Page 6
I must have stared at him for a full minute before it occurred to me what I was doing. I'm not certain I would have then except that Lyle, having surveyed me from head to foot apparently became aware of my expression and his dark brows descended in a frown of irritation.
"Hi!" I said belatedly, shifting awkwardly while I tried to remember what, if anything, I'd planned to do once I got to the cabin. Even the greeting came out awkwardly, I realized almost at once, because I'd left it hanging on a questioning note as if to say 'what the hell are you doing here?'
He seemed to interpret it that way.
I suppose it was because I was wondering what the hell he was doing there. I managed a smile. "Have you eaten?"
His brows rose questioningly and to save my life I couldn't help but blush. I pretended I hadn't. "Because I was going to fix something and I could just as easily fix for two if you're hungry," I added.
"Sure--if you don't mind."
"No problem. I'm just going to take a quick shower first."
I headed toward the stairs at a brisk pace. I was anxious for a shower all right. I was up to three to six showers a day by now and figured I must have scrubbed a good three years worth of skin off in the process. At the rate I was going, I figured I'd be looking like a twenty something in no time at all.
Mostly I was just anxious to put off the confrontation I knew was coming, though.
I could've been wrong. It was possible he'd just come for sex, but it he had he sure wasn't in any hurry for it.
He was waiting in my bedroom when I came out of the bath. I jumped, startled to see him there. He either didn't notice, or he pretended he hadn't.
"Come here."
My hair was still ratted from shampooing it. I didn't want to think about how I looked, but I only hesitated briefly. It was clear from the look on his face that he wasn't going to be thrilled by my wish to do my hair first and when all was said and done, it was probably just as well--except for the part that I was concerned about my appearance. I could comb it out afterwards just as well--better, because I'd probably have to detangle again anyway.
He was holding one of the bustiers. When I stopped in front of him, he caught my shoulders and turned me around, slipping it around my waist, then cinching it snugly in the back. I was feeling breathless and lightheaded by the time he'd finished, partly from nerves, partly from the tight bustier, and partly because I couldn't get close to Lyle without my heart running away with me.
When he'd finished, he led me to this strange, bench-like thing that had manacles attached to it. I'd been wondering what it was and how it was used ever since it had been brought in a few weeks earlier, but I hadn't wanted to ask.
It looked more like some sort of medieval torture devise than something for sex, kinky or otherwise. When he'd strapped me into it and secured my wrists, ankles and my thighs just above the knees, I realized it was close enough it added an element of unease to my heart palpitations. I gasped when he tilted it back slightly. He moved behind me then, out of my line of sight and I heard him adjusting something. I wasn't sure if I wanted to know what he was doing, but curiosity got the best of me and I twisted my head to look.
A cross piece had appeared from beneath the bench. He secured my manacled wrists to the ends on either side of me, then moved around behind me once more. I jumped when a cloth came down over my eyes, but I discovered I couldn't evade it. When he'd tied it over my eyes, I heard him move around the bench again, felt his hand as he grasped one leg and bent my knee lifted it up and to one side, heard the tinkle of the chains. When he released my leg, I discovered I couldn't lower it. He'd secured it, I decided, to the same cross piece my wrists were secured to the manacle around my ankle, as well, because I couldn't move my leg in any direction. A moment passed, and then he caught my other leg and secured it in the same way. I felt cool air caress my cleft as my nether lips parted at the pressure and my heart commenced to pounding in double time, clamoring so loudly in my ears a moment passed before I realized he'd leaned close.
I could feel the heat of his breath on my ear.
"I learned a curious thing the other day. Can you guess what it was?"
I felt perfectly blank. My mind had been tumultous with possibilities the moment he began binding me, but questions wasn't something I was even vaguely prepared for. I licked my dry lips, trying to figure out what he might be talking about.
One thing seemed abundantly clear. I'd been right about the fact that he wasn't pleased about something. I was on the verge of asking for a hint when he continued.
"I decided to do a little more thorough background check on you than we originally had."
Uh oh.
I felt his hand skate down my belly. He dragged an index finger along my cleft and then pushed it gently inside of me and tsked. "Dry. No excitement for me?"
My mouth was dry, too, now that he mentioned it.
The finger was withdrawn. I heard movement, but I couldn't tell what he was doing. "I couldn't find any reference to a Marlee Beauchamp beyond a year ago. It's almost as if, instead of having been born here, like you told us, you just suddenly appeared here a year ago."
I gasped and jerked when something hot and moist was pressed to my clit. It took my brain a good five seconds to interpret 'mouth', but in the next moment he began to suck on the tiny, sensitive bud and heat fogged my mind as a jolt of electric pleasure zigzagged along every nerve in my body. My belly clenched. Despite my anxiety, fire poured through me as he continued to tease my clit with his tongue and suckle it. I tried a little desperately to divorce myself from it, tried to focus on thinking up a reasonable explanation for what he'd found, but I couldn't seem to think at all beyond the heat of his mouth. Desire flooded me like strong drink. By the time he pulled away I was drunk from the pleasure, my mind reeling.
"Tell me why that is."
I'd forgotten the question. "I don't know," I stammered, hoping he would pleasure my clit just a few more moments.
Instead, I heard movement again. Cool air wafted across my damp pussy. A shiver went through me as I cooled rapidly without his touch. I felt the heat of his breath against my ear before he spoke and it sent a wave of sensation through me. "There's no record of a Marlee Beauchamp having been born in this city, this county, or even this state within five years of the date you gave us in either direction."
I licked my dry lips. "I didn't say I was born here, did I?"
"You did."
I felt the edge of his teeth scrape lightly along one nipple. Blood instantly engorged it, making it harden and stand erect, as if offering itself to him. He closed his mouth over it, sucking, flicking his tongue teasingly back and forth across the sensitive flesh and sending currents of hot delight through me. My belly clenched again with anticipation. Moisture gathered in my sex. I yielded completely to the lure of pleasure as he stimulated the sensitive flesh. My body, having so recently soared to great heights while he lavished his attention on my clit, leapt almost instantly up the spiral toward rapture. A moan escaped me.
Just when I'd reached a point where I felt as if I was nearing the precipice, he released my throbbing nipple and lifted his head.
He moved around behind me. Reaching around, he cupped a breast in each hand, massaging it as he leaned next to my ear once more. "No baby girl named Marlee Beauchamp in the entire state--nor in any state bordering this one."
Sluggishly, my frying brain sorted through what he was saying.
He'd done more checking on me. He knew I was using a false identity.
That fact alone was enough to make me look guilty as hell of what he'd accused me of.
No wonder he'd been looking at me so piercingly.
Cold, clear reason washed over me, but my mind was still scrambling for a way out. Before I could decide what to say, he moved around me again. This time when he covered my pussy with his mouth, he stroked me with his tongue and sucked on me until I was teetering on the brink of completion. A jolt that was almost painful went thro
ugh me when he stopped abruptly, leaving me hanging.
It was like almost sneezing--only more of a let down. Much more.
I was still trying to catch my breath and fight off the blackness that was swarming around me when he whispered in my ear once more. "In fact, I was very disturbed to discover that the only Marlee Beauchamp I could find any reference to--who coincidentally shares your birth date--died ten years ago and several states away from here."
Dismay filled me. He thought I was a fugitive from the law. God alone knew what he thought I was guilty of--for all I knew, I was a fugitive from the law. My ex had tried to frame me before by planting drugs in my apartment. Who was to say he hadn't gone there after I left and done so then called in an anonymous tip as he had before?
The possibility chilled me. Why hadn't it occurred to me before that he could cause me trouble even if I wasn't there?
I could try to explain, of course, but he wasn't going to believe me now no matter what I said I realized with a deep sense of dread and regret. "She was my best friend," I said a little breathlessly. "We grew up together."
He was silent for so long I'd begun to think he wouldn't even respond. I felt one long, thick finger trace my cleft and push slowly inside of me. "Why should I believe you?"
I gasped as currents of pleasure shot through me. "I didn't do it to deceive you. That wasn't my intention anyway. I was just trying to get away."
"From the law?"
I bit my lip, wondering if I actually was a fugitive. If I was and I said I wasn't, he sure as hell wasn't going to believe me if he found out otherwise. "From my ex husband," I said finally. "He was--obsessed with getting even with me. I kept moving and he kept finding me. Finally, I was really desperate and I thought the only way to escape was to be somebody else. That's the only reason I did it. I swear."
The finger that had been driving me up the wall was withdrawn. Was that a good thing? Or a bad thing, I wondered?
"How much did they pay you?"
"Don't make me ask again."
It clicked then that he was talking about the hacking incident. "They didn't pay me anything. I told you I didn't know about that."
I could sense him leaning close. His mouth closed over one nipple. He teased it until I was hot and mindless with pleasure and asked me again. It took me several moments to gather my wits, but I answered as I had before.
Apparently, he wasn't satisfied that I was telling the truth now. I gave him everything, told him my real name was Carly Bethea, told him every sordid detail of my marriage and divorce and everything that had happened afterward, and still he continued the delicious torture.
He was driving me crazy, keeping my body on low simmer, teasing me until I was so close to coming I was straining to reach it and then withdrawing, allowing me to cool as he plied me on and on with questions. I reached a point where I began to have tiny little convulsions of release that teased me more than they relieved me and I still wanted his touch, in fact began to crave it desperately. Excitement and expectation filled me each time he started again. I felt fevered, so out of my head with desire it felt like my brain had suffered melt down.
I felt like bursting into tears when he began to unbind me--not from relief, but from the lack of it--I was certain he didn't mean to give it to me. I'd long since passed the point of worrying about rejection and begun begging him to finish me off. My body was on fire.
Every muscle in my body screamed with complaint when he'd removed the bindings, quivering, refusing to hold me up. Scooping me into his arms, he carried me to the bed, carefully laying me in the center. The cool sheets felt like ice on my heated skin. I began shivering and curled into a tight ball to hold my warmth to me.
The bed shifted as he climbed onto the mattress and pulled the blindfold from my eyes. Carefully uncurling me, he pushed my legs wide and settled between them. His hard cock nestled against my cleft. It sent quakes through me that I tried to ignore.
He nuzzled my breasts almost apologetically. "You've told me the truth?"
I dragged in a shuddering breath. "Yes."
He nuzzled my neck, sucked on my earlobe. "I think I'm obsessed with you, too," he murmured, nipping a trail of kisses along my cheek.
I opened my eyes in surprise and looked directly at him for the first time as he lifted his head to look down at me. "You are?" I asked doubtfully.
"God--yes," he said huskily, his mouth covering mine in a heated kiss that drove the chill from me almost instantly, set my body clamoring furiously for release. His tongue tangled with mine, stroked it, evoking delicious sensations in my belly. My sex contracted as if he were stroking me there, heightening my desperation to feel his cock inside of me. Murmuring a complaint into his mouth, I began struggling to reach his cock. He lifted his hips slightly away from me, allowed me to grip his turgid erection and guide his cock into the mouth of my channel. I arched upward, wedging the head firmly into my nether mouth.
He slipped a hand downward, grasping my thigh and lifting as he bore down, sinking past the clinging flesh that formed the throat of my sex. Breaking the kiss, he dragged in a shaky breath, withdrew slightly and thrust again. His breath was harsh and raspy, communicating his own desperate need and adding to mine. His muscles quivered with the effort to go slowly. Moisture broke from his pores.
I didn't want him to go slowly. I was frantic for release, digging my nails into him to urge him to move faster. I heard him grind his teeth as he claimed me fully at last, felt a shudder travel through him.
"Lyle," I murmured in distress, digging my fingers into his buttocks and arching against him.
He buried his face against my neck then. Slipping his hands beneath my hips, he set a rhythm as desperate as my plea, thrusting and withdrawing hard and fast. I spread my thighs wider, until I could feel him burying himself to the hilt in me, his pelvis grinding against my own. The ache grew inside me to something akin to fire along every nerve ending. I cried out when it burst explosively, feeling as if I was shattering. Darkness swarmed around me in a red hot cloud that seemed to singe me. Absolute weakness followed in its wake as both tension and energy left me. When Lyle followed me into ecstasy only moments later, I was only vaguely aware of it.
Floating on a sea of absolute bliss, I stroked his back soothingly while he struggled to catch his breath. Finally, he dragged in a deep, shuddering breath and lifted his head enough to nibble a trail of kisses along my neck, over my jaw and to my lips. He tugged at them almost playfully, sucking first the lower lip and then the upper before he covered my mouth. Dragging his hands from beneath my hips, he speared his fingers through my hair, stroking his tongue lazily along mine as he slowly moved his hips against me.
In a matter of moments, his cock hardened inside of me and the tempo of his lazy thrusts became more pointed, touching off tremors of renewed desire inside me. I groaned, reluctant to scale the heights again so soon, but in a matter of moments I'd completely forgotten that disinclination. Warmth gathered, became heat. He rolled over, carrying me with him so that I was straddling him. Bracing my palms against his chest, I set my own rhythm, moved until I could feel his cock stroking my g-spot. Pleasure washed over me, through me.
He grasped my waist, urging me to move faster, coming up off the bed to suck one nipple into his mouth. It sent a rush through me. I leaned down closer to give him better access. The stroke of his cock along my passage, the tease of his mouth on my nipples sent me spiraling out of control, over the edge again. When my body began to convulse, breaking my concentration and my rhythm, he rolled again, pumping into me quickly until his culmination broke over him, as well.
Dragging in a shuddering breath when his body finally stopped convulsing in release, he slipped an arm around me and pulled me with him as he sprawled on the mattress to one side of me. I lay where I landed, draped lifelessly across him, barely conscious and desirous of nothing beyond sinking into the darkness that beckoned.
I smiled faintly when he began st
oking his hands over me.
It wasn't until my heated brain began to cool and function once more that it occurred to me that Lyle had kissed me and that it was the first time since I'd become the office love slave that he had done so.
I couldn't help but wonder what, if anything, it signified.
Chapter Nine
Cooking supper was almost as irritating as it was amusing, and arousing. Lyle helped me in the kitchen. He'd insisted that I didn't need to wear anything more than I was wearing already--the bustier--and spent half his time chopping and tossing salad, and half stroking any bare part of me that drew his attention. Midway through, he caught me around the waist, lifted me onto the counter and licked my cunt until I was screaming with release.
Looking very pleased with himself, he dragged me off the counter again, steadied me and abandoned me to rescue the food before it burned.
Clean up went much the same way. I was reaching to put the last dish away when he caught me up, flung me over his shoulder, and marched back upstairs with me. We passed a deeply satisfying night, which made it all the more incomprehensible to me when I awoke alone in the bed and discovered he'd already left the house.
Confused and more than a little anxious, I got ready for work and headed in. I knew the moment I entered the office that something had changed. Almost from the time I'd begun to serve, the office had buzzed with an air of energy that was almost electric. As I moved from office to office passing out coffee, I didn't get fondled even once.
Puzzled, and more than a little disappointed, I settled at the reception desk and went to work. Midmorning, I was told to lock up and go to the conference room. The moment I received the summons, my entire body tensed with expectation.