Welcome to New Haven

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Welcome to New Haven Page 69

by Dawn Doyle

Alex’s hand, up her top, was away from the door view and they were too close to see Holly’s hands up his shirt.

  They kissed again, but this time gentler.

  “I suppose we better get to class now” Alex said with a frown.

  “Unfortunately. But, I loved our talk.” Holly said and Alex chuckled.

  “Me too. I bet we could talk some more at home.” He said with a twinkle in his eye.

  “I’m counting on it.”

  After they had finally gotten to the gym, they did their stuff, and showered. Alex and Holly began the journey to her house.

  Everybody would be helping with the garden today.

  “So, what did your Nan mean about me ‘finding your heart?’” Alex asked.

  “My Nan’s little dig at me for being antisocial.” She said with a groan. “I had no feelings for anybody. That’s what she meant. She used to joke, saying that my heart must’ve fallen out and gotten lost because I had zero interest. Girls, our age, were getting boyfriends or, at least, were showing interest and I didn’t. She’d open the cupboards pretending to look for it. My Granddad said that somebody out there had found it and was just waiting for me. You have it Alex. You always did. That’s the only explanation for it.”

  Alex pulled over.

  “Holly, I love you so much, it hurts.” He said as he wrapped his arms, tightly, around her.

  “I love you so much too, and yes, it really does hurt. But, some places can be eased a bit though.” She said, lowering her voice to a sultry level.

  Alex’s eyes darkened, and he licked his lips. His pants straining around his hard on.

  “Holly…” He warned. “I want to tear off your clothes when you talk to me in that way.” He said as his fingertips brushed down her throat and down, gently, over the centre of her chest.

  Holly’s breathing hitched as he reached her stomach, then the buckle of her belt.

  He couldn’t do anything in the car, not in public like that anyway.

  He would take her home and undress her slowly. Removing one item at a time.

  Exposing her fantastic body to him, bit by bit.

  “Alex?” Holly asked, bringing him out of his fantasy. “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking about how I want to undress you.” He said. His heated gaze roaming over her.

  His body was wound tightly with the need for release.

  His heart pounding, breathing heavy and his skin scorching hot.

  He wanted to strip her naked, now.

  “I want to see you, too.” She said.

  “I wanted that too, from that day.” He replied as he interlocked their hands, looking at the rings that signified their first meeting place.

  They kissed, softly, before Alex continued the journey to Holly’s house.

  They were going straight to her room.

  As they pulled up outside, Riss’ car and Ben’s car were there.

  “What the…?” Holly was disappointed that she couldn’t go up to her room with Alex. He took a frustrated breath.

  “I thought we’d have a few minutes before everybody got here.” She said as they walked to the door.

  “Me too. I thought they would’ve gone home to change first.”

  “Yeah. Oh, have you got a change of clothes?” Holly asked, realising that Alex would ruin his clothes in the garden.

  “No, but I don’t mind getting dirty for you.” He said in his low strip-me-naked-and-take-me-now voice.

  Holly’s jaw slackened, and then she bit her lip as Alex chuckled.

  “Down girl.” He said as the door opened.

  “Where have you been? We came straight from school.” Said Dev.

  “We just stopped for a sec.” Said Holly as she walked into her house, holding Alex’s hand. “I thought you’d stop off at your place for clothes. You’ll get filthy” she added. Concerned that her friends would ruin their clothes, helping her.

  “No. We brought them with us. I knew your stuff was coming today so I texted the others, this morning, to get stuff ready. We wanted to surprise you.”

  Holly felt bad at the sad look on Dev’s face because her plans hadn’t turned out as expected.

  “Oh, I am surprised! I never expected this…Thanks Dev.” She said as she hugged her best friend.

  “Thanks Dev” Alex said. “You could’ve told me about it though.” He smiled, not wanting to upset her.

  “You were off out so fast, this morning, and I knew if I called you, you’d be together so…” Dev shrugged as they walked through.

  Everybody was there.

  Ben, who had spare clothes for Alex, Kyle and Kayla, Ryan and Riss, and her Mum and Dad. Then, she spied Nick too.

  “Yeah, he wanted to help. He kind of insisted. He said ‘it was the least he could do’” Dev said with a smirk.

  “Probably to score points with Em” Alex whispered and Holly nodded in agreement.

  Holly checked the delivery and then went to change into her gardening clothes. As everybody waited for instructions, Holly separated the different plants, seeds, and other equipment. She had the guys remove the remaining panels, from the greenhouse, and fit the new ones. The girls got busy planting some new plants in the bedding areas, replacing the ones that Stacey had ripped up or stomped over.

  Holly mixed grow food and compost before filling the seedling trays. Then planted the new seeds in them.

  Alex watched as Holly worked her magic. She had the same look of concentration on her face as she had in A.Bio when they were working on their daffodils. His heart swelled watching her do something she loved.

  He thought about her passing her gift onto their kids someday. He smiled widely to himself.

  “Dum dum du dummmm.” He heard from his side. He turned to see Oli watching him, watching Holly. Alex looked down and blushed. Still smiling, but a little embarrassed because they were the thoughts he had about Holly.

  “From that reaction I’m guessing you’ve thought about that, a lot” Said Oli as he clapped a hand on Alex’s shoulder.

  “Mhmm” Alex didn’t want anybody to overhear or ‘guess’ the conversation he was having so he kept to that answer.

  “Yeah. I thought so” Oli said as he went back to moving pots into the greenhouse. Holly went over to the daffodils and tulips that had been saved, and picked some up.

  Alex quickly moved to help.

  This was for her Dad’s, James, memorial. The flowers they’d cross pollinated had produced seeds, the last ones from when he was alive, and had almost been destroyed.

  As Alex bent to pick up some pots, Holly looked up at him and his breath caught in his throat as he saw the love in her eyes, for him. He couldn’t help it, he had to, and he bent to kiss her full, sensual lips.

  The both of them still holding pots.

  “I love you.” He whispered, as he pilled away.

  “I love you too.” She said with a warm, tender smile.

  He would never get tired of hearing those words from her mouth.

  They walked over to the rockery and Holly made some holes in the soil for the ones she’d brought over.

  “The ones you have can go on your side” Holly said, gesturing to the side closest to him.

  “You trust me doing this?” He asked. This was Holly’s most important piece in her garden. Surely, she wanted to make sure it was perfect.

  “Of course I trust you.” She said with a smile. “It makes it more special now.”

  Alex wanted to hold her tight and never let go. He wanted to make sure that everyday, for the rest of her life, she had something to smile about and be happy.

  Holly showed him how big and deep to make the holes for the flower bulbs. Once he was done, she looked his finished work.

  “That looks great!” She said with a huge smile. “You could be a gardener yourself.” She winked at him. He smiled mischievously and spoke low, in the tone he knew that hit her hard.

  “Maybe. I do have an urge to plant some seeds.” He watched Holly’s e
yes widen when she realised what ‘seeds’ he was taking about and a blush crept over her cheeks.

  “Alex!” She whisper shouted as he laughed.

  “Hey, Holly. Here’s your plaque.” Said Ben.

  Alex watched as Holly’s eyes filled with tears as she looked over the repaired piece of rectangular metal with her Dad’s name, birth, and death on it.

  Ben’s Dad had done such an amazing job that it looked brand-new. Holly stood quickly and hugged Ben.

  “Thank you.” She said. “Tell your Dad thanks too.” She added and knelt down next to Alex.

  “No problem.” Ben said as Dev came and wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed him.

  “Thanks for doing that, Ben. I owe you.“ Said Alex. “Nah dude. I’ve gotten what I want already.” He said as he gazed down into Dev’s eyes.

  His best friend and sister.

  Nope. Still not weird.

  Holly and Alex stood as Oli reattached the plaque to the largest rock. A single tear ran down Holly’s cheek, and Alex swiftly wiped it away.

  “It’s fixed.” She said, turning into Alex’s chest.

  Once everybody had finished, they all stood together to see what they had done.

  They were all dirty, including Nick who had helped out a lot. As well as assisting with the panels, he’d organised the storage for compost and the interior of the greenhouse, so everything wasn’t all over the place. He’d even dug out and replaced the small saplings that Stacey had snapped beyond repair.

  All four of them.

  The garden didn’t look exactly the same as before, obviously the new plants needed time to grow, but it would get there and it would look great.

  Kim came outside and informed everyone that dinner was ready. She’d gone in earlier to make dinner and had been adamant that she was feeding everyone. When they’d all cleaned themselves up, they sat at the table that had extended out and now able to seat all eleven of them. Kim had brought in the extra chairs from the garage.

  “Thanks, everyone, for helping me.” Said Holly. “I really appreciate it.” She squeezed Alex’s hand as there were choruses of ‘No problem’ and ‘you’re welcome’.

  “I’ll be back in a bit.” She said and lightly kissed Alex before she walked back out into the garden. She sat on the rock seat.

  “Hiya Dad. Sorry I haven’t been out lately. I couldn’t face seeing what that girl had done to your hard work. It made me angry and upset, and I’m glad my friends helped me put everything back together. I don’t think I could’ve done it alone.

  They’re a really good bunch. I don’t think I could’ve found better friends anywhere, ya know.

  Especially my Alex.

  He’s…Dad, he’s just amazing. I don’t know what I did to deserve him.

  I love him so much.

  He’s the other half of me; I can feel it. I feel empty when I’m not with him, and I feel loved, wanted, and safe when I am.

  You’d love him too, Dad. Protective, just like you were. Alway making sure I’m ok.

  He’s everything to me, and I want to be with him for the rest of my life. I don’t understand how I know, but I just do.

  He’ll be the best Dad too, like you.

  Dad…I miss you so much.”

  Holly’s head dropped into her hands as she sobbed. She felt strong arms around her.


  She could feel him before he’d even touched her.

  She turned into him, and he held her as she cried, both sitting on the floor. Holly wiped her eyes and looked up into Alex’s; his eyes were full of sadness.

  “I don’t like to see you upset.” He said as he stroked her face. “And, um…I heard some of what you said. It was…” his voice was full of emotion and he didn’t finish his sentence. He swallowed hard, and he frowned.

  Holly wasn’t angry that Alex had overheard her talking to her Dad. He didn’t want her to be alone, and she would’ve done the same thing if it were him. She stroked his cheek as she brought her face to his.

  “I love you, Alex.” She said against his lips.

  “I love you, Holly.” He replied and then joined their mouths together, tongues seeking each other. Her fingers tangled in his gorgeous hair as he held her tight to his body.

  When they came up for air, Alex stood, taking Holly with him.

  “I think everyone’s watching.” He smiled. Sure enough, eyes from inside the house were on them, so they went back inside for dinner.

  Everybody fell into normal conversation around the table, and anybody would think that Ryan and Kyle had known Holly’s parents for a long time instead of a few hours. Everything was so relaxed.

  Nick had to leave, due to his work schedule.

  “Thanks, Nick” Holly said as she, Alex and Ryan walked him out.

  “No problem. Speak to you later, Ry.” He said before he left.

  “He’s a good guy, really.” Said Ryan on his way back to the dining room.

  “I know.” She’d looked over, at Nick, when he was helping out and the expression on his face looked a lot different than the guy that had joked around the lunch table that day. She didn’t know, but she could swear he looked sad. She knew Ryan had told him what had happened, and he’d insisted on helping, but his reaction was strange.

  It was after nine when everybody said their goodbyes and left. They’d helped clean up after dinner which impressed Kim and Oli.

  “I need a shower.” Said Holly and Alex’s groin stood to attention.

  Alex had his clothes from earlier and Kim had already said he was welcome to shower there, separately.

  Both Holly and Alex went upstairs and when they’d showered, Alex knocked on her bedroom door. She was in her Tatty Teddy Pj’s as she opened the door, letting Alex in.

  They lay on her bed, wrapped up in each other’s arms. Holly’s fingers tracing along the muscles that lay under Alex’s shirt, whilst he was tracing circles over her hip as her leg was across his.

  Holly let out a little moan as she ran her fingertips across his hard abs.

  “Jesus, Holly” Alex said, scrunching his eyes closed. “I’m trying to stay calm here but when you make sounds like that…” his voice came out strangled.

  His skin was already burning where her fingers touched, his heart erratic and his hard on straining.

  As soon as she’d made that sound, his pants were suddenly way too tight for comfort.

  “I can’t help it; you’re so gorgeous.”

  As they were lying on their sides, Holly pressed against Alex’s shoulder, pushing his back onto the bed. Holly sat on top of him, straddling his hips, directly over his hard length.

  “Fuck, don’t move!” He said, almost begging Holly to keep still otherwise he’d explode in his pants. He could feel his skin tingling all over as she ran her hands over his T-shirt. Feeling his body over his clothes.

  It was agony trying to control himself because his head wanted to have a repeat of the day before, but his body wanted more and more.

  Holly’s hands ran down his chest, over his abs and to the hem of his T-shirt.

  She began to move it upwards, exposing his burning flesh, her eyes fixed on where her hands were. Alex watched Holly’s face as her eyes roamed over him. Her lips parted and the took her lower lip between her teeth, then let go.

  The look in her eyes was hungry. Hungry for him and he loved it.

  He’d never liked the way other girls had looked at him, but Holly.

  It made his heart thunder in his chest, his skin burn, and his dick rock hard in his pants.

  “Lift up.” She said as his T-shirt neared his underarms.

  He lifted up, and she pulled off his top, throwing it on the floor. She took in a sharp breath as he lay back down.

  He loved the expression on her face at seeing him like that. Like she wanted to devour him in the best way possible.

  His pants were close to cutting off the circulation.

  He slid his hands up her thighs to her perfect a
ss, cupping her and squeezing.

  As he gripped, it caused her body to rock forwards slightly.

  “Oh shit.” He hissed, with the feel of Holly’s body rubbing against his.

  Holly’s breath hitched as his dick flinched underneath her.

  “I’m sorry.” He whispered, Holly just shook her head ‘no’ and then leant forward to take his mouth. Lips kneading, tongues gliding over each other effortlessly.

  Alex ran his hands up her back, under her vest. As he stroked higher, he realized he hadn’t come into contact with any straps.

  Holy shit! She’s not wearing a bra!

  A low growling sound came from his throat, and he amazed himself how he could make sounds so animalistic when he was with Holly.

  It was as if she had awakened the beast in him and it wanted to be set free.

  Holly pulled back from their kiss and moved straight to Alex’s chest. She trailed light kisses down from his squared pecs to his sternum.

  He was close to combusting.

  His breaths were shallow, his heart racing and his dick throbbing.

  “Holly…Oh my…Fuck!” He said through gritted teeth. He was fast losing control.

  Holly looked up to him and darted her tongue out to lick the top of his abs.

  Alex had to bite his lip as he whimpered, clamping his eyes shut as Holly rained kiss upon kiss and tiny, featherlight licks across his chest and stomach. Luckily, Holly had scooted back on his legs and was no longer sitting on top of his ‘restriction’ but his body had other ideas and was screaming to be touched all over.

  “Babe, It’s too much.” He said, his voice straining.

  Holly’s kisses moved up his body until she reached his neck. She grazed her lips across his jawline as she moved her mouth to his ear, stroking his body with her hands. His skin quivering beneath her fingertips. Alex’s breaths were ragged as he tried to control his body. He ran his hands down her back and gripped her ass, making her suck in a breath.


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