Jaymie Holland

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Jaymie Holland Page 3

by Tattoos

  Over the next hour, she spent time being treated by a paramedic as well as questioned by the police. Colton seemed to be making sure the officers didn’t stress her out with their questions.

  The paramedic took care of her wounds, putting a thick bandage on her cheek and a large Band-Aid on her forehead. She wasn’t sure how she got the cut on her forehead, but it stung like crazy. The paramedic instructed her to go to the ER to have the cut on her cheek stitched or she could end up with a bad scar.

  She looked down at her lap, feeling the sting of almost-tears again. Damn it. She couldn’t afford insurance or a hospital copay, but she was too proud to admit it, so she only thanked the paramedic for his help.

  Colton was studying her intently. “We’ll take you to the ER.”

  “No hospital.” She shook her head. “I just want to go home.”

  “Then tomorrow you can go to the doctor that we see.” Dane crouched beside her. “We’ll make an appointment with Dr. Anderson, a first class surgeon, as soon as we can get you in tomorrow.”

  She started to argue, but she was too tired to do so.

  After she promised the police officer that she would go to the station the next day, she let Colton help her up from where she’d been sitting at the rear of the ambulance. Dane grabbed her purse, the cut strap dangling over his arm. He also picked up the rolling case holding her Sweet Sensations demo kit.

  She thought about refusing to let them take her home and just calling a cab, but she couldn’t afford it and it was just pure stubbornness and pride that made it difficult to accept their offer. So she swallowed her pride and let them help her into the back of their black Mercedes, wincing again from her sore backside. They climbed in on either side of her and the driver, Louis, slid behind the wheel. In moments they were headed toward her apartment.

  It wasn’t far to her place. Dane and Colton each took one of her arms as they got out on the sidewalk. She tried to shrug them off but they wouldn’t let go, so she let them escort her into the building.

  They reached the elevator and she looked from one man to the other. “I can go the rest of the way myself.”

  Dane shook his head. “We’re going to see you safely into your place.”

  As the elevator whined its way up to her floor, the adrenaline surge started to wane. She had a moment’s unsteadiness, but both men were there to hold her up. She liked the feeling of strength in their hands as they steadied her.

  When they reached the door to her apartment, Colton took the key from her and opened it. Instead of leaving, they entered the apartment with her and closed the door behind them. Her emotions vacillated, tipping from wanting them to leave to not wanting to be alone.

  She looked from one to the other, a feeling of deep gratitude flowing through her. “I didn’t tell you how thankful I am to you both. You probably saved my life.” Tears burned the backs of her eyes. This time she really might cry, no matter how hard she was fighting it.

  Colton brushed hair from her face with his knuckles, trailing them across her uninjured cheek. “We’re just glad we got there before something worse happened.”

  Dane came up behind her and rested his palms on her shoulders. “Are you going to be all right?”

  The two men surrounding her made her feel safe in a way that she’d never felt before.

  At the thought of them leaving her alone, a sudden rush of fear bottomed out her stomach.

  “I don’t want to be alone.” The words came out of nowhere, spilling out before she could stop them.

  “Then we’re not going anywhere.” Colton stood close as he linked his fingers with hers, their bodies touching. She became keenly aware of his bare chest in a way that she hadn’t been before, when he’d used his shirt to staunch the flow of blood from her nose and cheek, and to clean the blood from her face.

  Dane pressed his length along her backside and took her by the shoulders. “We will take care of you, Drew. No one is going to hurt you again.”

  She caught her breath at the promise in his words and because she was trapped between the two men. She felt so very safe in their arms, and as if she wanted to be there forever. Her tiredness drifted away and the ache she’d felt for them earlier renewed itself between her thighs.

  Colton kissed her forehead as Dane pressed his lips to the curve of her neck. Colton stepped back. “We’ll let Louis know he doesn’t need to wait.”

  While she waited, Colton called Louis to let him know they wouldn’t be coming down. Drew felt a moment’s embarrassment, wondering what Louis might think about Dane and Colton spending the night. But then she decided she didn’t care. She just didn’t want to be alone.

  “Why don’t we get you into the shower?” Colton said when he ended the call.

  She pushed her hand through her hair that had long ago lost its clip. “I do need to get out of these bloody clothes and into a shower in the worst way.”

  Dane took her hand and led her across the apartment. There were two closed doors—the one on the right was her bedroom, the door on the left led to Megan’s old room. Colton opened the door to Drew’s room without hesitation. She wondered how he’d known which room was hers, but figured they must have seen her come out of the room when they were over to install the security system.

  When he opened the door to her bedroom, she half expected them to invite themselves in to take a shower with her, but they left her at the door.

  “Call us if you need us.” Dane released her hand. “We’ll be right here.”

  She offered them a smile and was furious at herself when her lips trembled. “I’ll be out in a few.”

  Colton reached up and lightly tugged a lock of her hair, giving her a gentle smile in return. “Take your time.”

  “Okay.” After a moment, she turned away to head toward the bathroom when she heard the sound of her bedroom door closing. She looked over her shoulder, feeling bereft of their presence.

  The night had sure changed since the moment she’d entered Spirits earlier. She would never have dreamed that she’d be mugged and then end up in her apartment with two of the hottest men she’d ever known. Two men she wanted more than anything.

  How could she even remotely think about sex when she’d just been mugged?

  As she stripped off her clothing, she glanced at herself in the mirror and froze. The skin around one of her eyes was purple, a thick white bandage was taped over her cheek, and she had a Band-Aid on her forehead. Her hair was a tangled mess and her skin pale. Her stomach clenched as she looked at her reflection, and the fact that she could have been killed hit her hard.

  The white top she was wearing had dark blotches of blood, and she stripped the shirt away and tossed it into the hamper. Some of the blood had leaked through the Spandex to her bra and she threw that into the laundry, too.

  She took her time showering as Colton had suggested, washing away the remnants of blood and the sense of violation that came from being mugged. She hadn’t been raped, but she’d had something taken from her—her feelings of independence, confidence, and safety. Now she knew how naïve she’d been and that all of her previous feelings had been an illusion. She’d never feel completely safe again.

  A tear rolled down her cheek and with frustration she wiped it away with the back of her wet hand. She was careful not to wet the bandage over her injured cheek. Her stomach twisted. She must be more vain than she’d thought she was, because the idea of a scar on her face made her depressed and more tears wanted to spring forth. She couldn’t afford a doctor, so whatever happened, happened. She was glad she was alive, and that was truly all that mattered.

  When she finished taking a shower, she slipped on a comfy extra-large T-shirt and her favorite old gym shorts that hung loosely from her waist.

  Her skin felt cool and clean at first, but then the warmth of her bedroom reminded her of why she’d been sleeping in the living room. She headed out of the bedroom and stepped into the living room, and felt a refreshing burst of cold air from the s
ingle air conditioning unit that the men had turned on.

  She also caught the smell of eggs and toast. Her stomach rumbled. “That smells so good.”

  “Thought you might be hungry.” Colton glanced over his shoulder, his green eyes meeting hers. When he saw her face, a flicker of anger sparked in his eyes and she knew he was furious over what the mugger had done to her. “After a rough night like you had, it’s a good idea to get something in your stomach.”

  “If you say so, doc.” She gave Colton then Dane a tired smile. “Bed is going to feel awfully good, too.”

  Dane frowned, too, then buttered toast and made egg sandwiches by putting the scrambled eggs between the slices of toast. Drew downed everything that came her way, including a large glass of ice-cold milk, and was grateful the men didn’t bring up the mugging while they ate.

  When they finished eating, Dane and Colton cleaned up and washed the dishes while insisting she stay sitting at the breakfast bar. She didn’t argue, her body feeling heavy with exhaustion.

  After the kitchen was back in order, Colton said, “We’ll take the floor while you take the couch.”

  She frowned and her brow furrowed. “How do you know I sleep on the couch?”

  Dane hesitated then shrugged. “A pillow is on it, so we assumed you did.”

  “Oh,” she said slowly. “Well, tonight I want to sleep in my bed.”

  “We’ll fight over the couch,” Colton said, the corner of his mouth tipping up.

  She looked from one to the other. “Will you stay with me?” She’d already told them she didn’t want to be alone, but what if they had the wrong idea? “Neither one of you should have to sleep on the floor.” She rushed to say the words, her face heating.

  “If that’s what you want,” Dane said, and Colton gave a nod.

  “With you two I feel like nothing can touch me like that man did tonight.” She let out her breath. “Tonight I need—” She faltered. “I need someone close.” Or in their case, two someones. “Nothing else. I just don’t want to sleep alone.”

  Colton reached her and cupped her uninjured cheek. “We wouldn’t dream of leaving you alone tonight, honey.”

  She let out her breath. “Thank you.”

  Dane took her by the hand. “Let’s get you in bed.”

  After they set the security system, Colton retrieved her pillow from the couch and they headed into her bedroom. Dane pulled back the covers and Drew moved to the middle of the bed. Colton put the pillow down and she laid her head on it.

  The men removed weapons she hadn’t known they were carrying and set the guns on the nightstands. They left their clothes on and climbed onto the bed to join her.

  It was too warm for covers, so they left off everything but the sheet. To avoid sleeping on her injured cheek, Drew ended up facing Dane, who rested his hand on her waist. From behind her, Colton settled his palm on her hip.

  She didn’t remember ever feeling so safe, so protected, as she did at that moment, between these two men.

  It took her a while to relax, but when she had she let out a deep sigh and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 4

  Drew’s eyelids flew open and she froze. Had she just heard a noise in her apartment? Heart beating a fast staccato, she scooted up in bed. Dane’s hand slid from her waist to her thigh. Colton shifted in his sleep, moving closer to her, his palm now resting on her knee.

  The moonlight spilling through the window illuminated the sleeping men on either side of her. They hadn’t heard the noise? The thump in her chest only grew worse. Was someone in her apartment? What if he had a gun?

  “What’s wrong?” All traces of sleep vanished from Dane’s face as he woke and scooted up in bed. He moved from sleeping to wakefulness so quickly it was as if he’d been awake the entire time.

  “Are you all right?” Colton said from her other side, sitting up and sounding just as lucid as Dane.

  Even through her fear, she recognized the fact that both men were probably used to going on full alert because of their previous careers.

  “I heard a noise.” She swallowed down another burst of fear. “I know you set the alarm, but I really think someone’s in my apartment.”

  Dane looked toward the bedroom door. “Stay here,” he said as he slid out of bed.

  Colton hurried out of bed, too. They were still dressed, Colton, of course, minus the shirt he’d used to clean up her blood. Dane snatched the handgun he’d left on the nightstand on his side of the bed and Colton retrieved his as well.

  The men eased toward the door. Colton stood to the left side and gave a nod as Dane moved opposite him. They both held their guns in a two-handed grip, the muzzles pointed toward the ceiling.

  Dane jerked the door open and Colton peered around the doorframe. When he saw nothing, he eased through the doorway, weapon sweeping the room. Dane covered him and they both went into the living room.

  “Clear,” Colton said.

  She heard Dane opening the door to Megan’s old room. A few moments later, he shouted. “Clear.”

  Drew let out her breath and let the back of her head drop against the headboard. She felt both relieved and stupid. She’d just woken two men because she was certain she’d heard a noise. They’d likely gone out with guns drawn just to make her feel more secure.

  When they returned to the bedroom, she looked at them apologetically. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have freaked like that.” She brought her knees up to her chest and clasped her arms around them. “I feel dumb now.”

  Dane set his gun on the nightstand then moved to the edge of the bed and pushed strands of hair gently behind her ear. “After last night, you have reason to be a little freaked.”

  “You’re a strong woman.” Colton eased onto the bed on the other side of her and rested his hand on her shoulder. “But what you went through with the mugger would be enough to give any person nightmares.”

  “Thank you.” A shiver ran through her. “If you weren’t here I don’t know what I would have done.”

  “You would have pressed the panic button on your alarm.” Colton squeezed her shoulder. “Our security company would have had a squad car come over to check it out.”

  “For only a noise?” Drew shook her head. “Then I really would feel stupid when they came for no reason.”

  “Hey.” Dane stroked her knee in a comforting movement. “Better that than the alternative.”

  Drew shook her head and sat up straighter in bed. She put her hand to her forehead as what he’d said sank in. “I totally forgot about using the alarm system if I’m alone.”

  “We noticed you didn’t have to disarm it when we came into the apartment,” Colton said.

  “Because you didn’t set it before you left,” Dane added.

  Drew bit the inside of her lip. “I didn’t really think I needed it.”

  “And now?” Colton asked.

  She let out a sigh in a rush. “If I arm it like you did tonight, then I know I’m safer than the alternative.”

  Dane studied her. “Are you okay now?”

  She nodded. “Thanks to both of you.”

  Colton leaned forward and kissed the top of her head as he moved his hand over her back. Dane pressed his lips to her uninjured cheek as he stroked her arm. Tingles raced through her belly as she felt the heat of their hands and lips.

  Her nipples tightened and an ache blossomed between her thighs. She turned her face toward Colton, and his lips slid across her cheek as she moved her mouth to his.

  He hesitated as she traced his lower lip with her tongue. He made a low, throaty sound as he slid his hand into her hair, clenching the strands in his fist as he kissed her with more intensity.

  Dane nuzzled her neck and moved his hands over her curves, sliding his palms over her breasts, brushing her rigid nipples and causing her to gasp. Dane cupped her uninjured cheek and moved her mouth away from Colton’s, and then she was kissing Dane.

  She let out a moan as Colton stroked her body while Da
ne ran his tongue along her lower lip before biting it and tugging at the soft flesh.

  Their hands were everywhere, stroking her, setting her on fire. She moved her hands between their thighs and grasped each of their very rigid and very large cocks that pressed against the denim of their jeans.

  In the next moment, Dane broke the kiss as Colton captured her wrists and held them tightly so that she could no longer touch either man.

  Her breathing was heavy as she looked from one man to the other. “Why did you stop?”

  Dane’s throat worked. “Why don’t you get some sleep now?”

  “What?” She shook her head in confusion. “I don’t want to sleep. I want—”

  Colton cut her off. “We’re not taking advantage of you after your rough night.”

  “Now go back to sleep,” Dane said.

  Her gaze moved from Dane to Colton. What was their game?

  “You don’t want me,” she said flatly.

  Dane gave a tight laugh. “Honey, that’s not even close to being right. Like Colton said, we are not taking advantage of you.” Dane caught her chin in her hand. “Sleep. Now.”

  She felt both frustrated and grateful all at once at how honorable the men were being. “I don’t think I can sleep.”

  “Try, honey,” Colton said.

  She sighed, leaned forward, and looked past Dane at the nightstand clock. Her body felt stiff and sore, and her tailbone hurt as she moved. “It’s almost five a.m., and I’m usually up by five-thirty to exercise anyway. But you two can sleep.”

  “We’re early risers, too.” Dane slid out of bed again and held his hand out to her and she took it.

  She felt a zing from his touch and wished he would crawl back in bed, each man fucking her blind. Since that didn’t appear to be a remote possibility, she climbed out of bed, feeling the aftereffects of last night’s attack. Colton eased out of bed on the opposite side.


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