Welcome to New Haven

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Welcome to New Haven Page 51

by Dawn Doyle

  “This is different.” Ben said, shrugging his shoulders and starting another set of seated rows.

  “How so? Because she’s my sister?”

  “No. She just…tries my patience. It’s like she wants me to argue with her. It doesn’t matter anyway.” Ben said as he finished his set and iced up his water bottle.

  “Why not?” Alex wanted to help Ben. Holly had said he needed to figure things out on his own, and he agreed. He wasn’t going to push too much. If he said he didn’t want to talk about it again. He would leave it at that.

  “We just don’t get on as much anymore. I guess that’s kind of it really.” Ben shrugged his shoulders again.

  When they were done, they showered and headed back to the house.

  Alex walked into the hangout room and Holly’s eyes lit up and a huge smile spread across her face when she saw him.

  He wanted to see that every day.

  For the rest of his life.

  He walked quickly to her, took her into his arms and kissed her deeply, threading his fingers into her hair, underneath her ponytail, as he held her head. He pulled back slowly, opening his eyes.

  “Hi babe.” He said softly and smiled at her the way she loved.

  “Hi…um…” Holly swallowed. “…Wow.”

  “I guess you missed each other then.” Giggled Dev as they both stared at each other. “Oh, by the way, Alex. Riss just texted me. The others are on their way over. Is that ok? I figured, since you two are going on a date tonight, you could spare some time for us?” She said as she winked at Holly.

  “I suppose.” He said with a playful pout. He would be with Holly either way. They’d just have to curb their ‘enthusiasm’ for each other.

  “You’ll still be together anyways.” Dev said as if reading his mind. She put her hand to the side of her mouth as if telling a secret. “And, maybe you might have a conversation that doesn’t end up with ‘frustrations’” she chuckled. “Or almost giving everybody a show.”

  “Well, in that case, you may want to look away…” Alex said as he pulled Holly in again. Cupping one hand to her jaw, kissing her passionately.

  He let his other hand slide down to her perfectly formed ass and squeezed.

  Holly’s hands fisted in his T-shirt, one finding its way underneath to caress his tight abs and chest.

  “Oh my God!” Said a shocked Dev as she turned her back to them. “Guys, I was joking!”

  Alex pulled back.

  “You shouldn’t joke about stuff like that, Dev.” He said whilst gazing into the eyes of the most beautiful, perfect creature he had ever seen in his life. He leant forward to whisper into Holly's ear.

  “Eight days.”

  Holly gasped, and he kissed her neck quickly.

  “I think you need a fan to cool down.” Dev laughed.

  Ben sat down and ran his hands through his hair and down his face.

  “Did you order everything you needed?” Alex asked as he held her close.

  “Yeah. Everything’s coming on Wednesday. I texted my Mum. She’s taking the day off, so I don’t have to miss school.”

  “Don’t forget that we’re all helping you.” He said.

  “Mmmmm” She moaned.

  “What?” He chuckled.

  “I love you.” She said dreamily.

  “I love you, so much.”

  Dev put her hand on her heart.

  “Oh God, I’m going to cry!” She said as she wiped her eyes.

  “Heeey!” Said Riss and Kayla as they walked through the door, followed by Ryan and Kyle.

  “Your Dad let us in.” Riss had hold of Ryan’s hand and they looked happy.

  Kyle, however, looked about as happy as Ben did. Riss released her hold on Ryan to hug Dev and Holly who reluctantly let go of Alex.

  “Girl talk.” Said Kayla.

  “Yay!” squealed Dev clapping her hands. “Let’s go to my room.” She said as she grabbed Holly’s hand to take her along.

  “Wait!” Said Holly as she turned for one more quick kiss from Alex.

  Riss did the same to Ryan.

  “We’ll leave you to discuss guy stuff.” Dev said as they left.

  Once in Dev’s room, Riss and Kayla hugged holly again.

  “Honey we are so sorry about what happened to you and Alex yesterday.” Said Kayla.

  “Yeah, sweetie. It was horrible! We wanted to call or text you but Dev told us you guys didn’t want to talk about it.” Added Riss.

  “I texted Riss yesterday afternoon, just before we left the store” Said Dev. “I’m sorry, I should’ve told you.” She looked apologetic.

  “No need, Dev.” It happened to you too. Your brother, your house. We’re all friends too so I would’ve expected you, or Ben, to tell the others anyway.”

  “Is it true, you punched her and knocked her out?” Asked Kayla.

  Holly flushed with embarrassment.

  “um…I punched her…yeah. She fell down, but she wasn’t completely out. I think because she was coming at us it increased the impact.”

  “Cool.” Said Riss before they hugged her again.

  “Oh, and we’re in to help fix the mess she made in your garden, obviously.” Said Kayla.

  “Thank girls.” Holly meant it. She’d never had friends as good as these girls.

  Even back in the UK, she hadn’t had a lot of friends that she saw regularly. As they’d grown up, the others were more interested in boys and going out where Holly…wasn’t. Now, though, she had a boyfriend who was the sexiest person alive, was going out and had the best friends she could ever imagine.

  “Ok, enough depression, how was your date?” Asked Holly.

  “You first.” Said Riss with a wink.

  Holly told the girls about her first date with Alex, leaving out the ‘hot and heavy’ parts.

  Especially at Five Oaks.

  The girls knew Stacey had turned up because Dev had sent a message to the girls after her and Alex had left again.

  “Soooo?” Asked Dev. “Tell us about your date with Ryan!”

  Riss, dreamy eyed and sighing, told them that they’s gone to the movies to see the new action movie that had gotten a rave review.

  Riss liked action so it was a great thing for Ryan to choose. He’d had his arm around her the whole time and she’d rested her head on his shoulder.

  Riss had a huge grin as she told them about missing a scene because they’d made out. Afterwards, they’d gone for dinner, where they’d decided they were a couple.

  They’d liked each other for a long time so it felt right.

  Holly understood completely as she and Alex had become official even before their first date.

  Riss continued telling them how, after driving her home, she’d invited him in as her parents were at a work’s function.

  “I had sex with Ryan!” She said, suddenly.

  “What?! On your first date?” asked Dev, shock on her face but a smile tugging at her lips.

  “I know!”

  Holly was listening intently. She knew there were details to come, and she wanted to know what it was like.

  “I thought that myself but we’re officially together, we’ve liked each other forever and we’re not kids.” Riss said and then looked a little shy. “We were safe too. I…um…got some from the machine at the cinema bathrooms. You know…just in case.”

  Holly put her hand over her mouth to stop her surprised gasp escaping.

  “You knew then?” squealed Dev and Riss nodded.

  “I knew Ryan would be my first…my only…whatever. Anyway, I wanted to… even before.”

  “What was it like? Did it hurt?” asked Dev. Holly looked to Kayla who just sat and listened.

  Of course, she would already know.

  The girls knew everything about each other as soon as possible.

  “It was great and, yeah, it hurt a little but, once we, you know…” Riss made a motion with her hands as if moving forward. “…Got going, it was really good.”
  “I heard it doesn’t last long the first time. Like the guy gets too…excited.” Said Dev.

  “I guess, but it lasted long enough for me to…too.” Riss covered her cheeks and grinned.

  Will it be like that for me and Alex? Of course it will. It’ll be fantastic.

  “So when’s your second date?” Dev asked. Holly and Alex’s is tonight.

  “Tuesday, I think. We’re not going to miss your party.” Said Riss.

  “Yeah, I can’t wait for that. It should be awesome!.” Said Kayla. “We should all get ready together, like a night out.”

  “Oh my God yes!” squealed Dev, clapping her hands again, in excitement.

  “We could get ready at my house.” Suggested Holly. “Yes. Then, we can make a grand entrance to the party, looking amazing!” Riss said, bouncing up and down. “Oh, ow.” She said with a shy smile. “Still stings a bit from…you know.”

  All the girls giggled at that, knowing Riss meant her lady parts were sore.

  They got up to go back to the hangout room.

  All the guys turned to look at them as they entered the room. The girls all had knowing smiles and Dev even waggled her eyebrows at Ryan. Ryan held his arms out for Riss to sit next to him.

  “Did you…” He asked.

  “Girls talk about stuff.” She smiled and then kissed him.

  Holly went to sit next to Alex who also had his arms stretched out. As she turned to sit, Alex grabbed her hips and pulled her onto her lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist so she couldn’t move.

  Not that she wanted to.

  She draped her arm around his shoulders and let her fingers stroke through his hair as her other hand cupped his jaw, pulling him in for a tongue tangling kiss.

  Dev sat down on the sofa, near Ben, and he moved up slightly. It looked as if he were doing it to get a reaction from Dev, possibly, so they could bicker. All he got was…

  “Thanks. I like my space. You’re a good friend.”

  Ben, not getting a snappy remark, looked at Dev then puffed out a breath. Dev turned to Holly and winked.

  Kayla had sat next to Kyle who looked a little uncomfortable being so close.

  Kayla, however, looked completely at ease. Even smiling at him when her arm brushed his.

  Alex’s hand slid across Holly’s stomach as he slowly unwrapped his right arm.

  They were sitting on the far right of the sofa, his right side facing out. His left arm kept a firm grip, and he let his right hand caress across her hip, round the side of her ass and down her thigh. Holly trembled at his touch. She looked him in the eyes and widened hers as if to say ‘not whilst they’re all here!’ to which Alex licked his lips, hooded his eyes, and then shot his killer smile.

  Holly’s breath caught.

  “Uh…do you two need a minute…or twenty?” asked Kyle, seemingly coming out of his discomfort and focusing on them.

  Riss and Ryan chuckled.

  “I feel you dude.” He said, fist bumping his chest.

  “I can’t help it, man.” Said Alex and he squeezed Holly again.

  She pressed her knees together, and Alex pressed his lips to the back of her neck, and she could feel his smile as he hid behind her.

  He knew exactly what he was doing to her.

  “What’s the problem?” Kayla asked, turning to Kyle, bringing Holly’s attention to the sudden shift in the room.

  “Nothing…I was just saying…Making a joke, ya know?”

  “Well I have no problem with it. Anybody else?”

  “No” was the collective answer.

  “Ok, maybe if it gets a little x-rated and clothes start coming off, then maybe not.” Kayla said as she snickered.

  “Yeah, keep it clean, people.” Dev laughed as she pointed towards Riss and Ryan, and Holly, and Alex. “Lock lips whenever you feel like it guys.” She added. “Ooh we should play a game!”

  Holly thought that Dev seemed to be very excitable that day. Possibly because it was their eighteenth birthday the next day, or maybe it had something to do with Ben and not fighting since they got back.

  Dev got up to get a board game.

  “Truth or dare!” She said and the guys groaned. “You don’t have to play, if you want to be boring.”

  “That’s a board game now?” asked Holly. She thought it was just people asking each other questions and daring them to do stuff.

  “Yep, but there are rules with this game.” Said Dev and she explained to Holly.

  You roll the dice and turn a card over to whatever it lands on. If you land on ‘Truth’, you answer a question from the truth card. If you don’t answer, you have to forfeit by picking a random dare card. If you land on ‘Dare’ other players could make up a dare or read from a dare card. If you forfeit a dare, you have to pick a random truth card.

  The ‘special’ squares, when landed on, gave the player a ‘save’ card. They could use their go to pass their truth or dare onto somebody else. The player to reach the end wins, of course.

  “I’ll go first!” Said Dev and she rolled the dice. “Truth.”

  Kayla picked up a card and read out the question.

  “How old were you, when you had your first kiss?” Dev froze and all eyes turned to her, except Ben.

  He looked down at his hands.

  Holly saw Dev’s face flush as she took a steadying breath.

  “I was fourteen.” She said, flatly as if it were nothing.

  “Ooh! Who was it?” asked Kayla, surprised that she didn’t know.

  Alex was still, and Holly stroked his face. He obviously didn’t like the fact that somebody had kissed his sister.

  “I don’t want to say.” She said, and Holly heard a hint of sadness in her voice, as if it were a painful memory. Holly felt Alex’s lips next to her ear.

  “You were my first kiss.” He said. His hot breath sending shock waves down her spine.

  She turned her head and smiled.

  “You were mine too.” She whispered back.

  Alex grazed his lips across hers before placing a ghost of a kiss on hers.

  “Mi primer todo.” He whispered, which made Holly’s mouth pop open as his words hit her already heated centre.

  “You are mine.”

  Alex stroked her cheek with his thumb.

  “Oh come on! why won’t you tell?” Asked Riss, leaning forward in her seat with anticipation.

  The girls were bugging Dev to slip the details.

  “He didn’t feel the same way I did. So there’s no point.” Dev said as Ben pinched the bridge of his nose as he closed his eyes.

  Alex took a deep breath with realisation, and Holly turned his face to hers, kissing away any thought he may have had of giving away Dev’s secret. A secret she had obviously kept for four years.

  The tone of Dev’s voice clearly indicated that she wasn’t going to tell, so Kayla took her turn. She also landed on truth.

  Riss picked up the card.

  ”Do you have a crush? Oh I already know the answer to that one.” She said with a wink.

  Kayla’s hands flew to her face as she nodded.

  Kyle’s face dropped even more, and Holly felt bad for him, even though she knew who Kayla was referring to. The way she looked at him though, it was more than just a ‘crush’.

  “Well?” asked Dev. “Are you going to tell?

  "“No!” Said Kayla, slightly stunned.

  “Ok, my turn.” Said Riss as she rolled the dice.

  She landed on dare. Dev thought for a second and then laughed.

  “I dare you to tell us what you did last night.”

  “Oh my God, Dev!” squealed Riss. Ryan choked on air. “I was asleep last night.” She said, finally.

  “You know that’s not what I meant.”

  “Well I did sleep, and the dare was to tell you what I did. So, there you go.”

  “Well, you’re no fun.” Said Dev, still chuckling.

  The rest of them snickering under their breaths, knowing what
Riss and Ryan had been up to the previous night.

  “Ok, my turn.” Said Holly. She turned in Alex’s lap, so that her legs fell between his so she could lean forward. As she did, she knew Alex would have a good view of her backside.

  She paused as she felt the evidence of that.

  He gently squeezed either sides of her hips in acknowledgement.

  “Truth!” Dev said out loud. “What is your hidden talent? Well we all know you have amazing gardening skills…”

  Holly thought for a moment as she sat back against Alex.

  “We know it’s not language skills.” Joked Kyle.

  “Hey! I’m learning! Slowly.” She said with a smile.

  “Tienes un culo fantástico.” Alex whispered, her core tightening at his sexy voice.

  “Tú también.” She replied.

  “You are learning!” He said with a grin.

  “Ok…the question? Asked Riss.

  “I…er…took belly-dancing classes with Em. I did ok at that, I guess.”

  “Show us!” said Kayla with excitement. “I’d love to try that.”

  Holly refused to get up to ‘perform’.

  “Just believe me. I wouldn’t have even mentioned it ,otherwise.”

  “I’d like to see you belly-dance.” Alex said into her ear before kissing the side of her neck.

  “Move on before Alex gets worked up over there!” laughed Ryan.

  Dev rolled the dice.


  Kayla read the card.

  “When was the last time you cried?” Holly felt her heart break when she remembered seeing Dev’s tear stained face after her arguments with Ben.

  “Yesterday.” Dev said and everybody turned to Ben.

  “What?” He snapped, when he saw all eyes on him.

  “It’s not an issue anymore so let’s move on…I have.” Said Dev.

  Ben scowled, his jaw tensing. Kayla rolled the dice for her turn.

  Holly felt Alex’s fingertips dig into the side of her butt cheek. She turned to him and bit her lip as she gazed up and down his tight, muscular torso.


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