by Gray, A L
A beautiful Asian man suddenly stops me in my tracks.
"Anile?" He questions.
"Anile, it's me, Abdulah - we went to university together."
I have absolutely no idea who the hell he is.
"Sorry, I cannot remember." I say with a sweet smile. I turn to leave, quicker than necessary.
"You always were a taciturn bitch!" He mutters almost so quiet that I cannot hear him.
"What did you just say?"
"You heard me." He snaps with a sarcastic smile.
"How fucking dare you speak to me like that!" I scream in his face.
"What on earth is going on here?" Mr. Darks suddenly appears at my side.
"Go away." I warn.
"Oh, another man blessed by your ignorance?" Abdulah jokes.
Mr. Darks suddenly turns, slower than usual and looks as though he's struggling with his posture. Out of nowhere, Mr. Darks swiftly grabs Adbulahs' throat, squeezing it with more force than necessary. He stares with dark eyes, desperately trying to control himself.
Shitting hell!
"Elijah!" I shout, using his name for the first time ever, hoping to disarm him.
"Apologise, NOW!" He screams in Adbulah's face - showing all his teeth as though he's a predator.
Adbulah closes his eyes with pure fear written all over his face.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, sorry!" He says under his breath, eyes still closed.
"That's it, now let him go." I beg.
I take Mr. Darks' arm, trying desperately to stop him from killing Adbulah. Mr. Darks releases him, panting like a man who has done a straight twenty mile stretch. I glare at him, shaking my head.
"I'm going to find Derek, cool the fuck down!"
He doesn't answer me, he's still trying to calm down. I can see frustration in his now black eyes and I sort of feel bad that he had to do that for me. I'm appreciative though, no one has ever protected me like that before. I feel kind of special as I slowly start to smile - that was a reaction a million women would die for.
After a while of searching, I eventually find Derek; he's still with Hester.
“Hay Darling, you okay? Where are the drinks?”
Crap the drinks!
“Sorry, I got talking to someone.”
He raises his eyebrows and I know what he's referring to.
“Let’s go get a drink Darling.” He says as he links arms with me.
I take his arm and revel in the comfort of him. He feels like home and I feel so far from it right now.
Derek's thriving here; I watch his open smile as he glides throughout the hall. This place and these kind of events are more for him than me. He enjoys reading people and mentally feeds off discovering the unnoticeable.
We arrive at the bar and I'm ready to let loose.
“What can I get you Miss?” The waiter asks.
“I would like a beer please?”
“Um, we do not sell beer. This is a classy establishment Miss.” He says.
My blood boils to over one-hundred degree’s. I almost let rip but shockingly, Mr. Darks is at my side answering for me.
“This will be a classy establishment with one less waiter if you do not find this woman a beer, James Somersett!” Mr. Darks snaps.
The waiter has had his card marked by the devil himself. My expression laughs for me as the waiter clumsily rattles around trying desperately to find me a beer. I'm annoyed that Mr. Darks assumed he had to come to my rescue again; what does he think I am, a damsel in distress? We stare at one another expressionless - I feel as though we are mentally challenging one another. The waiter nearly slams my beer in front of me so I try to make his job harder for him as well as piss Mr. Darks off - he needs to learn a lesson, fast.
“Actually, I think I fancy, Sex on the Beach, Sir. – Care to join me Derek?” I ask all the while staring at Mr. Blue – sorry - Mr. Black Eyes.
“It will be my pleasure Anile Sweets.” Derek replies all boyish.
Mr. Darks stares impassively at me, not giving anything away. His smouldering eyes burn into me as my confidence slowly disappears. I start shitting myself thinking I have taken this a step too far. He suddenly turns and faces me with his back for a few seconds, then he just walks off. I'm annoyed that I didn't get more of a reaction out of him and I also feel kind of bad for not showing gratitude to him for protecting me.
“Anile, what the hell just happened?” Derek asks open-mouthed.
“I think I finally checkmated Mr. Darks.”
“Fuck, you should be careful Anile. He looks scary and I think he will one up you in no time at all. Stay with me tonight, do not go off alone.” Derek insists.
Derek's words scare me and Australian surfers are officially having their tournament in my tummy; smashing my insides like they are the oceans waves as my nerves plummet.
“Yeah, maybe you are right. I was only trying to teach him a lesson.”
“It might be your lesson without you even realizing it.”
I take a huge gulp and try to compose myself. A speaker calls for dinner over the music, distracting me. I don't think I could so much as manage a drink with my nerves, let alone food!
“Would you two like to join me at my table?” Hester asks. I almost forgot she was here - I'm not looking forward to her opinion on tonight.
“We would love to - thank you Hester.” I reply.
Thankfully we are seated at the back of the huge hall - Jerry hiding while Tom sniffs him out. Everyone takes their seats and just as I am about too, Mr. Darks appears standing beside me. I look up at him trying to conjure up an innocent expression; hopefully it will save me.
“Anile, I would like you to accompany me at my table.”
“No damn way!” Derek snaps.
“No one addressed you!” Mr. Darks replies.
Derek gets to his feet looking tall and strong.
“Lay one finger on her and I will knock you into next week!”
“A conquest I would pay to see Derek.” Mr. Darks laughs.
Within seconds, our table is surrounded by ten security guards looking like CIA Agents - all standing in perfect sync as Mr. Darks stands centred. Derek eyes them all and I know this is not going to end well for him - Derek is in no way a wimp, he had many winning fights in university but I somehow think Mr. Darks has the upper hand here tonight.
“Anile?” Mr. Darks urges holding out his hand.
“Derek, we are leaving.” I mutter as I collect my clutch.
“You are not!” Mr. Darks says.
“This is a free country, I can leave when I want or should I read you my rights and the legislation Mr. Darks?” I reply smart.
He smiles and motions for us to make our way out. Derek and I seem as though we have held our breaths while walking through The United Grand Lodge - it's as though the roof is caving in and we have only minutes to get the hell out of here. Once we are outside, Derek hails down a taxi. We get in and both sink into the back seats, sighing like we have just done ten rounds with Mike Tyson.
“Anile, I want you to quit your job at Darks Lawyers.”
“I somehow don’t think I have a job to go back to Derek.” I joke.
“I am serious Anile! That man is dangerous and controlling!” He shouts.
“Okay, calm down Derek, I was only trying to lighten the mood.”
He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me right next to him. He kisses my temple with affection.
“It would kill me if something happened to you Anile, knowing I could have stopped it.”
“Derek, I will be okay. I will not have a job after tonight anyway. Are you coming to mine or are you going home?”
“I have to go home. I have a private client that is near my house tomorrow - I cannot be late, I'm hoping she will recommend me to all her friends.”
“Okay, I will call you tomorrow.” I say gutted knowing I will be alone tonight.
I ARRIVE HOME and deflate *sighing* into my sofa - still dress
ed in my gown. I have absolutely no energy left, mentally or physically. Every damn day near Mr. Darks is draining - he's constantly working overtime for his own entertainment.
I fetch my clutch off of my glass coffee table. Upon opening it, I notice I have Derek’s phone, crap! My front door knocks, quiet with a repeated rhyme, - knock, knock knock knock knock, knock knock. I know it must be Derek coming to collect his phone. Hopefully he will stay.
“Hang on.” I shout as I get to my feet.
I unclasp the chain, turn the key and open it to shockingly see Mr. Darks standing tall. I shit myself and I try to slam the door on him. He quickly rams his foot on the threshold blocking the door from shutting - Bastard!
“What do you want Mr. Darks?” I ask sweetly, hoping to disarm him.
He pushes my door wide open, nearly smashing me into the wall. He strolls in carefree.
“What are you doing? Get out!” I scream.
He puts his finger up to his mouth and whispers, “shhh.”
Shhh! Fucking Shhh!
“If you don't leave right now, I will scream!” I warn.
He gazes at me. He smiles looking devilish. Just as I'm about to take a huge breath - preparing to scream, he lunges at me. He pins me against the wall with his forearm held firmly against my chest. His other hand is completely covering my mouth. I stare into his blue eyes, not knowing if I should be scared or not - I have no idea why he's doing this. He says nothing for a while and as I gaze longer, I mentally become intoxicated. I have to close my eyes to try and only imagine this is happening. I'm not scared of him, my confirmation suddenly hits me like a ton of bricks - I'm scared of myself when I'm around him. I feel as though I might lose all control and allow him to do whatever he wants to me.
"In life, I need inspiration, or confirmation - to me, you are both." He confesses.
He kisses my forehead and rests his soft lips there for a while. My heart races to one thousand beats per minute. My mouth waters, my cheeks heat. He releases my mouth with his hand and gently holds my neck. His other hand is still caging me in.
“I cannot have anything to do with you Mr. Darks.”
“Why?” He whispers defeated by my words. He frowns looking down at me.
“You scare me.” I lie, lowering my head, knowing the problem is being scared of myself.
“Look at me.” He orders.
I ignore him, knowing I'm losing myself.
"Anile," he whispers, "look at me."
I submit myself, obeying his order. Slowly, I lift my eyes to meet his.
“Everyone is frightened of me. Don’t feel secluded by your feelings.”
I try to move out from beneath him. He's so close. I have no choice but to brush against him, touching his entire body with mine. Suddenly, I hear his breathing become more harsh. Once I'm completely away from him, he bucks forward into my wall, weakened by something. I watch him strangely fall apart in my presence.
“Why do you want me? What's so special about me?” I ask curious but also fearful.
He turns and leans against my wall facing me, thinking before he answers me. He looks unorthodox, dangerous.
“You are different, I see myself in you - you are me ten years ago, before I was broken. I have had my eyes on you since the first day I saw you. You are mentally burnt into me. I want and need your endless emotional attention Anile - I want to possess you.”
“For your third?” I snap, agitated by his earlier words and by the discovery of his two wives.
“For my everything.” He whispers.
I try to digest his words, everyone burning into my mind. He's so confusing! One minute he has the upmost control, and the next, he's falling apart right in front of my eyes. I couldn't be with him - in any way. I know I would succumb to his dark desires, I know I would allow him to do whatever he wants to me. I cannot allow that, I will be the one who suffers the ultimate emotional price.
“You have to leave Elijah.” I ask quiet.
He stares at me, his eyes sparkle with… pain and rejection, I think. He slowly walks towards me, stopping dead in front of me. We visually test one another as we stand centred in my hall. I wonder if his thoughts are the same as mine, I wonder if we could ever really work together? Earlier in his office, I felt as though I fed off of his essence, I still feel the same, I still feel as though we are strangely one person. He quickly grabs my arms with aggression, which makes me jump - his fingers dig into my naked skin, almost making me bleed. I close my eyes hoping I can blindly protect myself. He unexpectedly kisses my cheek near my temple. His lips feel swollen, glossy, they almost fill me with desperation. He slowly and generously inhales my scent - his deep vibrating chest sends a spellbinding rush up my entire body. Oh, why can't he be normal? If he was, he probably wouldn't want you. I shake my head at the sad realization.
After only a few seconds of having him on me, I feel his hands slowly slide from my arms. He backs away in almost complete silence, and before I know it, I hear my front door shut, and it's as though he was never here.
Chapter Six
I'M LAYING CROOKEDLY ON my bed, above my duvet - hot and disgustingly hangover. After Mr. Darks left last night, I polished off a bottle of wine, now I wish I didn't! I need to get up, Sunday's here ready for me to laze around, and I need food - I didn't eat last night. I drag myself to the kitchen, sleepily with wild bed hair. I notice how gray and cloudy it is outside - London is completely under a cover of heavy spectrum shadows - I need to shut the curtains, the weather really cannot mimic my mood, that's just taking the piss. I open my refrigerator and pick out the first thing I see for breakfast - cold boiled eggs, ugh! How ironic. While sucking delicately on my egg ensuring I don't break it - I mentally still have not decided if I can yet manage food with my wrenching tummy - I stand lazily against the kitchen units. I rewind the past evening. I stand relentlessly shaking my head; Mr. Darks is a fucking stalker! Why oh why didn't I give him what for? I wouldn't usually take that kind of shit from anyone.
My front door knocks making me jump out of my skin, almost causing me to drop my food.
"Holy fucking shit! Please don't be Mr. Darks!" I beg.
I gently place the egg on the counter top. I slowly but surely step through my living area on tippy toes, listening intently to the voices in the hall but nothing's given away - I cannot hear a damn thing.
“Who is it?” I ask in a squeaky and shaky voice.
“Sweets, it's Derek.”
I breathe a huge *sigh* of relief. My hunched back has ironed itself out and my brain is now functional.
I open the door, not caring that it's Derek - I'm fresh out of bed, but I feel comfortable with him, maybe too comfortable. Oh my, he looks hot! Hotter than usual. He's not wearing skinny jeans or his usual Chino's, he's wearing crisp cream trousers and a brown leather jacket! Jesus he looks nice.
“Are you okay Anile? You look - flush.”
I stare wide-eyed at him; Jesus this guy reads me like a book.
“I'm okay. I will fill you in on the previous attack.”
He stops me from walking any further and urges, “stop, tell me now!”
I turn to face him, knowing this is not going to go down well.
"Are you sure you want to know?" I joke.
"Anile?" He narrows his eyes at me. His mouth sets in a hard line - he's taking no prisoners.
I tell him what happened with Mr. Darks last night, trying desperately to keep everything minimal - I know he's already pissed with him - but I can't beat the evening down, even though I try. Derek's fuming! Forget cloud nine in my apartment, it no longer exists; only Hades underworld is currently present!
“I am going to kick his fucking head in! Why didn’t you call me Anile?”
“I have your phone smart arse!”
“Good point, but still, you should have called the house phone.”
“I would have called the police Derek. I was not having his shit. Can we please talk about something else, mindless stuff? I cannot dea
l with analysing Mr. Darks or his mind control.”
"Anile, we should talk about this, we need to sort something out - he cannot just rock up at your apartment!"
"Derek, please." I beg with puppy eyes.
He stares me down, debating on whether to press on - I think.
“Fine, as you wish."
"Anile, you really need to invest in some new pyjamas, them awful gray ones are dated and holy, literally!” He jokes.
I laugh at his observation - my pyjamas may be rank but they are the only stable thing in my life right now - always here when I need them.
"Oi, leave my pyjamas out of this, what have they ever done to you?" I joke.
He shoots me an affectionate smile as we walk into my living area. He falls faster than I do into my sofa.
"Derek, do you promise that we will not talk about Mr. Darks?"
"Yes, Sweets - no more talk of that prick! Well, for today anyway."
Derek’s word is always promised and never broken; we don’t mention Mr. Darks for the rest of the day, not once.
I end up sleeping most of the day on my sofa with my apocalyptic hangover. Derek cotches on the sofa beside me, watching crap television - he must be so bored. I know he's only hanging around to make sure I'm okay. He's so damn sweet, caring, loving, the list is endless. I wish I could force myself to have romantic feelings for him, my life would be so much easier, and almost perfect. I wonder what it would really be like to be in a relationship with him - what it would be like to have sex with him? Would he be tender or animalistic? Hmmm, probably animalistic. He's feisty, funny, argumentative - with most people - and he always man handles me when we play fight. I don't mind him man handling me, I trust him.
"Anile," Derek whispers as he gently shakes me, thinking I'm asleep - bless him.
"Derek, five more minutes." I joke. I'm not asleep but I'm peaceful in the land of daydreaming.
"Sweets, it's late - I have to go."
"Why don't you stay the night?" I mutter sleepily.
I turn to face him. He's crouched on the floor next to the sofa facing me. I didn't even notice he had got up.