Vanished: What Would You Do If The Love Of Your Life Disappeared Without A Trace? (Nadine's quest to unravel the truth Book 1)

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Vanished: What Would You Do If The Love Of Your Life Disappeared Without A Trace? (Nadine's quest to unravel the truth Book 1) Page 17

by D. D. Goordin

  “Will be looking forward to it Chrissie but there’s something I need to mention.”


  “It’s just that I will be travelling to New York, not tomorrow but the day after. Honestly there’s so much that I wish I could tell you but I will wait until you get there.”

  “You’re going to New York??!! That’s frigging amazing something wrong?”

  “Honestly Christina when you come over tomorrow night I will let you know everything that has gone on. Anyways I feel immensely tired and will crash out, will definitely see you tomorrow.”

  “See you tomorrow, love you Nadine.”

  “Love you too.”

  I hang up the phone to see that I had received a message from Daniel which had read:

  I hope you’re ok Nadine, you really had me worried, make sure you get loads of rest before you travel and will see you when you get back. You can then show me all the new techniques you may have learned. Enjoy your trip to the big apple. Take care. Dan.

  My eyes had started drifting to sleep and decided to snuggle up in my duvets. I had slept peacefully during the night and had awoken to the sound of someone banging loudly on my door. At first I had thought I was dreaming but I could hear someone was banging frantically on the door. I glanced at the clock and could see that it was nearing 6am. I knew that no one would come to see me at this time of the morning. I remained in bed not willing to open the front door. After what seemed like an eternity, the banging had seized. I remembered that I was not due to attend work as I would be flying out the next day. It was beyond crazy to think that I would get a chance to travel around to places I had always wanted to visit especially New York. I tried to fall back to sleep but was struggling. I ended up waking up as I had quite a few things to sort out. I could hear my phone ringing and glanced at the caller display to see that it was an unknown number. I answered it.


  “Hi is this Nadine?”

  “This is she may I ask whose speaking?”

  “It’s Pc Franco I need to update you on the investigations will you be home this morning?”

  “I will be in. What time will you be passing by?”

  “I shall be there in half an hour say for about 8:30am.”

  I heard the phone went dead; surely this must’ve had something to do with Blake. I realised that I was still in my pyjamas and that I needed to have a quick shower before Dane had reached here. I quickly made the bed and headed straight to the bathroom to have a quick rinse. Once showered, I dressed casually in a camisole with jeans with my hair tied up in a messy bun. My stomach was growling and knew that I had to have something to eat. I decided on quickly rustling up a fruit salad with slices of banana, apples, pears, kiwi and grapes. I managed to eat just before I heard someone knocking on my door which had indicated the arrival of PC Franco. I answered the door to be greeted by the same man that I had seen at Camden. He was not dressed in uniform which was the first thing I noticed. I stood there just looking at him.

  “Well aren’t you going to ask me in Miss Nixon?”

  “Oh sorry, sure come in.”

  “By the way there happens to be a package for you, shall I bring it inside for you?”

  “I was not expecting any delivery that is so odd, either way I am keen to see what it is.”

  Dane walked passed me whilst I closed the front door. I motioned him to the living room not too sure whether this visit was regarding Blake. I sure was curious. Once seated he kept on glancing at me.

  “Nice place, I am impressed.”

  “I got given this place from my parents in their will.”

  “It sure is a nice place.”

  I was so keen to found out what had triggered Dane to visit me at my place especially at such short notice.

  “So what brings you here PC Franco?”

  “Nadine you know you can call me Dane.”

  “I know I can so tell me what brings you here?”

  “I have news on Blake Saunders and it’s not good.”

  In my heart I had a feeling what was coming next but I was not sure whether I could handle it.”

  “I think it best if you sat down Nadine.”

  I sat down opposite Dane feeling somewhat conflicted not too sure whether I was ready to hear what could have possibly happened to Blake.

  “Just please put me out of my misery.”

  “Well after he was treated in hospital Blake Saunders seemed to have disappeared.”

  “Disappeared?” I reiterated.

  “Apparently so but I am sensing things are not what they seem.”

  “How can you be so sure he has disappeared? Or even worse he could be dead.”

  Hearing myself say that aloud even I could not fathom it and again my eyes started to water.

  “What makes you say that he may be dead?”

  “Do you know when he was last treated?”

  “I am sure he was treated a few nights ago but I do know he was discharged the following night.”

  “He was discharged?”

  “Yes he was.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “PC Stevens was the one who had informed me, what’s with the questions Nadine?”

  “I was just curious I guess.”

  “How have you been holding up?” I could see that Dane was looking concerned about me which was evident on his expression on his face.

  “Honestly, I don’t think I have been the same since that fateful night. That night from Camden whilst making my way home I was being followed. At first I thought it was just someone who happened to live on the same street as me but as soon as I started to walk faster, their footsteps had increased. The quicker I was walking I could hear the footsteps even clearer.”

  “Why didn’t you call me? I had given you my number especially in cases of emergencies.”

  “I know you had but thankfully I had managed to get inside my house in the nick of time. I didn’t even consider calling you as I was exhausted. Sorry Dane.”

  “No need to apologise but I have warned you that you need to be careful due to the fact you are a key witness to a crime, unless you had forgotten that minor detail. It’s my duty to protect those who could be harmed.”

  “I know, I had not visualised that I would be in such a quagmire, the consequences that I have to face knowing that I may have put myself in danger by trying to be a good citizen and saving someone.”

  “You are not to blame Nadine, surely you should know that. Not many people in this day and age would get involved if they happen to have seen someone getting harassed, let alone saving someone. People these days would blindly walk pass without giving a care in the world. There’s only a few minority who would help and you just happen to be one of them. It’s just unfortunate that whoever had targeted Mr Saunders may be after you. Had you not considered that?”

  “Now that you mentioned it you could be in fact right. I just don’t understand how things could get so murky.”

  “Trust me I have seen cases far more murky than this. I just sense that things are not what they seem.”

  “I had the same impression. But who knows, the only person who would know would be only Blake. I just don’t feel comfortable around your colleague PC Stevens. Somehow he gives me the creeps.”

  “Does he? You happen to be the first person to say that.” Dane glanced at the package that was placed beside him.

  “Have you noticed any strange on goings?”

  “Well this morning, someone was banging on my door at around 6am. I was not expecting anyone.”

  “What about this package? Expecting any deliveries?”

  “No, none at all.”

  “Would you mind if I open this package?” Dane inquires.

  “As I said I was not expecting anything so it does not bother me if you open it.”

  “Can you get the scissors for me?”

  I went out of the living room to the kitchen to get the scissors; once I found it I rush
ed back to the living room and handed it to Dane. I was standing right beside him whilst he managed to cut through the tape. He glanced at me.

  “If my senses are accurate, someone is probably trying to scare you by sending this package to you. I am thinking whomever was banging on your door at the early hours of the morning must have been the one to leave this behind. Brace yourself Nadine.”

  I remained standing beside him. He had opened the box ever so slightly. There was a stench almost instantly with something protruding from the box. Whatever it was had made me want to gag. I was looking at Dane even he had covered his mouth with his hand. He had lifted whatever it was from the box. It was crimson red which I instantly knew it was dry blood and what looked like two various organs of some sort. Dane placed both the objects back into the box and had a letter in his hand. The writing was in bold red surely this person couldn’t have written it in blood but Dane was confirming my worst fears.

  “It seems to me they had written this message in blood Nadine.”


  I reread the message over again. I could feel myself trembling with fear totally oblivious to the fact that Dane had his arms around me.


  It had felt like everything was in slow motion and yet I had not registered that Dane was talking to me. I could see his lips moving but could not hear a sound. I suddenly felt him shaking me uncontrollably.

  “Nadine snap out of it!”

  “I don’t know what just happened I think I’m in a state of shock.”

  “I am not surprised your face went very pale. Let me fetch you a glass of water.”

  I remained seated whilst the letter was still in my hand. The stench was not as strong as it had been when Dane had first opened the package. Who would even dissect a heart and a tongue from a living creature? The thought had repulsed me instantly. Whomever it was sure knew what they were doing. I had to accept the fact that my life was in serious danger whether I liked it or not. Dane had come back with a glass of water for me looking even more concerned than he did.

  “You look worried.”I stated.

  “You can’t blame me you should have seen your expression, as you were reading that letter. Honestly Nadine please take care of yourself, you have my number and make sure if you notice any strange on goings contact me without having any hesitations. I think it best if I get rid of that package for you.”

  “I’ll walk you out and thank you.”

  “Don’t be silly, you do not need to thank me. I just happen to be doing my job.”

  As Dane was heading out holding the package he noticed someone from across the street looking at my place. I could not see anyone there but by Dane’s reaction I could tell he was not going to take any chances.

  “Listen to me Nadine, I want you to close this door and lock yourself in here until I come back. I just want to approach that guy over there across the road. He’s acting a bit odd. Remember once I cross over, close the door and wait for me.”

  I watched Dane cross the road and closed the door instantly not willing to risk it. I decided to head upstairs to see whether Dane had managed to find out what that guy was up to. I looked through the window and could see Dane was trying to approach the guy but he literally had sprinted in a run. It happened so quickly the guy had raced off to the other road whilst Dane was right behind him. I could not see what was happening and ended up going back downstairs. I had lost my appetite completely after seeing the letter. I was thankful that Dane was here and was the one who had opened it. Having his support meant a great deal to me which I appreciated. I went back to the kitchen and had another glass of water, today was proving to be another eventful day. Just then I heard the doorbell ring, I slowly crept to the front door and peeped through the keyhole to see Dane there. I opened the door.

  “What had happened?” I asked.

  “I knew he was up to no good, by what I could tell he was keeping watch on this place. I am sure he could have been sent her by whoever wanted Mr Saunders killed.”

  “Did you see where he went?”

  “He ran away, he was far too quick for me.”

  “Do you think they may come back again?” I asked.

  “They could possibly but they would be very stupid to as I manage to get a picture of what they looked like. I’m not saying you are safe because believe me these people won’t give up without a fight, you just need to take caution when heading out and be extra vigilant.”

  “Did you manage to see what they looked like?”

  “I know that they were male, as tall as my colleague PC Stevens but I couldn’t see their face. It was very hard to make out what exactly they looked like. Remember Nadine if you notice any strange things even if they happen to be minor please call me without hesitating.”

  “I shall remember that, I can thank you enough Dane. I shall be in touch if I do notice anything that raises my suspicions; you’ll be the first person that I shall call. If you don’t mind could you give me your number again?”

  “Sure, here you go. Remember you can call me at any time of the day. I will be at your beck and call should you need me. Please take care of yourself Nadine; I shall get rid of this for you.

  “Thank you Dane.”


  I watched Dane carry the box away, knowing that he was going to find a place to dispose my supposed gifts and watched him walking off. I got back into the house realising what he had came to tell me which was that Blake Saunders has been discharged but could he have possibly known that Blake Saunders was deceased and had been discharged on another person’s name? I was so confused. Something was not making sense. Dane had mentioned that PC Stevens had told him Blake had been discharged but may have probably failed to mention that slight detail. There would be no records of Blake Saunders if he was pronounced dead. I had learned that maybe there was a slight glimmer of hope but with the medical report that I had somehow managed to obtain suggested otherwise. I did not know what to believe. I had to live in hope that I will surely see Blake again even if I got myself killed. I was determined to find out what had happened to him, to find out who was after him and why. I was not going down without a fight until my very last breath.

  Chapter 17

  I decided to go upstairs and take out the box where I had kept all the important documents regarding Blake. The first thing that was on top was the leaflet that Doctor Lawson had dropped regarding the charity event and it was coinciding with the dates that I would be in New York City. I then looked at his driving license and realised that Blake’s address was on there. His address was 20 Rede Place, London W2 4TU. Something inside me was urging to go and pay him a visit. Should I stay or should I go? The more I was contemplating it the more it was eating me up inside. I decided to go to visit his address, considering I had gathered that the chances were slim that I would see him. I decided on impulse that I should otherwise I would never know and always would keep on wondering what if. I had to take this chance. I was contemplating which would be the easiest way to get to his address surely he couldn’t live that far from me. I decided the best way to get there would be to take the bus 31 and walk to his address. I quickly placed his driver’s licence back in the box making a note of his exact address.

  I headed downstairs with my phone in one hand where I had stored Blake’s address. I grabbed my keys and bag determined that I will at least visit his address. What more could I lose. As soon as I headed out closing the front door behind me I quickly walked it to the bus stop glancing back every now and again. The bus had finally arrived which I was thankful for as the weather started to look gloomy. I took a seat and was glancing around the area. I couldn
’t believe that Blake had lived so close to me and I had not had a clue. I knew I had to get off at Pembridge Villas/ Westbourne Grove. As soon as I heard the next stop was Pembridge villas I stood up and waited. I kept on looking at my surroundings knowing that it had somehow looked familiar. Could I have possibly been here before? I had the sense of de ja vue. As I got off at the bus stop I asked someone where rede place was. I followed the directions. I continued to walk towards Westbourne Grove and was told that I would have to take the second right onto Chepstow Place and to take the first left on to Rede Place. It had only taken 5 minutes walk to find his address. I somehow had felt I had been here before just then I had remembered I had dreamt to coming to his place and there was number 20, the door was grey and there was a garage, which had me questioning if he did in fact had own that flash Mercedes car. I admired the property before I rang the door bell, my palms were slightly clammy and I could feel my own heart pounding. I rang the door bell and waited for any sign of movement inside. I waited a few minutes and rang the doorbell again. Still there was no movement from inside. I backed away and decided the journey was pointless considering that Pc Franco had stated that Blake had disappeared. Just as I was about to leave an elderly man came out from the next property. He may have been a neighbour of Blake’s and surely it would not harm to ask a few questions. I walked closer to his property trying to catch his attention.

  “Excuse me; I wonder if you can help me?”

  The man just looked at me. I decided to go on.

  “Do you know who was occupying that property by any chance?” I was pointing to number 20.

  “There’s a man who does live there but we only ever said hi in passing. He liked to keep himself to himself. Very pleasant when we did cross paths.”

  “Do you know his name?”

  “I am sorry miss but I really can’t recall his name but I can give a small description of him if you would like.”


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