Taming Texanna

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Taming Texanna Page 14

by Alyssa Bailey

  “Girls, I have to go now. I’m going to go to lunch with my husband, and then I need to drive home to cook supper soon.” She made sure they heard the distinction between her married self and the unmarried women by calling them girls when they were her contemporaries in age.

  “Uh, okay. See you.” The girls either didn’t hear the jab or didn’t know how to react and so Texanna left before they had time to think about it.

  Chastising herself over her terrible words about her husband and the women, she knew if it got back to him, he would be hurt. She would rather be standing for dinners than hurt his feelings. She knew he'd been able to see something was wrong if she kept thinking on it but her guilt was strong.The very fact that she was trying to stop from telling caused her to think of nothing else. It was no use. She pulled up in front of the recently built courthouse, where her husband had his new office and went in for the first time.

  It possessed a grand entryway and looked vitally important. She asked for where Colton had his office and was directed to the end of the hall. She peeked in. Nope, no Colton. She wandered around his office for a bit longer before stepping out into the hallway again. A different clerk saw her and asked if he could help her.

  “Yes, I’m looking for my husband, Marshal McFadden.”

  She shook her full mane of thick auburn hair and enjoyed watching the man stutter for a quick moment before gaining control again. When had she become a tease? It must have been the confidence she felt as Mrs. Colton McFadden.

  “Oh, well you just missed him. A woman came to fetch him for lunch. If you want to catch them, they haven’t been gone long too. I think they mentioned Mae’s because the marshal likes to eat there.”

  The man was as innocent and guileless as he could be, thought Texanna, to tell a man’s wife that her husband went to lunch with another woman unless it was a relative. Texanna gathered her things and put on her coat again. Mae’s was just a few buildings away so she decided to walk. She left her wagon hitched to the post and made her way down to the well-populated café. As she approached, she saw the back of Colton’s head leaning across the table and looked to see the companion he had.

  Colton’s hand was on that woman’s and he was patting it. Not wonderful but not terrible either. Colt had a soft heart sometimes, so maybe there was a reason, a real good reason. She got a better look at the woman and saw she was older than Colton but not a great deal older. Not like elderly aunt older, with a comely look about her. Pleasant.

  Then as Texanna was pulling open the door, she saw him lean in and kiss the woman’s cheek. Now there was going to be trouble. Colt didn’t have a sister and his mother was at home so there was not going to be a good reason to kiss another woman, in public, while holding her hand, that she was going to be satisfied with and that was the truth.

  She swung around quickly, and her hair caught her in the face, causing her to stumble and hit the partially open door head on. She was so furious and emotionally hurt that the physical pain of the impact didn’t register. Texanna grabbed the handle and swung it wide, desperate to get away from the scene. In her frantic attempt to leave, blinded by tears she couldn’t stem, the momentum she created made the door hit the outside wall and then crash as it was slammed closed on the return swing. Colton turned and saw what he thought was the back of his wife and stood to be sure.

  “Yep,” he answered the woman he was with, “that little hellion, running for all she’s worth across the road in a rage, is my Texanna. She’s hot and going to get hotter when I catch her.” He tipped his hat to his lunch companion, dropped money on the table, and left out after his wife. His companion’s laughter could be heard following him as he strode out the door.

  Texanna wiped at the tears streaming down her face. She had trusted him. She believed that he was not going to desert her like her mother had. Before now, she was able to convince herself that everyone leaving her had not been her fault. She had been able to convince herself that her maternal parent didn’t know what she wanted or maybe was too immature to raise two children, or even her pa had treated her all those years ago, as he had treated Texanna. But if Colton would give his attentions to another so soon after they were married, hours after leaving her bed, then she had to be the reason. With nowhere to put the pain of that realization, she continued to run, as she always did. It was the only constant in her life. Her only comfort.

  Finally getting to her wagon, she untied the reins, jumped up to the first foothold and climbed onto the seat. The reins were weightless as she lit out of town at a fast clip, making a wide berth of her husband as he tried, unsuccessfully, to catch her before she left. With tears flowing unchecked surrounded by sobs she couldn’t control, she flew over the well-trodden ground ignoring any potholes she might have previously avoided. She needed to get home, grab up some things and head out.

  She wasn’t sure where she would go but maybe Mandy’s for tonight. No, he would find her there. She could camp out for a night until she pulled herself together. Get her things and get out first. How ironic that not two weeks ago, she had brought in a homeless family and now they would be in her home and she the homeless waif. No, she should definitely go to Mandy’s because it would be dangerous to camp alone for a woman and Colton would skin her alive. What? She was leaving him, he wouldn’t do anything to her but she was learning from him and she would go to Mandy’s house.

  She would have to use one of Colton’s horses but she would leave it at Mandy’s so he could get it back. Her biggest challenge once she decided to go to Mandy’s place first was to decide how she was going to get out of the house without Pia or Kaku noticing. Walker was paying more attention to her movements as well so she would have to be careful. Texanna tried to put herself in a calmer frame of mind. Even as her brain screamed at the injustice of it all, she told herself she could be wrong. He might have a relative nearby or that came through town.

  All she heard as she drove onto his property and began to unhitch the team was Colton calling her name as she drove past him in town. Ordering her to stop. Ordering her, that was rich. Now she imagined Colton’s voice again. Mark startled her as he walked up behind Texanna and asked for her to move to the side so he could finish unhitching the horses.

  “I’ll take care of this. You go inside, it is turning chilly. The wind is too cold for you to be out right now in only that thin shirt. You don’t have a coat on. I’m beginning to know your husband, and I think he would have something to say if he knew you were out alone.”

  She grimaced. “Oh, he knows. He absolutely knows but thank you for the assistance. I do appreciate it.” Texanna allowed him to finish with the horses as she half walked, half trotted, determinedly to the house.

  Texanna loved this house, with its big windows and its warm and cozy feel. It was where she had found her place, her home. At least, she had been lulled into thinking that she could be happy here. There was no more happiness in this house because she was not its owner’s love. Colt had said he thought he might be starting to love her but that was not the case. That was the problem with all of this. Texanna had invested her heart. If she had kept herself separate, like she knew she should, the pain wouldn’t be so bad.

  But here she was, having to wrench her heart back, bleeding and bruised, but she would survive. She had thus far and would again. She walked into the house and instinctively knew she didn’t have much time. She thought she knew her husband well enough to know that he would talk to the judge and then head home. She needed to get out the door quickly.

  Gathering her warmest set of clothing, she grabbed her coat and was relieved to know that Pia was with Nada in the front room. She assumed Kaku was resting. This was the perfect time to get out of the house undetected. Pia and Kaku seemed to know too much of her inner thoughts, so she couldn’t give them the opportunity to know what she was about.

  Racing out of the storeroom, she opened the door, heart racing, breath shallow and quick, and she slammed into something hard. She had opened the
door, so it wasn’t that. No, it was human, and while Mark was a stout man, he didn’t compare to Colton in stature and build. Solid arms wrapped about Texanna as she instinctively began to struggle. Hot breath blew over her ear, and she heard the voice that could both anger and tantalize her simultaneously.

  “Texanna Rae. Stop. Now.” It was said in a determined voice that brooked no argument and melted her insides to warm gooey taffy ready to be pulled.

  But she didn’t stop. She couldn’t give into him, or she would be lost. She loved him, and her body longed for his. Damn, damn, damn her traitorous body. And then she felt him push her back inside for the warmth was stronger than the cold now. His hand felt down between them and he grabbed the clothing she was clutching before stepping back from her.

  “What is this, Texanna Rae? And do not tell me what we both know would be an untruth.”

  Texanna stared at his chest, not daring to look up, and said, “Warmer clothes. It is cold outside.”

  “Uh huh, and you decided not to change in the house because…”

  “Umm, it was just in case I got colder.”

  Her voice came out small and squeaky like she was unsure. What am I five? He shouldn’t be able to make me feel like I did wrong. It is his fault all of this is happening anyway. She stiffened up her spine standing taller. She spoke more proudly with the confidence of someone who was sure she was right. She hardened her voice. She still did not look in his eyes.

  “I’m going to Mandy’s,” she stated as she tried to circumvent her husband. She worked at dodging his hands before they gripped her arms again, but there was no way she could get around him. He was too bulky and his presence just too great.

  “No, you’re going to the bedroom. And you’re going now.” His volume still low but the intensity increased if that was even possible.

  “I’m not going in that bedroom again. Not ever. You have had your fun,” she hissed, angry she couldn’t yell because of the others in the house. “Let me go.” Her struggles were ineffectual against him and she knew it.

  “My dear, we are either going to the barn for a meeting with my strap, or we are going into our bedroom to talk. Either way, we will get to the real story.”

  “You mean your bedroom because I’m not living here any longer with a man who openly cheats on his wife.”

  “Now, Texanna. Move it now.” Colton turned his enraged wife around and pushed her ahead of himself through the kitchen, down the hall, to the bedroom in question, slapping her bottom as he propelled her onward.

  Closing the door, he stood between his wife, who began fuming as she stomped throughout the room, and the door. “All right, my little hellion, what in the good Lord’s name are you thinking happened today in the café?”

  “I don’t think it happened; I know it did. You kissed another woman on the cheek and held her hand. That is openly flirting and everyone knows we just married. You promised me you wouldn’t leave me.” Her voice choked with unsuccessfully controlled sobs tumbling out. “I should have made you promise me you wouldn’t cheat on me. You promised me to love me.” A pillow flew through the air to be caught by Colton.

  He looked fiercely at his wife before saying in a menacingly quiet voice, “Do not throw anything at me, woman. You can be angry and you can be irritated, but you will not throw things at me.” Another pillow came his way, which he also caught effortlessly.

  “You have purchased a ticket to get yourself a hotter bottom than you were getting. Now, how hot I make it is up to you. Sit down and let me explain to you what the real story is, and it will only be my hand. Keep it up and it will be my leather.”

  Texanna swung around quickly and spat her words. “You don’t need to explain, it’s obvious. I just want to leave now.” Damn those tears.

  Colton stood for a moment and looked at his wife of just two weeks.

  “It was your mother you saw me with today.”

  “What? That’s a lie. That is low, even for you, Colton McFadden.” Texanna screamed and fell to her knees, hands covering her face, shielding the torrent of tears from his view.

  Colt rushed to her side, sliding to the floor next to her, he gathered her in his arms, rocking to and fro, cooing and comforting her as he could. It was a shock and so he held her tightly as she, at first, fought his offering.

  Finally, after the worst of the weeping and thrashing had passed, she asked with a tear-soaked voice, “Is it really my mother?”

  “Yes, baby, it is. She came back with the judge. They are married now. It seems there was a divorce a while ago. Your mother and your pa were divorced, and she never remarried until she met the judge, marrying as soon as they returned to town this morning.”

  “But how do you know?” she asked, suspicion evident in her tone.

  “How do I know what, that she was divorced, married to the judge, or is your mother?”

  She shrugged and leaned into her husband, still crying but more controlled. “All of it, I guess.”

  “I know she was divorced because the judge had it verified. I know she was married because I just witnessed it. I know she is your mother because of her divorce papers. There was a note in them that said she was the mother of one, Texanna Rae Grant. ”

  Texanna pushed hard against him. “What do you mean you witnessed it?”

  “Just what I said. I didn’t know she was your mother until the judge explained things to me. I thought I would talk with her and the judge at lunch. We did talk but the judge had to leave because he was needed, and we stayed to finish. And just as we were about to get up and go about our day, this red-headed whirlwind slammed through the door and made a pretty impressive spectacle of herself before storming off as hot as her flaming locks.” Colton quirked his eyebrow at Texanna before leaning down and kissing her lips. He reached up and examined her now bruising forehead before kissing it as well.

  “Um, what did she say about me? Why did she leave?”

  “She would like to tell you herself, honey. Tomorrow the judge is bringing her out to drop her off for the day if that is okay with you. The judge will come back and get her in the afternoon.”

  Texanna was quiet for a few moments before speaking. “I would like that. I’m just worried about what she’s going to say. I mean, was it me, did I cause her to leave? I know it sounds crazy but a little girl can’t come up with a reason that would make her mother leave her at four. But as a teen, you come up with all sorts of ideas.”

  Colton pulled her tight against him and hugged her as she snuggled in chatting for a moment then falling silent only to chat again. Suddenly she pulled back and he let her, curious about what she was going to say now.

  “I’m sorry. I did what you told me to stop doing, huh? I jumped to conclusions and I ran. I don’t know how to stop, it is the first thing that comes to mind when I’m upset.”

  “Yes, you did and I’m going to try to help you stop.”

  “Thank you.”

  After a few moments of quiet, Colton spoke again bringing them both up to a standing position only to sit with her next to him on the bed. “You know you’re getting a spanking, don’t you?”

  “Please no, I don’t want one.”

  “Okay, listen to me. You jumped to conclusions, thought the worst about me and then ran from me. I don’t deserve that. Then you came home running that team hard out of town. You could have turned over the wagon and been hurt badly. Then you were going to run again before I got home.”

  “But, I’ll work on it, I promise. You have to admit it was suspicious.”

  “No, not if you trusted me and if you had given me the chance to explain. You could have met your mother today instead of waiting until tomorrow. Are you telling me you don’t deserve a spanking?”

  “Well, I don’t want one.”

  Colton laughed. “Over my lap, Anna.”

  “You said, Anna, so you aren’t mad at me so I don’t need a spanking.”

  “Oh, you need one but I’m not angry. I’m going to blaze a pat
h across your rear end, though. It’s my job to help you be the best you can be.” He patted his thigh. “Slide over.”

  Putting myself over his lap isn’t right, he should just take me over his lap.

  “You’re doing it so that it shows your acceptance.”

  “How did you… never mind, I’m coming. Don’t spank me hard.” To her chagrin, he just laughed again as he situated her over his lap.

  It was odd to be lying over his thighs. She was happy that at least it was not over a scratchy hay bale or standing to clutch a chair, or heaven forbid, on the open road. He pulled her skirt up, and cool air slid across her exposed legs. Mmm, his thighs were hard as granite, and she remembered how hard his hand was. This seemed different, though. It was more intimate, more personal as though she really did belong to him and was his to correct.

  Her musings came to a quick end as he began to pull down her bloomers fully exposing her rear to the room air. Colt kissed her bottom and a chill went up her back and came down as a shiver. She was in love, pure and simple. Just being with this man, in his bed, over his lap was enough to give him a claim on her heart. She wiggled in the warmth of the thought when he slapped her bottom with his board-like hand.

  “Yeow, Colton, not so hard,” she screeched.

  “Honey, if you can tell me that without any whimper then I’m saying it was not hard enough. You need to understand that I am your husband and it is my duty to help you be the best you can be. You were not that woman today. If you have anything to say, especially while over my lap, you had best be polite.” Another slap landed on her upturned bottom. Then he reminded her, “There are other people in the house, honey.”

  He reached behind him and grabbed a pillow, dragging it over to her face now lying on the bed. Texanna promptly grabbed the pillow and shoved her face into its feathery cloud, muffling her squeals as her husband began to spank in earnest. Three smacks on one bouncing globe, three on the other, building an ever increasing rhythm drenched in sternness that didn’t allow her any wriggle room. The heat was rising, the sting was deepening and the cries had morphed to choked sobs. Finally, as her cries morphed to all out bawling, the spanking stopped and the rubbing, squeezing, kissing began.


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