Cheyenne, 7
Comanche, 48–49
Ottawa, 219
Ute, 30–31, 32, 102, 216
Interior Department, 31, 32, 51, 74, 95
Italy, 58–59, 115
Jackson, William H., 31
James, Henry, 56, 61
Johnson, Andrew, 21
Jones, Florence, 223
Jones, Helen, 207, 223
Jones, Herbie, 121
Jones, Minnie, 114, 122
Jones, Tommy, 114, 119, 121, 122, 136, 173, 181, 223
Jones family, 121–22
Karagounis, James, 169–70
Katsegahnis, George, 168, 170
Kelly, Jane, 37–38
Kremmling, Colorado, 95
Lady of the Lake steamboat, 21
Lambkin, Roy, 135
Lapland, S.S., 55, 56, 57
Latin, as academic subject, 38, 86, 114, 115
Lay, Elzy, 102
Leadville, Colorado, 32
LeMay, Miss, 87, 114, 202
Letters of a Woman Homesteader (Stewart), 82
Lincoln, Abraham, 25, 29, 47, 143
Homestead Act and, 101
Seward and, xi, 19
Little Arkansas area, 88, 109, 172
Little Bear School, 120
Logan, Chief (Tahgahjute), 25, 140
Logan, James, 25
logging, 125
Ludlow Massacre, 155–56
Luigi Amedeo, Prince, 57
Mamie (nursemaid to Woodruffs), 15, 24
Mansfield, Portia, 128–32, 150, 159, 224–25
marriage, 13, 55, 141–42
of Dorothy’s siblings, 80
marriages of Ros and Dorothy, 207
as social expectation, x
Mary Sharp College, 36
Matisse, Henri, x, 62
McKinley, William, 24
Meeker, Nathan, 32, 33
Mexico, prospect of war with, xii, 85, 143
Mitchell, Claude, 190
Mitchell, Joseph, 190
Mitchell, Richard, 190
Moffat, David, 50, 78, 90, 154, 225
building of transcontinental railroad and, 91–93
railroad—mining symbiosis and, 153
Moffat Coal Company, 136, 153, 155, 156, 220
Moffat Road (Denver, Northwestern & Pacific Railway), 3, 73, 129, 192
building of, 92–96
coal mines and, 157
derailments, 198–99
Gore Canyon, 89, 94, 95
“Hell Hill” and, 93
Moffat Tunnel, 217
in Oak Creek, 153
Rollins Pass, 93, 94, 95, 98, 212
Molière, 63
Mordkin, Mikhail, 131
Morsbach, Jesse, 114, 173, 215
Morsbach, Oliver, 114, 196
Morsbach, Rudolph, 114, 119, 121, 173–74
Mott, Lucretia, 21
Mountain View school, 110, 112, 138
Mount Holyoke College, 36
Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. George, 75, 76, 121–22
Mutual Welfare League, 23
Napoleon I, 63
Napoléon III (Louis Napoléon), 67
New York City, 6, 20, 79, 81, 92, 119, 139–40
Nijinsky, Vaslav, x, 59–60, 66
Nineteenth Amendment, 97
North Star (abolitionist newspaper), 20
Oak Creek, Colorado, xiii, 151, 152–54, 168, 220
Oak Hills, Colorado, 133, 149, 150–51, 154–55, 169, 171, 197, 206, 220
Oak Point (Carpenter’s property), 51, 72, 73, 134, 134–36, 182, 215–16
Oberlin College, 37
Oklahoma! (Rodgers and Hammerstein), 225
Old Kent Corporation, 19
Osborne, David, 21
Osborne, Eliza, 21–22, 53
Osborne, Thomas Mott, 22, 23–24
Oswego Starch Factory, 17
“Overland Journey” (Greeley), 10
Owasco Lake (New York), 14, 20–21
Paris, France, 59–66
Pavlova, Anna, 131
Peck, Emma H., 34, 126, 127–28, 133, 160, 162
Peck, Harry B., 127
Perry, Bob, x, 77–78, 92, 128–30, 135–37, 142–43, 149–51, 156–59, 162, 163–72, 195, 197, 206, 207, 220
Perry, Charlotte, 77, 78, 128–32, 150, 159, 175, 224–25
Perry, Lottie Matson, 129, 153, 205
Perry, Marjorie, 129, 131, 151, 167–68, 202
Perry, Ruth, 137
Perry, Samuel M., xiv, 78, 92, 110, 129, 131, 137, 153, 167, 169, 183, 205, 225
Perry-Mansfield Performing Arts Camp (Rocky Mountain Dancing Club) 124, 128–32, 224–25
Persigny, Albine de, 67
Phipps, Lawrence C., 153
Phippsburg, Colorado, 153–54, 159, 199
Picasso, Pablo, 62
Pike’s Peak gold rush, 9, 10, 48
Pitkin, Gov. Frederick W., 32, 33, 34
Pleasant, Eunice, 209–12, 221
Pleasant, Richard, 225
Pomeroy, Mrs. Theodore M., 80
Princeton University, 45–47
prisons and prison reform, 22–23
Progressive Party, 63, 143
Racine, Jean, 63
Radcliffe College, 37
railroads, xii, 6, 50, 78
financiers of, xiv
Lehigh Valley Railroad, 21
mining and, 153
See also Moffat Road
ranchers, 92
range wars (cattlemen versus sheep men), 73, 102
Ranhofer, Charles, 54
Reid, Sam and Mary, 34
Rench, Iva, 77, 112, 125, 138–39, 210–11
Republican Party, 11, 63, 143, 178, 217
Rey, Mme (French teacher), 60, 61, 62, 63, 65
Reynolds, George, 211
Rimrock (Rock) School.
See Elkhead School
Robinson, Jimmy, 114, 121, 181, 215
Robinson, Robin, 114, 121, 173, 180, 223
Rocky Mountain News, 9, 30, 91, 168
Rocky Mountains, xii, 129
railroad over, 3
Ute tribe and, 30
Western Slope, 12–13, 32
Rodeo (de Mille and Copland), 225
Rodgers and Hammerstein, 225
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 22, 217, 218, 219
Roosevelt, Theodore, 47, 63–64, 95, 143
Roselawn (Brown home), 67–68
Routt County, Colorado, 4, 13, 49, 51, 87, 202, 217
coal mining in, 153, 154
county fair in Hayden, 137–38
homesteaders, 101
Moffat Road as lifeline for, 91
Perry’s enterprises in, 92, 110
ranchers in, 73
schools, 76
Routt County Republican (newspaper), 71, 76, 77, 111, 118, 204
Rubens, Peter Paul, 69
Rubinstein, Ida, 60
Rye Seminary, 26
Sabin, Palmer, 12, 13
Scheherazade (opera), 59–60
Schreiner, Olive, 96
Seelye, L. Clark, 37, 39, 41, 53
Seneca Falls Convention, x, 21
servants, 15, 16, 29
settlement houses, 35–36
Seward, Fanny, 18
Seward, Frances, 19
Seward, William H., xi, 18–20, 22, 54, 81
Seward, Brig. Gen. William H., Jr., 25
Shakespeare, William, 29, 191
sheep herders, 73
Shelton, Ezekiel, 34
silver mining, xii, 12
Singer, Paris, 66
Sing Sing prison, x—xi
Smart, Albert, 30, 32–33, 34
Smart, Lou, 32–33, 34, 37
Smart, Porter M., 30, 32
Smart family, 31, 32–33
Smith, Ezra, 207, 223
Smith, George, 76
Smith, Sophia, 36
Smith College, x, 4, 25, 35–41, 55, 77, 78, 128, 130, 150, 220
Socialism, 64
Solandt, John V., 71
br /> Speer, Robert, 9
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 21, 22
Steamboat Springs, Colorado, xiii, xiv, 30, 87, 160, 169, 215
founding, 127
mineral waters of, 49–50
mining towns compared with, 152
modern dance as scandal in, 132
Moffat Road and, 96
state teacher examinations held in, 124, 126–28
Winter Carnival, 202
Steamboat & Wolcott Stage, 45, 50
Stein, Gertrude, 62
Stein, Leo, 62
Stein, Michael, 62
Stewart, Elinore Pruitt, 82–83
Strawberry Park, 128–32, 202, 220, 224
Stuart, William Whitewright, 69–70
suffragists, x, 21, 65, 80
Sumner, H. A., 93, 94
Sunday-school services, 109, 112
Switzerland, 59
Taft, William Howard, 63
Tammany Hall, 22
Taylor Grazing Act, 218
Thompson, Maj. James B., 32, 33
Throop, Enos, 20–21
Toklas, Alice B., 62
Tonetti, Alexandra, 131
Tonetti, Francois and Mary, 131
tourism, 92, 93
trapping, 125
Tubman, Harriet, 20
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 48, 73, 225
Two Bar ranch, 102
Underground Railroad, xi, 20
Underwood, Arthur (brother of Ros), 53, 55, 57, 58, 97
Underwood, George (father of Ros), 5, 18, 21, 184, 205
Underwood, George, Jr. (brother of Ros), 177, 184, 185
Underwood, Grace (mother of Ros), 17–18, 174, 175, 205–6
Underwood, Helen (aunt of Ros), 141–42, 181, 184–85, 189, 194, 207
Underwood, J. Platt (uncle of Ros), 7, 12, 206
Underwood, Kennard (brother of Ros), 85
Underwood, Nellie (aunt of Ros), 118
Underwood family, xiii, 21, 25, 55, 57, 97, 174, 184–85
United Mine Workers, 155
Ute tribe, 30–31, 32–34, 102, 216
Vassar College, 36, 150
Victorian society, x, 15, 25
Villa, Pancho, 85
Vlaminck, Maurice, 62
Wagner, Earnest, 30, 71, 99
Walker, William, 34, 216
Walks in Old Paris, 61
Ward, Mrs. Humphry, 56
Wattles, Rebecca, xiii, 215–16, 223–24
Wellesley College (Wellesley Female Seminary), 36, 81, 84
Western Colorado Improvement Company, 30
White, Ann, 208
White, Jack, 51, 52, 72, 160–61, 193, 208, 216
White River Agency, 32, 33
Whittaker, D. L., 174
Williams College, 37
Williams Fork, 162
Willowbrook compound, 20–21
Wilson, Woodrow, 22, 46–48, 72, 73
labor strife in Colorado and, 156
as New Jersey governor, 63–64
in presidential elections, 177–78
prospect of war with Mexico and, xii, 85, 143
World War I and, 128, 143, 204
Winter Park (formerly Idlewild), Colorado, 93
Within Prison Walls (Osborne), 24
Woman and Labor (Schreiner), 96
Woman’s Educational and Industrial Union, 22, 53, 80
women, xiii, 73
careers open to, 55
coal mines and, 158
in mining towns, 153
shortage of women in Elkhead, 75
Smith College graduates, 41
social work and, 81
voting rights and, 80, 97
women’s colleges, 36–37
women’s rights, 18, 21
Woodley, Ruth Carpenter, 81, 83, 84, 87, 103
Woodruff, Anna (sister of Dorothy), 15, 25, 58, 80, 98, 182, 187, 199, 201
Woodruff, Carl (brother of Dorothy), 15, 16
Woodruff, Carrie (mother of Dorothy), 15, 16, 185–86, 188
Woodruff, Carrie-Belle (sister of Dorothy), 15, 67, 80
Woodruff, Douglas (brother of Dorothy), 15, 64, 219
Woodruff, Hermione (sister of Dorothy), 15, 190, 198
Woodruff, Hope (sister of Dorothy), 24
Woodruff, John Hermon (father of Dorothy), 5, 15, 16, 181–82
Woodruff, Mary (aunt of Dorothy), 18
Woodruff, Milly (sister of Dorothy), xi, 15, 24, 60, 62, 65, 66, 112, 114, 115, 198, 199–203, 207
Woodruff, Mollie (aunt of Dorothy), 192, 194
Woodruff family, 20, 21, 174
World War I (Great War), xii, 128, 143, 204, 217
Wright, David, 22
Wright, Martha C., 21
Yale University, 37
Yampa Valley, 28, 32, 34, 37, 50, 92, 99
Yellowstone country, 31
Zars, Belle, 111, 221
Zars, Reed, 215
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Chapter 1: Hayden Heritage Center. Chapter 5: Carpenter Ranch. Chapter 9: Denver Public Library, Western History Collection. Photographer: L. C. McClure. Chapter 11: Perry-Mansfield Archives. Chapter 13: Courtesy of Ruth Perry.
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