so innocent, like it hadn’t just shattered me to pieces with pleasure.

  Moments later, all eyes went to us as Rick stood up to give his speech. I listened in a haze, watching him talk with grace and confidence. He was a ruler, not just of the kingdom but of my heart too. He owned me, and I was never going to be free again.

  And that’s how I wanted it to be.

  We got through the rest of the night with ease. I was in a happy bubble of love and couldn’t keep my eyes off my sexy fiancé. Wherever he went in the room, my gaze followed. Nothing else really existed except for the two of us.

  We had to kiss goodnight on the stairs before we were to go to our separate rooms. All I wanted was to chase after him and spend the night together, but it was against the rules. When we were married, we would be able to share a bed. Until then, I was supposed to stay chaste in my room.

  I reluctantly kept moving away from him and eventually made it to my chambers. I showered and slipped into an oversized T-shirt before climbing into bed. I was exhausted, but I could still feel Rick’s hand on my pussy. I ached for him to be with me.

  The door to my room opened when I was just about to fall asleep. I knew who it was without having to look. The bedsheets went up, and then I could feel the weight of him on the mattress.

  Rick pulled me against him so I could snuggle into his side. Finally, my man was with me. Finally, I could go to sleep without the ache in my heart from missing him.

  He was gone in the morning.

  I wasn’t entirely sure how long he’d stayed for.

  With so many staff working at the palace, we couldn’t risk being caught together overnight. It would cause a scandal that Rick wouldn’t be able to talk himself out of. It wouldn’t be a good way to begin our marriage and convince the people of the kingdom that I would make a good monarch.

  After a breakfast of little more than apples, I met with Anna, my usual routine since moving into the palace. Planning the wedding was my full-time job now, and I had to play my part. The charity work that I really wanted to do would commence once I was married.

  Once I was a princess.

  I sat in Anna’s office and waited for her to finish something on her computer before she gave me her attention. “We need to talk about the flowers today. I suggest daffodils to make the whole thing cheery and bright.”

  “I’ve always liked sunflowers. They’re cheery too,” I said.

  “Daffodils are more elegant.”

  “Why can’t we just have a mixture of both?”

  Anna laughed, but it sounded so condescending that I felt like crawling underneath the desk. “Because that would be ridiculous. I’m sure Rick would prefer daffodils; he knows class when he sees it. Well, sometimes anyway.” She looked at me and clearly I was the exception to the rule.

  I could have fought her over the flowers, insisted it was my wedding and I would have what I wanted. But I just didn’t have it in me. The details of the wedding seemed more important to her than me so I was picking my battles. Anna could win this one. “Fine, daffodils it is. But I want my bouquet to be made out of roses.”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t even consider anything else.”

  “Red roses.”



  “Pink.” She typed on her computer some more, effectively ending the argument. I guessed pink roses it would be. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, focusing on that instead. “You should probably meet your bridesmaids in the next few days. I’ll arrange a meeting.”

  “Woah, wait. You’ve picked my bridesmaids?” Surely I was hearing wrong.

  “Of course. There are three of them.”

  “I want my cousins to be my bridesmaids. We’ve grown up talking about it. I’m going to be theirs, and they are going to be mine.”

  “The decision is made, Melody. The ones I’ve chosen are suitable to be in the official photographs and will know how to behave in public.”

  Anger sizzled to the brim. “No, the decision is not made. I don’t care what I wear or what flowers there are, but I do care about making sure that my family joins me on the most important day of my life.”

  I could not get married without my cousins standing by my side. It was just impossible. We’d grown up together, shared all our hopes and dreams. I couldn’t go through with the ceremony without them supporting me.

  Anna sighed like I was a huge problem and linked her fingers together on the desk. “Do not be difficult, Melody. Not when we are so close to the wedding.”

  “I’m not being difficult. I wasn’t even consulted on this, and it’s important to me. I want my cousins as bridesmaids. We’ll just have six instead of three if you still want the others. I don’t care about them.”

  She stared at me.

  I stared at her.

  No further discussion was made.

  Chapter 4


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  The documents laid in front of me seemed so innocuous and ordinary. They were just white paper printed with black ink. They could have contained anything.

  Yet these papers would make me King of Illium.

  We were signing all the official documents now, in preparation for my father’s death. It seemed so morbid and horrible, but it had to be done. The crown had to pass to me, and we all knew it would soon. Getting all the formalities done now would mean we didn’t have to deal with it during the grieving process.

  If the palace was anything, it was sensible and logical. These documents would be whipped out the moment of my father’s death and would prove my succession. The only catch was that I had to be married first. Hopefully these documents wouldn’t be enacted for a long time.

  My hand wavered over them, the space above my name still blank. Once the documents were signed, my fate was sealed. I would
forever be King of Illium, tethered to the throne until the day I died.

  I was supposed to be an old man when I sat on the throne. All through my childhood, my parents insisted it would be a long time before I had to take responsibility for the kingdom. They told me I’d have a relatively normal life before servitude. My father’s illness had come so unexpectedly and changed everything.

  If I didn’t sign the documents, if I didn’t get married, my uncle would take over the crown. He would gladly step into the role and take everything it afforded. He would love living in the palace and spending the fortune we had amassed.

  He would also destroy the kingdom. He would rule with an iron fist, serving nobody but himself. I couldn’t let that happen. Not only would I be letting my parents and myself down, but I’d be letting the kingdom down too. Everyone would suffer under his rule.

  I would have Melody by my side on the throne. She would help me through everything; she would be my rock when I needed it. With her, I knew I could do it. I could accept the burden of the kingdom and hold it on my shoulders comfortably.

  There was no choice except to sign. With no further hesitation, I scribbled my name over all the documents. They were to be dated in the future, a date nobody would want to add. I’d done my part and accepted my role, now it was up to my father to ensure that date was a long time in the future.

  I shuffled all the papers together and formed a stack. They needed to be returned to my father’s secretary, and there was no time like the present. I left my office, always hopeful I’d pass Melody in the corridors. It felt like forever since I left her bed early this morning.

  The palace was so big that it took forever to get anywhere. Yet I didn’t encounter my fiancé once on the way to my father’s office. I left the paperwork with his secretary, hoping it would be a long time before I saw them again.

  A wicked thought entered my mind as I was walking back to my office. I grabbed some notepaper from a desk in one of the rooms and scribbled a note on it. My hand was shaking with excitement as I formed the words I needed. We needed to finish what I’d started last night in the middle of the speeches.

  I left the note with a palace page and then set my plan in place. I desired an escape, and there was no better distraction than the woman I loved. The few things I needed were found in my personal rooms before I started heading up to the western turret of the palace.

  The building had been constructed a couple of hundred years ago. It was built like a fortress, at a time when it was important to see the enemy coming. It had four turrets, one at each corner. In past times, they would have been manned by guards that held a constant vigil as they watched for approaching enemies. Now, they were empty and abandoned.

  As a child, I would hide in them. I’d spent many years in the western turret, reading or finding other ways to amuse myself. Sometimes I would squirt water out the windows and make people believe it was raining on them. I’d always scamper away before I was caught.

  There were almost a hundred steps up to the turret. I climbed them all, hoping Melody wasn’t too far behind me. I’d told the page to find her as quickly as possible and tell her the note was of the utmost importance. Hopefully she wasn’t too busy to fit me into her crazy wedding schedule.

  I laid a cream plush blanket out over the floor. As the rooms weren’t often used, they had a layer of dust over the floors. If we had as much fun as I hoped, I’d have someone clean them all so they could be used more often.

  Footsteps gave away Melody’s approach. I leaned against the wall, casually positioned as if my heart wasn’t racing in my chest. The excitement was building with every footstep I heard, just waiting for the moment when she would appear at the door.

  It took another thirteen steps before she made it all the way to the top. She was framed in the doorway, as beautiful as a portrait.

  “You called for me, Your Majesty?” she said with a sultry lilt to her words. I licked my lips, impatient to taste her.

  “Yes, I did. I believe you need to undertake some princess training, learn more about the kingdom.”

  Her face fell slightly into disappointment. I had told her to meet me in the turret, I hadn’t told her what I was planning when she got there. She had no idea how hard I was going to fuck her.

  I held up some items I had gathered. “I need you to put these on.”

  She looked at them with confusion before coming closer to take them from me. She placed a tiara of diamonds onto her head before slipping a long string of pearls around her neck.

  “Now take off your clothes,” I ordered.

  She was playing along with the game now. She took her time removing her clothes, making sure to draw it out while I watched. I was practically drooling as more and more skin was exposed.

  Her panties were last. As she gripped the elastic, I covered her hands with my own. We slid them down her legs together, uncovering her gorgeously sexy cunt, already wet with anticipation. My hands slid up her body as I stood again.

  Melody was wearing nothing but the tiara and pearls. The string hung between her boobs, my fantasy woman come to life right before my eyes. She was going to be a fucking sexy princess when we did tie the knot. I wasn’t going to be able to get anything done for weeks until I was finally sated. Maybe it would take months. Years, even. A lifetime didn’t seem out of the realm of possibilities.

  A slight breeze flowed through the open window. I didn’t think much of it until Melody’s nipples suddenly hardened into tight little buds. They framed the pearls perfectly. She just kept getting better and better the longer I looked at her.

  “What would you like me to do next, Your Majesty?” She batted her eyelids, playing the submissive-woman role to a tee. My cock was throbbing in my pants, aching to have her hands wrapped around it.

  “Crown me.”

  I pointedly looked at the crown on the blanket. She understood immediately and picked it up. She had to stand on tiptoes to place the golden crown on my head. As she did, her boobs pressed onto my chest. It took every bit of my self-control not to grab her and pull all of her naked body against me right then and there.

  “Now you may undress me,” I said.

  Her pink lips curled into a sultry smirk. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  She pulled my tie loose first; the relief of having the thing around my neck removed was instant. She moved onto my shirt next. Her small fingers moved swiftly, but she drew it out for as long as she could. Her hands rubbed over my chest once my shirt was on the floor.

  Her fingers dipped down to the top of my pants, daring to dip further than she should. She was dangerously close to my cock, and I was dangerously close to losing my control. I grabbed her hands and tsked. “No touching the jewels until I say so. Otherwise, I’ll have to punish you for being a bad girl.”

  I let go of her hands so I could slap her bottom. She jumped, but then a huge smile spread across her face. “Maybe I’ll have to be bad more often.”

  “Then I’ll have to get creative with my punishments.” She was a naughty little minx, and I couldn’t get enough of it. We were only just starting to experiment with the wild side here; there would be plenty more of it in our future. I wanted to fuck her in every room of the palace.

  She undid the zip of my pants and then tugged them down my legs. I only had my trunks left on, my erection clearly evident through the thin fabric. She brushed it with her knuckles, pretending it was an accident. “You want some more spanking?”

  I tapped her bottom again, the slapping sounding loud in the otherwise quiet room. If there weren’t a hundred steps up to the turret, I would have been worried about being overheard. But nobody ever came up here and having the door open seemed to make it even more fun.

  “Take off my underwear, and do it without touching my cock,” I commanded.

  Melody pouted mockingly before obliging. She made a show of pulling out the front of my trunks to make sure she didn’t touch any of my penis. Little did she know how one more little brush p
ast it, and I would explode all over her hand.

  We were finally both naked with nothing but the crown, the tiara, and the string of pearls. I could have looked at Melody’s body all day long. The sun was shining in through the window, cascading over her milky skin and making it seem golden. She sparkled far finer than the diamonds on her head.

  I wandered over to the window. Outside, you could see the vast, sprawling city down below. On clear days, you could even see the mountains in the distance. Today was one of those blue-sky days. I beckoned Melody over.

  She was positioned in front of me, where I could hug her from behind. “I want you to look out the window and see everything out there.”

  My hands had started out on her belly before moving. One went up to cup her boob, massaging the swell and pinching her nipple. She leaned back against me as she relaxed and let the pleasurable sensation rush through her body.


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