Welcome to New Haven

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Welcome to New Haven Page 38

by Dawn Doyle

  Everything felt right with her. Talking, laughing, sitting…even just being in the same room felt right.

  Alex had wondered how he’d gotten by so long without her. Was Holly his soul mate? He’d heard Dev talk about ‘soul mates’ and ‘knowing’ who they were even after meeting for a few seconds. ‘Recognizing the other half of you in another person’ she’d said. He hadn’t believed it until that day in the hallway when he’d first seen Holly walking towards him.

  He’d ‘known’ Holly was special. He’d ‘known he wanted her, and he’d ‘known’ he needed her. He also knew that he was extremely lucky to have not been with anybody else before finding the missing piece of him, as many people had done.

  “Alex?” Holly said quietly.

  “Oh yeah.” He said as Holly had moved closer to him. She smiled knowingly as she knew he was away in his ‘Holly haze’.

  “How about Sunday?”

  “Sunday?” He asked. Wouldn’t he see her the next day too?

  “Yeah, it’s just that I promised Dev we could go over her Algebra tomorrow and…um…” Holly looked a little nervous as she took another breath. “My nerves are close to breaking point. But…” She said before Alex could interrupt. “…I think you should have been on at least two dates before you turn eighteen.”

  “That’s a deal.” He said, using his low tone that he knew made Holly hot all over. “Besides…” He added, getting closer still. Pushing his nose through her hair to whisper in her ear. “…Hyperthermia isn’t really a good look for me.”

  Holly gasped.

  She knew exactly what he meant by that. He would have to take a lot of cold showers if they were to go on another date the very next day.

  Alex’s whispering and letting her know exactly what she does to him had her aching between her thighs. She squeezed her eyes shut, and her legs. She could feel her nipples tighten and stand to attention.

  “Hhhh.” Her breath sounded shaky and turned on at the same time.

  Alex kept his face buried in her hair, and he was loving what he was doing to Holly. He plucked up the courage to go one tiny bit further.

  “Holllyyy.” He whispered into her ear.

  “Mmmph!” She whimpered.

  Alex lowered his head slightly and pressed his lips to her neck, just below her ear. Holly’s hands flew out to the backs on the seats to steady herself.

  “Oh my God!” Her voice came out in one quick, sharp breath that sounded more like a growl than a squeak.

  “Alex, you need to stop doing that.” She said, as she was trying to catch her breath.

  Alex slightly pulled away to look into her eyes. Sure enough, her pupils were dilated. He glance down at her body. Her chest was heaving with her breathlessness, and her nipples were hard under vest.

  Alex grinned.

  “Payback’s a bitch” He said quietly in his low voice, whilst simultaneously trying to make himself comfortable from the painful restriction in his pants.

  Alex paid the bill and left a generous tip. After all, the waiter hadn’t mentioned the ‘moment’ he had witnessed.

  Holly had texted her parents, Alex texted his; to let them know they were leaving the restaurant. They’d replied, wanting to know step-by-step details of their whereabouts in case Stacey had shown up. She didn’t know where they were or that they’d planned to go out that night, but there was always that possibility that she could have followed in a cab.

  Alex helped Holly with her blazer. From behind, he could see her amazing rear that he’d had his hand on earlier.

  Hello erection!

  Holly’s taut waist and back, her shoulders and her bare neck as she moved her hair out of the way.

  “Holy Fuck!” He whispered.

  “What?” asks holly as she turned around. Alex was stunned.

  “Did I say that out loud?”

  “Yes, you did.” Holly chuckled.

  “Well, I meant it.” He said lowly, and Holly was gone…again.

  Once they managed to get outside the restaurant they walked, hand-in-hand, the few feet to the car when Holly froze.

  “Babe. What’s wrong?” He asked as he saw her startled expression.

  He followed her gaze to what she had seen.

  Standing on the other side of the street staring at them with a menacing scowl, was Stacey.

  “Get in the car.” Alex said quickly.

  He shut Holly’s door and rushed to get in his side. Alex started the engine in record time and pulled away, just as Stacey had crossed the street to approach.

  “What the fuck?!” Said Alex.

  “I’m calling my Mum.” Said Holly as she got her phone out of her bag.

  “I’m not taking you home yet.” He said in a panic. “We’re going to my house. I don’t want to be apart right now.”

  Holly could sense Alex’s despair. She didn’t want to be apart either. Not just because of Stacey, but because she felt lonely without him.

  She felt like he was the perfect answer to her question. The kind that made perfect sense when nothing else did.

  Holly found that she couldn’t breathe properly. She tried to steady her breath, but it was caught in her throat.

  She sent her mum a quick text.

  H: Mum. On our way to Alex’s. Stacey showed up outside. Nothing happened. Will call when I get there. X.

  Holly’s throat continued to close, and she couldn’t breathe. Holly held onto the door handle for support.

  “Shit, shit!” Said Alex. “Holly, babe…breathe. Baby breathe.”

  At the red lights, Alex looked around and pressed the button on the stereo to speed dial his parents. It was lucky he’d opted for the bluetooth connection on his car.

  “Dev!” He said when she answered.

  “Alex, where are you? The police called. They couldn’t find Stacey. She never went home after she wrecked Holly’s car. They’ve searched the area.”

  “Dev, she showed up outside Quincy’s… Holly, baby, please breathe.”

  “Oh my God! Is Holly ok?” screamed Dev.

  “Panic attack. Stacey was across the street watching us. She started to cross as we got into the car. We’re on our way home. Call the police and tell them.”

  “Ok. Be careful.” Dev said and hung up.

  Holly’s breathing was frantic.

  Alex took the hand that was gripping her thigh.

  “Breathe Holly. It’s ok. I won’t let her near you.”

  His Holly was having a panic attack for the second time that day. All because of that psycho whore!

  “It’s not…me…I’m worried about…” Holly managed to say. “…If …she hurts…you…or Dev…I’ll…”

  “She won’t, babe.” He reassured her. “I won’t let that happen. Even if we have to stay out of school, or out of town until she’s caught. She’s not going to do anything.” Alex lifted their hands and stroked her cheek with his thumb.

  Holly closed her eyes and took deep breaths.

  “That’s my girl.” He said gently. Holly smiled a little as she gained control of her breathing. Alex saw, and he loved that little affirmation had pleased her.

  “My girl.” He said again. “No matter who likes it or not.”

  Dev came running out of the house as they pulled up. She yanked open Holly’s door.

  “Holly! Oh my God, you’re ok.” She said and threw her arms around her best friend as she got out of the car. Alex walked around and Dev pulled him into the hug too.

  “I was so worried when I heard you having a panic attack.” She said.

  “I’m ok now.” Holly said. “I need to call my mum.”

  “Don’t go.” Said Alex. “Not yet.”

  “I won’t.” Holly replied as she smiled up at her guy. Her gorgeous protective guy.

  Once inside the house, Holly called her parents to let them know she’d arrived safely and Rami was on the phone to the police.

  “Thank you, officer. They’ll be pleased to know.” He said before he hung up.
“Stacey’s been arrested.”

  “Oh thank goodness!” Dev said. Alex and Holly sighed with relief as they held each other tightly.

  “Where?” asked Dev.

  “Quincy’s. She went in and caused a scene, asking what you guys ate, talked about and if you had ‘made out’. The manager called the police and that’s how they managed to find her. They said, from the looks of it, she probably went around looking for you at all of the known ‘dating’ restaurants, when she saw you come out.” Rami said.

  “How could she have known we were out tonight? Only our group knew.” Said Alex.

  “We don’t know that yet, son. She could’ve followed myself, or Holly’s Dad in a cab. Or ,she could’ve assumed, because Friday is a usual date night. We just don’t know.”

  “Well, she’s off the streets now.” Said Evie. “We’ll get protection orders set up in the morning.”

  “For everyone.” Holly added, shakily. “I don’t want her near any of you either, or my family.”

  Alex held her tight. He could feel her shaken up, and because of the fear she had of himself or anybody being hurt by Stacey; it had brought on another panic attack. He was going to make sure she was protected. Nobody was getting near his Holly. Ever.

  “I think it’s probably best, as a precaution.” Said Dev. "I’ve seen her in action and it’s not good.”

  They discussed what may happen to Stacey after what she’d done that day.

  Alex had already complained about her in school, but not to the police, so there may not be anything there that the police could charge her with. The vandalism to Holly’s car, however, could be.

  Alex was relieved that they didn’t have to worry about Stacey for the rest of the night, but he was concerned how soon she would be released. They just had to wait for the news from the station.

  Dev’s face was pale, and she looked sick with worry. Alex released one arm from around Holly and opened it for Dev. She flew into their group hug without hesitation.

  “I can’t believe she did this. The two years she’s been bugging you, and now she pulls this shit. Who does she think she is? The teachers at school saw what she was like and never did a damn thing about it! Changing classes? Whoopdee fucking do!”

  Alex could tell Dev was getting angrier the more she spoke.

  “Why didn’t they stop her before it got too far?” Dev started to cry.

  Holly hated Stacey with every fibre of her being. Dev had told her that the slut had slept her way through most of the high school, some seeming to have deep regrets about it, but she’d had her sights on Alex from the day she started. He always told her ‘no’ and to leave him alone. She would talk about what she’d done with other guys, as if to make him jealous, but it only disgusted him even more

  Most of the girls in school had a crush on him and had asked him out, he’d politely refused, but Stacey had gone further and tried to stake her claim on him by scaring the other girls away when she could.

  Well she wasn’t scaring Holly away. Not even a chance.

  “Dev don’t cry.” Alex said, gently. He hated seeing her upset. He’d always wanted to hurt anybody that caused her to get like that. Even Ben.

  “I just hate her.” She sniffed. “What she’s done to you…to you both. She needs locking away in a psych ward.”

  “Let’s just hope the cops can deal with her and that’ll be it.” Said Holly, rubbing Dev’s back.

  Holly hoped that was true. If that was the end, then great, but Holly had a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  “No going out on your own. I’m serious.” Said Dev.

  “Ok, Mom.” Chuckled Alex.

  “I mean it! If she’s released tomorrow she could be anywhere and Alex, keep your car locked in the garage.”

  “I agree.” Said Holly. “Doors and windows too.

  “Who are the parents here?” Joked Rami.

  “They sound so grown up.” Said Evie.

  Holly’s phone rang, and she looked to see who it was. It was her Mum.

  “Hiya Mum.” She answered.

  “Have you left Alex and Dev’s yet?” Kim asked with worry.

  “No. Not yet. I’m still here. Mum, they picked Stacey up at the restaurant.” She said and heard relief in her mums voice.

  “They did?” Thank fuck for that!” Are you coming home soon?” Holly could see Alex frantically shaking his head and she smiled.

  “Er… something’s telling me I should stick around a bit longer.” She said as Alex beamed his panty melting smile.

  “Ok, well, phone me and we’ll come and pick you up.”

  Alex pointed to himself and mouthed “I’ll take you.”

  “Alex said he’ll take me.”

  “I bet he did!” Her Mum laughed.

  “Mother!” Holly squealed, and Alex burst out laughing, putting a hand over his mouth to contain it.

  “Bye, Mum, I’ll text you later.” She said flatly and ended the call. She put her hands on her cheeks in embarrassment.

  “Everything ok?” asked Evie as she saw Alex was having a fit of hysterics whilst Holly’s face glowed red.

  “Oh my God!” Holly whispered.

  “My Mum likes to make embarrassing comments.” She said shyly. Evie looked a little confused for a moment before recognition showed on her face. “Ohhhh. Oh my!” She giggled.

  “Mom! You’re not supposed to find that funny!” chuckled Dev.

  “Somehow I don’t think Holly’s mother was serious.” She said with a raised eyebrow.

  “Not really.” Said Holly. She just likes to get a reaction and a laugh. She likes to embarrass me and my sister. She thinks it’s hilarious.”

  “So, what are you going to do now that the ‘obstruction’ is gone?” Rami said with quote fingers.

  “I’ve got an idea.” Said Alex as he took Holly’s hand and led her to the front door.

  “Keep us informed where you are!” Dev shouted after them.

  “What time will you be back?” Asked Evie.

  “We will, and no later than midnight!” Alex called back to answer them both.

  Holly sent a text to her Mum when she got in the car.

  H: We’re going back out. Will be back before midnight.

  I’ll text you where I am when we get there.

  K: Ok, baby girl. Keep me posted and stay safe! ;)

  I love you.

  H: >:| I love you too.

  Chapter 20

  They drove off, and Alex clasped Holly’s hand again.

  “Where are we going?” she asked as Alex just smiled to himself.

  “It’s a surprise.” He said and winked.

  They drove for about twenty minutes with the road getting quieter and more remote. A lot more trees and plant life. Fewer and fewer houses, until the roads were really quiet.

  Alex pulled over to the side of the road, right under a large oak tree. It must have been at least six meters tall.

  “Where are we?” she asked.

  “We’re in five oaks park forest. My Mom and Dad used to bring Dev and I here as kids. I used to come here sometimes with the guys.”

  It was peaceful, and the guys never got bothered by anyone. They would go there occasionally during school breaks, just to hangout without the noise and, sometimes, suffocating feeling they had from being in the city.

  Alex told Holly about what they’d get up to. Making rope swings and jump off them into the lake in the summer, see whether they could still climb trees as agile as when they were small kids and just sitting down, talking.

  Holly looked around. She was taking in her surroundings with avid interest. The place was so serene and beautiful. Tall trees of different sizes, shapes, and colours. Lots of smaller ones had taken root from the previous falls’ seeds, and they were coming up out of the ground.

  Small and youthful like a child standing next to their parent.

  The songs of countless birds could be heard in the air, and the sky was turning a darker shade of
blue as the sun was setting, casting intimate shadows between the spaces in the trees.

  Alex opened the trunk of the car and pulled out a blanket and a small cooler.

  “You planned this?” She asked, but more of a statement.

  “Yeah, I did. Well, we were supposed to go to the park but…anyway, since it was still early and I thought we could come here instead. He said a little shyly.

  “It’s absolutely gorgeous.” She said.

  “This way” Alex said as he took her hand.

  They walked through a narrow pathway between the trees until they came to an opening.

  The view was incredible!

  The lake was surrounded by various trees and colourful foliage of reds and greens. The sun was shining on the water as it was setting, causing a beautiful orange glow to reflect off the surface onto the plant life.

  Alex led her further still to a flat patch of grass right next to a tree with a long rope hanging from it. It had a huge knot at the bottom that looked grey and well worn.

  “That’s where we used to swing from.” He said quietly.

  He showed her the markings on the tree. ‘AV, BS, RL, KM’

  “We carved them two years ago. We haven’t actually been here for over a year.”

  “Why not?” Holly asked. It was great. It was the kind of place you could go to relax with friends, as Alex had done, or a ‘special’ friend, like they were. It would be a once place to just go and think or even to study.

  Holly couldn’t imagine why anybody would just stop visiting a spot like this. Maybe because they were older and had more responsibilities with school?


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