Royal Scandal (The Prince's Choice Book 2)

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Royal Scandal (The Prince's Choice Book 2) Page 12

by Leila Haven

  When we finally got to say our “I do’s,” my heart was leaping inside my chest. Rick had brought it back to life and made it swell with love again.

  “Melody, today I vow to be your husband. I will always love, respect, and cherish you. Never will I take you for granted and always will I support you. I promise these things to you for the rest of my life and beyond,” Rick said as he gazed into my eyes. His words were so beautiful that tears started to well in my eyes.

  When it came to my turn, I almost froze. The eyes of the world were on me, but I could only see Rick. “Richard, today I vow to be your wife. I will always love, respect, and cherish you. I will be your confidant, your partner, and your biggest fan. I will never let you down and will always support you. I promise these things to you for the rest of my life and beyond.”

  We exchanged rings to cement our vows. The simple gold bands were to symbolize our union and state that we didn’t need anything fancy to keep us together. We would wear the same rings as everyone else in the kingdom. Our love was the same as theirs.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your princess, Your Majesty.”

  Rick pulled me against him and pressed his lips on mine. It was a kiss to make my knees go weak, far from royal modesty standards. The crowd clapped politely anyway; at least they remembered protocols.

  After the ceremony, we had to pose for endless photographs. First, there were the official photos that would be released to the public. They were austere and formal, just like all the other royal photographs before them.

  Afterwards, we posed for our private photo album. These ones were fun, capturing the moment and our personalities. They were the ones I would treasure well into the future and show our grandchildren one day. I appreciated that we got to have both versions.

  The reception started at six o’clock sharp. We had at least double the amount of guests than at the ceremony, which was reserved strictly for dignitaries, officials, and those in the inner circle. The reception was far less formal and much more fun.

  I hadn’t had any alone time with Rick since before the ceremony. More than anything, I wanted to check in with him, let him know how happy I was to be his wife. But it was impossible when we were surrounded by nearly six hundred people.

  We listened to speeches and performed everything we needed to. The royal family had a lot of traditions, and we couldn’t disappoint the guests by missing any of them. It was almost nine by the time we could take a breather and talk without anyone listening in.

  “So how does it feel to be a princess, Princess?” Rick asked, his lips curling into a cheeky grin. We were on the dance floor. Our bodies pressed as close together as my large dress would allow.

  “It feels amazing so far,” I replied. “I’m glad our day ended this way.”

  “Me too. I love you so much, Mel. The thought of being without you…”

  “I know. Let’s not think of it again. Everything worked out. That’s all that matters. How we got to this point is irrelevant now.”

  He kissed me, leaning down and connecting our lips so there was no denying what was on his mind. I couldn’t wait to get out of the dress and consummate our marriage. Technically, our union wasn’t official until that happened.

  Back in the olden days, the bride and groom would have to consummate the marriage in front of officials. They would all crowd around the bed and watch on. I was so glad that part of the traditions had been updated over the years. I wanted Rick all to myself; I didn’t need an audience.

  “I want to fuck you, Princess,” Rick growled low in my ear. My feet almost forget to continue dancing. I felt a rush of warmth between my legs with the anticipation.

  “So do it, Husband.”

  “I will, Wife.”

  He tugged me off the dance floor, pulling me along by my hand. We had to negotiate through the doorway with my dress, making sure I didn’t get stuck. It truly was very beautiful, but it would look much better hanging over the end of our marital bed.

  Chapter 17


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  We pretended we were just taking a stroll and catching our breath as we passed guests. We were only acquaintances with most people, so we weren’t really expected to stop and make conversation with each of them.

  Rick opened a door next to the ballroom where the reception was being held. He pulled me inside and closed the door. The music from the live orchestra filtered in through the wall. If I could hear the music, they would be able to hear us if we were also loud too.

  “Where do I start with all this fabric?” Rick said, laughing as he took in all the gloriousness of my gown. It wasn’t exactly conducive to a quick fuck during our wedding.

  “You’re not going to be able to get it off, not without scissors. We’re going to have to work around it.” It would take ages to get all the buttons undone, and I got the feeling we didn’t have that long. Considering it was our wedding, someone was sure to miss us. We didn’t have nearly enough time to get naked.

  Rick knelt down onto the floor. I saw a flash of a mischievous grin before he dived underneath all my skirts. I couldn’t see him, but I could feel his hands as they travelled up my legs. He pushed my thighs apart, kissing up the inside until he reached the apex.

  I could feel his fingers tugging at my panties. He managed to pull them down until they were around my ankles. Carefully, he guided my feet up in turn so he could remove them all together.

  In the next instant, his mouth was on my pussy. He kissed my clit before his tongue came out and licked up the length of my cunt.

  The sensation was exquisite. His hot tongue along the sensitive bundle of nerves was a release I’d been waiting days for. I was a tightly wound coil, and he was unwinding me, lick by lick.

  I braced myself against the wall, needing something to hold me up while my legs threatened to give way. Rick was relentless on my pussy. His tongue exploring between my folds like I was unchartered territory. I couldn’t stop the moan from escaping my lips as he worked on my nub with determined tenderness.

  His hands gripped my thighs, keeping them from shaking. His tongue lapping at me, sucking on my clit, and sending heat shooting into my belly. He slid lower until he reached my entrance. Licking a circle, he was only teasing me, not entering my hole.

  All of a sudden, he pulled away and his head appeared from underneath my dress. ‘’Your cunt is making me so hard I’m not going to be able to restrain myself any longer. Are you ready for this, Princess?”

  “More than ready,” I said breathlessly. I was so hot for him it was almost embarrassing. There was nothing like being married to the man I loved to get me horny beyond belief.

  He casually flicked my clit and stars exploded around me. The heat that had pooled in my belly became warm honey that spread over my body in super speed. It covered my skin, making me burn with the joyous sensation.

  Rick crawled out from under my dress and kissed along my neck, holding me tightly while I was lost in the throbbing of my pussy. All I could think about was the pleasure and how much I loved the man who had given it to me.

  I wanted to do naughty things to him, all kinds of sexy images flashed through my mind while riding out the pleasure throbbing below. We’d have a lifetime to get through everything now, but I was impatient to get started on them tonight. I’d start by spending vast amounts of time around his cock.

  New bubbles of happiness tickled me where he kissed. I loved it when he nuzzled my neck, and he did it often because he knew how much I enjoyed it. He lapped at the soft skin while I breathed through my orgasm and finally stilled.

  He walked me backwards until we reached the antique desk. Rick lifted me until I perched on the side. The furniture had to be hundreds of years old, but it held my weight with no trouble.

  “Lie down, babe,” Rick ordered before guiding me to lean backwards. With a sure hand on my back, I trusted him to hold me until I reached the cold surface of the desk.

I looked up to see the Prince of Illium gazing down at me with fire in his eyes. He wore a look of determination that I never saw outside the intimate moments we shared. He took our mutual pleasure seriously; it wasn’t a laughing matter, apparently.

  He lifted the multiple layers of my skirt. I knew he had uncovered my naked pussy only when I felt the coolness of the air hit my wetness. I was already dripping from his previous effort. It would take nothing for him to glide inside me.

  I couldn’t reach him from my position on the table so I could only watch as he unzipped his tuxedo pants and pulled out his cock. It was engorged and erect, never ceasing to amaze me.

  He stroked along his cock a few times, making it even plumper. Just like I was still wearing a tiara that had been borrowed from the royal collection and encrusted in diamonds, Rick still wore his jeweled crown. It was for ceremonies only and required by tradition. It reminded me of the playboy prince he was.

  The playboy prince I had somehow tamed.

  I wondered if the crown had ever seen such shenanigans while perched on one of his descents’ heads. Perhaps it had seen worse. Maybe it would see much more before being passed onto another prince. It was a good thing it couldn’t talk and betray all the secrets it held.

  Rick held onto my ankles and pulled my legs apart. He moved into the space between my legs and pulled my ankles to his shoulders. My hips lifted, meeting the head of his cock in perfect position.

  He rubbed at my clit, making me even wetter, as my juices freely flowed to lubricate my most intimate area. His brows were knitted as he concentrated, making me want to laugh at how seriously he took our lovemaking. Soon, he would be lost and that would make him instantly relax. I looked forward to giving him that relief.

  The tip of his cock pushed into my entrance, opening me up. My hips were at the best angle possible for him to enter me smoothly. His pelvis rocked as his cock was lost inside me, inching in with controlled steadiness.

  I bucked up to meet his thrusts, enjoying the way he filled me so completely. My walls allowed him entry, greedily accepting every inch he gave me until I was completely full. It was a beautiful connection, the consummation of our marriage. There was no going back now.

  “Fuck, Mel. I love you so much,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “I love you too.”

  His hips started to buck wildly as he truly started his ramming in and out of me. While his cock filled me, his finger was playing with my clit again. I was quickly rising to another orgasm, ready to jump off that cliff with my husband when he was ready.

  My husband. It was going to take a while for that to truly sink in. It had been a rollercoaster ride to get to this point, but I was glad we’d reached the finish line now. We could begin our life together, truly together as one.

  He puffed with the effort, holding my hips under the layers of white fabric while he shot his hard member in and out of me. My body bounced with the connection, but my dress was too tight up top for my boobs to break free.

  My legs were still on his shoulders, making every move he made pull my body against him. It allowed him to go deeper than he ever had before, rock me in a whole new way. I loved this position; it was my new favorite now that I’d experienced it.

  “My cock. Babe, my cock feels fantastic inside you.”

  It was the most perfect way for our marriage to be consummated. We couldn’t have waited for the night to end before doing it; it would be hours away. I needed his sexy body connected to mine, and I needed it now.

  “Mel, come for me. Now!” Rick ordered. It wasn’t just an idle suggestion; his fingers meant business. They rubbed at my nub with relentless pursuits, making it impossible not to obey the prince.

  The pleasure amped right up, and up, and up until I couldn’t take it any longer. The burn started off slowly at first before it swept me away in a firestorm. It was the second orgasm in less than a few minutes, but it was no less powerful.

  Rick grunted as he stepped off his own cliff. He thrust his cock into me one last time, as far as it would go, and held it there. His eyes connected with mine, locking in place as unspoken declarations of love passed between us. It was the most beautiful conversation we’d never spoken out loud.

  He stood there, while I lay, and we allowed the perfect joy of our connection swirl through our bodies. My heart was pounding loudly in my chest while my pussy was still throbbing with the remnants of the climax. It felt like all the bones had melted from my body, allowing me to relax and become little more than a rag doll.

  My breathing came in small gasps, not just from the restrictive nature of the dress. Rick had literally taken my breath away, and I was struggling to put myself back together again. It seemed like nothing else mattered in the world except what we shared between us in the moment.

  “I wish I could spend all night in this room with you,” Rick said.

  “You have duties. We both do.”

  He nodded, knowing the truth of this statement far better than I did. He pulled out of me and took my legs from his shoulders, placing them on the table.

  “We should probably get back,” he said reluctantly. He retrieved my panties from the floor and slid them up my legs for me. I appreciated it. There was no way I could wrangle my dress to do it for myself.

  He placed his cock back into his trunks and zipped up his trousers. I hated seeing us return to normal. All I wanted was to get naked and spend hours making love together. I knew there would be time for it later, but I was still impatient.

  I sat up and then stood, watching all the layers of my dress fall back to the floor. Hopefully I didn’t look like I’d just been fucked. “Do I look okay?”

  His eyes grazed up and down me as he found my shoes and placed them in front of me. “You look gorgeous.”

  “How about my hair? Is it still in place?”

  “You’re perfect.”

  “So no one will know?”

  He let out a chuckle. “That you’ve just been bent over a table? No. But I know, and I’m going to be thinking about it for the rest of the night until I can get that dress off you and do it again.”

  “Bring it on, Husband.”

  He slapped my bottom as I strode past him to get to the door. My cheeks still felt flushed, but hopefully I could play that down as being too warm in the large dress. It really was a lot of fabric to be walking around with.

  Rick opened the door, and we walked back down the corridor we had travelled. Surely, anyone looking at us could tell what we just did. It wasn’t like people just disappeared from their own wedding for any other reason.

  As we stepped through the door that led back to the ballroom, it seemed strangely quiet. The sixty-people orchestra had stopped playing, leaving only hushed conversations to fill the air with noise.

  I squeezed Rick’s hand, asking a question about whether he realized what was going on or not. He squeezed it back; he’d noticed too. Every set of eyes we passed was glued to us.

  For a moment, I had a panicked notion that my dress was somehow hitched in my underwear or I had a huge hickey on my neck. Surely something had given away our secret tryst just down the hallway?

  Dami, thankfully, stepped into view holding a large knife. “We have been looking for you two. It’s time to cut the cake!”

  I sagged with relief. Our secret was still our secret. They just needed us for official wedding business. I could deal with that and keep the reputation of the crown still intact. At least, I hoped so.

  We cut the cake together and laughed when everyone cooed at the sweet kiss we shared. They were all as drunk on our love as we were.

  And to think it almost didn’t happen. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind, never to be dwelled upon again.

  “Have you seen Anna? She seems to have disappeared all day,” I asked once we were seated again. “She was supposed to be telling us what we had to do and where we had to be. My cousin ran the cake cutting; she would never let that happen.”

  Rick shrugg
ed. “She took off before the ceremony started.”

  “Do I want to know why?”

  “Probably not.”

  “Let’s leave it for another time then. You can fill me in later.” If I didn’t have to see Anna again, I wouldn’t be upset. She had caused enough trouble between us to last a lifetime. No doubt I wouldn’t like the reason why she had been standing at the end of the aisle this morning.

  One of the palace pageboys approached us before the next round of speeches started. He leaned over to keep the conversation confidential. “Your Majesty, your mother has requested your urgent presence in her chambers.”

  Rick looked at me with complete horror on his face. The two empty seats where his parents should have been seated now seemed ominous. He stood. “I need to go. Mel, I don’t know if I’ll be back.”


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