The Protectors

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The Protectors Page 8

by April Hollingworth

  A few minutes later, Victor walks through the door. My heart picks up speed, and a smile blooms across my face. I dash into his arms as if I haven’t seen him in ages instead of the ten minutes we’ve been parted.

  “I’ve missed you,” he murmurs into my neck before kissing me sweetly, his arms wrapped securely around my waist holding me to him.

  “Same as. Feels like we’ve been parted for ages, which is just weird if you think about it.” I chuckle in reply, before reluctantly extracting myself from his embrace. “Come on; let’s grab some coffee before heading back home.” Linking hands, we walk to the coffee bar where Janna and the rest are waiting. We quickly order a coffee and sandwich each. Once everyone has had their fill, we gather our belongings and leave. Ten minutes later, we’re on the road once more.

  Chapter 24

  When we finally arrive back at mine, I’m surprised to see everyone hanging out outside, since it is bitterly cold out. Climbing out of the car once it’s stopped, I spy Dante talking to Selene and guess the others are all unabashedly listening in. To prove I’m right, I go over and join them. After all, I can’t find out what’s going on unless I listen too.

  “Selene, where you go, I shall go. You have my heart. I’m giving you my body too.” Clasping her hand tightly in his, he leans down and kisses her knuckles while keeping eye contact with her the whole time. “You are my fated mate, my destiny, the other half of my heart, and I am yours.”

  I watch a blush stain her cheeks and can’t help the grin that spreads across my face. Even though his words sound almost ridiculous in this day and age and rather lascivious too, the sincerity in his voice, eyes, and expression clearly tells Selene and everyone else that he honestly believes what he’s saying.

  The thing is, I believe him too. I believe that for some reason our soul mates are finding us. I have no idea why now, and granted, not everyone seems to be ready to admit it, mainly Cedrix and Jezebel. Though over the last week or two, they have become much closer, almost as if they’re opening to the possibility of romance, if not love.

  Which is fair enough. Only recently could I admit to Victor and myself that I love him. I’m not sure how far into their relationship Jasmine and Kheda are either, or if they even are in a relationship yet. All I know is that they’ve shared a room sometimes. Hmm, I must have a chat with her soon and get all the details.

  “How about we all go inside where it’s warm?” I ask, looking around at everyone.

  I catch sight of Cedrix and Kheda. Both men are intently watching the women in their lives. I wonder if Cedrix realizes just how intently he’s staring at Jezebel, almost as if she’s his salvation and he doesn’t know how to handle it.

  While Kheda watches Jasmine like she’s his whole world and he’s just realized he’s ready to take a leap of faith. Personally, I hope he does, as they both deserve the happiness they’ll find with each other.

  The crunch of gravel under a foot is my only warning before I’m embraced from behind.

  “Love seems to be in the air.” The deep growling rumble of his voice reverberates along my spine and tingles in my ear, causing heat to pool between my legs and a sigh of contentment to ease from my mouth.

  “The things your voice does to me.” It’s only when I hear and feel his chuckle that I realize I spoke out loud.

  “Don’t worry, my beauty, you do wonderful things to me just by being you too” is Victor’s husky reply as he slowly walks backward, his arm still around my waist so I’m slowly being dragged with him. Not that I mind, far from it in fact.

  “I need to be inside you badly. I ache with the need.” Nipping my neck gently, he takes another step backward, as I let out a low groan of need.

  “Are you okay, Candi?” Roísín asks coming up beside me and looking at me with genuine worry.

  “I’m fine, thanks,” I squeak in reply, before clearing my throat. All eyes suddenly turn toward Victor and I. My friends give me smirks of amusement and some outright snicker at my predicament. I can feel heat stain my cheeks. Not from embarrassment over Victor’s and my obvious need for each other. But because the heat crawling up me is desperate for release.

  I need him now, and if he threw me on the ground and took me right here in front of everyone, I wouldn’t give a shit. Well, as long as Roísín got safely inside and couldn’t see.

  “Are you sure? Your face is all flushed and Victor’s supporting you…” Confusion laces Roísín’s voice, and uncertainty flickers across her face.

  “I’m fine, sweetie, honestly. Victor’s going to take me to his house for a little while. I’m just feeling… fatigued. I need to lie down for a while.”

  The next instant, I’m swept off my feet and am curled against his strong chest. “I’ll take you right away,” Victor promises me. His eyes, I notice, when he looks at me are pure sparkling vampiric blue fire, and his innocent-sounding words spoken through distended fangs are a promise of pleasure soon to be had. I can’t wait.

  Between one blink and the next, he flits us to his house. Holding me to him with one arm, he runs his fingers down his door, and it swings open, allowing us entry into his domain. By the time the door has swung closed behind us, I’ve landed on his bed with him leaning over me, his mouth descending to mine.


  “Brother, I don’t understand. Are you saying you regret the path you have taken? Have you finally come to your senses?”

  Staring out of my sister’s apartment window, I look without seeing the streets of Paris. People scurry about their business as if my life crumbling around my ears means nothing. Just a blip on the screen, if even that. “I don’t know,” I finally admit.

  “Are you being serious? How can you not know? You either regret the path you’re on, or you don’t!” Sophie exclaims in annoyance.

  Turning around to face her, I shake my head in resignation before admitting, “I only regret hurting her by killing her parents. I don’t care about the other deaths. I only care about…”

  “Her.” Sophie finishes my sentence softly. Moving closer to me, she looks at me with such deep concern I feel a shudder rake through me. “You worry me. This obsession you have with her, it’s not healthy. But…”

  Grasping her by the shoulders, I give her a slight shake before growling out in frustration, “But what? Say what you’re thinking.”

  “Okay, if you know nothing can happen between you two, then if this obsession you have with her stops you killing more innocents, then you have to help her. You must leave The Protectors once and for all.”


  Our mouths meet in a kiss filled with passion and desire. My hands reach for his jacket, push it off his shoulders and down his arms before tossing it aside. I’m about to reach for the hem of his jumper when he brushes my hands aside to swiftly remove my jacket, jumper, and jeans. A groan breaks free from him as he stares in desire at my breasts cupped lovingly in my purple bra.

  Bending down, he gives each pale mound an open-mouthed kiss, before lifting them out of their cups and suckling on first one nipple and then the other. My head falls backward, and my hands delve into his thick hair holding him in place. A moan of desire escapes me. I can’t help it; it won’t be contained.

  With a final kiss to each breast, he moves lower down my body, placing fleeting open-mouthed kisses and licks across my torso until finally he reaches the top of my panties. These ones have the words “saucy” written across the front and “minx” across the back of them.

  “Saucy, indeed,” chuckles Victor on reading the front before peeling them off me. “Damn, you’re so wet, I can’t wait to slide into you.” He groans before placing his mouth at my entrance and licking his way inside me. My panties are tossed in the direction of the rest of my clothes, then both his hands push my legs up and spread wider apart, giving him better access to me.

  A shudder ripples through me as his talented tongue delves inside me. My hands grasp the bedsheets, before grasping once more a hold of his head and shoving h
im closer to me. His lips clamp around my nub, sucking it inside his mouth.

  My back arches off the bed as my eyelids flutter. “Oh, oh yes,” I cry out, as my chest heaves and the beginnings of my orgasm builds.

  His right hand leaves my knee to slide up my leg. He inserts one of his thick fingers inside of me, curling it up and thrusting it slowly in and out. When he withdraws, he adds another and repeats the motions, hitting my g-spot with his talented fingers with each thrust. His tongue, lips, and teeth are tormenting me as they suck, lick, and nibble my hooded lady, licking me from front to back before clamping around me once more.

  “I can’t. I can’t…”

  “You can’t what, baby?” he mumbles from his place between my legs, not even raising his head to ask his question.

  “Hold on.” I gasp as my walls clamp around his fingers, squeezing them.

  “Let go, sweetheart; I got you.”

  I’m feeling too much, too quickly. My control has left the room and probably the building too. Thrashing beneath him, I try to wriggle away until he places his left hand flat on my torso, holding me effortlessly down as his fingers and mouth speed up.

  My orgasm shoots through me, a scream rips from my throat, my back arches from the bed, and my toes curl up as my body shakes and spasms with the intensity of my release. I flop back, feeling like a limp noodle, and yet my body craves him deep inside me.

  He places a final kiss between my legs before withdrawing from his position. I watch him as he slowly removes his clothes. Each tantalizing glimpse of his muscular body makes my heart rate pick up again and my mouth water in anticipation. I want him badly. No, I need him. I need him by my side no matter what. I need him deep inside me so I don’t know where I end and he begins. I need him as much as I need oxygen. Maybe even more so.

  Wow, I’ve gone from not being able to admit my feelings straight in the opposite direction. How can I possibly need him so much?

  “What are you thinking about?” His hands have paused on the buckle of his belt. His beautiful torso is completely bare of clothing, showing me the ridges and valleys of his six-pack and impressive arms and pecs.

  “God, I love your body!” I blurt out as my gaze travels over his beautiful torso.

  “Thank you, but that wasn’t what you were thinking of. Tell me!” It’s obvious by his tone of voice and the shifting of his hands from his belt to his hips that it’s not a question but a demand.

  “Are you really not going to finish undressing?” I demand in surprise. Feeling slightly vulnerable in my nakedness both physical and emotional, I manage to pull myself up into a sitting position, draw my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them. Hiding my body as much as possible.

  “No, don’t ever hide from me, Candi. Be it thoughts or your body, never feel you need to hide from me.”

  I watch him as he moves around the bed, all power and grace and pure predator. When he reaches me, he sits down beside me, carefully taking hold of my hands and removing them from their protective grip on my legs.

  Slowly, he removes my defenses, baring my body to his view. With each careful movement of his, my internal wall crumbles just a little more, until finally my legs are once more lying flat against the bed, slightly parted so he can see everything, and my heart is hanging wide open, bleeding my emotions all over the place.

  “I need you,” I gasp out, the words feel as if they’ve been ripped from me. “I need you completely, not just your body, but you. Your heart and mind. Your love and thoughts, everything.” Once the words start spilling from me, I can’t seem to rein them in. I feel as if a water dam has broken, and my words are spewing from it. “I can’t get enough of you; you’re like oxygen. Bloody vital to my every breath!” The last bit I shout at him, all control has escaped from me.

  I launch myself down the bed to escape not just his watchful eyes but my words and myself. A strong hand grasps my ankle just as I’ve reached the end of the bed. Damn Vampire reflexes! “Let go,” I growl in warning, feeling like I’ll rip his head off in my need to run away.


  Chapter 25

  Such a simple word. Such an immense impact. My body freezes. My arms curl around the bottom of the bed, where a moment ago they were trying to give me leverage to scramble away. One leg raised to kick backward to help in my escape, while my other leg is trapped by one flipping strong hand. Yet one word is all it takes to stop my flight. One. Bloody. Word!

  “I’ll never let you go,” he informs me as he drags me back toward him. “You are mine, and I am yours. End of discussion.”

  “There was a discussion in there somewhere?”

  Flipping me over as easily as if I’m a pancake in a pan, he gives me one more yank so my butt is at the edge of the bed, and his large body is wedged between my legs. Leaning forward, he grasps hold of my chin, keeping my face still, and maintains eye contact with me.

  “No discussion, just a simple fact. You keep trying to run from your feelings, and I’m not letting you anymore,” he growls the words out, practically spitting them in my face. “So you need me, and you’re afraid of the fact. Fair enough. Now let me tell you something little girl. I need you too.”

  “Little girl?” I manage to sputter out before being harshly interrupted.

  “Yes. You are mine. Your body, mind, and your fucking soul is mine. Get used to it, sweetheart, because I’m never letting you go.” Next thing I know his mouth has slammed down on mine. His kiss is one of punishment and domination. There’s no gentleness in it at all.

  Strangely enough, it’s exactly what I need. I need to feel and hear that he’s on this emotional roller-coaster with me. I know he loves me. He’s far from afraid of telling me, unlike me, but seeing this fury and dominance coming from him is spelling out loud and clear what he’s feeling, and it’s like I suddenly know everything is going to be okay.

  My hands descend to his buckle; quickly, I undo it and fumble with his jeans button and then slide down his zip. His penis is thrusting against my hand through his clothes, as desperate to come out and play as I am for him. Pushing his jeans and boxers down, I release his manhood, and it springs forward eagerly.

  My hand eagerly grasps hold of him, and I lead him down to my entrance. Raising my hips, I wrap my legs around his narrow waist. So close I feel his head brush against my entrance. His hands leave my chin and ankle to unwrap my legs from around his waist, before knocking my hand away from his throbbing manhood.

  Flipping me over onto my front, he yanks up my hips so I’m kneeling in front of him. Pushing one firm hand down between my shoulders, he keeps me in the position he wants before curling his hand around my hair.

  Shivers of desire race through my body, and I wiggle my ass closer to him.

  “Never, ever let your fears of our relationship become between us again!”

  His words are growled close to my ear.

  His thrusts are forceful, and when he twists his hips, I can’t help the moan of desire that escapes me.

  The hand that is wrapped in my hair gently but firmly pulls me up, while his other hand circles my waist diving down my body until his fingers reach my nub, where they start rubbing it. He nibbles along my jawline, before whispering in my ear, “Damn, girl, I’ll never get enough of you.”

  I reach up behind me and grasp a hold of his head. My fingers dive into his hair and grip it, and turning my head, I fuse my lips with his. Our tongues dance with each other’s, mimicking our bodies’ thrusts and withdrawals. My other hand clasps Victor’s, removing his talented fingers from between my legs and bringing them up to my breasts.

  A moan of satisfaction leaves his mouth as he slams more forcefully into me. I let my hand slide down my body past my nub and reach a little farther back.

  Soon, our rhythm speeds up, becoming more primal and forceful. I pant into his mouth gasping and moaning as my eyelids flutter. My body begins to convulse. I shatter and scream my release into his mouth, as my orgasm crashes over me.
r />   A split second later, Victor’s penis swells even more before he empties his release inside me. Ripping his mouth from mine, he roars his satisfaction before baring my neck and sinking his fangs into it, drinking his fill as his hips slow their thrusting to a more languid pace.

  “Ohhh yes” is the only coherent thing I manage to gasp as my legs tremble uncontrollably.

  Withdrawing his fangs from me, he pulls me tighter to him and growls, “Never again forget you’re mine, sweetheart. You have a worry, tell me. You’re horny, come to me. Trust me, baby, I’ll sort you out. No matter what, we’re in this together.”

  Sinking back into him, a sigh escapes me, and all I can do is nod my head.

  “I need your promise, Candi.” His voice is a harsh whisper in my ear, yet it’s his need that calls out to me.

  It’s hearing it that makes me realize that I’ve hurt him. I didn’t mean to. Fear and uncertainty is something I’m not used to feeling. Scrap that, I’m not used to feeling anything like I do around and about him. A sigh shudders through me.

  “Agreed,” I whisper back. “But Victor, this goes both ways. If I’m yours, then you’re mine, and you have to come to me when you have any problems, uncertainties, or needs.”

  “Oh, I can promise you, darling, I will come to you and only you.” Slowly, he pulls out of me, gently lowers me to the bed. Pulling back the blankets, he picks me up as if I weigh nothing and positions me in the middle of the bed before joining me. He pulls the covers over us and then wraps his arms around me, kisses me on the forehead, and whispers soothingly to me. Finally, I nod off, content and at peace.

  I’m not sure where my uncertainty had come from. All I know is that Victor’s fierce handling and controlling tone has put my fears firmly in their place. Breaking them into little pieces and crumbling them to dust.


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