Rogue the Redeemer

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Rogue the Redeemer Page 7

by Rhiannon Neeley

  “They do have someone watching it. A different person each shift. But the hospital is being very secretive about it,” John said. He moved to the table where his laptop sat. He clicked a few buttons, then read from the screen. “There are four people watching the blood storage. One for each shift and a backup. All of them have been checked out extensively.”

  Rogue sat back down in the chair. Worry now gnawed at him. What if Kaitlyn had been seen taking pints of blood and they just hadn’t gotten wind of it yet? “What do you mean the hospital is trying to keep it quiet?” he asked.

  John closed the laptop. “The people selected to watch the blood storage are employees. They are supposed to look as if they are going about their jobs but in reality they are keeping an eye on who goes in and out. That way, the thief won’t know they are being watched and will be caught.”

  “Who watches on night shift?” Rogue asked. “Just so I know.”

  John opened his computer and checked the list. “A nurse. Rachel Grove.”

  “I know her.”

  John looked at him. “Don’t let on to her that you know anything about this. We don’t want your cover blown.”

  “Right.” Rogue folded the paper and put it in the back pocket of his jeans. “Who’s going to watch during the day?”

  John gave him a half smile. “I will, off and on.”

  Rogue snorted. “You’ll stand out like a sore thumb. You look like a vampire.”

  John walked to his small suitcase. “I’ve got it covered,” he said, holding up a piece of black cloth with a small square of white at the top.

  Rogue was either really tired or John was trying to put one over on him. “A priest’s collar? You’re kidding.”

  John slid the collar around his neck and snapped it. The black material draped down over his chest. “Add a black suit coat and I’m good to go.”

  “I have seen it all,” Rogue said. “I need some sleep. I’m going to bed.” He started for the door.


  The serious tone of John’s voice stopped him. He turned. “Yeah?”

  “There’s nothing wrong is there?” John’s eyes were jet-black and piercing.

  Rogue weighed telling him about Kaitlyn but quickly chose to stay quiet a little while longer. “Nah,” he said. “I’m just tired, that’s all.”

  John unsnapped the collar from around his neck and tossed it on the bed. “If you ever get to a place where you think you need help, you can come to me. You know that.”

  “Sure, John. I know.”

  “Any problem. Anything at all.”

  A snake of guilt coiled in Rogue’s belly. He swallowed, shoving it down. “I know, John. Don’t worry about me.”

  * * * *

  In his own room, Rogue stood in the shower, letting the hot water blast him. He couldn’t believe how worn out he felt. Kaitlyn had put him through his paces last night. Thank the Lord he was in shape or he would have never survived four bouts of mind-blowing sex.

  Thinking of Kaitlyn’s insatiable hunger, her wonderful lips pursed around his rod made Rogue’s balls ache. As tired as he was, his cock twitched. Rogue reached out and turned the faucet all the way to cold.

  Water as cold as ice shocked his body and made his cock go back to sleep. He gritted his teeth against the biting spray, forcing himself to stand in it until all thoughts of sex were encased in a block of solid ice in his mind. He knew he had it bad for Kaitlyn. And it wasn’t just the sex part of it. Rogue knew from the start that Kaitlyn Gale was a strong woman with an amazingly confident personality but there was also another side to her. A side where she seemed like a little girl lost in the dark in a world full of monsters. Monsters that not only threatened her life, but also her soul.

  Rogue had to be there for her. Wanted to be there. Needed to.

  He turned off the water and shivered. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he didn’t bother drying off. He went straight to the table and picked up his cell phone.

  He punched in the number of his Aunt Grace’s cell phone

  A voice answered on the third ring.

  “This better be good,” Drake Raven said, his voice thick with sleep.

  “Drake, hey man. Sorry to wake you. This is Rogue.”

  “What’s wrong?” Drake now sounded fully alert. “Problem with the assignment? John okay?”

  Rogue dropped down on the edge of the bed. “Hey, Drake. Calm down. Everything’s fine. I’m fine. John’s fine.”

  Drake let out a heavy sigh. “So, why’d you wake me up at—shit, it’s not even eight o’clock.”

  Rogue grimaced. He hoped that he hadn’t pissed Drake off. “I, uh, I wanted to talk to Aunt Grace about something. She there?”

  Rogue heard Drake talking to someone, a rattling on the phone. Then Grace’s sleep-soft voice. “Rogue?”

  “Morning, Grace,” Rogue said. “You’re not mad at me for waking you up, are you? I didn’t realize what time it was.”

  “No, no. It’s okay. Just let me…” There was some static. Grace was doing something. “Alright,” she said, coming back on the line. “I’m going out into the living room so we can talk.”

  Rogue heard Drake say something but he couldn’t make it out. Then he heard Grace tell Drake to go back to sleep. Rogue ran a hand through his hair.

  “Okay,” Grace said, finally. “I can talk now.”

  “Drake’s pissed.” Rogue fell back on the bed, exhaustion tensing his muscles again.

  “No, he’s not pissed. He’s just grumpy. Now what’s this about? You wouldn’t call unless you needed something.”

  Rogue looked up at the ceiling, noticing a long, crooked crack that ran all the way across the room. “I’m wondering … has Lydia found anything yet?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean with Ramsey’s blood. Has she found out why he is immune to the bite of a vampire?”

  Ramsey had been captured and brought back to Ravencrest for study. On Rogue’s first assignment with Holt, Ramsey had been the human counterpart of the vampire Clutch they had searched out. Ramsey had been fed upon many times by the Clutch but had not turned. He had some sort of immunity to the vampire’s venom. Lydia, being a biologist who had begun to specialize in blood, had immediately started testing Ramsey to find out if his blood contained an antibody of some sort. Ramsey had balked at first but soon began to cooperate. To a point. Rogue figured it had something to do with Lydia being down right gorgeous. Lydia, though, only had eyes for Eric Raven.

  Grace sighed over the phone. “Lydia thinks that she may have found something but so far, she hasn’t wanted to talk too much about it. She said she doesn’t want to raise our hopes. She’s not finished with her tests yet. Now, is that the only reason that you called because if it is … something’s up.”

  “I was just interested,” Rogue said, rubbing his eyes. “And I wanted to hear your lovely voice, my dear Auntie Grace.”

  “Knock it off, Rogue.” She used her firm surrogate-mother-former-cop voice. “I know you better than that. You haven’t been bitten, have you? You tell me right now.”

  Rogue sat back up. “No. I have not been bitten. Stop worrying about me, okay? I just was…” He searched his tired mind for something to say. “I missed you, I guess.”

  “I don’t believe you but I guess that will have to do.”

  “I need some sleep, Aunt Grace. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “You take care of yourself, Rogue. I don’t want to lose you. And I’m sorry for scolding you.”


  “Bye.” Grace disconnected.

  Rogue flipped his phone closed and stood.

  With a heavy sigh, he got ready for bed.

  It wasn’t the first time he’d lied to Grace. She had raised him after his father died—through his wild teenage years.

  But lying to her this time felt as if he’d taken a piece out of his heart.

  In his soul though, he knew Kaitlyn was worth it.

orth any risk.

  Chapter Six

  Rogue didn’t wake up until almost six o’clock in the evening. He’d never slept that long—ever—in his life. He stumbled to the shower.

  Half an hour later, Rogue flicked through the channels on the television while he sat on the edge of the bed, a hot cup of coffee in his hand.

  There was a knock on the door.

  Rogue jerked, sloshing coffee on his jeans. “Damn.” He jiggled his leg as he walked to the door. He opened it, still brushing at the stain.

  “Thought you might be hungry,” John said, stepping past him into the room. The scent of fast food followed him. John placed a white paper bag on the table and sat down. “Are you going to stand there with the door open or are you going to join me?” He waved a hand at the chair across from him.

  Rogue closed the door and joined John at the table, placing his half-empty coffee cup in front of him. He reached for the paper bag, opening it. “Smells good,” he said, the aroma of French fries making his stomach growl. “I hadn’t even thought about food yet. Thanks.” He pulled two cheeseburgers and a large fry out of the bag.

  John sat watching him, his chin resting on his hand, while Rogue bit into a cheeseburger. “Sleep all day?” John asked.

  Rogue swallowed and took a sip of coffee. “Yeah. You find anything out?”

  John shook his head. “No. I visited the seven patients—in my costume. None of them seemed suspicious to me.”

  “What would make you suspicious of one of them? I mean—I’m just starting out in this kind of hunting business so I’d kind of like to know.” Rogue let out a chuckle. “Now if you want to hunt squirrel, I could show you a trick or two. Vampires—yeah, they’re one thing but if they have a human companion—that, I don’t know if I’d spot right away.” Rogue felt uneasy having this conversation. His skin was beginning to crawl. He felt like a lightning bug in a Mason jar with someone looking in at him, waiting to see when he would light up.

  “Well,” John said, leaning back in his chair, “a lot of times a human companion will seem nervous. Won’t look you in the eye. Talk a little fast. Laugh a bit.” John nodded at Rogue. “Like you just did. That little chuckle.”

  Rogue swallowed another bite of cheeseburger. It went down hard. He reached for his coffee.

  “Then other times,” John continued, “they’ll be almost defiant in their demeanor. Intense looks, reluctant to talk.” John sighed. “It’s something that you get a feel for. Comes with experience. You know … like mine. Of course I’ve been involved in this my whole life. You’re just beginning. You’re … vulnerable.”

  Rogue almost choked on a French fry. The room felt smaller, confining. “I’ll keep my eyes and ears open tonight,” he said.

  “Just be sure that you do,” John said, rising out of the chair. He walked to the door, then stopped. “I know how you love women,” he said, his eyes focused on the door. “Don’t be swayed by a pretty face. It may be nothing more than a mask,” he looked at Rogue, “to cover up the monster that lies beneath.”

  For a fraction of a second, it felt as if the world had stopped turning and John could see straight into his soul. Rogue took a breath. The world started up again. “I’ll be fine,” Rogue said, forcing himself to smile. “Don’t worry about me. I’ve grown up a lot since that assignment.”

  John cocked his head for a second, then nodded. “Later.” Then he walked out the door.

  Rogue placed his palms on the table and blew out a slow, shallow breath. He glanced at the small alarm clock beside the bed. Just past seven. He popped a fry into his mouth and chewed, staring at nothing.

  Waiting for darkness to fall.


  Kaitlyn awoke with a jolt.

  She gasped and sat straight up in bed. Her eyes searched the shadows of her room, vestiges of her dream of the dark-haired man clinging to her like a sinister spider web. She hugged herself. The dreams were strange and otherworldly. Mostly of Rogue, his cool blue eyes flashing as he made love to her over and over again. Just remembering the dreams made her ache for him.

  But there had also been a sense of foreboding at the edges of her dreams. The dark-haired man moving in the shadows, a phantom that evaded her, was keeping his face hidden. It chilled her to the marrow, this presence of a man she couldn’t see. Kaitlyn sensed that he was some sort of omen, something to fear but she could not understand why.

  “Steady girl,” she said with as much conviction as she could muster. “You’re going to beat this thing.”

  She rose from the bed, her hunger already nibbling at her insides. She needed something to eat. Soon.

  “Rogue will come,” she told herself as she made her way to the shower, hesitating at doorways in case any waning rays of daylight crossed her path. “Rogue will bring you something.” She stepped into the bathroom, comfortable now that she was sure the sun was low enough that she could walk safely through the house. Looking into the mirror, she smiled at her reflection, noting that her canines were even sharper than yesterday. “Yes, Rogue will be here,” she told her reflection. She let out a small laugh. Right, she thought, vampires have no reflection. The books were so totally wrong. She wondered what sort of book author would write if they ever met a “real” vampire. If they found out that not only would blood satisfy a vampire hunger—the essence of passion would, too.

  Kaitlyn drew in a breath. Already her mouth watered for Rogue.

  Kaitlyn turned on the shower and stepped in, her appetite for sex joining the hunger for sustenance. As she stepped into the spray of water, she had only one thought.

  She hoped he would hurry.

  Half an hour later, Kaitlyn paced the living room. The nibbling in her stomach had advanced to a definite gnawing and her womanhood was begging for attention so wetly that she had even brought her trusty vibrator downstairs with her. She hadn’t used it yet but if Rogue didn’t show up soon, at least she could stave off a bit of her needs.

  Kaitlyn tossed her head, whipping her hair back over her shoulders. She’d kept the lights off, seeing perfectly well in the dark as she moved back and forth like a caged tigress in front of the picture window that took up most of the living room wall. The dark house also hid her nakedness from anyone who happened to glance at her window while passing by. She had foregone clothing, hoping that there would be no need for it. Kaitlyn was perfectly comfortable being naked. Her body wasn’t perfect, she knew. Her hips were a bit too wide and her ass a bit too round. She had always thought she had a bubble-butt. It didn’t bother her. Especially since Jennifer Lopez had made a well-rounded derriere fashionable. Kaitlyn liked the way she looked. Was satisfied with it.

  Rogue seemed to be too.

  “Hurry up,” she said through gritted teeth. “God I hate waiting.” She glanced over at her vibrator. She could see its smooth neon pink gleaming in a shaft of moonlight that crossed the coffee table where she had left it. Kaitlyn bit her lip.

  Headlights cut across the window, swiping a path through the living room. It was Rogue.

  “Yes.” Kaitlyn’s whole body went on red alert as she rushed to the front door. She opened it and stepped back.

  “Damn, you look good,” he said, stepping through the door. He smiled widely, his fangs glistening. Rogue shoved the door shut with his boot.

  Kaitlyn literally vibrated. “I missed you,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  His arms went around her waist but didn’t stop there. “I missed you too, babe.” His hands moved down over the small of her back then cupped the globes of her ass, pressing her to him. “See how much?”

  Kaitlyn licked her lips. Even contained by his jeans, Rogue’s erection pressed against her lower belly firmly. She smiled, then ran her tongue over his lower lip. “I guess I’d better do something about that,” she said.

  Rogue growled and captured her mouth with his. He lifted, cupping her ass tighter, and walked them both to the couch.

  Kaitlyn was floating in a sea of pure need.
She grasped at him when he set her down on her feet and probed inside his mouth with her tongue. Rogue released his hold on her but continued his assault on her lips as he began removing his clothes. Kaitlyn added her hands to his endeavor, pulling the fabric of his clothes. Without breaking contact, Rogue quickly stood before her, naked. His erection prodded insistently at her tummy.

  Kaitlyn moaned, feeling the pulse of it against her over-sensitized skin. She broke the kiss, breathless. “Down. On the couch,” she ordered. Her stomach clenched as if knowing food was in the offing.

  Rogue started to sit, then hesitated. “What’s this?” he asked, reaching for the vibrator. “We have toys.” He grinned widely. “I think we need a bigger playground than the couch, don’t you?”

  With one arm around her waist, Rogue urged her toward the stairs. By the time they entered her bedroom, Kaitlyn’s whole body was crackling with pent-up electricity. They fell onto the bed in a tangle, bodies rubbing against each other, hands exploring, mouths tasting. Shifting on the bed, they ended up in a position that left them each head to pelvis, Kaitlyn lying on her back, Rogue hovering above her.

  The head of his cock brushed her lips. Kaitlyn grasped him by the base of it and ran her tongue around it, then drew it into her mouth. The texture was smooth against her tongue. She sucked lightly. It filled her mouth like a ripe plum. She moaned, the first drops of his pre-cum coating her tongue. She drew him in deeper, feeling the tremble in his thigh muscles.

  Rogue stroked the cleft of her pussy, dipping his fingers inside and using her cream to slicken her. Kaitlyn drew in a deep breath, pleasing shimmers racing through her lower belly. Then she felt the tickle of the vibrator, humming at her opening.

  Kaitlyn moaned, taking him all the way to the back of her throat while Rogue began to pump the vibrator into her hot sheath with agonizingly slow, deep thrusts. She felt his tongue sweep over her clit. She shuddered.

  Sucking in her cheeks, she pulled at him. Rogue’s thrusts became swifter, his mouth closing over her clit while he groaned deep in his throat. Kaitlyn relaxed her throat. She reached around his thighs and grasped the cheeks of his ass. Digging in her fingernails, she urged him to thrust into her mouth. It didn’t take much. He began to pump his hips, sending his thick shaft deep, matching the thrusts into her hungry mouth with the vibrator pistoning into her equally starving pussy. Within seconds, Kaitlyn’s world exploded into a million pinpoints of light. Rogue yelled out as his seed burst into her mouth. Kaitlyn drank, her throat working as her pussy burst with her own juices. She was flying, Rogue tending to both her hungers at the same time.


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